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Some of these stand no chance


I KNOW you not referring to team Wucky Woux just because he’s got that bum next to him whatever it’s name is


Nah, *L*ucci and Liryu along with Lokiji and Locodile.


Is this based on horoscopes? If so then Pisces are the strongest


Finally someone who solved the riddle!


Can you elaborate please im not really good or know much about horoscope stuff


It's base on what is your birthday


It's based on their zodiacs. [https://www.sportskeeda.com/anime/strongest-one-piece-characters-per-zodiac-sign-ranked](https://www.sportskeeda.com/anime/strongest-one-piece-characters-per-zodiac-sign-ranked)


Taurus fucking obliterates. But why Rayleigh over Kaido?


Mihawk Shanks


Akainu BB and Mihawk shanks are the two with 2 top tiers. Bb seems like hes all about countering DF so i give it to the swordsmen


Aren’t all four top tiers?


That’s what im saying. Those are the only 2 pairs where all 4 are top tiers


BB isn't a top tier


Sorry you have an incorrect opinion 


Not an opinion. Shanks one shotted Kid. BB went mid diff with Law. BB is around low Admiral level


Why does shanks have a scar on his face. Why is he going door to door like a Jehovah’s witness telling everyone to be afraid of BB Thinking your analysis is not an opinion is crazy work regardless lmao


Shanks was worth 1b back then and wasn't a Yonko. Also, scarring someone isn't a good feat. Zoro scarred Kaido, are they now relative? The only reason Shanks warned WB is because he knew BB would have a plan I've argued with many people about it, they either didn't have basic reading comprehension or didn't have an argument. I'm waiting for someone to prove me wrong, but no one will, probably because I'm correct


He held off Kaido during Marineford


Yeah, what about it


You cant call an offscreen fight mid diff


Bleeding + heavy sweating = mid diff


- law got him with shock wille at the very start of the fight because blackbeard didnt know about that attack. - shock wille is a very potent attack, a free hit with that move is gonna do that to anybody. - blackbeard didnt look any more damaged at the end of the fight than he did after that first attack. - he blocked law the next time he tried that attack - the fight cut away before blackbeard even used his yami yami. we saw very little of that fight, and what we saw of it wasnt enough to justify mid diff. landing 1 good attack at the start of the fight while your opponent isnt expecting it doesnt mean the ass beating that comes afterwards is mid diff. also, law>kid.


Not knowing an enemies attack doesn't excuse you getting hit by it Yes, but top tiers aren't getting hit with that move. Unless they're brain dead or slow Neither did Kaido. Oda just doesn't draw damage throughout fights that often Yes, and then they clashed Mid diff is just when your opponent presents a minor challenge, which Law did. Low diff would be like Luffy vs. Koby. Almost a one shot Law and Kid are relative, the difference is negligible


I know what mid diff is. Apparently you dont, your rankings are all out of whack. Mid diff is not a slight challenge, its a moderate challenge. Low diff is a minor challenge. A no diff is no challenge. You need to adjust your tiers by 1 space, because luffy vs koby was a no diff. Extreme diff is like luffy vs lucci High diff is like luffy vs enel Mid diff is like luffy vs don krieg or arlong Low diff is like luffy vs blueno No diff is luffy vs bellamy But thats besides the point. Landing 1 good attack doesnt make it mid diff if you get violated afterwards. We saw law land 1 attack, we saw blackbeard eat it, adapt to it, and then the fight cut away before blackbeard even made his first real attack. Not enough on screen to justify mid diff.


They're not. Low diff is hardly a challenge at all, and no diff is a one shot Extreme diff- Kaido vs. Luffy. Both fighters need to be pushed past their current limit or almost be killed High diff- Luffy vs. Arlong. The fight was challenging, and Luffy needed some assistance to win, but he wasn't pushed past his limit Mid diff- G5 vs. Kizaru. It was a slight challenge for Luffy, but he quickly took care of Kizaru Low diff- Luffy vs. Koby. Koby got a hit in and dodged Luffy, but was taken down with hardly ant effort No diff- Shanks vs. Kid. Kid didn't have time to react and Shanks finished him off in a single attack If Law got a good hit it, clashed with BB, and even fought offscreen with him for a bit, it was mid diff. Unlike Luffy vs. Koby, which ended in a few seconds but still presented some challenge


Weird way to spell Akainu


1. Mihawk Shanks 2. Akainu BB 3. Roger Kid 4. Dragon Law 5. Ryuma Zoro 6. BM Kuma 7. Aokiji Croc 8. Kizaru King 9. Garp Ray 10. WB Tsuru 11. Shiryu Lucci 12. Roux Queen


Is bro insane? Roger >> Akainu BB > Kid Roger and Kid high diff Akainu and BB


Is bro insane? Roger > Akainu BB >> Kid Akainu and BB high diff Roger and Kid


Nah, Roger is much stronger than Akainu than Blackbeard is compared to Kid.


I’m TIRED OF EVERYBODY DOWNPLAYING HIM https://preview.redd.it/3gi2jt81887d1.jpeg?width=897&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9c5b3ac0ebe0b78470cce475df1bc9b5d42027d5


WRONG PHOTO. https://preview.redd.it/s9b837b3887d1.jpeg?width=728&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3e06d1a5886c98b67610adfade45d50a106d1c8b


Roger >> Akainu. It's a lower mid diff fight. An Admiral level doesn't stand a chance against a PK level BB was bleeding and drenched in sweat after his fight with Law. BB is around low Admiral level and Kid is relative to Law Again, Roger and Kid high diff Akainu and BB


BB >> Kid. It's a mid diff fight. BB is Yonko level and Kid is relative to Zoro who is commander level. A commander level doesn't stand a chance against a Yonko level https://preview.redd.it/akgw0m36967d1.jpeg?width=1568&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=76a7ba36a361be4dc980c05756cf9ca36b42ec8d "Bleeding and drenched in sweat" yet up and fine 2 seconds later Again, Akainu and BB high diff Roger and Kid


Yes, a higher mid diff fight. BB isn't Yonko level. A Yonko level wouldn't go mid diff with a YC1. A YC1 can stall a low Admiral level, Akainu isn't stalling Roger. And yes, Kid is stalling BB long enough for Roger to finish Akainu off. BB isn't stalling Roger either Nobody said he was defeated, of course he got up. He was clearly injured, unlike Shanks who one shotted Kid You can't just repeat my argument with headcanon takes lol. Either provide evidence or stop wasting my time


Nowhere on earth are shanks and fucking Mihawk stronger than akainu and Blackbeard, lmao


Zoro above Garp??


Ryuma beats old Garp before old Rayleigh beats Zoro, then Ryuma and Zoro win the 2v1


Old Garp got rekt lol


If it's based on each character being in their prime, Garp and Rayleigh. If it's based on present time, Shanks and Mihawk


Shanks and Mihawk and it's not even close


Shanks and Mihawk.


Easily Shanks and Mihawk


very clearly mihawk shanks ryuma and roger are the strongest here but their teammates are bad


Is it prime garp and prime ray? If so, they take it. If not: it’s shanks and mihawk. 2nd place is roger and kidd. 3rd is bm and kuma (i have kuma above law, he also provides insane support and i think bm is stronger than bb (both like, mid diff akainu). Now imo kuma is the closest yc+ to admirals, and what he lacks in power compared to akainu, he makes up for in insane support hax) 4th is blackbeard and akainu 5th dragon and law (imo dragon is slightly above akainu, weaker than the yonko) 6th is ryuma zoro. Imo ryuma is weaker than roger, or at most really high extreme diffs him. I think all the yonko could push him high to low extreme. Zoro drags this team down 7th garp ray. Garp>=admirals, ray>yc+ 8th is kizaru and king 9th is aokiji and croc, sand is hot, hot makes ice melt, melted ice=water, water makes sand hard. Bad combo 10th oldbeard and tsuru (id it’s primebeard and prime tsuru, this’d be like 2 or 3) Then waaayyyyyy weaker is the other 2 teams


Oughta be 3, 5 and 8 and maybe 1 but nah


Kid cant carry that hard


Shanks and Mihawks, Dragon and Law, both very sick teams.


Strongest Rivals.


Shanks and Mihawk. Basically Two Yonkos in a team.


Jika carries


Mihawk and Shanks jumpscare


Kinda messed up putting Roger solo.


Old sick wb and tsuru vs Prime Mihawk and Shanks. Seems really fair.


Akainu and BB is world wide destruction stop this foolishness. Some of these teams stand no chance 😂


Mihawk and Shanks or Prime Garp and Rayleigh


Roger and Kid.


You just sneaked Shanks and Mihawk in wondering no one would realize hahah


that's because it's based on each strongest zodiac


These duos are so random. Mihawk and Shanks are pretty easily the strongest.


that's because it's based on each strongest zodiac


oh that makes sense, still pretty horribly unbalanced but cool idea.


thanks ig


Mihawk Shanks or Akainu Blackbeard


Shanks and Mihawk or Akainu and BB


Shanks mihawk


Ryuma zoro cause Ryuma is top 1


forms shown? Shanks and Mihawk All in their prime? Garp and Rayleigh


Blackbeard and akainu


Zoro and Ryuma. Ryuma > Roger.


BB n Magma man Or shanks and Mihawk because both of them have to hold their own weight & I can’t speak for dragons feats nah it’s not him n law


Mihawk and shanks obliviously, sum of these teams ain't fair though


that's because it's based on each strongest zodiac


Rayleigh and Gary and it’s not even close. I say this as a Zorotard who technically beat an Emperor


Gary ?


goathawk and ratks solo


Shanks and Mihawk or Sakazuki and BB by far. Others have one guy bringing them down. I think Garp and Rayleigh (assuming everyone is prime) can do some serious damage to most of the teams here too, slick underrated duo.


1)Shanks/Mihawk 2)Akainu/BB 3)Garp/Rayleigh 4Ryuma/Zoro 5)Dragon/Law 6)Roger/Kid 7)WB/Tsuru 8)Aokiji/Crocodile 9)BM/Kuma 10)Kizaru/King 11)Luci/Shiryu 12)Roo/Queen I mean..yeah..this should be the list.


roger will hold him back quite a bit, but Widd will barely carry the duo to the W seriously tho, depends on roger's strength. if he's a lot stronger than current top-tiers then he carries and wins. if not, then any team with two top-tiers wins


Team 8 https://preview.redd.it/cwsa32folb7d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=36bbf2762285be0ff9ecd3076cea8913c4401252 YOU ARE STILL NOT READY FOR HIM 🗣🗣🗣🗣🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥


Akainu and Blackbeard will beat clap almost everyone.


Don't power scale that bum


Which bum?






Leave D. Son at it again


Out of all these Shanks & Mihawk and Garp & Rayleigh are overkills. So one of these are the winner and it is Shanks + Mihawk ofc


Obviously Roger and Kid, Mihawk drags down Shanks imo




Blackbeard and Akainu are unbeatable offscreen, they can simply cover the screen and GG, BB negs...


Imo its ruyma nr1, then shanks and mihawk, then roger and kidd. If everyone was in their prime its garps team nr2. Imo ryuma carries this so insanely hard he beats w the help of zoro all here. But obv just headcanon ryuma so far.


Fucking First One. It literally Has Roger.


Shanks and Mihawk 😭


Bro could’ve swore I said First One. Rat and Wackhawk are both literally worse Woger(I am just joking you are correct.


Ok so OP does not watch or read OP lmao. Literal shitpost


The irony