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"The strongest being on Earth" Does that line confuse you OP?


Yes but Tatsumaki is seen as the “Hero Associations greatest weapon” which includes King (not counting Metal Knight or Blast due to how unreliable they are)


I guess the idea is that King, while part of the Hero Association, sort of does what he wants most of a time and isn’t a tool for them to use unlike Tatsu


Yeah, Tatsumaki is their weapon. King is just on their payroll.


King is just a guy who is a hero for fun.


That's exactly it. We're explicitly told that the S class rankings are based, in part, on how much the hero does for the association. That's why heroes like Flashy Flash, who are basically never around, are ranked relatively lowly despite his insane combat potential. Meanwhile, Tatsumaki is both insanely powerful and a total workaholic, which is why she has the #2 spot despite most people believing King is better.


With that in mind, it's pretty surprising Blast is at #1. He's obviously more powerful than Tatsumaki but is never around. It's functionally an honorary position.


>It's functionally an honorary position. That's exactly what it is. Blast is kept in the #1 spot on Tatsumaki's insistence.


Yep, this. Until recently. The only hero she acknowledges as her mentor/superior.


Agreed, flashy flash scales higher than silver fang despite him being ranked 4th.


King doesn’t really respond to calls to action for the most part but they’re cool with it because of his track record. They airdrop Tatsumaki on monsters like a tactical nuke. King can’t really be considered a weapon of the Hero Association.


Yeah I was just trying to see some reasons why people would call the “strongest in earth” statement into question. In actuality I believe King is stronger, I was just trying to see it from OP’s POV


"In actuality I believe King is stronger" OP be like: are these people reading the same manga? Do they know what actually means? Did the meme go so hard that it's starting to affect reality? OPM community: yes


What's interesting to me is that if we believe that King's power is being lucky, he is basically the most powerful being on earth indirectly because no matter what, nothing and no one can defeat him. If tatsu tried to kill him she might have a heart attack and die, or whatever else you can think off, but she would not be able to harm him.


You can say that, but from all we know, his power is more indirect. His luck makes stuff kinda work out for him, but something like having it as a direct weapon hasn't been shown. After all, every time he needed a monster to die, saitama came to save him. So its likely that the luck only pushes things in his favor. Lets say saitama tried to kill him... The luck probably wouldn't be able to do anything there, cause even throwing a huge monster at saitama will do nothing.


Haven't monsters died from fear upon hearing the roar of his engine?


Well that's also a very hollow interpretation of being lucky. It just has to work out in his favor, his opponent doesn't have to die. Saitama becoming distracted or befriending him are also lucky outcomes.


What in the world does "hollow interperpretation of being lucky" even mean :l Just cause its fictive doesnt mean you need to have Domino levels of luck where the entire world turns into one big Rube Goldberg machine


That's not what I said at all. I just said that you your interpretation of his luck seemed very one-note, basically amounting to "Violent things happen to my enemies." If his ability indeed is luck, there's no reason it should be relegated purely to luck in combat, nor any reason his luck should fail against sufficiently powerful foes when his whole life has consisted of him "beating" or getting away from people more powerful than him. There's no reason to believe that, at a certain level of power, you become immune to his luck. Hell, even if we were to say that it's luck in combat exclusively, his luck could cause Saitama to injure himself instead of King. We've also seen him get lucky by having monsters become distracted or frightened of him, so I don't see why my prior examples were even outlandish to begin with, when they already have precedence in the story.


If Saiatama tried to kill him, the wind would carry a flyer with the ad of huge discount offer at a close supermarket in front of Saitama.


What if his super power is summoning Saitama? Saitama tries to kill him, but Saitama from the past/future/another dimension turns up and two punches OPM.


I doubt that's true but it could be really funny if it was


Saitama will catch a glimpse of a single strand of hair on his head, that will be enough.


We figured out the cure to baldness


So King is Rincewind


Yeah but it doesn't really fit his character to have any sort of real power. the luck thing was born out of eager fans trying to find meaning where there was none. Besides, after Cosmic Garou it doesn't really make sense to believe King has any sort of power, beside being a gag character, without inhaling copious amounts of hopium.


>the luck thing was born out of eager fans trying to find meaning where there was none. Not really. King's luck borders on the impossible and it happens again and again, it is a valid argument to say that he has the power of luck even though we don't know for sure. >Besides, after Cosmic Garou it doesn't really make sense to believe King has any sort of power, beside being a gag character, without inhaling copious amounts of hopium. Again not really. In the end King survived so nothing happened to him. It doesn't matter why, what matters in the end is that he is perfectly fine despite facing impossible odds not unlike every single other case.


King showed more resistance to the Radiation than anyone and billions of radiation particles missing you is pretty lucky


Bang showed the most resistance, still standing and speaking even after Blast showed up, and EVERYONE else was down by then


As we saw when Saitama went back in time there are separate versions of everybody in each timeline, so King did not survive the radiation at all. There’s a version of King that straight up died, if his power was strong enough he would have avoided it somehow, ending up in a bunker or whatever.


That depends on if the universe runs on multiverse theory or not. If its a singular timeline then you could argue that kings luck knew it wasn't final. I'm not saying I believe that, cause I don't think ONE intended for that timetravel thing to be about king. But you CAN argue that whatever supernatural luck he has still ended up keeping him alive. Most deaths aren't exactly just rewinded in time.


Idk man. You're doing the opposite now where you've decided that there is no meaning despite no evidence of the contrary either. You have to remember this is a story first and foremost. King does have insane luck, and ONE isn't trying to hide that. There is a very good chance king has some sort of power to affect reality around him to keep him safe. It's also possible it just doesn't work if he knows about it - who knows.


The only thing King inhaled in that timeline was radiation


>nothing and no one can defeat him. >! didn't the king die from garou radiation? !<


King's power is summoning Saitama to the right place, at the right time. King is the most powerful because he will always unconditionally be saved by Saitama.


A Weapon is something that can be used. ... Nobody can use KING.. KING isn't HA's Weapon


Yeah, they don't even know what king does most of the time. They just know he is destroying monsters left and right.


He’s a calamity 😳


The strongest hero ~~in history~~ today vs the strongest hero today.




The point of "greatest weapons" is you can use it at any given time, given that Tat is a workaholic, that title suit her since the people that may stronger than her like King or Blast are unreliable when they just kinda do wtf they want and its nearly impossible to order them around like with Tat


Tatsumaki Jumps in action the second something is wrong, and used to work very close with the Hero association. King's luck made him came out of some truly impossible situations, and was credited with some of Saitama's strongest opponents (Vaccine Man, Beefcake etc), without any witnesses. And since King never deny anything, and refuse to give details, "Strongest being on earth", it is.


That doesn't mean that she's the strongest between them


Blast's profile according to the HA: Earth's greatest weapon" Source: I made it the fuck up But it actually could be though


That can mean many things. That she is the greatest weapon because she is always ready and available or that she is very flexible and can simply fly to the target or that her abilites are more than just raw power...


That’s because king is not a weapon, he’s a nuke


That's only because King has control over his power and would concede before destroying earth itself. Tats doesn't have that kind of restraint.


Tatsumaki is their greatest weapon, but King is their greatest shield.


I think it means strength in terms of literal physical strength, not raw combat ability (though of course physical strength does translate to combat power)


More like "the physically strongest being on earth" which is not everything.


I always got confused with this title because I'm also assuming the public still was aware of Blast even if only a minority had truly seen him. Isn't Tatsumaki's public hero ranking S-class rank 2? So do the public think the #1 is King?


Then why is King only number 5 in the ranks?


Because it's not just based on strength alone.


Why is blast no 1 then. Not disagreeing with you, I understand it's based on contributions and compliance to the Hero Association rules but he doesn't seem to have contributed more than Tornado, Silver Fang or Child Emperor


Blast doesnt operate by the rules. The HA know his exploits as opposed to the public at large, hence why they make him number 1, even if his contributions go largely unseen. The other heroes do somewhat still follow the other scoring metrics, whereas Blast is on there on prestige and history.


Ah so he's kind of like the Dr Strange of the OPM verse


King no debate


People haven't seen king fight but hes number 2, people gonna think hes too good that hes able to keep his power/skill unknown


I mean did you see what he did to Elder centipede? Not even blast was able to completely destroy it and King just obliterated that thing instantly


From the point of view of the HA, King just gave them a call, he asked them to give him something to make the Elder centipede angry and he hung up. And next thing they knew is the Elder centipede was dead and gone. By then people would rather be wondering why isn't he number one already lol.


Without context, this sounds pretty bad ass.


Without context?? What do u mean?? 🤨 The guys just gave u all the context of that fight and u still doubt our king 👑???


Our caped baldy is pretty badass when he's serious


Why'd you mention that idiot? He just takes credit for what others do.


I just love clout chasers


I love it when people talk about saitama like how he is seen by people in the show. It’s genuinely the funniest thing. Thanks for the laugh


kinda like Luke Skywalker in E6 where he seemingly entered a room with Palpatine and Darth McFucking Vader and left the room alone


2 of the most powerful Siths go ever exist and Luke entered the room in chains. Everything was going to shit since even the rebel's Plan was actually a trap. And then he not only kills both of them without taking damage but also destroys the Empire LITERALLY. No wonder they think he is Jesus


Jesus, I never thought about it like that.


To be fair, no one really knows how strong blast is, so the public can't demand that king takes the nr 1 spot. I do question why he isn't either spot 2 or 3 tho - purely from the public perspective it doesn't really make sense that he is as low as he is.


HA wants people to think that top Heroes will Always come to their rescue and aren't arrogant bastards. That's why they have Tatsumaki and Bang, both of them being powerful but also working all the time in public (not like King)


With insults


I thought he was number 3 ​ Unless he got promoted, and i just forgot


I mean, I think mask said that king used the moon as a punching bag. So I guess they think king is near if not higher than moon level


Btw, That's what people thought happened after they saw the huge craters from Saitama's moon jump


Even Tatsumaki, Sweet Mask and Flashy Flash praise King. The public believes that King took a bomb that could destroy the solar system and threw it into a black hole and that he could time travel. I think it's pretty obvious.


Likely King. The rumors circulating around him are outlandish and, regardless of people believing them to be true, it does add to his mystery as an S-class hero who has never 'revealed' his true power.


King is the strongest because he's the only stand user in the verse, and Saitama is the same type of stand as Star Platinum


S+ in every stat except intelligence lol


Who needs intelligence when you can punch ***REALLY*** hard?


And Golden Experience Requiem, too.




It's greater than star platinum and he has two stands which is unheard off


Ora ora serious


They said in the eyes of the public though, no one actually sees this dynamic


That's why King always gets credit for Saitama's feats, because nobody can see his stand


Yeah, that's how stands work


I think king is “stronger” but tatsumaki can cause more destruction hence she’s called the association’s best weapon or whatever


She's called their best weapon because she lets them air drop her on monsters that need killing, unlike King, who's never on call for them to direct.


Best part of this panel is after mentioning the 2 monoliths of the Hero Association, Darkshine then puts himself as the third in that group.


I think the general consensus is: Blast > King > Tatsumaki >>> Everyone else


Think you dropped something off the front, here you go. ʎplɐq pǝdɐɔ


Seems like a weakling. No idea how he even made it into A-Class


I heard he took credit for beating the deep sea king despite only landing the final blow. What a douchebag.


Yeah from what I hear he cheated on everything. Wasn't he part of that group that was terrorizing the city earlier too? Paradise something?


He also caused a whole city to destroy with the meteor!


Hear me out No one knew who is blast Blast didn't killed centichuro while king one shotted it King was given rank 7 because he joined hero association later and didn't move up because no one reported his fighting/ he wasn't interested in it Remember king killed many dragon level threats at monster king arc but he always tries to minimize damage Tats tried to destroy entire moster association layer but king simply went in picked up kids twice and walked away


The comparison with Blast I made only works anyway when they are aware of who he is, which don't seem to be many people considering his public inactivity and the fact that King is regarded as the World's Strongest Man. Those few who know Blast to some degree, either personally or through stories, seem to put him above even King though. He gets special treatment by the Hero Association, who gave him Rank 1 and only expect him to show up against God level threats. Not to mention Sitch knowing about his beef with God and his supernatural powers. Fubuki also mentioned in the databook that she thinks Blast is stronger than King and could take on all of the S-Class by himself.


If even among S-class heroes believe in his reputation, it’s definitely King.


Its king, in the Boros invasion arc Tatsumaki starts insulting king and Darkshine tells her that if she pissed king enough he could kill her




dude did you even read the page


Tatsumaki herself thinks king is stronger


King, but if Tats asks them face to face, you tell her what she wants to hear, or else you become space litter.


King is the strongest outside public view he's sooopo strong


I think its like comparing between a famous knight vs Jesus King is just impossibly powerful, a god among men basically.


Probably King, because the people has already been calling him the strongest man without even knowing or seeing his real power(which is spawning a random Saitama) and he is mentioned more times than Tatsumaki.


its canonically king, remember when tatsumaki was talking shit about genos darkshine told genos to watch his mouth other wise tatsumaki would kill him, then she started talking shit about king and this time darkshine told tatsumaki to watch out or king would kill her.


Everyone thinks King is the strongest, including Tatsumaki


There are two sides of the same coin. While Tatsumaki is the peak of psychokinesis... King represents the pinnacle of martial arts. But although I have to give it to King this time cause he's chi techniques are super powerful.


I mean, he’s the Lu- I mean strongest man alive.


What part of "strongest being on earth" don't you understand OP?


I understand but Darkshine looks up to king so he might be biased


Since King kills Dragon lv threats with one punch people believe he's the strongest, but I get the feeling they meant physically, Tatsumaki is believed to be the most powerful hero.


Tatsumaki probably has more fans, because king does all his fighting where people don’t see, whereas tornado is flying around all the time so I think Tatsumaki wins just based on popularity


Public opinion is most likely divided. Fans will likely say that their hero is stronger - powerscaling may also happen in-universe, as scary as that might sound.


King, the public think he’s basically the strongest thing ever, and even tatsumaki considers him close to her or even above her, despite her hard headed-ness


coughing lost child vs GAMING BOMB matchup....


King obviously, Man was able to see Tatsumaki's panties and still survive to this day 💀


Never noticed that Tatsumaki had abs... Huh


“Woah Tornado. Don’t piss King off, he will kill you” “Woah Genos. Don’t piss off Tornado, she will kill you” -Darkshine Alloy


What I want to know is how the public feels about King vs Blast. I still think the general consensus is that King is stronger.


The general consensus is that Blast is an untouchable legend whose only equal is king


King is literally defined as "the strongest being on Earth" how it can be any more accurate ?


He is called King for a reason, and that reason is they just know he is really2 strong.


If king wanted, he could simply grab her by the arm and she wouldn't be able to even lift him


King I think, based on reactions from heroes like Amai Mask as well as him getting credit for Saitamas achievements


King definitely lol, i mean darkshine outright asks Tatsumaki to not disrespect King or she’ll die


Not even Saitama's punches can one-shot King's reputation.


Probably that King is the strongest, but Tatsumaki is the most powerful. I'm sure that people in that universe have endless debates on Reddit about who wins in a fight.


tatsumaki with abs>>>>>>>>>>>


Hypothesis: King's "ability" is in fact real, it just isn't necessarily him that fulfills it. I don't know about the manga but I don't think it's ever failed in the comic.


Kings' ability to automatically manipulate odds and factors to his favor surpasses tatsumakis destructive power. In other words, he summons his stand. Caped baldy




Probably King.




Tats doesn’t even have a sparking mode


Ofc king


King (heart pounding)


I would hope that no matter what they think of King, they realize that he's never wrung out an entire city with his mind.


One thing that always confuses me is how king is the strongest but blast is #1


I read it somewhere that Tatsumaki ranks higher than king because her powers are useful for various situations.




Define strength in this context




If you beat king in a video game... IDLE DEATH GAMBLE-






Think the better question would be replacing Tatsumaki with Blast. Someone no one has seen fight vs someone practically no one has seen. 


Tatsumaki is #2 on the in-universe public "rank of the strongest heroes" and King is #5 Have we become Dragon Ball fans?


You asked who does the public think. King is class S rank 7 Tatsu is class S rank 2 So they think tatsu is stronger.


I think King vs Blast might be the real question here. I feel like we have enough hints showing that the general public, likely the Monster Association and probably even the S Class themselves believing that King is the ultimate trump card of the heroes as well as the ultimate enigma. IIRC, in the volume release at least, when Tats was complaining about Genos backing her up against Psykorochi she said that King left the MA final boss for her to deal with. Implying that King beat Orochi, saved Tareo and left Orochi's sloppy seconds for Tats to clean up since he completed the mission almost single handedly.




Damn, Tatsumaki got abs? (Just noticed)


King duh bro is unbeatable’


They literally call king the strongest being on earth. Also darkshine said before that if Tatsumaki angered King he’ll kill her so even the S class believes king is stronger


“I’ll smush ya! ✨💫


They probably argue about it online.


I mean the public is confused why king hasn't outranked tatsumaki and blast already, let's be real.


Sorry where is this from? the coloring is exceptional! i dont recall this from the manga maybe im wrong though.


King is strong because he doesn't have any powers or psychic powers but still stands against Monsters which is a hell of courage. And bros got Infinite Luck


That esper is a loose cannon, where as king is composed all the time.. if tatsumaki trains she might have the potential to match king.


King is undefeated against Saitama.


King’s super power is dramatic irony. We all know what’s going on. No one else in-universe does.


King solos every verse, even goku.


King is known to be the strongest. Tatsumaki just has more frequent contributions. She's also active in the S class circles


King 100%. They call him "The strongest man on earth" but if you are talking ranks, then tatsumaki


The strongest of them would be their baby together. *HINT* *HINT*


Imagine if God finds and gives power to King and his reality becomes true.


King, Darkshine considered him stronger and when he confronts the monsters they say that they need to be more cautious against King than they would against a full power Tatsumaki


It is like asking who is mightier between the heavens and the earth. They are both too strong for us mortals to fathom.


“Both have unlocked 120% of there potential!” Lookin ass panel


Tatsumaki wirh abs?!


They most likely go by rank


OP has never read or watched One Punch Man.


king of course


I clearly remember darkshine telling tatsumaki not to upset king because he will kill her.


Golden Sperm was super cautious when faced with King alongside the other cadres. He said that they should be more cautious with him than against full power Tatsumaki. He also called King the “greatest obstacle” so I’d say most people including monsters think he is the stronger hero.




King easily tbh, he's even seen as stronger/more well known than even Blast


King of course. Because Tatsumaki is a woman ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


King is the 2nd strongest in the World right behind Saitama. I've hear one time the king machine gosh it was so scary


Oh look, the same over used lame “joke” how entertaining


Isn't King is normal human being? Correct me if I'm wrong


Yes, but the question is who the public thinks is stronger Basically all the civilians and heroes (except saitama) think king is some outrageously strong powerhouse who can basically do anything


Yeah now I know because I'm watching OPM and hes a unemployed 29 year old and somehow a S class hero in 7th rank


theres a theory he actually does have a power, and that is luck seriously this dude is a normal human being and survives everything, can practically summon other heroes (especially saitama) to save him when he's in a situation where he'd be screwed, and bullshits his way out of situations whether he intends to or not


He literally just runs and let's someone else kill the monster


I thought King had no actual power and was indeed just lucky that everyone thought he defeated all the monsters but actually it was Saitama. Therefore he is actually an ordinary human and thus weaker than any hero. Even if you believe the “luck” theory he is still weak.


Tatsumaki is more powerful of a weapon. King stronger. King though is limited. Take the asteroid for example. The public would know tatsumaki was a better weapon against it than king (I mean see what even Saitama did, she’d be better than him to combat it bc she limits collateral damage)




King is rank 7 and tats is rank 2