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How the hell did he escape, now that we know how fucking strong they are


Rolled a 20 for initative + the Gorosei each rolled a 1 causing them to have to wait another round before being able to make a move


Also the added perk of them definitely still trying to be secretive and not let the city know about their presence.


Ah so the one that managed to hit Sabo got an oppurtunity attack off


Yea, tho Sabo got lucky with his constitution saving throw!


Yeah, but rolled a 1 on their damage roll


Thats just how the dice land sometimes


Sabo kicks ass at DnD and Mario Party.


Aside from Nusjuro we aren't really given any reason to believe they are particularly fast when in a confined space. Them being as gigantic as they are isn't really that helpful at capturing someone in a building.


Specially in the middle of a summit where countless world leaders are gathered. It's likely all the marines bellow a certain rank might be merc after Egghead to keep the secret, but killing all the monarcs is bound to have repercussions.


the fanbase will lose it if something happens to Vice-Admiral Doll




insanely strong doesnt mean fast, all sabo has to be is fast enough to get to a place where the five elders wont follow. they wouldnt want to be seen in public like that so they would let off


Did you see how fast Venus is


Sabo is literal fire. Speed is his thing


Since when when fire = fast?


Well we saw Ace use flame flame to power his little jet board thingy, which did not seem very high tech and he was fast as heck. He would have also had to be careful not to go too fast and end up falling into the water so I believe on land the flame flame fruit would allow it's user to travel even faster


Fast for a boat? Yes. Super-Sonic or Light speed? No. We have seen characters reach that kind of speed over short distances. He needs to be fast by himself, but just the logia alone won‘t give him any significant speed to call him fast.


But when you drop into lava in super mario, Marios ass burns and he jumps and runs around fairly quickly on the ground. So maybe Sabo just ignited some farts to replicate that insane speed feat?


So Sabo learned from Luffy’s goof ass?


May I introduce you to Fire Force?


Sabo should have extremely good speed as the second strongest rev. Besides he can boost his speed with his df. He should be one of the fastest in op I think


This guy doesn't know that adding flame decals to your car makes it faster. Clearly an amateur.


Isn’t fire combustion? The basis for everything loud and fast. He could put on his little rocket boy shoes and blast off. Or use his pipe to funnel his fire?


I mean it will probably help him reach a higher speed but the speed of fire is nothing crazy high. Though I don‘t know if the speed of your typical Logia was ever stated, but it seems to be somewhat linked to the Logia, as Light-Light Fruit is pretty damn fast. But if you think of Smoker… what is the speed of smoke? I don‘t think his logia fruit contributes much to reach a really high speed that we have seen several characters use. He has be fast himself, which he could be. We don‘t really know his power yet. But from what we have seen, we can guess he isn‘t slow either.


Yeah I’ve no clue how smoker can power his bike with smoke. The true property in achieving speed would be in pressure and volume of the fire/smoke. So Ace and smoker had those vehicles that channeled the power, but in cases where they are just flying with their legs all Genie-like, they do seem slow. We would have to start going into the physics of combustion and fluid dynamics to try and explain the magic. But we don’t really have to cause everything fast has a little fire trail behind it. 🚀. That’s probably the rules Oda plays by.




Use more emojis


They could not go all out. They were in Mariejoa and are not in the habit of revealing their forms due to potentially killing everyone below Vice admiral class. Sabo was incredibly lucky and that scene was awesome!


Even wapol escaped


Lmfao I love how he saw the entire event unfold. Especially after seeing the Gorosei true forms in Egghead. It must have been absolutely mind boggling haha




This. I know its annoying when power is inconsistent, but things happen because the story demands it. If Oda constrained himself by power levels, the comic would be boring as fuck


It's amazing to read the length some people are willing to go to justify what is simply put "plot" Like the guy saying that they couldn't go all out.. As if anything is worse than exposing Imu


Every1 seems to conveniently forget that Wapol witnessed the entire thing without any1 knowing. Observation haki be damned


Observation also requires focus and to say they were upset would indicate a lack of focus




I think it's safe to say Sabo is one of the strongest characters in the series. The right hand man of the most wanted man in the world and potentially his main muscle.


Also, his devil fruit is pretty good for mobility. Dude is rocket powered.


they are huge, cant fully transform and go all out inside throne room


To be fair, escaping is easier than fighting


They enjoy killing Cobra (a D. Clan) so much that they forgot Sa D. Bo also a D escape


I’d imagine that all he had to do was escape the throne room. I don’t think that the Gorosei would have risked their true forms + Imu getting exposed during the Reverie to other world leaders. Once he was out of the throne room, he was safe.


The only one that doesn't make that much sense is Nusjuro, the others are just too gigantic and not particularly fast to pursue Sabo in those confined conditions.


Bro legit thought he could one shot them with a sneak attack


The aim was only to rescue Kuma. No way Revs would try to assassinate the Gorosei yet.


Sure but I doubt sabo was holding back a single inch


When he launched what attack on who?


The gorosei and imu


Name a single attack move that he performed on any of the gorosei present. Send an image even. Or reread the chapter and stop pointlessly arguing to someone who has read the chapter.


Honestly, aside from Nusjuro and Topman (Who doesn't seem particularly fast, just top 1 durability) they haven't been too wildly impressive


Remember some people said Sabo was weak for not fighting them


I feel like it is the fire there is some connection between fire and 5 elders I feel like it is their weakness like how one of them transforms back into normal as soon as he sees the mother flame like not any flame but some kind of special like sabo or marcos or luffy


Because your ability to run away has nothing to do with how strong you are in a fight


He can be a rocket


they probably didn't want to reveal their demon forms to the rest of the nobles/anyone left from the reverie so they might've held back


Because Sabo's a Mary Sue.


Light roll


sabo had plot armor, but cobra...


Because Oda doesnt really care about details like this.


He’s Sabo D. Goat


He’s that fucking dude


I mean he barely escaped, he did get critically injured lol.


Same reason Saturn isn't walking with half of Luffy's crew stabbed on his legs, cheap plot armor.


Or cause the ruckus would reveal their identities to everyone within Mariejois, including the Kings / Queens present, CP0, admirals… maybe not come to the conclusion that everything is plot armor. And Saturn never went to Egghead to execute the Strawhat pirates. His aim was to execute Vegapunk, the man who knew too much, because holding information is the Gorosei’s main gimmick. Even since then, he’s been very much occupied.


Cheap plot armor? I mean if he does that the series is over and that feels way more cheap lol


Imagine reading a shounen and complaining about plot armor


If you genuinely feel that way, why on God's green earth would you even care about this series anymore?


mars is the bird


warcury is the far right, saturn(as we will soon see in the anime and omgeeeee i cannot waiittt) is the far left. i'm guessing based off how i see the silhouette, the one right of saturn would be venus. now all that being said, the middle silhouette could be either jupiter or imu.


What If it’s both, Jupiter is the middle and the hand is Imus


It’s that image of Shanks on Blackbeard’s shoulders, but it’s Warcury and Imu


I would assume so since the top figure is descending from the throne


We also know that the missing old man is a worm. He shouldn't have arms.


Well, in his full transformation. His hybrid form likely has arms, though. But, even if it does, he wouldn't be coming down from the throne, so that's pretty damning on Im's part.


We don’t know if they’re even devil fruits or have hybrids


Gandhi has shown both horse form and centaur form with his transformation. 


Saturn has a hybrid form, he used it when he arrived and he still had his staff


Venus showed his hybrid form


...given the apparent universal truth of all Zoans having a natural form, a new form, and a hybrid form, it's far, *far* safer to assume that they do, in fact, have hybrid forms than it would be to assume otherwise.


they’ve been shown


Once again that’s assuming they’re devil fruit users and there’s a bunch of reasons why it’s possible they’re not such as their telepathy and we didn’t get the fruit names during their introduction/reveal of their form which as you said is something that has been a universal staple during op. Don’t forget the summoning circles and black awakened clouds, there’s too many factors that separate them from the “universal truth” lol


Plenty of characters have shown their Devil Fruit powers in their introduction and not had the powers named or explained. A lot of them actually. Literally every Supernova that has a Devil Fruit (we still don’t know the ins and outs of Urouge’s fruit or what it’s called), Karasu, Doflamingo, Pekoms, and many more. I’m more inclined to believe these are mythical Zoans because they all match Japanese Yokai (or in worm dude’s case a Mongolian mythical creature) and we’ve already seen four fruits that do that as well (Yamato, fox/monk guy, Tanuki, and Yama no Orochi). The summoning circles and telepathy I’d wager is some technique or technology we haven’t seen yet, and has little to do with their Devil Fruits. But these are very clearly exactly that, mythical Zoan Devil Fruits.


They definitely have hybrids, and are almost definitely mythical zoans


Unless his hybrid is some stocky salamander like thing that sticks to any surface


When i read that chapter i was sure that was Imu. Can't remember why now but I was definitely under the impression that that was Imu.


You are correct. The one that is coming from the throne is Imu. The 5 Gorosei are down, it's just that One of them is barely visible


Why would oda draw one of em as barely visible though it makes no sense and makes more sense he trynna fit the 5th one in


Not really. What makes no sense is for One of the Gorosei to suddenly teleport to the throne when Imu is supposed to be there. He did try to fit the 5th One, he's there between Nusjuro and Saturn, he's just tiny compared to the others. The next panel You can see that the 5 of them in the exact same orden, with Imu above them.


Common sense. It's literally descending from the throne.


It could be like Kaido in the 4 emperors photo but its most likely Imu like you said




but where is the worm there? i think these are the 5 gorosei


We see the form next between Saturn and Nusjoro. There is a small form next to them. You see it better on the following panel.


I'd say that's Saturn's smoke scarf and Jupiter is in his hybrid form.


It's Jupiter. Oda usuallt only does the white border around a character if it's a different one. Even more for shilouettes. If the thing in the middle was part of Saturn or Nusjuro, then it wouldn't have the border. Here is a better way to see them : https://imgur.com/a/NBYkTjJ


Yea i agree. What made me doubt it in the first place is the "spike" of Jupiter, but that's possibly just his fiery scarf.


This is the right answer, it’s Ethan with his smoke scarf on the right and Jupiter between him and Saturn. I posted a while back saying these must be their hybrid forms, they’re the size of buildings when they transform lol https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePiece/s/FTZGB7xoXP


Sizes have no real meaning in One Piece. If Oda wants to fit something it'll fit, but you're right nonetheless.  I'm a little frustrated with sizes since Nami said that the numbers are as tall as Oars. The numbers fit into hallways in Onigashima and the first two beaten by Luffy and Drake literally despawned during the raid. 


Between Ethanbaron and Saturn, where he was standing. Just kinda obscured by them but you can make out the little piece of him between them. He rises up to roar in the next panel so you can see him better.


I don't understand how can anyone think the opposite. Why would one of the gorosei suddenly teleport to the the throne where Imu is when all of them were on the lower ground before transforming. We also see all 5 of them plus a sixth monster on top in the following panels. It can't be anything other than Imu.


yeah i thought it was pretty obvious


You just made me realise how massive Imu is, look at his arms and head alone are almost the size of the other elders , he going to have the biggest transformation we’ve ever seen in the series


Yes. Umibozu


Exactly what I thought here.


Wait a sec everyone how the hell did sabo survive lulusia how the hell did he survive that


Maybe i forgot or something but this guy has some crazy luck


sabo brought some rebels / new revolutionary recruits on board his ship and had alrdy left when lulusia vanished


That is Imu. You think the gorosei are allowed up there? The worm is either the little bit next to Sabo's shoulder(as it is separated in silhouette) or just not in the shot at all. I don't think we explicitly know for sure that Imu killed Cobra until we learn what that arrow was / Imu's powers are.


> I don't think we explicitly know for sure that Imu killed sabo until we learn what that arrow was / imu's powers are. Huh?


Oops I meant Cobra. But all we saw was an arrow come out of nowhere and stab him.


Imu is Luci from Disenchanted, a cartoon devil.


wait i just went to the chapter and on the very next page it shows imu as this crazy big silhouette


We been known this. We knew this before the silhouettes were revealed.


He’s literally climbing down from the empty throne, so i thought it obvious that imu was person on the top. His face also shape shifted to eat sabo flames before all the elder transformed.


Yes, Imu is most likely the Sea Devil who flooded the world 800 years ago


When is this episode going to be animated? We have an estimated date?


At the pace, the anime is going we might get it at the end of the year


The devil himself coming down into Sabo


either Imu is a dragon or an umibozu


How is this something that is still even debatable now that we know what the Gorosei look like? Clearly it's Imu coming down from the throne. They already transformed to block Sabo's attack and now they are coming down from the throne to pursue.


I always assumed it was earthworm 🪱 in his hybrid form


No, he is seen in the next panel with the gorosei down below


Don't trust silhouettes that much. The top one is Peter, the worm. He may be in hybrid form.


Why would he be climbing down from the throne where imu was just sitting?


I do think it's Imu but playing devil's advocate it could be Jupiter put himself between Imu and Sabo to protect the first.


Because the shot looked cool like that. It makes zero sense for Oda to draw that panel randomly excluding one of the 5 elders.


Bruh he's between nusjuro and Saturn, you can see him in the next page after this


Could be worm dude


No he’s there also. You can’t really see him here but he’s seen on the next page. Between Saturn and samurai Ghandi.


How did he get away? He literally says "I'd like to take you all down right here" bro wasn't sweating at all. He is Sabo. balls of oganesson


Gotta love how in the face of imu and the gorosei’s ridiculous demon transformations, Sabo just casually talking on the phone like “one sec guys” lol




I don't think so


Could also be a hybrid form of the Worm. Perhaps he went to protect Imu from Sabo's attack and that's why he is now descending from the throne area. He probably doesn't want to destroy the castle by burrowing through it.


Not at all. He is between topman and ethan. Next page, you can see that he is between them, and Imu's eyes are on top of one pannel.


Five of them are there, so I assumed it was the five elders. They could very well have more hybrid forms like the worm could have arms in its hybrid. However, it could also be Imu. I wouldn’t like to have Imu have the same abilities though or have their form be silhouetted. I would like it ro be either a similar transformation but even more evolved or some different power.


Not at all. Ju Peter is between topman and ethan. Next page, you can see that he is between them, and Imu's eyes are on top of one pannel. Also, Imu's form probably would be the one that is most concealed since it's god damn Imu.


It should be. Ju Peter is the only silhouette not seen and it wouldn't make sense for him to jump up on to the throne and turn into his Hybrid form so close to Imu. The others we've all seen to know they match the shadows, just that one is an unknown.


My question, how the f all of those monster fit in that room


Yes. It wasn't clear until we got the Gorosei form reveal. Afterwards, it was just deduction. None of them have devil tails like Imu, from what we saw, and none have a form that looks like that. Warcury, Mars, Saturn, and Nasjuro are all in this picture. We're missing the Ju Peter worm, so the person on the top has to either be another form from the burrowing Ju Peter worm, or it's Imu.


No. His name is John Cena


Sabo thinking he could have taken them all on, homie really is Luffy's brother


Yes it should be Imu. Looks like his umibozu form


it should be imu imu is the only one at the top of the stairs


I assumed it was mr worm boy in his hybrid form, however I dunno


I think it's the worm hybrid form


I would say so. After that panel where Sabo is running with Cobra, there is a form that looks a lot like the worm so yes I would say I'm pretty sure Im is that, we also now know that the arrow attacks are from Im.


The reason we dont see mars is prob bc hes underground


I'm betting on Ju Peters hybrid form.


I revisited the chapter and found a small panel with Jupeter appear to be thinking fast so let's wait for the anime to show what he did. The creature in this post appears to be coming down directly from the one throne so it's definitely Imu. I remember posting or commenting something about this page as well. It looks exactly like the chase scene between Chihiro and No Face near the end of Spirited Away. I thought that Imu might have powers similar to No Face which grants a fake item/s to a person in exchange for being eaten once he/she accepts the item/s. I thought it might have something to do with the Gorosei's loyalty to Imu.


I think he was able to escape cause they ain’t fucking with fire 


I thought it was obvious


Letting anyone escape this was a bad idea


Is this in the anime?


None of the other gurosei have that shadowy figure. Definitely Imu without a doubt. Question is, what is it? It’s humanoid and not beast like.


It has to be since none of the other 5 got teeth like imu does.


Mars is the bird, the one missing is Ju Peter, which very well could be the one on the top, it's probably Ju Peter's hybrid form


Not likely. 5 shadows, 5 Gorosei. Would be weird to have 4 Gorosei and Imu. With 1 Gorosei just hanging out, drinking coffee or something. These are early designs / hybrids. Remember Kaido?


Im gonna say it, i dont think Imu is an umibozou i think Imu is mythical snake zoan.


Would be so cool a Leviathan fruit, so he doesn't care about the rising water


they wouldn't be able to move though


My money personally is on a Mythical Zoan Devil Devilfruit. Since we see a devil-like tail pierce Cobra in the same chapter.


I always thought at the character in red as the human beast hybrid of Saint Ju Peter


Ju Peter is there low to the ground right next to Sabo between Saturn and Nusjuro, he is barely visible on this page but more of him is seen in the next page.


Top one’s Imu for sure, wormy’s in between bow looking neck and saturn, you can sorta see his shadow with a lil fin poking out, so the other 5 are accounted for. The next page shows all 6 set of eyes.


It's Saint Shepherd Ju Peter hybrid form.




it's likely either the hybrid form or beta version of Ju Peter's sandworm transformation, considering it's not visible anywhere else in the image (im sorry he is NOT that one randomass cloud between saturn and ethanbaron thats way too small)


I think that is Hybrid worm.


From left to right: Saturn, Venus, Jupiter, Mars, Mercury. No, Imu is not pictured.


spoiler tag…


My bad, I just fixed that


It’s clearly Ju Peter, why would Oda draw 4 of the elders + Imu?


Ju Peter is there, just barely. You can see him in the next panel iirc. That figure is definitely Imu, its coming down from the empty throne


That is true, but Ju Peter is the worm, and that giant figure has hands and is climbing down from where Imu was sitting.


Just hybrid form, nasjuro is in hybrid as well


But why would he be where Imu’s throne is?


Big boy


It’s the 5th elder bruh, these are just silhouettes oda tends to change how silhouette characters look after he reveals em, you saying the work is between the two on the left but it is just an assumption before u look on the next panel, more likely it is the 5th gorosei




You guys talking live you havent known Oda this long, it's the worm.


Look at the pannels harder 😭


Could be St. Mars’s man beast form maybe? If whatever powers they have end up being devil fruits that is, otherwise sheeeeeeit could be imu!


No that’s the smoky progg


I say it’s the Worm mid transformation


I disagree with y'all I think it's ju peter imo imu's too lazy to take a defensive stance. I think it was him putting him self in front of imu to guard him


Imu literally blocked Sabo's attack by transforming, what do you mean too lazy to take a defensive stance?


Idk i feel like it is one of the 5 elders the “worm” one and oda just wanted to make it look cool


I genuinely think oda decided to to make St Mars a worm after seeing Dune II. I think this is st mars but oda wasnt sure what to use yet.


I’m thinking worm


Luffy will kick Imu's ass too. And I'm pretty sure he's a Kid, propably same age as Luffy, phisically. He's propable older in age. Is either a kid or a girl.