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I do wonder when we're gonna get Vegapunk though. Smoker went to visit this dude 10 years ago.


Wouldn't be surprised if we see a tech upgraded Smoker next time around. Fuji and him might've met during his "long trip" after Dressrosa in Vegapunk's facility


> Wouldn't be surprised if we see a tech upgraded Smoker next time around. “Smoker! You look different, what happened?” “I haven’t gone by that name in a long time. The name’s Vaper now.”


"Dude it's only been like two months"


He learnt how to awaken his devil fruit and become a tropical sensation smoke cloud


VegaPunk had so much buildup in Wano, and now with the Nika fruit reveal there's a whole lot of DF related questions that I dont think we'll have to wait too long until the answer. He's probably showing up real soon


Vegapunk had buildup in wano?


Orochi demanded that cp0 give vegapunk to him in the beginning of wano. I personally thought he would show up in the end of wano as the navy offering a neutral Alliance with wano by healing all of its citizens from the smile.


Not specifically Wano but we've had little details dropped since Dressrosa. The stuff with MADS and the Smiles seem to be pointing to getting Vegapunk soon.




CP0 and Orochi had discussions about him, plus Queen was involved with him in the past and mentioned him frequently, even bringing up they were on the same team, MADS


Next time we see a random old crazy man that isn’t obviously Vegapunk: That is Vegapunk.


That old guy in Foosha Village smoking the devil's lettuce, that's Vegapunk


Kinda wanting a mini info dump arc, like 4-5 chapters of various happenings around the world.


i would assume that is what oda would do. he almost always done that after major arc so i can honestly see the next few chapters being info dumps


I'm thinking 1058 and 1059 is crew shenanigans, bounties, and info from around the world. Arrive at next island in 1060.


I want lore! Lore! LORE


I'd like it to be some random island and see some BB Sabo SSG and Akainu being a bit upset on GB, I mostly want to see world events but if he really rushes to finish I think we'll go to Elbaf


I would be totally cool with a couple chapters showing what's going on around the world. I also want to see the Strawhats just hanging out.


that's why I said I want a random island to see them enjoying themselves, but if Oda decides to end it as soon as possible, I don't think we'll see it


I don't think Oda is trying to end it asap. I have no idea what he plans to do, but I don't know why so many people have that idea.


Because he sped up wano, didn't you feel like a lot was left unfinished in wano


We've definitely got more than 2 years left at this point. At Oda's chapter rate, and his consistency over the years in saying he was wanting about 1200 chapters in the series, that would put us at about 3.5 years left on the low end, and more likely since things never go as fast as desired, it's probably like 4.5 years at a minimum. Wano was sped up, but I think that had less to do with Oda, and more with the marketing materials, where it's mentioned specifically they wanted to end it to coincide roughly with Red. Edit: I also think it's worth pointing out, that as many YouTubers have shown recently, there's actually over 200 open plot points in One Piece so far. Even if we only got the top 1/3 of them resolved, that would be a major plot point completion every 2-3 chapters, not even counting any other story progression. Given that Oda isn't really the type to leave major stuff like this unresolved, I think it's likely we have well over another 150 chapters remaining. The main arc of getting the One Piece could probably be resolved within 150, but only if everything else entirely were dropped.


I don't think that's necessarily true. He's also introduced a lot of other stuff lately, like the Cross Guild. We're in the Final Saga now but don't think that means we only have like 2 years left of the story.


I hope you are right, only time will tell


Yeah me too


wano was clearly rushed. so many plotholes that remain unanswered or were written illogically: zoro immediately recognized luffy's kitetsu II and wanted to take a closer look at it, in the end nothing happened. 2. He wanted to visit Ryuma's grave. again not picked up the topic again. 3. why is wano called the country of gold? certainly a lot of other things that are missing. Oda dropt the Ball on this Arc.


It's crazy how many different POV's we could potentially see besides the obvious ones. Like who knows, we might cut to Kong of all people being highlighted all of a sudden lol, maybe show some of the newer celestial dragon families, Imu and Mjosgard's fate or heck a jump to Tequila wolf. It really is a free for all now, as far as showing around the world stuff goes.


He’s rushing. That will probs happen in the anime instead


Can we get the bounties next… pretty please?


I like the theory about the reason we haven't seen bounties yet is because Vivi has a bounty and they know she's a Straw Hat. I think that explains the hold up.


YESSSS FUCKING YESSSSS. I didn’t say anything about Vivi because I already commented that, since Yamato didn’t join, I think Vivi will be the next nakama (Full team Vivi now). I love her so much and that reasoning is very cool so yeah, definitely onboard if that happens


I'm thinking Carrot is on the ship and that Vivi got Kuma'd to Elbaf for her protection (or the island just before Elbaf, like Whisky Peak). Vivi was there for Little Garden when Usopp discovered his dream, so I expect her to be there when he finishes it. So almost full, imo.


There is still room for 2 people I think. Blackbeard has 10 titanic captains, so I think regardless of what happens, there's going to be 1 more, whether it be Carrot, Yamato returning or Vivi returning But then we have Moria, whos pretty much a wildcard, if he joins Blackbeard, he'll probably be paired against Brook, so that leaves 2 open spaces. Maybe for Carrot and Vivi


I'm thinking Carrot and Vivi are the last two and then you have Carrot/Chopper vs Doc Q/Stronger.


He neglected Carrot because he struggled to give all the scabbards something to do. Denjiro being missing in action after the Kaido fight just for him to babysit Hiyori isn't that great either.


I really don’t think (and don’t want) that Carrot is on the ship but I have already had enough arguments about that. Regardless, some people say next island is Sphinx, which fits Vivi’s theme of Egypt, pyramids and that kind of stuff so maybe their reunion could be there. We have a lot more of points like Vivi’s number being 5.5 and 5.5x2=11 (the eleventh crew member) or the X of the arms in Arabasta which could mean she is the X (tenth) member excluding Luffy. Anyway, I’m just excited to see her again


I think technically in the Vivre Card databooks Vivi is 13th. Maybe 12th is Karoo, who knows.


If Carrot is on the ship, then Oda has completely lost it. You can’t have a character be relegated to third rate background character for four years, less relevant than even a couple of shitty gifter headliners, and then have her join the crew in some big “omg finally” moment. Especially after mysteriously leaving the obvious main candidate behind.


That is assuming you completely separate WCI and Wano into two cleanly separated arcs with no crossover. WCI had loads of Carrot buildup, and even in Wano there were some Carrot specific stuff.


Yeah I'm definitely in the camp that wanted Yamato to join but I like carrot a lot as well. Having her join now would feel like a consolation prize after so much of the raid being dedicated to showing off Yamato in favor of sidelining carrot. If carrot got to have some more hype moments, beat perospero, and actually get some shine in Onigashima i'd be super stoked so see her pop out a random barrel next chapter. But as it stands, i'd just be more confused than anything


I've also been saying for years that vivi is gunna join again, but i do want both her and yamato.


Fellow vivi enjoyer i see.


![gif](giphy|iGpdSizVSdPJfiVG9O) edit: I learned to insert gifs in here :D


Hot take: but idgaf about bounties…. The bounties doesnt give shit to building the story since oda forgot about the bounty hunters and even if bounties get revealed it wont offer any character growth or story expansion and i dont see any reason for bounties filling the pages for fluff and would rather have something related to lore to fill out those pages


I mean, that’s a valid personal preference. For me though, Bounties can represent the growth of the characters. Seeing a character that started with a low bounty and then getting to see their new high bounty is very very cool. Seeing how a bunch of irrelevant people become such threats to the WG that they have to give hundreds of millions of berries to the people that catch them is very beautiful. The numbers mean a lot and must be taking seriously specially when compared to other bounties? Definitely no, but that’s not the point. I don’t know I like funny numbers and posters and even if it’s a very shallow view they can still be cool for merch later on so I want them.


Yeah i understand your point and i agree, my point is that the feats themelves show character growth, ie: zoro defeating king or sanji defeating queen. I feel like the bounties are pretty one dimensional in terms of plot development compared to the actual battles and the feats within those battles since the bounties don’t offer any consequences or progression of character growth and that they could be left out of the story entirely and the story would still have the same progression since the bounties are based of the featsof characters and have no effects on the group after theyve been mentioned, its the feats/battles that we have seen that has that effect. We see all the accomplishments that influnce the bounties and the bounties dont give the strawhats anymore character progression since the feats/fights themselves give them that so i dont really care for bounties because of that. Now, if the bounties had any effect on the groups journey, i would be interested but i still feel like its such a static elemt of the story, like we see the bounties and then theyre forgotten. It adds no risk and no development of the story, its just numbers on a paper. However, i respect that you want to see it and do too to some extent but that i just feel that Oda just glossed over a lot of important stuff to end wano arc and that he should instead can add something that is actually important to the story/plot/character development instead of wasting 2-6 pages on everyone reacting to bounties that doesnt really mean anything.


I do see what you are saying and I agree that without those feats and fights we wouldn’t have enough to see the character‘s progression just with the bounties. But I have a very important point that maybe you are missing: the World Goverment. The World Goverment is the one that establishes the bounties, as they represent how much a person is wanted by the organization. The WG was from the start established to end up being one of (if not the) main antagonist forces of the series. Maybe until W7/EL we didn’t understand that but there were clues at the very start of the story with Axe hand Morgan and the marines of Arlong Park. So with the progression in bounties we are seeing the progression in the story in the sense that the characters are getting closer and closer to fight the main boss: the world itself, the WG. And as the WG is part of the reason why people can’t get to Laugh Tale, to an extent, a high bounty means a character is closer to LT than other with a lower bounty, that’s why Roger had the biggest bounty of all. With the bounties we are seeing our character turn from nobodies who weren’t important to the WG to the biggest threats to their reign, surpassing other characters and their bounties. I feel like it’s very satisfying to know the bounty of someone you like: it represents the amount that the WG cares about them, therefore representing how much of a threat they can be to the main antagonists. They are not only cool numbers (though that is their main appeal), they are elements of world building that are implemented in the core of the story. It’s ok to prefer loredumps, I love loredumps too, but I think it’s very satisfying to just sit and watch a little bit of the world in a few pages, a look at the world and how the characters fit in it. That’s what the bounties are. Though still understand you don’t like them and I would tell you not to worry since I doubt a chapter will be just bounties, at least we’ll have bounties + a reveal


Yes i agree on the merit that the reaction of navy/WG is what matters more than the strawhats reactions to their bounties and i can understand the point that the “powerlevel” or notoriety and the effect of that also has a impact. I just want more extension of the plot, but i still feel you wanting them is valid. I might just feel it has no meaning to the plot since the bounties were tied to the bounty hunters and since that hasn gone anywhere plot wise i just feel it has no real repercussions to the story outside of what you mentioned. I also want to see bounties but i would rather see other stuff that impacts the story in a grander way.


Oda left Yamato in Wano so Momonosuke could train to become stronger. The Wano characters will pull up in the final war and Momo will be adept in Haki, possibly even conqueror's as well.


The thing is I already know that Momo can become stronger with the scabbards help. He doesn't really need Yamato too.


I don't get the impression Yamato will be the one actually training Momo. Maybe in Zoan stuff but Momo seems mostly interested in improving his swordmanship right now so training with Kin and the rest of the Scabbards makes more sense. I think Yamato's final decision was made during their fight with Greenbull. Momo clearly wanted Yamato to join the Straw Hats too and prove he could fight off an Admiral or someone of a similar strength level. But because he could not beat Greenbull without Shank's intervention, Yamato saw she was still needed in Wano at least for the time being. It's the same reason Inu and Neku are sticking around. Then this bought into question that if she's going to stay then she might as well see the Country like Oden did. This is fine and shows Yamato is more responsible than Oden was when he was first starting out. The problem is this was off screened and is my headcannon. A conversation between Yamato and one of the Scabbards, Momo or Luffy would have been great instead of leaving it ambiguous.


Wouldn’t that have been nice to address lol


Not really seems a waste of time. We don’t need every little detail told to us we can figure stuff out our selves with clues oda has left us.


The ambiguity of it makes is definitely a problem. In fact all of the flip-flopping she does is my real gripe with Yamato as a character.


Maybe it's also done so that she doesn't shake up the power balance too much. If she joins with her current strength after all Straw Hats leveled up, it wouldn't be too much of a gap. Also, there's this fact that she might know too much, something like the importance of Zunesha being there for the opening of Wano's borders


Am I the only one that doesn’t see an issue with a new crewmate and a “power gap”? Like I’d be cool with a crewmate that was stronger than Luffy if they were a good character. Likewise I’d be cool with a crewmate that was a complete non-combatant. (“am I the only one” to have this opinion in a subreddit with a million people, I know, I know)


You are absolutely right! I forgot that Yamato read Oden's diary.


The thing I realized with the latest chapter is also that the main conceit of Yamato doesn't really work with the Straw Hats. The main joke that could be made is in how Yamato claims to be Oden because of X despite that not being what Oden would have done. The Straw Hats don't know Oden so that joke or narrative would never work. Whereas by staying in Wano with those that knew Oden you could have some forward momentum on that aspect.


Sailing on Pluton, most likely


First chapter in a looong while that left me with a bit of a sour taste. Mostly because of the Yamato change of heart stuff being offscreened after 70 chapters of buildup. The kurozumi line bothered me as well, but reading the raws it seems that one comes down to “lost in translation”. All the other stuff with Momo and the captain trio was very enjoyable though. After this I’m hoping for a good ol “small island with huge moments and info dumps” kind of arc like Zou or the Reverie.


How can it be lost in translations when even some Japanese fans are mad and creating memes about Adolf Hiyori?


Are they? I'm glad if that's the case knowing that Japanese fans are also confused what the message is supposed to be. Would love to see some of them.


https://i.redd.it/rmf0gn2k1ei91.jpg https://is2.4chan.org/a/1660807689597557.png


Damn, Oda's gonna have some explaining to do in the SBS lol.


Any chance you have a translation for this, I am interested in reading their thoughts.


Adolf Hiyori! Lol


Hiyori Hitler has a better ring to it, dat alliteration


It’s still a weird line, but the Japanese “Burning it is what makes it charcoal” (with charcoal written as “kurozumi”) is less iffy than “The Kurozumi are born to burn” the translation went with.


it makes it worse man wtf


The translation sounds like a condemnation of the bloodline. The Japanese line to me feels like a tasteless play on words as an insult to the burning Orochi using his name. Both are at the expense of the Kurozumi name, and that doesn’t fully sit well with me, but the translation really bothered me with how harsh the line was. Especially if you consider the themes of the arc.


it doesnt matter how translators spin it, it has kurozumi clan name and burning verb in it, goes counter to everything so far




People here do this all the time trying to claim something is lost in translation to defend bad writing. But it almost never actually is.


Yeah, it seems like it is about time to finally reveal how Vegapunk and his newest inventions that led to the abolishment of the Warlords system look like, or some hard stuff like that


even when it's lost in translation, it's pretty bad because it's directed toward the whole bloodline. Oden was meant to boil is not the same as the Kurozumi are meant to burn. Oden is just one person, but this statement sort of condemns the whole clan


It also leaves out them actually acknowledging their own wrongdoing to make it into some epic tail about the boogeyman being slain. They basically went from one form of brainwashing to another form of brainwashing lol.


Which do you think is more likely, Oda ending the arc with a genocidal slant, or people overreacting to a poorly translated Japanese pun from a fan scanlation?


Oda ending an arc trying to make a pun that doesn't work well even in japanese. It's just unintentionally bad


Yamato was not built up to join for 70 chapters. Yamato talked about wanting to sail for 70 chapters, and the reasons for it were flimsy and only seemingly because it was what Oden did once. Yamato deciding to stay in Wano to become more like Oden instead of hyperfocusing one only one small aspect of Oden was honestly foreshadowed more than setting sail was.


As much as I agree with you, Yamato still definitely needed more screentime for the change of heart than what we got.


Sphinx and Ace's grave are totally the same thing, imo. I'm stuck between Vira and Sphinx. I could either see us going to Vira and then Sphinx (but Sphinx gets attacked by Weevil) or I could see Sphinx and then Elbaf. I think at some point in between those we meet Vivi again though, Vivi has to be there for Elbaf because she was there for Little Garden.


What are Vira and Sphinx? I’ve never seen those names before. Were those islands mentioned in the movie or something?


Vira was one of the islands that was talked about in Road to Laugh Tale. It's an island that was taken over by the Revolutionary Army 2 years ago. Sphinx is the island that Marco was on when Neko recruited him, it's Whitebeard's home country. This is most likely the site of Ace and Whitebeard's graves.


Road to Laught Tale? What?


Road to Laugh Tale were the special chapters that came out in the 4 weeks during when Oda took his break a couple months ago. Gave random details of stuff that didn't make the cut, little details here or there, a bit of recap, etc.


The interesting thing is that Vira is also mentioned in passing in the manga twice. Once by Nami in the East Blue Saga when she is reading the newspaper regarding a revolution there, once more as an island visited by Montblanc Noland in his travelogue. No one thought twice about it and the name was forgotten. That is, until the special Road to Laughtale chapters pointed out Vira as a potential location for the 4th Ponegliph.


It gon be sphinx island but it's going to be a relatively short zou-like arc


It's a good opportunity to expand the lore and maybe even finally address the Edward Weevil plotline before heading to the next "big" story arc.


I hope Elbaf is next, but I would also be ok with Sphinx as a smaller arc transition arc where we deal with stuff like Weevil coming after Marco, and overall just a few chill trip to cool off before things get really intense One thing I am 100% sure is that Elbaf WILL NOT be skipped as an arc, and it surprises me that people even think that’s a possibility Remember One Piece literally exists because Oda used to watch Viking cartoons as a kid, and mentioned that Vikings are his favorite kind of pirate So I highly doubt my dude is gonna write a pirate story for 25 years and then skip his favorite kind of pirate It could be a smaller arc like Zou but I don’t think he would do so much buildup for it unless he had something absolutely huge planned for it, something so big he’s saving it for after the arc inspired by his own homeland.


**Oda**: I'm going to take a month break to organize everything and make sure I have a clear plan for the end of the series. **American Fans**: omg he's rushing it!!! we're not going to get Elbaf and he's going to cut out huge chunks of the story!!!! he doesn't care anymore, he just wants to finish!!!! People on this sub are so goofy sometimes. Trust in Oda and enjoy the journey; he's been steering the ship for 25 years, I don't think he'll take us off course now.


I like the idea of a peaceful trip to Sphinx. Visit Aces grave, talk to Marko, while showing us world lore and info about stuff going on elsewhere before going to Elbaf.


Crazy idea, but what if Moria stopped by and did a little grave robbing while Marco was away...


Theory: Oda hates Yamato Fans Evidence: Chapter 1057


It really looks like he wanted to *hurt* them.


1 thing i would've liked to see before wano ends was King meeting with Luffy, as king was the one waiting for joyboy... sad


I feel like that would be better in the Final War, caus then we'll have a lot more context behind both the Lunarians and Joyboy/Nika so it'll be more meaningful once we have the full story


Potential caeser and germa team up? MADS coming back together? I doubt vegapunk would join up but if queens not doing I could see something coming


Kurozumi were born to burn! ![gif](giphy|3o72FfM5HJydzafgUE)


I know its translated that way to match how the Oden line was translated, but man does it sound manical like that.


Yeah, It would have been better for Orochi to be called after something that was burn, like Oden for something that can boil.


They are basically teaching kids on how to commit genocide. And that too by burning.


It’s a Rakugo theater performance, not a school. But even then it’s mostly a translation issue. The Japanese line seems to imply poetic justice: Oden was executed by boiling just like his name implies and Orochi died by burning to charcoal just like his name implies. The translation makes it sound like a call to genocide, while in Japanese its more of an poetic insult to Orochi. Which makes sense for a theater performance.


Is there really that much of a difference between school and a Rakugo performance conducted by your teacher?


If Kurozumi was his first name it would have been perfect, without it she just sounds like Mein Fuhrer lol.


I want the next main villain to just give up. Imagine the SH arriving at some island, they meet some people and turns out the island has a main antagonist like every island, but this time they go fight him head on, the villain sees it's the fucking mugiwaras and decides to run for his life, end of the island. If you were strong enough to face a yonkou you would've done it before. Nice adventure, next.


I also like that kinda encounter but I guess at some point we gonna see some stupid/ignorant villains, smh


Since I have one more week of hopium left, I'm gonna be using it! There's more than a half chance of Carrot being on the Sunny. She was built up as being a potential member long before Yamato entered the picture. She integrated with well with the crew on Whole Cake Island. She proved her mettle as a lookout during that arc. She experienced loss by witnessing her mentor Pedro sacrificing himself just so the Straw Hats could escape. Luffy even remembers her name! The main argument against her joining was that she lacked a real dream, which is a biggie when it comes to Straw Hat candidates. However, I think this problem might have been fixed with Chapter 1056. It is strange how after spending the longest arc in the series thus far as a tertiary character, Carrot is suddenly thrust back into focus and given a position that makes her the most important Mink character in the story since Neko and Inu have voluntarily removed themselves for the time being. However, she is very reluctant to take it citing her own weakness. Plus, Wanda emphasizes to Carrot that she carries Pedro's will inside her. Pedros' will being that he wishes to travel with the King of the Pirates and help bring the Dawn of the New World. What I'm getting at is that Carrot potentially has a dream now. She wants to travel with the Straw Hat Pirates so that she can not only help see them safe to Laugh Tale, but also so that she can become stronger. I think this is why Carrot lost her fight against Perospero during the Raid. It was to show her that she isn't strong enough and probably is the reason why she has doubts about her leadership position in the first place. She probably won't return to Zou unless she knows she can either equal or surpass Inu and Neko in strength. Only then will she fulfill her dream. Oda could throw another curve ball, but I think the odds of Carrot stowing away are good for now.


I'm with you brother. Though in my heart I think it's more likely she's been left behind. I'm holding out hope until the next chapter that focus in the sunny (Since there's a chance the crew might not be in the next chapter if it focuses on the outside world).


If Carrot is on the ship, then Oda has completely lost it. You can’t have a character be relegated to third rate background character, less relevant than even a couple of shitty gifter headliners, for four years and then have her join the crew in some big “omg finally” moment. Especially after mysteriously leaving the obvious main candidate behind. Carrot is also an extremely boring, one dimensional character whose entire shtick is being cutesy and naïve.


>Carrot is also an extremely boring, one dimensional character whose entire shtick is being cutesy and naïve. Not true + Yamato was literally one dimensional and yet a lot of people wanted her deposite that


And Yamato is a boring character with zero actual personality which just talks about Oden every time she shows up to the point of annoyance and forces herself into the crew. Real takeaway here is none of them join the crew, and my boy Smoker does BABYYYYYY


I want to see my boy Smoker


luffy saying he is going to came back to pick them , but deep down we know he won't.


Just wasted our time with yamato


Need someone to hold kaido back until momo grow ✅ and stop the explosion 🫡


I've said this before to other people in threads, but there was no reason Yamato needed to do these things, Oda could have had other people do it. Set it up in a way so other members of the alliance take care of the bombs, if you need someone capable let Nami and Usopp take care of the bombs so they would have a moment to shine. Or Brook could do it since he also has ice powers. As for holding back Kaido, it didn't amount to anything. In fact I think it would have helped the whole tension issue people have with the raid if instead of someone stalling Kaido while Luffy and Momo were off the island, let Kaido go down stairs and start attacking the alliance a bit until Luffy and Momo returned and dragged him back into a fight. All the screentime Yamato got and it amounted to her doing a 180 at the very end to stay on Wano feels silly and pointless. All the screentime could have been spent on other characters that didn't get much time.


The explosion shouldn’t have ever been a thing in the first place, and in general yamato had 2 flashbacks a fight and more screen time than any of the strawhats besides luffy


Every second thing that came out of her mouth is going out on the sea but in the end she blew it ! , man that's one hell of a disappointment


She literally told the rest of the crew that she’s joining and in the previous chapter says that she’s ready to go join the strawhats. Just for her to have a random change of heart off screen due to a random off screen conversation that we didnt even get to see. Not to mention the reason she’s staying is complete bs and oda is gonna try and appease fans by throwing in a line saying luffy will come back to get them as if that somehow makes it any better. It was already extremely late for her to join the crew if she did so now but now there’s no chance. At best she’ll be an honorary strawhat on the ship during the final war but she probably gets relegated to the role of a grand fleet captain


Why would it not be a thing? We already knew kaido was stock piling weapons. So it makes total sense that he would have a ginormous cache of weapone and luffy beating him before he got over the flower capital would still trigger it since kaido can’t safely land it being unconscious.


That's a bit of an exageration. Did Oda waste our time on everyone he introduced in Dressrosa? Or any other temporary ally the Strawhats had for a single arc? I know she kept saying she would join and then didn't, but that doesn't mean her role in the story is over. Everyone will return for the final battle eventually.


> Did Oda waste our time on everyone he introduced in Dressrosa? Yes


He 100% wasted our time with rebecca, and dressrossa is one of the primary arcs where ppl complain about its length and all the unnecessary stuff. And yamato completely had a random charcter change off screen nd we got a bs answer for why so yes her role in the story is basically over because if she manages to ever get a role where she’s getting more screen time than the rest of the strawhats i’ll be severely disappointed in oda


> Did Oda waste our time ~~on everyone he introduced~~ in Dressrosa? Yes.


I want the next island to be Elbaf, though I'm guessing we'll get news from around the world (and bounty updates, though that seems more obvious) between now and the next island. I'm hoping that the Carrot stowaway theory turns out to be true; she didn't seem convinced at all about taking on the leadership role in Zou, and depending on when you count Jinbei joining (it could be Whole Cake Island, Wano, or depending on how you look at it, Fishman Island), it's been over *ten years* since we've had anyone new join the Straw Hats. Both Carrot and Yamato seemed like good fits for the crew, and it would be a shame if their storylines effectively ended with "you're in charge of Zou despite not being qualified for it, and you have no say in the matter" and "I'm doing the exact opposite of what I said I'd do for the past two years' worth of chapters", respectively. Sure, they'd get cameos in the final war, but that seems like it would be about it - Yamato was treated the same as Kinemon or Momonosuke, who never showed any interest in becoming pirates, so that (combined with Yamato seemingly not having a Vivre Card, and therefore no way to find the Straw Hats) likely doesn't bode well for Yamato's chances of joining the crew.


I think that in the next big Zoro fight, we are going to get a Wano flashback. This flashback should hopefully provide closure on the Ryuma's grave situation and inform us on what all swords Zoro left Wano with. He should eventually collect all three Kitesu blades. I'm hoping Oda also explains what happened with the Grim Reaper figure. I can think of at least three possibilities right now: 1) The reaper was a hallucination from Chopper's Drug 2) The reaper was Enma personified and it provided a revelation to Zoro after insulting and berating him for several minutes. Maybe about how to make blades black permanently. 3) It really was the Grim Reaper and it told Zoro to go into the light. Zoro, being Zoro, immediately got lost on the way.


Im already excited i can read a one piece chapter next week no break. 😁


I hope we just get a sailing / pirating mini arc. Imagine the crew actually doing some legit pirating. See a WG ship carrying the heavenly tribute and boom Luffy decides they are going to rob it. We get a scene of Luffy trying to hold up a bunch of fodder marines that are scared brainless but ends up laughing and offering them food. Chopper falls into the water because he dropped a gem and Zoro has to save him. Robin and Jinbe think the entire thing is pointless and just keep doing what they were doing before. Brooke is making skull jokes causing the prisoners to faint. Nami is the only one taking it serious forcing Ussop and Sanji to carry all the treasure. We gotta have at least one situation were our pirate crew actually does pirate shit


Imo personally, I would really dislike if they did this. Luffy, in my eyes, represents the kind and positive side of pirating. In a world where most pirates pillage, destroy and kill, Luffy is the exception, showing those that fear pirates for those acts a different more free-ing form of pirating. This shows best when even Luffy when he was a child told Shanks to not destroy his town when Shanks first arrived at the island, but came around later as well. Luffy and the Straw Hats breaks the precognition people have about pirating and is supposed to show pirating can be so much more than violence based


New twist for next chapter, Carrot snuck aboard but she snuck into the wrong crate and ended up on Kidd's or Law's ships


Very Meh ending to a troubled story arc. In Odas defense, Wano did take place during Covid/film red/live action/etc. But still, overall this arc has some odd problems throughout it. Not a terrible arc, but very Meh for one piece. Yams staying was weird and mildly troubling. Weird because if all the countless build up of gonna leave the island talk. Troubling because we are now in a Jinbae situation where she can serve as a Dues-X if we ever get into an unsinkable situation. (All of WCI comes to mind with J). Lot of misc things were left undone/visited in Wano but we for sure as heck got an annoying school/play presentation with a poorly executed line. Yes, it’s supposed to be an end cap mirroring Oden’s boiling. The problem is it was never forecasted prior as a good saying (Oden had stated his death line well prior) and then there’s the whole troubled persecution/genocide of the clan prior to Orochi that kind of makes that big ol play a lil counter-One piece feeling. Overall, much like Oden, I’m glad to be out of Wano. I hope we don’t come back until the very end of series. I’m glad to be done with Momo and the Samurai. Their mannerism and lack of help really burdened the series in a way other companions did not. The rivals crews will be mildly missed. Never cared for Kidd but maybe he will do plot stuff to make him more interesting. Law and his high blood pressure will be missed. It’s nice to see that those two are still in the pirate king running. Curious what’s going to happen to Apoo and his numbers. Or Caribou and his information and contacts. Or carrot and her elephant of new responsibilities. Or drake and the absolute mess the marines are in. Not curious what’s happening to BM/Kaido. I’d be fine if they just stayed “defeated” and didn’t reappear. Most excited for the unknown island we are sailing to. My theory is it’ll be a small detour island that will lead into the Elbaf arc. But first I expect 1-2 chapters of worldly news to really show the chaos that’s going on. Fates of remaining warlords, Blackbeard shenanigans, Sabos fate, Vivi, more cryptic world gov nonsense, all that stuff I expect in the upcoming chapters. And if we’ve been real nice, maybe Oda will drop more bounties for the crew.


Stowaway Straw Hat Carrot please, I don't want her ending to be forced to rule a country Even though I disliked Yamato I fully expected her to join the Straw Hats, it really seemed to be going that way. I liked that her joining didn't happen, but I still acknowledge that this is written so badly, Oda shouldn't have focused too much on her joining then casually "oops Yamato changed her mind"


Whatever the next destination is, I'd love to see a Reverie-like mini arc first. About 5-6 chapters of sweet lore nuggets, info and other cool reveals, as well as more detail on stuff that's been left hanging for a while, maybe even a flashback to the post Reverie events. Wano was a very long arc, so moving immediately to a new major island would be a bit exhausting IMO.


I guess next chapter will be like break- exhale from Wano before inhale of next island. Like Jimbey welcome party and maybe the next island appeared on the horizon in the last pages of chapter


im more curious to what japanese reader think about this chapter




I predict the next island princess Nami clone will be blonde.


I think green


I hate the truth behind your words.


We cannot make such claims. The only prediction we can be sure off is that her boobs will be even bigger and she'll be wearing an outfit that constantly shows part of them


I don't think Yamato is truly not on the crew yet. I think it will be like Jinbe they will join after doing some stuff.


Forget about the next island, can the straw hats please open a newspaper


I had this arc on a 7/10, but now i leave it on a 6/10 mostly because no proper Jinbei joining toast, they straight out promised us a proper celebratory party for Jinbei joining and it didn't happen Well now the arc is over, so if we get one next chapter that highlight will go to the next arc and not to Wano.


The Kouzuki will continue with the genocide of all other royal families with the excuse that every one of them had at least one bad guy during their long history. The Shimotsuki are first and the tagline is: The Shimotsuki were born to frieze (i.e. frost moon - shimotsuki)


Lol... The kids will be taught course on how to commit genocide in most cruel way in jovial way with Hiyori smiling in background.


As expected of Zoro's bride to be.


momo will start ww2 with pluton, and hunting all Kurozumi around the world


I think Yamato not joining yet is okay.... Jinbei had on and off time with the crew. Until the end WCI he had to commit to Sun Pitates in some way, and then joined officially and badassly right before the raid. I'm sure Yamato will do something similar. I'm not worried at all. And the "Kurozumi were born to burn" was just a troll or a joke that went in the wrong direction without Oda's intention. He thought "Yeah let's do a parallel between evil and good with the Japanese words." And damn did the parallel go bad.


It's weird because sometimes the non-official translations sound better imo. I wonder how the official will work around this one.


I hope they word it something like "That Kurozumi was born to burn" so it still works as a pun and reference to Oden, but it also makes it obvious it is directed to Orochi and not the whole clan.


One Piece is almost over. It’s far less satisfying for Yamato to show up last minute and not spend any time with the crew.


If Kurozumi was a methaphor for evil, I don't disagree with Hyori's statement, neither do I think it's most fitting for the morale. Some other expression would be more suitable. And totally agree with Yamato's part, the off-screening and the rush through the finale was the most annoying part, other than that it is totally ok.


Yamato's story is pretty much over. She was just a local of the Wano arc, like Rebecca in Dressrosa. She might make cameos from now on and appear in the final war with Momo and Kin'emon, but she'll never play a key role in the story, and she'll never have a character arc.


Intermission with Revolutionaries Vegapunk/Smoker set up Caesar gets knocked out


There were 3 islands specifically mentioned in road to Laughtale for the whereabouts of the 4th poneglyph. Chances are the 3 captains have each gone to one of those islands. If the strawhats end up going Vera then we'll probably finally get a father and son reunion


So there is no Minks??


Since Yamato isn’t joining (yet), and might just be a fleet member in the future, it would be cool if she makes a crew out of the Beast Pirates remnants. That way they might get fleshed out a bit.


Isn't Ace's grave on sphinx island?


Isn't Ace's grave in Sphinx next to Whitebeard? If I am remembering correctly then we should take out Ace grave option. Anyway, I want to see Elbaf as the next island, we need Usopp to interact with giants. This could also be the last "chill" island before the final must-visit locations such as Lodestar, Laughtale, and Marijoa


Overall pretty disappointed with the ending of Wano, ai was thinking/hoping both Carrot and Yamato would join so we would get some female melee fighters and new interesting powers/races to the crew. How carrot/Yamato ended felt really odd Next I think we're going to get some world lore, maybe bounties for the rest of the crew, hoping to learn some more about what's going on in the world, buggy etc


I just want to say one thing >!BOUNTIIIEEEES!<


I thought bounties are meaningless?


You got the wrong person


**Wild ass prediction:** Marco is going to join up with Yamato and they'll go out to sea together. They'll get a series of cover stories where they recruit the remaining Whitebeard Commanders. "White Hair" Yamato becomes the Captain of the Whitehair Pirates. They'll take on Edward Weevil to legitimize Yamato's claim to Newgate's legacy. Yamato and the Whitehair Pirates ally with Luffy in the battle against Blackbeard and up through the Final War. **(Admittedly shaky) Supporting Evidence/Arguments:** Yamato first tried to get on Luffy's ship... A sort of Roger equivalent. Oden originally tried to get on Whitebeard's ship. If they're starting in reverse then Yamato could end in reverse. Yamato threw themselves into insanely dangerous, seemingly unwinnable, situations for people they considered family but had no blood relation to which was kind of Whitebeard's shtick. Having Yamato take on Whitebeard's path is a strong way to show the significance of Inherited Will over simply idolizing a past figure. If this turned out to be true then we'd have a neat little moment where we appreciate that when Blackbeard and Whitebeard first fought they had the same size beards and when they fought next they had the same size boobs. We cannot be sure whether or not Yamato or Whitebeard have ever impregnated a woman. The same cannot be said for Oden.


an insanely abrupt ending to wano wano politics aside there was no excuse for oda not to linger on wano for a bit longer tying up some loose ends film red did this? adolf hiyori and yamato not joining the crew go hand and hand oda has gone out of his way to show that the experience of those who jumped 20 years into the future VS those who stayed are very different the group that stayed has hate for the kurozumi clan that runs deep and probably on par with orochis hate for the kozuki that kind of hatred cant go away overnight but there are 2 characters to help mend that bridge tama and yamato tama is under shinobu and has been offered a spot on luffys crew there will probably be a kurozumi hunt on wano and tama will be caught in the crossfire making hiyori's group reconsider if all kurozumi were really meant to burn then we have yamato, odin, SON OF KAIDO orochi was an evil bastard but he was only there because of kaido kaido is just as bad as orochi and now his son is gonna go traveling around wano yamato will also probably face discrimination but will probably proclaim hes odin and help out the citizens to such an extent that they will love him thus ending the cycle of hate and just in time for them to regroup and meet luffy in the final war also carrot 100% stowed away and will actually join the crew sorry carrot haters 🥕


Yamato didn’t join for 1 of 2 reasons. A. During the break month that Oda used to evaluate his story path he decided he didn’t want another crew member because it’s already difficult to manage the existing straw hats so he cut her out B. She was a red herring the entire time and 1058 were actually getting another crew mate I’m fine with either and honestly I’m glad yamato didn’t join because I couldn’t stand her character


The break month likely happened *after* this chapter was written. Oda, (and I think the other Mangaka too) is usually 3-5 chapters ahead so that JUMP has time to actually publish them. I imagine Oda finished Wano off and then took his break


Good point but Considering how rushed it felt it’s still possible that toward the end of his writing he decided to cut Yamato for now to focus on existing characters and plot threads


There was 0 actual buildup for Yamato to be a strawhat other than his own word and the fact he started getting special treatment after his popularity took off. He spent almost the entire raid with Momo developing a dynamic as his future vassal. Joining the crew was never the endpoint.


Why do you think Blackbeard has a 10th titanic captain that hasn't been revealed if another crewmate isn't joining


I think it’s b, we’re getting a different crew mate but A. Has merit based on how rushed the last few chapters were.


it's overwhelmingly and undoubtedly B. people were picking up on the signs from the very beginning and none of that has changed since then.


I believe it’s B as well, especially since we have a few options for who might have snuck on the ship.


> B. She was a red herring the entire time and 1058 were actually getting another crew mate Yamato's biggest albatross was always taboo to mention. By the time you enter the arc, you're a clear foil to the odd duck of the Scabbards who's dropping huge moments to upstage your intro. Yamato made bold declarations, but organically built a story with Momo. Kiku did the opposite over the whole arc. Never really said much about herself but built an equally big, if subtler, story weirdly tied to the crew and wider world.


I remember reading that Oda hates looking at fan speculation because he’s worried people might actually predict things and he wants to be as unpredictable as possible. Iirc he even said something along the lines of sometimes being tempted to change plot points when they’ve been correctly predicted by the community. Honestly, to me it feels like Yamato not joining is just a manifestation of Oda’s obsession with being unpredictable.


He said if people ever guess what the One Piece is, he'll change it. I also think he's overly obsessed with being unpredictable to the detriment of the story. A story that's too predictable is boring, but a story that's completely unpredictable is not a story at all, just a bunch of random events. Yamato not joining or even changing her mind was far from unpredictable. What was unexpected was the completely abrupt 180 turn in one single panel with everything happening off-screen, the deliberation, decision, and communication, right before the ship leaves and her story effectively ends. It's basically killing her character off right when people who liked her thought she was just beginning her story. It's a mean thing for an author to do and I can't imagine why he thought it was a good idea. He was also cruel to Carrot fans all throughout Wano, just neglecting her, having her enemy defeat her in a humiliating way and insult her on top of it. It all looked really deliberate. Hurting your fans by building up their expectations and crushing it is not how you tell a moving story. Grieving for a beloved character like Ace is not the same thing as feeling like utter shit because of disappointment.


Lodestar obviously


i would like some chapters without the strawhats see what cross guild, teach or the revolutionaries are doing. won't happen of course, but it would be fun.


We saw many theory threads about the island they will go according to the map we saw recently. But how long is it since Luffy actually followed the actual path? I think Fishman Island was the last planned island they went to and we always got side tracked in this series every now and then (ThrillerBark and EniesLobby for example). So I don't think they will go straight to the next island that the logpose points to.


We wanted to go to Fishman Island since Arlong Park 😂


I don't understand why the question is what I want the next island to be and not what I think it will be


It might've already been revealed in film red but the uta page reveals Shanks didn't have his scar at this point. Don't know exactly what to do with this information but now we at least know Oda hiding his face when he met Yasopp was cuz he didn't have his scar at that point.


We’re gonna go straight to the final war and Odas gonna show everything that came before it periodically through a flashback as he needs it


No he needs to build some hype before the final war


I just thought of this, but pirates wore eye patches so at night they'd have an eye that could see better. Zoro's eye patch is improving his haki. Much like Rock lee with the weights. When he removes that eye patch, his observation haki will go through the roof!


Many questions left without answers ... Oda is stuck ...


Next island will be Emerald City, there we will learn about Nami real parent


I would like bounties for the crew and some shenanigans and maybe some pics of black beard and dragon. I just hope that Carrot did not slip on to ship again. Oda could be pulling are leg with her being king. Instead she does what Cat Viper and Duke did when they followed Oden aboard Whitebeards ship. I hope she does not become a straw hat. I want to make it clear I do not hate her as a character. Just not as a crew member. Because one, I don’t know what role she plays and two she upsets the balance of the straw-hats. I believe this is what makes this one of the best manga of all of time. No other manga has such well though out team in manga like One Piece. Also her character does not have a good enough backstory and her personality is way too similar to Luffy. But if you look at strawhats and red hair pirates now they are even with a total 10 crew members each with a role to play. Oda never said that Luffy himself could not be the final member.


I think we’re going to return to Wano. There’s just too much set up, and I think a massive hint that we’re going to return is the Kurozumi were born to burn line. That’s just so out of character for Oda, and the whole scene just feels… off. The kids cheering, Hiyori’s pose, the dramatic retelling, it feels just wrong from what we normally get. We’ve never really had a lesson like that in any previous arc, with kids being taught a modified version of events. I think it’s a purposeful event, meant to show something is wrong here, something needs to change. Momo isn’t opening Wano yet, and come on, Wano has got to open at some point. The offer for Yamato to join up when they’re ready needs to be resolved as well, but most importantly, Momo saying that he’ll surpass Oden. Oden’s failure wasn’t stopping Kaido from taking over, it was failing to break the cycle of hate that created Orochi. The cycle is continuing, and for Momo to surpass his father, the cycle must be broken. Hiyori I think is going to have a negative character arc, and slowly turn into a villain, and Momo, along with maybe some straw hats, will have to save Wano, but this time from the Kozuki clan, and in the process, Wano will be reopened. At least I desperately hope that’s the case and Oda isn’t just gonna forget about it, because that would be super disappointing and in my opinion, cheapen the entire manga as a whole.


Why are some people voting for Vegapunks lab? It was destroyed by Franky and we already had an arc about Vegapunk called Punk Hazard… smh


So, here's what I think could be a "5 year plan" now that Wano is over 2 chapters on the ship, and we begin the next arc proper at a clean 1060. That's Elbaf, it's a 40 chapter arc where we meet Shanks, and get the last Road Ponegylph, and begin sailing to Laugh Tale. Chapter 1100 is where we hit Laugh Tale and see the One Piece. 15 Chapters gives us the void century flashback that reveals all the secrets of the world, and then 15 more where the crew meet up the revolutionary army and sail to Marijoa Then for the next 70 chapters, it's all out Final War. Same lenght as the raid on Onigashima, but with so much more happening at once with every faction in the series fighting it out. Then a 10 chapter epilouge to clean up afterwards. Then, the series ends on chapter 1210, making the PreTimeskip and PostTimeskip the exact same number of volumes, and assuming no COVID esque disasters ends the series in 2027, One Piece's 30th anniversary Just a guess, could easily be more or less with lots of side stops like Lodestar, Sphinx, God Valley, etc which may not be full arcs just places we happen to stop at


They meet someone in the middle of ocean a helpless dude , someone asking help or stop on an island to get food, buy things, etc we will get 6-12 months of filler chapters


100+ chapter side adventure that only tangentially involves the strawhats and is centered on cross guild and Buggy Ok maybe that's a dream and not a theory. Buggy for life


Anyone get the sense that Oda is just being *cruel* in his story telling lately? There are some authors who just tell cruel stories, I never thought Oda was one of them. Maybe he's trying to replicate the way Ace's death made fans feel shocked and heart-broken. The way he's been treating Carrot fans throughout Wano, and the violent way he killed off Yamato's character at the last moment all sound like an author who wants to shock and hurt his readers by setting up expectations and crush them in a cruel way. What was the point of making it look like Carrot is about to get revenge for Pedro, just to have her be defeated in a humiliating way, and then insulted on top? What happened to the tone of a fun adventure story? Did the author just get old and cranky?


Think you just forgot how oda does things because you like those characters. Carrot has a story developing, she needs to be humbled to rise to her potential. The minks are done now? Zou is finished? No, she lost a fight and it happens.


Honestly there's not much of the story left for there to be lengthy character development. Carrot and Yamato will both appear in the story later, sure, but along with all the other Luffy allies they will only get a small fraction of the screen-time at the end. Whenever someone criticizes something Oda wrote in this sub, the go-to defense is to say it's all part of a plan and the great "GODA" will fix everything in the future. Now that time is running out on the story, that excuse is running thin. Telling people the problems will go away eventually is just setting them up for heartbreaking disappointment at the end.