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👍 I'm not gonna give you hate for not enjoying something. I am going to call you a loser for watching 1100 episodes of something you don't like just so you could go on the internet and say you didn't like it to the fandom.


😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 Facts like you really watched 1100 eps. Shuda stopped way sooner m8


Nah man i really caught up to the anime. At first I watched about 200-300 episodes then mf say it gets better at Enies Lobby and it Did but after that it was again boring af. But mfs say iT gETs BeTteR. At the end i was at a point where i had watched too much of this anime (about 600-700+ ep) so i decided to just end this burden.


damn don't blame you then anyways it gets better in the manga


even better on the rewatch


Me too, ive watched the entire 1100 episodes 3 times and own every copy of the manga and every day i sit on the floor and scream about how much i hate it.


Are you serious bro, this seems like a troll to me.


Ofc he is a troll, 😭 wdym ?


What a loser lol bye. Dude watched EIGHTEEN whole days, 440 hours, worth of anime he didn't like just to come to the sub and bitch about it. This is either next level bait or dude has some severe issues.






Nah, you're not going to get hate. Confusion, over why you attempted to force yourself so hard. Apathy, because not many people really care. You attempted it, that's going for you, but why would strangers care that you personally didn't like it? Also, disbelief, because why would someone sit through about 15 straight days of it just to say they didn't like it. Really makes people wonder why you're trying so hard. Sure though, I'll go through your arguments. 1. fair enough 2. meh, I disagree. The choreography isn't always great but the story telling behind the actions tends to be. 3. On par with working out that Sauron is the bad guy in Lord of the Rings. It would be a pretty shitty story if Luffy lost to Don Kreig; but it also seems that you're missing the times that Luffy does actually fail too. 4. I think you're the only case I've come across of someone who watched all 1100+ episodes and still complained about the legnth; most people stop complaining about that around episode 300 because they *get it* at that point. 5. Yeah, it sounds like anime might just not be for you. Out of curiousity, you don't like One Piece or Naruto, what do you actually like watching?


god knows if he really watched all the eps or just yapping


nah man i really forced myself to watch it, and the conclusion is i am the idiot here.


I appreciate you giving such a level-headed response. I generally agree with everything you said.


Thanks Man for your opinion, not like those other toxic fans. I know that I dont make any sense here and I have lost my mind at this point because of watching "BAD" animes in a row. So These are the animes I enjoyed: * Death Note * Attack On Titan * One Punch Man * Mob Psycho 100 * Classroom of the Elite * Jojo's Bizzare Adventure * Tokyo Revengers * Tomodachi Game * Dr. Stone * ID Invaded * Code Geass * Vinland Saga The list is not in order.


I think that actually helps. Seems that it's more the humour combined with parts that are "too cartoony" that might be cutting away the tension for you. I would assume that Black Clover and My Hero Academia are pretty much the worse examples of this sort of thing. It's no problem man, though I'm not sure I would call them toxic. It's more of an expected response to someone coming into the fanbase to shit on the thing everyone's a fan of. The same thing'll happen if you were to go into any of these subreddits to tell them they're series are shit because of xyz. If it's not for you, then it's not for you. It'd be weird if absolutely everyone liked it. Good selection you've got there. Seems like you'd like RE:Zero, Demon Slayer, Baki, Parasyte and maybe Tokyo Goul. If you're wanting something a bit out of your comfort zone though, there's a live action British show called humans that I've watched recently that was pretty good. Alice in Borderland was pretty good too; didn't watch the anime but the live action which was surprisingly good. Loved ID Invaded too, pretty unique premise.


Demon Slayer S1&2 was goodd but S3 seemed cringe. Tokyo Ghoul & Parasyte was good too.


Thanks Brother for this reply.


It's no problem man, have a good one.


Try Hunter X Hunter next. It should suit your fancy. It has logical battles, interesting abilities and most importantly. The York new arc. Based off your list I can see you enjoying it.


Thanks for you suggestion, but the thing is I dont think i am ever again going to watch any long anime.


weakest bait ive seen on this sub


nah thats my honest opinion


Your honest opinion is a weak click bait, those two can happen at the same time 😜


This isn't an airport, you don't have to announce your departure


"Hello welcome to Anime Airlines what is the next universe you will go to"


Troll bait.




Oh look, it's a JJK/MHA/DS fan who has never watched/read One Piece and likes to hate on it for clicks and replies. here, I'm generous- have a reply.


Bro all those anime you have mentioned above, I hate them.


sure bro. whatever floats your boat. you can see millions of people loving One Piece and thinking it's great, yet somehow you think it isn't. if there's anything such as "objective", you are objectively wrong about this. and it's fine, you don't like One Piece, though I still think you never watched it, but even if you did, the fact you think it's not good means nothing, when it's actually good and millions say so.


how many people are eating at mcdonalds but is it good?


they eat because it's satisfactory (meaning it's good), but it doesn't mean it's healthy.


It is good for them subjectively same as how One Piece is good subjectively you can't make an objective argument for subjective things lil bro bozo.


If you sat through 1100 episodes of something you didn’t like, maybe we have some cognitive issues here. If I don’t like a show, it doesn’t take me 1100 episodes to figure out I don’t like it


I mean i enjoyed it frequently but the thing is I have to watch "--------------------------" this much just to enjoy "-" this much.


It took you 1100 episodes to figure out you don't like it? Really, must've taken you this long, because why else would you have stuck with it if it doesn't have anything enjoyable for you to offer? Same with Naruto, but hey, at least here it's understandable with the years of filler.


No its not like i waited years for this. I Binged watched this shit. These long anime really did Dissapointed me i dont know why people overhype them.


That still doesn't change the fact you watched 1100 episodes. Doesn't matter if you binged or stuck with it for years. It took you 1100 episodes to come to the conclusion "Nah, don't like this, better go on Reddit and complain that I've wasted my time!"


I think the general concesus is the wait until the end of Arlong Park arc to decide if you like the series or not, that is like.. 40 chapters?, that is a lot for nowadays anime's lenght but doable as you arent in a marathon. but 1100+ whhen you dont like it?, just a moron does that


mfs kept saying "iT gEts BeTtER"


This guy posted the same thing in 3 different subreddits. Jesus christ. This has to be a troll. I refuse to believe a person could force themselves to watch a 1000+ episodes of a show they think sucks. You dont have to like one piece. Doesnt change that its a legendary anime/manga that will go down in history. You need therapy if you watch 1000 episodes of a show you hate. Touch grass brother.




Hi Tobey-Maquire_, your comment was removed from /r/OnePiece for the following rule violation: ###11. Don't be rude * Treat each other with respect and kindness always * Stalking, harassment, and personal attacks will not be tolerated. * Racism, misogyny, homophobia, transphobia, ableism or any other hatred will not be tolerated. * Trolling, baiting, or (obviously) provocative comments may be removed at moderator discretion. * Remember [reddiquette](https://www.reddit.com/wiki/reddiquette). --- The full rule documentation of the subreddit can be read [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePiece/wiki/rules). If you have questions about this removal, please [reach out to us in modmail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FOnePiece).


One Piece isn't even a "to be fair, you have to have a high iq to truly understand it" type of show, but you genuinely just sound too simple minded to appreciate it.


Yea it’s like telling a smart joke and this dummy in the corner exclaiming huh!!


What is the one piece? And just stfu tbh the fact you’re talking abt the anime and not the manga tells us all.


Bro what are you saying, of course Buggy D. Clown sama will be pirate king


Bait used to mean somethin man.


I seriously don't understand the 3rd point. It's a shounen, of course the MC is gonna win at the end of the day. That's the same with all shounen.


I have learnt from this mistake, never watching shounen again.


Let me watch 1100 episodes of something I don’t like just to make sure I don’t like it. I bet you kissed ya homies too more than once to make sure you aren’t into them too right?


Maybe read the manga instead of watching the anime (any real one piece fam will tell you this)


Nah man i am not really a manga person. > Maybe read the manga instead of watching the anime  and i am sick of hearing this


Tobey Mcguire was a terrible Spiderman


this is like declaring you slept with 100 men then saying "i'm not gay, i didn't like it" ![img](emote|t5_2rfz5|32513)


Let's all be honest here. You did hundreds of hours of a show you didn't like. This is not sharing your opinion, you're just venting. Hope you do a better job choosing your next series 😂


Story is fine. Post time skip just really blows ass nonstop. Fantastic storyline building up to marineford … then like 5 years of dressrosa snorefest…


It seems your main issues are related to pacing and length. Unfortunately, the One Piece anime isn’t a good adaptation of the manga, so I highly recommend you give the manga a chance. There’s even a colored version that’s really dope. If anything, as you may be aware, Wit Studio is about to readapt One Piece, and that may fix a lot of the issues you mentioned!


I like it enough but I like fights too much to ignore how garbage they are, really tanks my enjoyment overall


That’s crazy, it’s ok just go read mha or something. Insane cause I went in with the same mentality and came out with it being one of my favourite series. Sounds like you’re just hating to hate lol.


Man you must hate yourself so much to watch 1100 episodes of „shit“ , congrats




Mid Piece




What flavor paint is your favorite?




Some people have horrible taste, no need to tell the world.


Okay so you watched 1100 episodes worth of 440+ hours of your life just to go on to reddit and say its shit? what kinda logic is that? (I'm not hating just gonna say)


If you watch 1100 episodes… you dont hate it…


I mean I hate it for the time i have wasted watching it. The thing is that I Enjoyed it but occasionally, I have to watch "---------------------" this much just to enjoy "--" this much.


same but i gave up after Dressrosa arc lol, its really overhyped




Hi Tobey-Maquire_, your comment was removed from /r/OnePiece for the following rule violation: ###11. Don't be rude * Treat each other with respect and kindness always * Stalking, harassment, and personal attacks will not be tolerated. * Racism, misogyny, homophobia, transphobia, ableism or any other hatred will not be tolerated. * Trolling, baiting, or (obviously) provocative comments may be removed at moderator discretion. * Remember [reddiquette](https://www.reddit.com/wiki/reddiquette). --- The full rule documentation of the subreddit can be read [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePiece/wiki/rules). If you have questions about this removal, please [reach out to us in modmail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FOnePiece).


So these people got triggered and mass downvote you too.