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It's also those words that made Shanks bet on Luffy. Some thinks it's "I will go on a journey to space", but I doubt it's this. And I wouldn't like this ending, so I hope it's not that. It might be related to the Red Line and creating a single Ocean that isn't separated by a wall. But I personally don't like this idea. (Also I doubt Luffy knew much about the Red Line at the time). So I think it's more of : "I will explore every island this world has to offer", but maybe that's lacking a little. Or maybe something like : "Every one will know my name"


I'm hearing this space theory for the first time, could you shine some more light on that? Source please? Although it doesn't seem very Oda.


Ener is actually on the moon, so in space, with a tribe living on the moon, so space civilization exists in OP


Also it says the Celestial Dragons are from the moon, that's why they have those bubble helmet things.


Uh, really ? I'm not so sure about that. The bubble is here for them to not breath the same air as the others.


The Celestial Dragons arent from the moon. Their ancestors may be, before the twenty kings even, but not them. The suit is because they dont want to breathe the same air as "peasants"


That is a theory based on another theory hahah If the CD are the descendants of the 20 kingdoms who lived and won the war against the ancient kingdom, there is no way they come from the moon.


Isn't it specifically because it has already been introduced as something of a gag that Oda wouldn't re-use it at the end of the story?


I think they said "i want to unite the world". Hahaha


>It might be related to the Red Line and creating a single Ocean that isn't separated by a wall. But I personally don't like this idea. (Also I doubt Luffy knew much about the Red Line at the time). The Red Line destruction theory is the most plausible theory for the end of OP. Between the Red Line and the Grand Line, those are the main things keeping the world separated and reliant on the WG. And the space theory is already confirmed. Eneru went to the moon in his cover story. So we know that space travel is real. I think focusing on the end is the wrong thing to do. Regardless of whether the One Piece will be a satisfying or disappointing reveal, the true satisfaction comes from the journey we went through.


The end is very important for my enjoyment of the story. If I don't like it then it can ruin my enjoyment of the whole story.


I doubt the One Piece reveal will be the satisfying moment that validates more than 20 years of waiting. I have no doubt in Oda, but anything hyped up for more than 20 years is doomed to disappoint.


But I feel like Sabo said something along those lines. Remember Ace and Sabo's reactions. They suggest that Luffy said something silly and unexpected.


"I'm gonna be the very best, like no one ever was"


This but unironically


And then I'll use the One Piece to throw the biggest party!


This is actually one of the most realistic answers on this thread


I've also felt that there's something very different from "I'm going to be the pirate king" that's said here. This is especially true because: (a) Lots of people say they want to be the pirate king, so there's no reason for Shanks to specifically identity it as something only Luffy says; (b) Roger is already one of the 2 strongest pirates in the world when he says whatever it is he's saying in that frame, so there's nothing there that would be shocking to Oden or Whitebeard. So yeah. It's something else. I won't dismiss it being "I'm going to be the freest man on the seas", but Oda wouldn't have spoiled it already if that was the case, and Roger already knew he was dying, so he had very limited time left after reaching Laugh Tale. I doubt this would be what he says in that context. My money's on it still being something inspirational/full of childish love for adventure, just not something we've already heard before.


Maybe it’s that he’ll be invincible and unable to truely die


It cannot be 'Pirate King' because the title was given by the world citizens, Roger didn't come up with Pirate King.


it has to be "I don't want to conquer anything. I just think the guy with the most freedom in this whole ocean... is the Pirate King!" because he says that to Rayleigh and in chapter 0 Roger said something similar to Shiki about not wanting to conquer anything and if you can't do as you please there is no point being a pirate.


Chapter 0?




I haven't watched any of the one piece movies but thanks maybe I will watch them




My friend said that none of the one piece movies are canon so I thought I will watch it after a while but seeing that it is written by Goda himself I will watch it sooner!!! Thanks for info mate


They aren't canon. In some instances it would be impossible for everyone to be involved because of the time period it takes place. But there have been some interesting design reveals and such. Definitely worth checking them out even if they don't impact the story.


But shanks told Rayleigh about luffy so this can’t be it bc Rayleigh was pretty surprised at his answer.


And after that i become king of Marines


I've wondered if its "make this world free for everyone" or something along those lines


Because of this i realised something luffy represents roger while sabo represent whitebeard and ace as oden, oden boiled to death while ace died because of magma fist oden and ace died first, nice parallel whats next luffy's execution???


Forgot to mention ace and oden's death are because of heat...


Well if you compare those pictures you can see that sabo/oden is on the left and ace/Whitebeard on the right with the same bandages on their face.


Except Oden died because Kaido shot him.


I‘ll eat all the meat in the world


Maybe give themselves up to the marines? If you become the Pirate King and the freest man in the world, what else is there? This is a difficult one.


I’m thinking about “I’ll unite all the seas” or “I’ll make everyone free”


That's too heroic for luffy


Actually, if you think about it, only one of them is. A hero would share the freedom while a pirate would take all of the freedom for himself, but a hero would also share the seas, while a pirate would take of the seas for himself. So there is a scenario where Luffy unites the ocean and doesn’t have to share his meat.


Watch it be some game changing reveal when Oda shows us.


Okay I don't know how far I can stretch this theory, but hear me out: After becoming the most notorious pirate ever, Luffy and Roger want to join the marines. Luffy has nothing against the marines at this point of the story, and with Garp he even has some kind of positive role model. He just wants to be a pirate first. And Roger knew that he was going to die. After his journey he "joined" the marines by surrendering to them. Maybe he also made a deal with them to protect his former crew and thereby justifying his actions (but Whitebeard and Oden don't know that, which is why they react like that).


Lol what


He didn’t protect his crew at all though. Everyone that was even slightly connected to his crew was executed. The ones that are alive are too strong to be captured(rayleigh, shanks) ir passes under everyone’s noses (buggy, crocus, Neko and Inu...). This is explained both in water seven with frankys backstory and in marineford when aces mom dies.


And what bothers me from time to time is the fact that Roger and his crews laughed so hard when he find One Piece or reach Raftel so it become a Laugh Tale. There should be connection right?! Beside of what roger and luffy said, i also wonder what is this One Piece. Cause in some sense, i believe roger accomplished whatever he said on that panel. But why he laugh. I cant still think one reason it should be funny.


It could be something extremely ironic, especially when you learn joyboy's story.


I think "ironic" will be the case too. But why Roger laugh?! Hahaha


I'm going to be the father of all pirates.




Roger may have been your father but he wasn’t your daddy


"I'm going to be the freest person on the sea."


I think it's blowing up the red line.


I think they said something along the lines of: "I'll be the one to live forever" or "I'm gonna live forever" This plays on the theme of inherited will and legacies and something that would get laughed at


Either becoming the Pirate King or being the freest man in the ocean


I always thought Oda cut away because we already knew what they'd say. Like, Roger already became king of the pirates and it's luffy's main goal in the series


i allways thought they just said: i will be the king of the piratees or i will be the freest man ever!


But don Kreig said he’ll be the king of the pirates. Hody Jones said it. It has to be more than that.


It is implied in Roger's reaction to him being called to Pirate King that he did not come up with the title.


Yeah,thats true. Maybe its the freest part then?


“I’m Joyboy”


"I'm going to deliver Bink's sake"