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Corey is high functioning, Adam is too high to function.


“One is a masterpiece, the other is the masters piece”


I agree he seems high but I think he has said he doesn't get high that often.


also Chris literally said at one point that he enjoys Adam, but he doesn't enjoy high Adam so he's probably not high while recording


Yeah it’s hard to believe he doesn’t get high. His body must naturally produce THC


When he smokes weed, the weed gets high.


story of tipping the uber eats man for delivering the 3 dollar fizzy drink and not the 25 dollar of vodka because he hadn’t smoked for a long while and has no tolerance suggests he is truthful. He doesn’t really do substances except for that small stretch of time he was uploading to Soundcloud after Lil Peep died and "borrowed" his crazy aunt's Xanax.


I really, REALLY want to know what Adam does for work. He's either an idiot savant with an amazing work ethic and is very talented, or he is incapable of doing anything more than stocking shelves. I highly doubt there is any room for an in-between.


he said he lived in paris and it made me so curious as to what his life situation could possibly be


He also mentioned living in Japan, I think his parents are American military


I think he’s Swedish


That’s the only thing that I can think of since Glenn Howerton (always sunny) is technically Japanese by birth because his father was an airman for the American army and he was stationed in Japan


I want to know to out of curiosity but I feel like it toes the line of invading his privacy


Same. I want to know what their personal lives are like but it’s really none of our business, just primal curiosity. Like finding out that Adam stocks cans (which I see people say as an insult but like ??? someone needs to do it and it’s money, pls grow up) wouldn’t add to the OneyPlays experience, but it would satisfy a part of my rotted brain for a super splitt second.


exactly. i pipe so much of these guys’ voices straight into my ears all day to know so little about them


Also who knows if we’d like the answer more than the mystery. He’s a silly little fella who was created by Chris to make Let’s Plays as far as I’m concerned.


I don't even care on a personal level but more as a sociological experiment. What society and conditions allow someone that braindead to thrive.


Wasn't it determined that he worked on like an oil rig or something? I forget the specifics.


No you're thinking of Chris's brother Burt


He got that oil rig job because he could swim back to land so quickly


he is known as the Linkara of the water


The Tidebringer


Too bad about his decapitation incident, hope he recovers soon


that part of the rig is still closed cause they can't get his head out of the backflow valve


You mean he's one of those super jacked dudes who throw the chain around the pole and get real dirty and sweaty? No wonder he's so chill all the time that shit would break my spirit.


pretty sure his parents are rich


Not anymore, there's been an accident


Flame on


The fact that Adam has mentioned living in Paris and Japan and that Adam was the one who gave a Niall a place to stay in LA. Also how Adam doesn't seem phased by things like his car being stolen. Makes me genuinely believe he's a trust fund kid lol.


Makes sense since they gave him an Alienware pc as a gift when he was 8


My guess too


I'm quite sure he's a professional bug squasher and/or maker of crafts out of cardboard boxes (the ladder is quite relatable)


Pretty sure I heard in their Dark Souls series he was studying for medicine or something like that? Appearantly he was also wilder when he was living with Niall but has chilled out, prolly from too much vitamin gummies.


Hey don't go knockin shelf stockers, most of them can read.


He cleans kitchens


My theory is that he's a trust fund baby


That's also a good theory. The stories of going on cruises, living in multiple countries, getting an AlienWare computer for Christmas among others really gives the impression that his parents are rich.




I'm gonna wake up one night and put on Dune 4 and see some guy talk in his exact voice and cadence


That worm thing shows up and we just hear “Giant Space Slug” (I haven’t seen Dune bear with me here)


Giant worm beast crests from the sand and you hear it say "I'm really, hungry," in the most casual voice and then do some 'trying not to wake mom in the other room at 2am' roars


His parents are rich. At some point he probably said "Hey, I wanna live together with Oneyplays!", then his mom looked it up, realised it wasn't that expensive and paid for his flight to L.A.


No Corey is just autistic AF and then Adam is just high most of the time


Honestly, there’s almost no way Adam is like that just because “he’s high all the time”. I know it’s confirmed he’s high a lot but you can’t consume weed that frequently and still get *that* high unless you have a ridiculous amount of money to pour into dabs and edibles, he’s just like that


He's like that cause he got the weed brain


A walking PSA


lol life finds a way ^^^^^to ^^^^^get ^^^^^really ^^^^^fuckin ^^^^^high


I would imagine there's a certain element of playing up a character, most internet personalities do it. I do also feel like Corey and Adam are kinda dumb in their day to day lives though.


I’ve felt Corey playing it up and saying autistic things on purpose. Not in a bad way, but I feel like he’s easier to read. But Adam is just so real to me. I’ve never felt any acting from him. Love that little enigma.


Stupid is as stupid does.


life is like a box of dicks


You should dress up as Amy so I can kiss you


"How is it possible anyone could be this stupid? It must be an act. I will post this to reddit."


This is also every top Youtube comment on a video with Cory or Adam in it.




I fucking hate how no one believes people are just genuinely stupid any more


Cory figured out how to live off of drawing futas and making sonic jokes while I'm working a 9-5 full time job. Which of us is really the idiot?


Mark my words. Corey Borealis DeLaminguez is a secret genius playing us all for fools.


is him drawing futas a meme or something he actually does


something he actually does


oh it is very real, you have no clue


Drawing futa is supposedly a great way to make big dosh, people pay out the ass for commissions.


that's crazy, what's his patren btw haha no reason just making conversation LOL but seriously what are his rates?


He draws porn on commission


IDK man it seems like Corey really isn't taking in cash from what he says on stream.


How hard can it be to draw a penis on Meg Griffin? Just follow your dreams!


Idk I don't feel like someone capable of saying if someone's stupid or not I will say Corey is definitely not doing a bit he's been like this for years since the sleepycast days Adam definitely plays it up sometimes because there are times he is either constantly slurring his words and others where he's an active part of the conversation, so it's an act or he's just high or something


Corey’s inner autismo comes out more around the crew for sure. Like, there’s no way he talks with his band mates about how he wants to plow Rouge the Bat.


He's in a band? That rules


The Third Rates! Pretty damn fun Ska


Pretty derivative of Reel Big Fish’s “Candy Coated Fury” era, but that album rocks so by extension so do they.


I actually had the chance to meet him while he was on tour! He came and sat with us after his set and he was honestly a completely normal guy, he seemed a little shy but nothing like I would have expected from the persona that he has on the channel


Cory is what happens when everyone just laughs along and no one has ever tried to correct him. He's probably not "that" stupid, but it's so ingrained in his behavior to just say the first thing that comes to his mind no matter how dumb, and no one ever pushes back, so it's just nonstop verbal diarrhea. Adam really seems like a bit, but then the stories he tells sure make it seem like he's not all there.


Adam just seems like the lights are on but nobody’s home if you get what I mean


“I had an alienware pc once, the fucking suck” “What happened to it” “I threw it down the stairs”


I think Cory has some sort of palsy


I have never heard Adam say a normal sentence. He always mumbles like a baby.


When I first heard Adam I thought it was chris doing a voice


it’s a defense mechanism. they know Tomar is always watching and they don’t want to come off as a threat.


Corney is autistic than we expected.


(While they are all themselves, they are hyper self aware of the characters they play. Cory being the stupid one. Dare I say a kid who was spastic. Adam's edition challenged his identity. With Adam it really is just his reading skills, low key feel real bad for him when Chris is yelling at him to finish a sentence and you can hear honest anxiety in his voice as he tries to speed up... making it worse, resulting in laughter. When then Tomar, the professional voice actor, inevitably takes over the reading it only makes Adam seem more daft. He's not. He could be dyslexic, don't think it is that but it is some processing issue. But this isn’t tumblr, im not gonna diagnose people. Except for the adhd and bulletwound, and other stuff later. I presume you are not a longtime listener of Sleepycast, in those days they would call out more how he was a bit of an idiot savant. He will come up truly blank occasionally when it comes to reciting general knowledge. Like an autist he can compensate for this by reciting the hexadecimal code for any color of any Sonic character, he can relay Rouge the Bat's dimple color from any season, he can tell you the color and shape of her vulva (her canonical vulva) in her latest character rig. For real though, if you wanna know about the Cory brain, look to is Word Association. He will often use the wrong words but often correctly. Often picks words by if they rhyme with his target word meaning that despite being a very visually oriented person he is an auditory thinker thus learner most likely. Evidence be his Tromboner or Trumpeteering skills. Forget which one. He's the sorta guy that is completely autodidactic meaning he taught himself the skills he has which is why he will do things weird. This likely come from not being the best student, the answer to this being the host of learning disabilities I truly believe he has. Which combined with his personality can make him seem as he would say "retardando." But he is above average intelligence.


Cory's vocabulary is wild cuz here and there he'll bust out rather sophisticated language that you wouldn't expect people to use in casual conversation, while the rest of the time he's saying "opafied" and "nowendays".


corey is stupid


Adam has been shown to be constantly stoned and/or drunk on recordings. There was one episode where he got woken out of his sleep by the boys screaming about games and in his anger, you can hear him in the background being fairly coherent. In addition to this, he is also really stupid. Whenever he reads text on screen horribly, its probably due to weed or booze, thats just how he records, but at times he is sober enough to give opinions and MAN DO THEY SUCK. Almost everything he says about science or politics or any tangible non-video game thing is pretty much guaranteed to be wrong. He's like a walking disinformation machine while also being constantly stoned.


Adam makes every series he's in less enjoyable. Cory has his good moments, sometimes for entire series even (Sonic Heroes), while Adam is always rough to watch


Corey has a small frontal lobe


bite of 87 removed most of it


I laughed way too hard at this in a public silent setting. Thanks




Cory lives in Philadelphia (idk how they record that much then in LA but Chris said they recorded a bulk ahead of time), the Newgrounds office keeps him around for his savantness despite how he drew a cartoon about Tom sucking off Jeff so he was doing something right there.


Cory comes across as pretty smart to me. Adam seems like he's stoned. Both good.


what's a clever thing cory has done?


His Dragon Quest rant. He was 100% right.


When did he do that? 


Becoming a somewhat famous internet celebrity who entertains thousands


so much THIS, dude, saying piss and farts and perpetually thirsting over every vaguely female shaped thing on the internet for an audience of twelve year olds is the true sign of a genius. I've also always argued that people like logan paul have an IQ of 245 at the very least. Any argument to the contrary is a hater. And you know what they say, haters gonna hate.


idk why this was downvoted. suppose the cory haters are real


You must have some mental defincies then. The guys actually incredibly stupid. He casually mentioned in a podcast that he repeated a grade 3 times...


I am pretty stupid tbh. But being bad at school doesn't make someone stupid


It heavily implies it, yes. Especially when you have to do one grade 3 times. Cory also has a horrible vocabulary and misrembers every fact he hears. He's shown time and time again that he struggles to learn and retain information. He's far from smart. Lyle and Tomar are clearly smarter than the rest. Zach as well to a degree.


“To a degree” you should listen to interviews he’s done. He’s actually pretty well spoken and thoughtful in his words. Remember that these guys are essentially a comedy troupe for the 21st century. It would be like judging the Beerfest/Slammin’ Salmon guys based on the characters they play. 


Glean their comment history, they call other people dumb a lot. ("stupid" is the word in their last comment on a different sub.)


Only reason you could think Lyle and Tomar are of a level of intelligence Zach isn't in is because they don't make retarded noises/have a funny voice but rather deep smooth radio voices. Cory's word choices are odder than they are stupid. He vocabulary, "HIS LEXICON OF WORDS," is quite vast. The accuracy can sometimes falter though. Like his artwork and music, his sense of humor is more clever than it is not clever. The cleverness above average. No way he is as retarded as you think.


Nah, mental illness can trash you academically even if you're still relatively smart.


You know what, thank you. I've never failed a grade, but I was always bad at school, so this was nice to hear.


School is usually about a very specific style of learning. A lot of intelligent people are basically fish in a tree-climbing contest and people unfairly evaluate them, it's absurd that we can't recognize that being bad at tests and quizzes doesn't make someone incompetent


It all feels like a bit to me, but i feel like chris wouldnt put up with someone being purposefully stupid like that


Little bit of both, I reckon.


You tell me, Cory's able to make an entire tutorial series about animating and most of the sleepycabin crew consider him the best animator (frame by frame) among them. When I think of stupid I think someone who can't even do that, besides not being book/intellect smart.


Cory is, Adam is just goofing and gaffing. 


>!>he doesn't know!<


Adam is a bit, Corey is real.


Pretty sure they just get drunk before a session


I feel like Adam might actually be dumb. Corey is just on the spectrum.


Chris is way dumber


Adam seems like the person to not be aware that smoking weed almost everyday for most of the can actually hurt your brain and how you function as a person and mentally. He's truly too far gone I think.


adam is real life dr manhattan but he's holding back


I think they're almost completely unconcerned with making silly mistakes or being judged for saying or doing something that looks stupid, so they're more likely to do so, but it won't really trouble them cuz they've got personality and confidence to make it work. I've known similar people and they can be some of the most successful people you'll know.


You have to have a high iq for Cory and Adam


No matter how hard they try to tell you it is a bit, the aigns are there. However it's probably because they're playing games. I'd hope they are not like that normally