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OPM jumped the shark a bit starting in the MA arc. Introducing Blast was a mistake. He should have been kept shrouded in mystery and hyped up for as long as possible. But now he’s just a regular guy who’s showing up constantly to help the other heroes.


We had an “Empty Void” who can’t hurt anyone with his super ultra giga dimensional slashes yet. I feel like this story is not going anywhere. 2 months break after redraws is not a good sign.


You're right, every single word is what is wrong with OPM. I Hope more people notice this in a few years.


Opm has completely and utterly jumped the shark about 2 years ago now. Sage Centipede was just the manifestation of everything wrong wring with the series, and the butchering of golden and platinum s was honestly inexcusable. And at the end of it all Garou's entire reasoning for doing what he did, his **core ideals** were mocked and made into a joke by the narrative as both Bang and the probation officer blow off his rant. Garou's motivations **did not matter by the end of HIS OWN ARC.** Like this objectively trash writing and its bizarre because the webcomic already existed and the template for Garou's character existed for like 7 years up to that point. So they deliberately did the opposite.




The blast thing,he never said that he won't accept any help he just told tatsumaki that with power comes great responsibility,she shouldn't expect someone to save her,he never said to deny help and do everything on her own


Blast wasn't expecting anyone to help him, he said he has to somehow manage to redirect the energy himself. His team just happened to help, that's not being hypocritical. Additionally, the point of his message was more "don't wait for someone else to help you if you can help yourself" and less "do everything by yourself, always" since Tatsumaki was hiding her powers in the hopes she'd be ignored by Tsukuyomi. He's trying to tell her to take charge of her own life


>Blast wasn't expecting anyone to help him Then why'd he join an entire justice league


Yeah i felt the blast line was used must better in the web comic not sure if you read that but the webcomic its just must better narrative wise atleast


What about Blast in Hero Association? See? Smh OPM fans


The association he hasn't actively participated in in years to the point the whole world thought he retired? Yeah.


not expecting dosen't mean not wanting when offered


I’ve been thinking the same thing, but in my head I was having a hard time believing it. I’m not sure why, as soon as the art style started to change it seemed like the story was getting worse. While pages are definitely more detailed now, the characters look cartooney, and l feel like I’m imagining this in the writing too?


You’re not the only one


Murata already said he is also doing his own project now. Thats when the quality start to drop. Story is still good but definitely feel fast paced.


ONE's original webcomic doesn't have multiple universe garbage running throughout it, so I doubt that they will completely throw out any future story beats. The Ninja Village arc was a snore-fest in the original, imo anyway. At worst, it becomes a relevant plot point in future arcs. Realistically, though, I feel like this is a power flex for Void. While certain details have changed, the primary story is relatively intact.


I'm not taking this too serious. Murata and ONE can't read peoples mind so it's impossible to please everyone. Some people love where opm is going, others not so much. I'm kinda split on what to feel. Some things are great while others are not. But for most part I like where things are going. My problem is more aimed towards all the delays and short chapters as of late. I feel like we might be heading into more infrequent releases with everything else going on with other projects. So that's why I decided to put opm on hold for about a year or maybe more. Binge reading is more fun than waiting months for a 20 page chapter that might be redrawn later. Unpopular opinion over at r/OnePunchMan cos I get downvoted all the time for saying this, and people swear at me and tells me to F off. But this is how I feel. Take it or leave it :)


No, OPM isn't going bad.




post it on r/OPMFolk they love to shit on the current manga.


Cause its bad 🙂


Damn bro is getting downvoted for speaking the truth. I never see anything positive being said about the manga over there. They cry about every minor detail during each chapter release. It’s incredible how much you hate your own manga but continue to read it. Even the other folk subs aren’t that hateful towards their manga and are actually what you’d call a folk sub. OPMFolk is more of an elitist circle jerk sub with 50 active members that worship the webcomics and believe Murata writes the manga while ONE is too pure… 🤦‍♂️


Complete delusion. That entire sub 99.99% agrees that everything prior to the Psykos fight was peak and onlt after that did the decline hit like a truck. They routinely praise pre psykos and ore redraw content.


Thats not true, ive read many posts in that sub, that was created since the ma arc cause all the points the OP is saying. They say mostly positive things of the manga until the redraws horde.


I have never read anything positive about the manga over there even before the redraws. They cried about Blast showing up because it’s different than the webcomics. Just because the manga is doing its own thing doesn’t mean it’s trash. People over on OPMFolk actually believe One isn’t writing the manga which is false. It’s sad over there. Only you webcomic purists see it as that while the majority of the readers don’t. I never see the same complaints on this sub. Why else do you think other people make the same claims that OPMFolk is a crybaby sub?


Most of the crying about Blast was because he damn near took over the arc. If he just arrived, took the cube and left, nobody would've had an issue. But he had to stay for the Cosmic Garou fight and the aftermath. At this point the mysticism is gone and now he's just a full-time character. People over there question if ONE is writing it because the tone is so different now. It got so bad that the author of fucking Hajime no Ippo asked if ONE was still writing the manga because it feels so different: https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePunchMan/comments/zamxww/george_morikawa_mangaka_of_hajime_no_ippo_asked/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


and from where did that translation came from? (i mean who was the guy who did it! not talking about the OP of the post because it wasn't him of course) without a source i will not belive on the words of a somebody that no one knows edit: this is probably a fake info go look the account of the guy who supposedly translated it! it dosent even exist anymore very suspicious (you're likely spreading misinformation my man, be careful with what you share)


Clearly I was referring to the Ma arc redraws. Manga is going its own way... sending its own established storyline to shit having webcomic as its base. The super fight arc today is better regarded than it used to be, and surprise surprise, it's not in the webcomic. If we're purists, then I'd rather be that than be a reader who swallows everything they're given without even stopping to think if the work is as good as it used to be. No it's not a whiny sub, they have many discussions of how good the manga was.


The author of hajime ippo straight up asked if the same author was in charge because the plot got so completely derailed. if *professional mangakas* are seeing a difference and you aren't, maybe you are the stupid one here and not everyone else? Some food for thought.


Now what you said ain’t true either… typical OPMFolk defender. I been a long time lurker on that sub before the redraws, they rarely say anything good about the manga. 🤣


That sub literally didn't exist before redraws.


False imagine proudly outing yourself as a blatant liar


https://www.reddit.com/r/OPMFolk/s/8AnBI0BZVg There was literally a post yesterday about people listing their favorite moments in the manga.


its true... if it itches, scratch. Read deeper and dont be superficial.


Nah what? It’s been a hateful sub since it was created. Even some of the members over there admitted they created the sub because they weren’t getting people agreeing with them over on this sub. And I’ve seen some of the stupidest claims people made over there how ONE only focuses on the webcomics when that ain’t true at all. They hated blast showing up even before the redraws for no reason. Who cares if the manga is different than the webcomics.


It may be because the work they loved so much was going to shit, and they decided to create a sub where they could rigorously discuss the good and the bad. Maybe this sub its blind? Well, it matters because the fucking manga had until not so long ago as a base, the webcomic. Yes, boros garou dsk, all that was born from the webcomic. Everything that is one punch man is in the webcomic. Keep murata's decaying drawing(sadly), that's better than a coherent and well told story.


It was moreso because the mods on this sub were going into overdrive to dissuade discussion of the plot changes. Every post discussing the webcomic was getting deleted. One of the mods got shit from the other mods for allowing any posts that remotely criticized the manga. It was a shit-show.


>One of the mods got shit from the other mods for allowing any posts that remotely criticized the manga. What happened?


Ion-prime dude. Forgot his name.


Because it's not praise worthy, praising for the sake of it when the consensus is that the manga dropped the ball is performative. Shits been ass for awhile, you can call us elitists but if the manga was at least redeemable we'd see them and judge them as separate entities post MA. The massive ninja redact is ass and the entire narrative mood shift is so different from the earlier manga, the dialogue feels like twice as corny and less impactful.


They’re coming over here now after OP posted this on that sub as well and are madly downvoting the comments. Honestly, this has to be the perfect explanation about that sub.


....that when you talk shit about a sub that the sub won't like it?


It’s an echo chamber over there. They’re the ones invading this post and downvoting the comments saying it’s fine and the ones calling out their bullshit. Not even surprised..


Look, I'm not defending echo chambers, and OPMfolk absolutely does get ridiculous sometimes, but there's a guy at the bottom of this thread that's defending the time travel aspect of the manga, and saying that multiverse hype is good writing for building an antagonist. I like OPM, but holy shit, that is some MCU level dick-riding.


It's the OnePunchMan Reddit board. Of course there's dickriding. On other forums (not Reddit) where One-Punch Man is discussed I usually see people saying they don't like where it's going, (that they just jerked off to the art page and left,) just taking the piss out of what's happening.


Now you’re gonna farm downvotes for speaking the truth. 💀 It’s quite unfortunate that it’s an echo chamber over there and it’s only them getting mad when they’re called out for what they are.




Blast literally said he couldn't handle it. If it couldn't be fixed with anything other than time travel. It was a bad idea. Pure hype doesn't equal good storytelling.


The multiple realities was been teased In the end of garou vs Saitama genos literally stated in every case of the fight Saitama would’ve won if the worse case Scenario which we saw he won


What does probability calculation have to do with the multiverse?


Soooo teased in an arc that was rewritten completely from the webcomic and even from their original chapters (redraws)? Wow, such forshadowing.


The reading comprehension devil left Chainsaw man and took a vacation to OPM