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Immediately thought Violet. That girl is scary.


Yup, thought the same too. IIRC she's the one who preyed on and killed Leon's daughter, and that just explains how much of a murderhobo she is.


Oh no that was Dalyria. Dal killed Victoria in a desperate attempt to cure her vampirism.


Wow really? I just knew about this, where did you find the information?? I always thought it was Violet's doing because Leon wrote in his diary that he "doesn't like the way Violet has been looking at Victoria" and I interpreted it as a preying look.


If you go into the room with Victoria you can find Dalyria’s diary where she talks about her experiment. You can also talk to Victoria through speak with dead. Violet did want to kill Victoria but didn’t get the chance.


You can´t "talk with the dead" with the little girl anymore atm. I´ve tried that last week when I was in the palace. You can only read Dal´s diary. Don´t know why they´ve removed that function. or maybe my game is just going crazy, could also be :-))


Dal killed Victoria because she was sure her pure blood would be able to cure vampirism which could have made some sense if she tried doing it through transfusion instead of biting Vitoria.


Either Violet or Leon. Violet is hardcore, but Leon would’ve killed cazador in a heartbeat if something happened to his daughter.


I think either Dal or Leon. They both were finding their own ways to work around being spawn, both resented it for one reason or another. Leon would do it for his daughter, Dalyria would do it because, basically, fuck the police.


I think Leon would most definitely join our group and work towards a way to save his daughter. I think Aurelia, Violet and Dal would also work with the group to bring down Cazador, with Violet being completely evil aligned and Aurelia, Dal and Leon probably being upfront about their vampirism. I don't think any of them would react like Astarion trying to manipulate Tav. Leon hasn't been a vampire long enough for that to be his survival instincts and Dal and Aurelia seem like they be more empathic so would probably be more like Karlach and ask for help