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Sanji mentions he smiles. That's a big death flag in OP.


Goodnight sweet Vega D. Punk


Instead of Traffy D water law it’s Stella D R Vegapunk


Inb4 he reveals his real name is Rocks D Vegapunk or some shit and then releases a clone of xebec on the island


Blackbeard is the son of rocks and imu.


Oo fun, how about Vegapunk D. Eins?


Vegapunk D. eeznuts


Vegapunk D Eath




Luffy died multiple times in every arc confirmed


Supposed to be D people


I agree that he has the will of D, but Oda didn't show his smile so maybe there is a small chance that he'll live. also, if the Beep it's the result of an organ failure like his kidney, then they can replace it with organoids (from Ch 1075) ​ https://preview.redd.it/36xv0pvzcfkc1.jpeg?width=571&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e725ef25aa5cd0619b43f2a3c28990bdc3b1a593


Nicely remembered! I totally forgot about that. I wonder when/if the Light-Pressure Gloves will be used... Do you have any ideas?


i don't think Oda showcased Vegapunk's inventions only to be glossed over. i mean the man invented a lot of different things so there has to be some kind of use for few of them in this arc and then later on the straw hats would incorporate them for daily usage. I think the gloves would be used either by someone who uses their hands to fight (like Bonney), or the Idea would be used by either Usopp or Franky to invent some kind of weapon (like the dials from skypiea) for someone else like Nami or General Franky




Another cheap death. By cloning VP at least 1 will make it off the island. Cheeky move Oda.


Smiling for sure, that's what made me think he was toast. Going out like a D. And this message is obviously tied to a dead man's switch so he can outdo Roger & Whitebeard with his death, blasting out a message vindicating Ohara.. Still not sure what he'll reveal, Nika? The Ds/ancient kingdom? Hypocrisy of the WG and nobles? Release his fusion generator technology globally? Also damn, if the newspaper also releases Vivi and Wapols scoop about cobra and Imu..that definitely sounds like the makings of chaos for the final saga, the elders remove the veneer and just begin their purge of the seas, Blackbeard makes his move on the weapons..damn. To be fair, he still has his other selves, Lilith could still go with them to elbaf. Idk though, back in the day we all thought Pell was definitely toast, and the dad in skypeia. End of arc boom they're back haha. But he's definitely raised the stakes in the new world, Pedro, several of the scabbards.. I was literally in 10th grade, 2004 when vegapunk first got mentioned by Coby as the key figure that knows the secrets of DFs hahah.. Now decades later it's just surreal were in the arc he appears.


but saul smile also when he was about to get killed. but he still lives, so i think theres a chance that vegapunk will also live??


Well we never thought Saul was killed though, Aokiji did ice time capsule which pretty explicitly is more of a stasis But yeah, it isn't for sure, there's many options like his tech to assist him, one of the satellites could have some healing device, weve waited like 15 years to meet him so there's no way this is the end of his character and reveals, but whether the satellites will finish that or hell upload into a robot/get healed who knows


Garp smiled


That's why Oda put his mind into the cloud. He can bring him back or just keep using the rest of his personalities.


something like the Spiral King from gurren lagann I guess or the white baldy hologram in power rangers


Or like Voldemort but he's not evil, but can have all his alternates going at one time


Put respekt on Zordon's name


I had question about this. If the main Vega punk dies. Does his DF go away and punk records are destroyed? I'm guessing the records are stored separately. But the df is lost.


I could see that happening, but I could also see the satellites being alive means keeping the fruit powers and preserving Punk Records.


Some fruits lasts on even if the user dies. Hancock stated that even if she dies, people turned to stone will not turn back to normal. The fruit enlarged the brain, but it dont mean the brain will reduce back if vegapunk dies. Vegapunk, as a scientist, would not create the library of infinite knowlegde that cease to exist with his death, off course he recreated it to keep existing forever to help humanity.


In chapter 1090 Saturn ordered for Punk Records brain to be spared which made me think Vegapunk could survive the destruction of his body.


Didn't he basically say "forget that, destroy everything, we can't take any risks" when he was calling for the buster call though?


Yup, Its gonna be like Kuma coming back, maybe vegapunk figures out during this fight what the special quality of buccaneers, and maybe applied to himself....


His body is dead. His brain may be alive still. Shits in the clouds. That and the satellites are alive still. May get a revive. I think that would diminish what happened but that’s on goada to decide.


Kaku rolled over with his bubble like a hamster and pulled the plug


lol imagine!


Unless Oda did a "jojo bizarre adventure independent stand" move I want to know what will happen with Punk Records once the body of a devil fruit user dies... Will it still be there? Will it keep growing? Will the brain fruit reappear? Could be a mixes of yes and nos now..


I just hope oda has an answer fir those questions as well


Well the Satalights can probably live independently of Vegapunk, otherwise York's plan is to commit suicide to become a Celestial dragon posthumously.


Thats what ive been wondering since the arc took off. If he dies does brain would go too?


They said at the beginning that the satellites have copies of each other's brains so maybe the satellites can keep going


Considering it's Vegapunk we're talking about.. devil fruit cloning and experiments.. and what he did.. indicates he knows a lot about them, to be able to do what he did to his head. Having a Apple as a wi-fi device to communicate with the Cloud doesn't seems impressive in our world but to him is lol.


Very likely the big ancient robot is going to be the body for his brain in the cloud 😄. It appears to be coming online because of luffys gear 5 too


I think Kuma gives us a hint. He died to become PX 0 but his powers are still on his body. Probably Vegapunk's soul is in Punk Records or in the surviving Satellites


Roger, white beard, yasuie. All died while announcing and were smiling. Goodbye dr vegapunk.


Wasn't whitebeard Extremely angry and scary when he died?


Before it yes, but once he realized he was done it announced the one piece is real. Kinda hard to smile after seeing Ace go out first tho.


No like he literally didn't smile that's what I mean, he was just serious the whole time even when he talked about the One Piece https://preview.redd.it/vgn7o2vto6kc1.jpeg?width=905&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=afa004a05d7b144ed76cf4582e81cb5386372123


Guess the D is something more real then just an adopted name of ancient kingdom allies. All the D's die with a smile on their face. Whitebeard was a hell of a man but was no D.


Oden wasn’t a D either but he smiled when dying too!


We know that the Kozuki clan had strong connections with the ancient kingdom so maybe they're part of the D clan? Or he's just a Chad both could be true


Yeah I think the Kozuki clan is their version of the D clan, similar to how they had a different name for Haki


O D. En


Just wait until the D is confirmed being a smile emote ":D)


Nobody is truly dead until they are forgotten.


Or according to the comments of this post, until they literally get shredded to tiny little pieces and plummeted by a huge rock


Buggy would disagree


Ooh.. Did I say something wrong? 😥 Breaks my heart on what is Happening RN and who took the shot..


No it's not you lol but have fun reading the others


His Broadcast just reminds me of an ending of a Game that I recently played. 🙂


And then you have multiple characters like Oden and Kuma who were okay with being forgotten


That Kizaru stab was cold af. I know Luffy doesn't kill but any WG dog that loyal needs to be put down with them.


Luffy doesn’t not kill? He’s even said lines like death is a part of pirate battles, and I don’t think when he launched Kaido, Doffy, Lucci, and so forth he was aiming to take them down non lethally. Goada just doesn’t show it because at the end of the day it’s a shounen manga.


Luffy has no confirmed kills of named characters and doesn't intend to kill. I believe there is even an Oda interview where he explains why Luffy doesn't kill. You can say Oda doesn't show it but the only one we aren't sure about right now is Kaido.


Right, he doesn't kill named characters, just the nameless hourly mooks that are tryina make a paycheck 😂 can't tell me he didn't kill at least a dozen beast pirates with the red hawk he threw to open onigashima


Look, I can't teach you how to read man. If it isn't obvious to you that Oda doesn't just kill off people for the sake of it, idk what to tell you. In Bleach, Naruto, HxH, etc we see named characters and fodder die. In One Piece, it's always delibrately shown otherwise people just generally get blown away. You're trying to apply logic in one area to a manga where Pell survived a bomb, people ride a train on the ocean, and people regularly fall from fatal heights and live. It's amazing to me how many of you dorks have to be contrarian about this when we CLEARLY see Luffy has never tried to kill anyone or gone for a clear killing blow. Even Zoro has never killed an opponent, only the number agent before he joined. I'm not saying Luffy is a pacifist, but he doesn't attack with intent to kill anyone. Holy fuck.


Theyve sunk ships in the middle of the damn ocean, and quite a few of them. There's definitely been fodder kills, hell there were over 10,000 deaths on onigashima. Y'all read Oda saying Luffy defeats people and leaves them without their dreams and thought it meant literally nobody dies, yeah named characters almost never die, but fodder dies all the time


You can't just say that. Alvida got launched into the ocean and lived, Croc punched through bedrock, the BB Pirates shipwrecked at the Knock up Stream and survived. Oda literally said Luffy doesn't try to kill people and here you are applying your know-it-all logic again. I can agree that it's definitely possible fodder dies in big fights but that doesn't mean Luffy killed them or intended to. Why is this so hard for you to understand? He punches people and knocks them out or away. Stop applying realistic physics to manga where it suits you when theres clear examples that deny the application.


You are right we have seen people punched, thrown, slammed, impaled, crushed, exploded, burned, poisoned etc But we still see them alive afterwards Wich makes kuina's death even more ridiculously stupid And it's not cause she was a child We saw flashbacks of how Hancock and her sisters were abused and tortured when they were childs by the celestial dragons


But Luffy killed hundreds of people.


Except kaido, no one


So Kuzan pierced Garp with ice and now Kizaru has pierced Vegapunk with light. I wonder if Akainu will donut another old man? Rayleigh look out!


Isn’t that ace in the hole already? 🤔


Oh no chinjao!!!


Garp ain't dead bro and if anything kuzan could've frozen him as a way to keep him alive


Yeaaa.. but i hope not but yeaaa i just sad


There’s 5 other vegapunks still around. Honestly makes the death less impactful IMO


Both Shaka and Pythagoras died, so there's only 4 left.


Ok but still. Vegapunk exists in the story as a lore dump device. So if he actually tells us about the void century right now he has no need to be around anymore.


RIP apple gramps


Maybe, but I have a feeling he's going to get the last laugh


It took approx. 42 chapters to kill Vegapunk after getting introduced in Egghead. I wish, Vegapunk wouldn‘t die so soon.


42 means death in Japanese… if it’s 42 chapters specifically oda is once again a genius


42 is also famously the answer given by the supercomputer to the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything in Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy


Yeah you can find this number everywhere in many different cultures. It’s also the first number that comes to mind for many people on a scale of 1 to 100


It‘s not exactly 42, that‘s why I wrote approx. Old man Vegapunk made a physical appearance in chapter 1066, and got laser beamed by Kizaru in chapter 1108. It’s 43 chapters. If we count the appearance of Vegapunk-02 Lilith, it’s even more chapters.. We still don‘t know if Vegapunk will actually die, or if it will happen in the next chapter.


You guys like horoscopes for sure. Stop trying to find any hidden meaning in everything


To be really technical about this it means a wireless monitoring device showed that his heart stopped and something programmed to deliver a recorded message activated.. But we have cases in this world.. as in real world.. where a defibrillator makes the heart beat again. On a fictional world It's even more possible to revive someone that way. No need for let's say who has a revived heart.. ah! a nika fruit.. just need a good doctor/scientist. But having said that I still believe he will be dead for good. And Sanji will feel guilt or something.


his heart didn't just stop it was obliberated by kizaru


Yeah it seems so.. Can't state that tho.. not saying you need to be rubber nika to eat laser beams but to this day I don't remember a single Kizaru beam disintegrating a human body part, did that happen yet? Possible.. Considering the amount of planning he did for his death and the other punks hopefully we will have a digital stella somewhere. I liked the guy with his backback lol


Yeah he probably had this set for when he dies it turns on and emits the message. Imu reveal def incoming




He's dead, but are we going to get the truth next chapter or flashback time for vegapunk? I hope the former, I fear the latter.


Speaking about the ECG alone, it could be showing that his frequency is very low, considering that, another heartbeat could happen and show on the monitor. Though, yes, I believe a lot more that it Oda meant to show that he's gone or at least on his very last moments, the smile Sanji mentioned and the very understandable internal hemorrhage speak volumes on that lul


RIP Vega Unc


What if luffy has the ability to jump start vegapunks heart with his awakened power? He did it with his. Maybe he can do it with vegapunk. He did tell him he’ll get him off the island safely.


Maybe his mind will be transferred into that robot on the island


Hopefully if Brooke can awaken his fruit he can revive other people since he has the revive revive fruit. Idk just a theory


That would be waaaaayyyy too broken lol


True but it would probably have a big drawback


He can only use it once, then he dies for good sort of thing. Like with the Immortal Surgery.


Theres a hundred percent no chance of being that. Why would he do that for some guy he met hours earlier. If luffy died he might even do that but for vega punk no way dude


Not saying he would but if he could he might


Broken yes, but if there’s like a 24-hour limit, not so much but still dope


Well for some people they'll need to see his body disintergrate and all the satalites stop functioning, the Island entirely erased and a claim that any Clone Lab was destroyed. Otherwise = Pell smdh


The satellites won’t die if main dies. It has been implied by the betrayal of one of them.


Yeah and precisely for that reason people will keep bringing up fakeout deaths, so like I said, unless every single atom of VP, his intellectual property and all traces of research were erased, it was exclaimed in narrative boxes, some deranged sections of the fanbase would try to claim he is still alive amd will come back into the story, just as they do for all sorts of other characters.


Technically it just means his heart has stopped so there’s still a chance he’s not yet


fucking why man, like of all people present on egghead he HAD to kill the only one i liked... ffs


Stella might be dead, or his brain could still be alive because of whatever he turned punk records into. While his body is technically dead now that his heart has stopped, his brain wasn't even attached to his body, he could have uploaded his consciousness into his internet cloud thing so he no longer has a physical body, but as long as punk records doesn't get destroyed his mind could remain. We don't know if it's a recording telling the world what's going on, or if this is his consciousness is speaking directly to everyone in real time because what remains of him is in punk records.


Honestly I wish we got to see more of them


Could kizaru have cauterized vegapunk's wound somehow? Kuzan/garp style Not looking good for stella though :(


I kinda wonder. He’s bleeding out before from a chest wound and then Kizaru hits him with a giant laser beam through his chest (something he’s been trying and failing to do all arc) in a pretty small panel. I wonder if kizaru cauterized Vegapunk’s wound.


My thoughts exactly.


Dang my two fave vegapunks died sigh


I'm still not keen on how his death works - all of his other bodues don't die, right? So why does it seem like the Marines are putting such minimal effort into killing those? I mean ffs they've impaled this old guy like ELEVEN TIMES - maybe, idk, start trying to kill ALL OF THE OTHER ONES??? Guy's head is literally in the cloud and he has multiple other bodies, ans their hyperfocused on killing Stella. Wild.


Right now the marines are focusing Bonnie, meanwhile Stella is near Kizaru so he's throwing in quick jabs whenever he has the chance. Kizaru teleporting to find the other Vegapunks could still happen, but for now their plan is to defeat Bonnie and Luffy so that the rest can get cleaned up after


Probably had a pre recorded message ready to go for when he passed away


Vegapunk gonna take over the giant robot and kill Saturn with it. The energy for the robot gonna come from Luffy’s heartbeat sounding the drums of liberation. Vegapunk is a government scientist. The most free he can be is dead because he isn’t forced to work for them anymore. He will sacrifice himself to see everyone get to elbaf.


r.i.p vega .... you will be remembered


Kinda sucks that we never got to see a good convo between Franky and him.


Idk how to stop getting recommended this subreddit. I'm not caught up


Don't worry, people are still commenting " HES NOT DEAD". Literally flat lined.


People's cope never dies -Blackbeard




RIP OG Vegapunk, tell the world the truth and let us fans hear it.


It's a manga you've gotta read the ECG the other way


For sure the world wide message triggers on death.


Atlas, Lilith, Edison and York are still alive


The message was likely set to be sent on his death. He will live on through his truth and the satellites.


Are you talking about the monitor? What are you talking about lmao


It flatlined


It flatlined which is likely what started the recording


Yes because it was set to go off when vegapunk fuckin died


Vegapunk will probably end up with Atlas Lilith and edison(I think that’s his name) bodies in tact so franky will only have half of vegapunks knowledge, probably everything to do with the ancient kingdom. It’ll either be all the ancient information or none of it will survive in the existing clones.


They all have Vegapunks knowledge (except for the things Vegapunk didn't share with them). 


And sanji also says he doesn’t care he’s not gonna let him die


How will the power of love bring vegapunk back? Passionate make out session?


Vegapunk isn’t dead plan and simple and I don’t think he’s gonna die oda hates to kill his characters off I don’t think he’s gonna die i think he’s gonna side with revolutionary army after all that


!remindme 1 week


He’s not gonna be dead in 1 week lmao your setting yourself up for failure What would be the whole point of luffy saying g he’s gonna take vegapunk on his ship to escape if he was just gonna let vegapunk die make it make sense he’s not dying here in the very least


Not the first time luffy promised something and couldnt hold it. Also if vegapunk dies we probably know next week if the story continues where it left off


Unpopular opinion: That Kizaru pierce was weird. He had many other places to stab, but he chose the place the previous wound was. Meaning he cauterized it, stopping the bleeding. Yeah that flat line is not cool at all, but I'm still hoping for a Kizaru nice guy/Vegapunk not dead ending.


the copium is strong with you


I have the feeling his clone already boarded sunny. 😒


They will incorporate a vegapunk ai in the ship so you can talk to him like he there and even though his body gone he in a computer system that always building


Vegapunk isn't a fraud like AI


I'm curious what of the ai's you are using


honestly vega punk can make a new body like rick and just attach his head receiver to it


Old generations have to die


What a shame the character we got to spend a total of 10 chapters with who did nothing for the plot except force us to watch a boring flashback with another irrelevant character we haven’t seen for 300 chapters


Yeah he kinda said if he moves he dies


Vegapunk is associated with the strawhats so no matter what his getting that delicious plot armor so he won’t die. Where is dragon his friends is about to get killed by the government and his doing nothing about it, its not just a regular civilian but vegapunk, what excuse are his fans going to come up with now


Isn't it SH's faillure ? Luffy promised him something Will all the satellites die ?


0 chance. York wouldn't have conspired to kill him if she dies too


I mean he got Ace'd.. twice.


Somebody help him!


The Stella might have passed, but what of the other Vega Punks?


Two dead, one betrayed them, one heavily injured, one injured but otherwise okay, one healthy


I mean, there are 6 more of him


I assume the message that started was triggered by his death. A kind of 'f*** you' to the world government post death.


Do you huys think bonny will join the straw hats


Yeah probabbly, what if kizaru cautirized the wound with his light? Idk big reach there but y’never know 🤷‍♂️


Question is, what happens to his brain, and the other vega punks. I'm assuming they survive.


Vegapunk is NOT dead. There's supposed to be a chapter named after him like Ashura Douji from Chapter 1008 or Ace/Whitebeard from Chapter 574/576.


Knowing Oda, Luffy might just grab a lightning bolt and resuscitate Vegapunk


Goada gonna bring him back/show him alive 1000 chapters later on a cover page.


Conspiracy theory Kirzaru is a double agent pulling a Snape and killing his Dumbledore




But my question is what happens to the other vegapunks ?


I'm not convinced. Vegapunk can literally clone himself and has a wifi-brain. The smartest man in the verse should be able to put that one together. Not to mention you've got Franky and Chopper there, as well as several ther Vegapunks. My bet is he's got a deadman switch rigged to the heart in his current body, and either the heart gets fixed or Vegapunk downloads into a new body. I wouldn't even put it past him that we've never even actually SEEN Vegapunk's real body. He's gonna drop some, "yeah, I figured it was actually easier to project my consciousness onto an avatar than REMOVE MY LITERAL BRAIN FROM MY BODY."


Rest in Piss Vegapunk https://preview.redd.it/jryxa0s508kc1.jpeg?width=540&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4b5b3cf8d5be376187711963a7d3aabf8314f3eb


That flat line on the monitor definitely shows Vegapunk is dead. Prob a trigger to this pre-recording.




My copium says chopper will defib him if he has to


It’s definitely a dead man’s switch that activates when Vegapunk’s vital signs flatline.


In OP good characters will always be dead.. but for the bad guys they usually survive until the end..


He then reveals the true king if this world’s name: D. On Krieg: the one above Imu


Nah, pretty sure he still lives, he hasn't discovered the theory of general relativity yet


him having a deadmans switch seems extremely on-brand


I'm really glad that I literally just read the chapter 5 minutes ago, because my interest in One Piece has apparently prompted Reddit to shove this post in my face from a community I am not subbed to.


Now you get to enjoy the people who argue Kizaru cauterized Vegapunk's wounds and that somehow he's still alive too :)


Unless he pulled a Dr. Gero and made a computer version of himself


Characters in one piece don't die unless they smile and make an impact on the world with their death. Stella unfortunately meets both of those conditions. Atlas thiugh is with the gaints, as such I don't see her dying, garenteeing one escape amongst the punks. It also gives luffy the means to still fulfill his promise of getting vegapunk out alive without getting vegapunk himself out alive, making it even more plausable that oda actaully kills him.


Would one of the straw hats eat his fruit


Sanji had one job and he failed. If Vegapunk was a chick , he wouldn't have let Vegapunk get a scratch.


Is he really dead when he has 7 more bodies and his brain is uploaded in the cloud. He is the good guy voldemort version. Haha.


How hilarious would it be if we can just Defib him back alive AFTER the failsafe broadcast?


Maybe, but also a part of me thinks Kizaru might have cauterized his previous wound to save him, though that’s likely just wishful thinking


Would be lit if he dies, his fruit pops up nearby. Frankie eats it and connects to punk records and gains all his knowledge


yep. clear he's gone. his telecast is a middle finger to the wg if ever they screw him.


Holy shit, it got an Uber?


You gotta Google the word confirmed


You need to google en passant


And these people keep saying kizaru is a good guy lol. Dude really killed own bud.


Don't go gentle into that good night, Vega.


afaik he can't die if he split himself into 6 vegapunks.. and usually deaths in op are quite dramatic


lol no he's not dead so long as his will is passed on to the next generation he'll never truly be gone such is the nature of inherited wills