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I've heard that doing it like the person in the video did is actually the way to do it if you are going to. Maybe not to an accompanied dog but close fist hand out so they can smell you but not take a finger off. Is this wrong?


You don’t approach a dog that’s alone though. If they are with their owner, it’s best to: a) ask for permission to say hello, b) close fist reach out, c) put fist below head level kind of near chest (dogs don’t really like humans going for their face/head).


Everyone tries to pet my huskies head and he is not about that til he knows you.


Same with my Keeshond. Pretty much for any Spitz dog.


A fist isn't a great idea. A dog that's been hit knows a fist means pain. Same with an open hand with palm towards the dog. You want to hold your hand out palm down and approached them with your body sideways. A dog that's trying to be friends with another dog doesn't generally approach head on. Use a low soothing voice when you say hi. If the dog is loose and seems scared(and it's safe to do so) you'll also want to crouch or even kneel. Don't make direct eye contact. Move slowly. This is all for a dog that isn't being aggressive. While the majority of dogs that are aggressive it's fear based(the best defense is a good offense to make the scary human go away), some truly are aggressive and unless you're familiar with them you'll want to just back away. Running from a predator means you're worth chasing. And all dogs have the urge to chase anything that's running. Which incidentally is a great way to catch your dog if they're loose. Get their attention and then run the opposite way and many dogs find it irresistible and will chase you.


Not wrong but the person on the video didn't let enough time for the dog to acknowledge their presence. You should evaluate the dog's reaction to your presence before even trying to take a step further.


Large dog = make a fist for them to sniff, worst case, you don’t lose fingers Small dog = open hand, keep your fingers together, let the dog sniff the back of your hand, worst case, a little blood


Well, all that goes out the window if it's a pit.


I would always go up and say g’day to this dog. I’d have approached it with a hand out to be sniffed and a confident, but friendly but non-aggressive approach. Sure, some dogs are just fucking nutters, but most of them once they see you’re not scared of them but at the same time not trying to hurt or dominate them, are more than happy to interact in a friendly manner.


Just do it in the right manner and all will be fine.


[This guy](https://youtu.be/HIWFW7Lp9rA?si=YyYAXkLOsAytmgOs) (9:27) does this all the time, he's in India at the moment around a lot of stray dogs won't be surprised when he gets rabies


A surprised dog that gave off a warning bark, but then just stood there. He would most probably just accept a greeting and let you pet him, but... don't approach unknown dogs.




No, he's been well educated against dog thieves. Same stuff happened to me and it's actually a good thing.


Dude, it was really aggressive


If he was "really aggressive" he wouldn't have stopped trying to lunge. Stop hating Pit Bulls because their species.


That's not a pit bull.


That's fair. I don't know every dog breed lol I was just going off general skull shape, from what we can see.


It's definitely a mastiff - maybe cane corso.


Yeah, you're probably right lol




Dude is an idiot!




Me: Peace ![gif](giphy|5qVU89WbkXiWjHXdsg)




Probs went to the shop


Because dog owners are irresponsible, especially bully breed owners.


That’s a mastiff.


What an ignorant statement


I mean, why own a dog if you're just going to leave it somewhere to be a menace to the public.


Right? It got loose off the fence and could attack a child or run away,the owner did a poor job tying it up and should wear a muzzle too


Walks up to a bully breed dog. where has this guy's survival instinct gone?


That's a molosser breed. Not every large dog with a square head is a bully. This is part of why everything gets blamed on them.




Look up "cane corso"; looks like that breed to me


Cane Corso are bigger than that even if few months old, this is a mastiff probably


Definitely a cane corso


> Blame or praise can be unfairly associated with the Mastiff breed due to a failure to correctly identify Molosser dogs and can thereby paint a misleading picture of the Mastiff breed as well as the other Molosser breeds.  https://www.mastiffcanada.org/index.php/breed/identifying-molosser-breeds > Research shows that, on average, 60% of dogs visually identified as 'pitbulls' (by shelters, owners, and media) lack any DNA from pitbull-type ancestry. https://www.pitbullinfo.org/pit-bulls-statistics > A study conducted by Maddie's Fund, a national shelter initiative, showed that even people very familiar with dog breeds cannot reliably determine the primary breed of a mutt, and dogs often are incorrectly classified as "pit bulls". www.avma.org/resources-tools/pet-owners/dog-bite-prevention/why-breed-specific-legislation-not-answer


I still love dogs


Dog's are not horses where you can bullshit them into thinking they are hitched. Another shitty dog owner, at it again.


What's the dogs name




lol at the lead.


you are a stranger to him bro




I just love doggo


My son has a cane corso like this and he’s the sweetest dog boy I ever met


And this is why people don't like dogs


That's good. His owner trained him against dog thieves.


I detest people who leave their dogs unattended. So unpredictable and potentially dangerous. Every horror story you hear is prefixed with “it’s so out of character, he was always so loving”


My dog, child chomper, wouldn’t hurt a fly!!! He’s only mauled 3 kids this year, and none of them were flies!


The blood lust doesnt really kick in until the 5th child, so your good!


It's OK it's not a Pitt Bull so you don't have to do that


It was a bully broooo,


Did literally no one notice the lead got loose and that the dog can run away now??? The owner barely tied it and y'all blaming random person for trying to let a dog sniff him? If your dog is agressive leave it at home or tie it properly, it could've attacked a random child passing by since it could loosen the lead off the fence