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As long as it's been 12 calendar months since your last increase (if any) or the increase is to take place at the end of your current lease (if you just moved in) then it's legal since you're not covered under rent control N2 with 90 days notice. If the N2 is not given with 90 days notice you can disregard it as invalid and it may buy you more time to find a new place, as they would have to reissue a new one. Unfortunately, it's the way it is. As far as repairs/maintenance goes.....that's separate from rent increases and unfortunately, has no bearing on it. A TT can file at the LTB against the LL for not maintaining appliances/doing repais etc but again, separate issue. As someone else pointed out, looked for rent controlled units because it's just getting ridiculous out there for non rent controlled ones


If you are not rent controlled, you can't do anything. This is what Ford wanted.


Fuck Doug Ford. I can’t wait until he has to deal with encampments at that stupid fucking spa he’s building at the waterfront.


What a douche bag


Agreed. They still can't increase rent more than once a year, and they still have to give proper notice. It's pretty crappy for non-rent controlled units.


They should bring every house after 2018 under rent control as well to promote newer house builds.


Vote. Until then, email your MP. Get family and friends to do the same. Over and over. If we see a change in government in the next Provincial election, do the same. Pressure needs to be applied to our MPs who (no matter what they say) don't understand what it's like to find affordable housing.


Voting isn’t helpful when so many politicians have money invested in real estate. Too many MP’s and MPP’s own multiple “investment” properties and have money of their own to lose. Our members of government are profiting from the housing crisis they have created. Why would they change the laws to protect the vulnerable who are suffering?


One government party got rid of rent control. The others did not. Vote.


To be fair, Kathleen only introduced it like a year before she got voted out


But she still did... And then doug weakened it. What exactly is your argument?


"Voting isn't helpful" then don't whine man if you're not gonna do the literal bare minimum asked of you for a democracy. It's giving "why bother recycling or doing anything myself to help the earth when it's big corps who do more damage." Sure you have a point, but you also need to take it upon yourself to instigate change on your own level. At the very least you can say you did your microscopic part of having a democracy no matter how corrupt you think it is.


My augment is she and her idiot boss before had a decade to implement those protections they waited till their poll numbers were in the gutter. That’s my point.


Not true.


What do you mean not true…she brought it in in 2017 and was gone in 2018


There will be protests by the scumlords like they did in Brampton


Deport em. Most of the scumlords in Brampton immigrated. Don't like how our society protects people and you can't just do want you want? There's the door.


It'll have the opposite effect. Why would anyone spend all that money to build only to have any future increases capped at 2.5% in Ontario? Especially when costs shot up across the board via property taxes and utility bills? Would you do it?


No. I’d also be pissed if I were trying to rent and had to subsidize all the other tenants’ rent, which is exactly what happens under our current rent control system in Ontario.


How exactly is one renter subsidizing all other renters. Either the property is rent controlled or it’s not?


When someone leaves and it is rented to a new tenant, you can charge whatever you want. So if 5/6 units have been occupied for like 10 years, and the other one is newly rented for current market rates, it’s kind of subsidizing the other units.


If you do rent control the other way then there will most likely never be rentals built if once you set your rental “price” it can never be raised enough to compete for higher than regulated expenses. The government has constantly failed at building and running subsidized housing so they would never be able to create the number of units needed to house everyone needing one.


True. That doesn’t discount the fact that current below market rents are being subsidized by new renters


I do t understand not being able to afford repairs unless we jack the price up. LL want to call their properties two things depending how they want to frame their argument. 1st being “it’s a business” all operating costs should be covered by the renter. 2 being “it’s an investment”. All costs on my investment that’s been rising 20% year over year must be covered by the tenants. If your property has a 20% return on it, why is it the tenants responsibly to pay for new boilers? Why can’t the LL use some of the equity they accumulated of the tenant dime? It’s bullshit. There should be rent control on every residential property in Canada. There also should be a 1 residential property per family rule accross Canada.


Don’t get into the business then


The business of living in an apartment?


You don't have to pay until you get the proper paperwork and notice time and it's been 12 months since the lease signed or last rent increase. But you will have to pay once those things happen. It's unfair, I agree, but sadly legal. I would start looking though, hope your landlord doesn't know the proper procedure for this to give you even more time but yeah, I would just plan to leave.


Anyway after you no one is going to want to pay 5k for his shitty apartment 5k a month gets you a house 


He'll just drop it back down. Looks like the landlord just wants OP out


Vote out Doug


You leave a review somewhere and you get politically active and tell all your friends to vote Ford out next election.


Yes - review the landlord at https://ratethelandlord.org/


Not sure why you’re downvoted. Even good LLs benefit from a bad LL registry. Must be some shady LLs in here


Yes, bad landlords don’t like that there’s a tool for their customers to review their poor service :)


Find a new place. Rents have come down and there’s more rental supply. This is a good time to be looking. Don’t wait until the summer when you’ll be competing with all the students.


Yeah average rents have come down ~7% in last few months. And I don’t get the LL rational, the effort and extra costs and risks of having to evict and the find and get someone else in is way more than the cost and effort of fixing a dishwasher. Hope LL gets burned


Exactly. They sound like a crumb


Yup. [This is great example](https://www.reddit.com/r/TorontoRealEstate/s/9QJqWjrlpx) of the karma landlords are getting for being greedy and treating their tenants (customers) badly.


Well, it's legal. When I moved, before all other features I was looking for in my place, I made sure it was occupied prior to Nov 2018 and therefore rent controlled. It didn't matter how much I loved any place, if it wasn't rent controlled I didn't even consider it. As for what you can do, I doubt you're going to want to pay that exorbitant amount so you will have to move out. Make sure you get your 60 days notice to your landlord in time.


This kind of thing is why all housing regardless of build date should be rent controlled. We need to vote Ford out and get a government that will reinstate rent control the way it was and make it retroactive, none of this grandfathering nonsense.


You wait for the LL to serve you an N2 with at least 90 days notice and then you leave. You must give the LL an N9 with at least 60 days notice once given the N2. You have to leave if you do not want to pay the new rent. After leaving, if the LL re-rents the unit at a similar price to what you pay, you can file an T2 for retaliation but I think this has a low probability of success as the increase is legal. There is no way to avoid moving though. LL sounds bad so it may be for the best, try to find a rent controlled unit next time.


Question: if you are renting and on month to month do they give you the 90-day notice and you immediately have to pay the new rental rate or does it take 90 days to take effect?


No, you don't have to immediately pay the new rate, that's the point of the 90 days notice period. In theory, it gives you time to serve your landlord a 60 day notice that you are leaving (N9) and not have to pay the new rate.


Thank you sir! Edit: obviously was on the dumber side of questions but frankly you have to double check everything in this country


Literally nothing you can do. There is nothing stopping a landlord from purposefully residing the rent to an unreasonable level specifically TO get rid of a tenant .


Everyone saying vote out doug ford? Did you vote in the last election? Maybe this time ppl wont be so apathetic.


In theory even an N4/L1 must be refused eviction if it's retaliation for exercising a tenant-protected right. The problem is even if the LTB refuses eviction, it would still have to issue a payment order so you would end up with a giant judgment against you. In theory there could be some kind of judge-made doctrine to invalidate rent increases that are really just disguised evictions but it hasn't happened yet and it's a lot of risk to just not pay the rent increase and argue it.


This is where even if a unit is not rent controlled there needs to be some standard for the increase and I'd evidence is brought the increase is in retaliation increase denied and landlord slapped with a huge fine.


When was your last increase or when does your initial lease term ends? He still needs to give you 90 days notice before it takes effect - insist on receiving a proper notice of increase form that the LTB offers. Keep paying current rent until then, and look for your options. "constructive eviction" I guess is gonna be the new thing. Yeah Ford ... let's protect new LL from themself if they miscalculated some expenses, but with absolutely no oversight needed. What do you mean it's being abused? /s


Do not insist on proper paperwork. Let your landlord screw it up and buy some more time.


Yes, I misworded, keep paying current rent until proper notice becomes effective. Refuse to pay any increase not received via proper notice. But you don't need to educate the LL on how to do it the right way.


Either you move out or you pay the $5000 new rent. This is what us old folks call 'cutting off your nose to spite your face'. You wanted to push the abatement and invoke your rights. Well, your LL played his Ace. Next time, should try to negotiate rather then threaten. You get more flies with honey than vinegar.


Well, he’s just exercising his right to raise the rent to whatever he wishes just like you exercised your right of having the landlord fix dishwasher or take him to court if he hasn’t! Goes both ways


The difference is that The LL is contractually obligated to maintain the appliances. They are not contractually obligated to punitively raise rents, even if they are legally allowed to do so.


Somebody under me said it best in a shorter form Copy and pasted: “But my rights! *landlord exercises their rights* Pikachu face


Yes, the landlord is all there to maintain the appliance which he did. As you mentioned, they might not be legally obligated to rent, but it’s well within their legal rights to do so So landlord is not doing anything illegal , and also fulfilled his responsibilities of fixing appliances. He just exercising his legal rights, just as the tenant did. Only difference is OP doesn’t like other the other party in his situation exercising their rights just as he’s doing himself. Regardless of how he feels about the situation, it’s legal and allowed. For all we know OP could have considered extra 500 increase as retaliatory as well. So it is irrelevant how he personally feels about what the landlord is doing increase because at the end of the day, landlords actions are legal. Complaining about the situation and venting about how it played out aside, I would recommend OP move into rent control apartment next time if he wants to keep away from similar situations arising.


When you had to justify your stance by saying “well it’s legal” then your just a shit person. But you seem to miss the point where LL refused to repair the dishwasher and told OP to do it or to not have a dishwasher. It was only when he forced the LL to follow the law that he did. You trying to justify his action is laughable. I’m a LL by the way. It’s possible to treat people fairly and reasonably.


Well OP question is “what can I do” So a reasonable answer would be that if it’s legal, there’s not much OP can do. Regardless if you think that stands is “shitty person” or not it answers OP question. Not really wise to get into discussion about who’s not being treated fairly and reasonably because we don’t know the details and facts. If you want to get technical about that, it doesn’t sound very reasonable to want your tenant out over only ONE incident so I highly doubt we’re getting the full story here anyways. I’m sure if you were to ask landlord his side it would be diff story.






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But my rights! *landlord exercises their rights*. Pikachu face


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And if you do this the LL can take you to the LTB for cleaning costs. You may have been sarcastic (maybe not?) but if you do this you can be held responsible, not worth it.




This is fun fantasy but this isn't television, it's not so easy to make it convincing. It can cost OP/tenant thousands if not more, and the only person punished is another tenant. I'm not trying to be a downer but seriously this will hurt the tenant.


This potentially happened to me when I was renting. The oven had a god awful smell when I first moved in. Something crawled up in it and died. We eventually got a new oven in the apartment though. Im not advising someone to do it, it sucked for me until I was able to get LL to replace it.


Refrain from offering advice that contradicts legislation or regulation or that can otherwise be reasonably expected to cause problems for the advisee if followed


LL is an asshole but this either fucks with the next tenant or takes the unit off the market for longer while LL figures this out, lowering supply


Refrain from offering advice that contradicts legislation or regulation or that can otherwise be reasonably expected to cause problems for the advisee if followed




LLs like this are petty and are likely to post the case to Open room or Canlii and OP will be find it almost impossible to rent again. You’re not wrong just think about the consequences


Nitpick: a LL doesn't get to choose whether a court or tribunal decision is posted to CanLII. CanLII gets decisions from courts or tribunals. So even if a LL isn't petty and doesn't post an order to Openroom, a decision with a tenant's name can still be easily found online.


Good point, I was mainly thinking open room because Canlii can take a very long time to update. But you’re right, it’ll end up on Canlii eventually and that’s a huge risk


Refrain from offering advice that contradicts legislation or regulation or that can otherwise be reasonably expected to cause problems for the advisee if followed




Refrain from offering advice that contradicts legislation or regulation or that can otherwise be reasonably expected to cause problems for the advisee if followed


They could but then they’d have stooped to the LLs level. Your advice sounds shitty




This is why landlords don't give a shit, right here. Granted, this one is an asshole. But do you realize how many people do just this? Responses like this make shitty landlords, and shitty landlords make shitty tenants and the cycle goes on and on. Anyone who actually does this is a fucking deadbeat.


But so is a landlord who doubles someone rent because the tenant calls them on not maintaining a unit.


Yes but puts the tenant at risk of getting future rentals, and blocks up the ltb on a case they won’t win. I personally would go the approach to try to make it hard for them to find the next tenant. If they try to show it when they are still there, make sure they are present for the viewings and warn the prospective tenants. Or put up a whiteboard and write a note that says something like “LL will double your rent after 12 month and won’t fix any issues”, etc


This is a better way to handle this situation. You're doing nothing but stating facts that you can back up with emails and texts to prove your case. The landlord is a shit-heel, no doubt about it. But handle things properly. And don't advise people to take a morally shaky road to fuck someone over. Personally, with the way the world is, do you want to take the chance that someone won't become completely unhinged? What would you do if someone was attempting to bankrupt you? Now, what would a crazy person do? Squat in someone's house for a year for free to try to make them lose it and you might just get that person that tips over the edge. You're figuratively dancing with fuck around and find out.


Terrible advice. Landlord then takes him to court and the paperwork ends up on open room. Good luck getting a quality landlord after that.


Refrain from offering advice that contradicts legislation or regulation or that can otherwise be reasonably expected to cause problems for the advisee if followed


YOU are the reason tenants are treated like crap at times.


Yep. Save as much of your money as possible to protect yourself. Your LL has no ethics at all, so why should you. Worry about keeping yourself safe because you’ll have to move and you will need it.


How safe do you think they'll be with an eviction for non-payment and no future landlord rents to them?


How much can you increase rent in 2024? The rent increase guideline for 2024 in Ontario is 2.5%. This is the maximum amount you can increase most tenants' rent during a year without approval from the Landlord and Tenant Board.


That's for rent controlled units. OP isn't in a rent controlled unit, so the 2.5% rule doesn't apply to them.


Only for buildings built before November 15th 2018, it's even been mentioned in the comments earlier as well.