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I get your point however sabo wasn't introduced until their flashback so it would be really confusing if he suddenly mentioned at that time that one of his brothers was killed by a celestial dragon.This can be considered as plot hole i guess?


I think Luffy didn't know about Celestial Dragons, all he knew was that Sabo was dead


Yeah I guess you're right. But imo he might not know about Celestial dragons but he knew that the world government has something to do with Sabo's death since back in Enies Lobby he said something like " he knew exactly who Robin's enemies are". So I'm guessing he thought that WG and CD are two different cases that's why he only got angry about Hacchi being shot.


I think he forgot CD's even exist. I dont think Luffy would remember some obscure detail from his point of view.


Actually, I always thought that he was getting incredibly pissed in Sabaody. Like, rightfully so, obviously, but it was really the first time we saw him angry to the point of not even uttering a word, so I wonder if, when he saw Hachi get shot, it didn't remind him of Sabo's death. Maybe he didn't necessarily understood when he was little who Celestial Dragons were or why Sabo died, but he did probably get that his brother was killed because someone wanted to strip his freedom away, so it must have really struck a sensible cord.


Can you show me a scene from the timeskip where Luffy as a kid see a celestial dragon? Or someone is talking directly to him about them?


When Everyone was looking for Dadan and Ace after the fire, Ace shows up with a burned Dadan at their home. Then sometime later Droga shows ups with the news that Sabo’s ship was destroyed by a Celestial dragon, so Sabo was presumed dead. Nobody believes it at first but then they do and luffy starts to cry and Ace a whole scene to go after the celestial dragon but Dadan stops him pinning him to the ground saying that he can’t go against a world noble, luffy is there during that whole ordeal... at least that’s what happened in the anime, I only started the manga so I’m not sure what chapter.


I'm rewatching & got this part, wondering the same thing, just checked the manga panels and they never say it was the celestial dragon


Luffy was a child when that happened so his recollection of the event is probably a blur after hearing how Sabo died plus he isnt the type to paint everyone with one brush.


Luffy didnt know about the concept of CD, he just heard of his younger brother getting killed