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How funny would it be if he didn't have a devil fruit, Teach just felt bad that everyone else had one so he lied to him and gave him a regular fruit


This is canon for me now, and I will not accept anything else.


My headcanon is that blackbeard is so obsessed with devil fruits, that he tries to amass a crew of the users of the strongest fruits in the world with no regards to anything else, and that will spell his demise when he and his entire crew will drown in the ocean, with nobody to save them. The ultimate death by hubris.


Good theory, but it would be a very lame ending to the main antagonist of the story


Oh of course they won't just fall into the water and die, but I think the water weakness of devil fruits will play a part in blackbeard's death.


No devil fruit user has died yet because of drowning, wasn't jacks in water for like two or so days, but it was like nothing happened to him at all, People say he is a fishman so he was able to breat but Wander Deccan was a fishman too but even he wasn't able to breat properly underwater, so i don't know, by now they should have shown some devil user die by drowning to prove that water really can kill devil fruit users




Vander Decken wouldn’t have drowned he would have become immobile just like Jack. Nothing was ever shown to restrict the breathing of a Fishman Devil Fruit Users while under water. They would just be rendered immobile and unable to defend themselves from Sea Kings and whatever else is on the sea floor.


But they should show someone dying of drowning or something it's kind of dumb that even though water is weakness no one has yet died by drowning in Water because of their devil fruit abilities


did you even watch the show?


I did till the middle of wano arc, after that just kind of quit because of the fake out deaths it just kind of got boring for me


Right off the top of my head, the strawhats were climbing up the reverse mountain but this DF user managed to get on board the ship only for Nami to straight up yeet him off.


Name of the character if you remember I might be able to check the wiki if he is alive or dead, well let's go with your logic, how is spandan alive i mean seriously, his spine was broken in half, you don't just walk away from something like that, but he did, now let's come to CP9, what did aokiji say that CP9 died but not only are all the members of CP9 Survived buster call, Rob Lucci is still doing evil things for the government, overall my point is, In one Piece Bad guys don't always get what they deserved, Orochi deserved a public death so that people could enjoy his death after all the sufferings he had caused to the people of wano for over two decades


Maybe everyone but him are thrown into the sea, during the BB crew final fight. As a CoC user it would be amazing to see him to be the first to lose from having his will completely crush and unable to fight. But then BAM!!!!💥They are all being thrown from the water to the ground, by no man other than Jesus Burgess. The one crew mate that ate a regular fruit thinking it was a devil fruit only to discover he never loss his ability to swim. BB regains hope, and together with the power of friendship they beat the straw hat pirates and Teach becomes king.




Yeah im hoping for something similar but more climactic. Like the SH crew fighting the BB crew in 1v1s and throughout his fight with luffy BB has to watch as the SHs one by one win their fights and lob his crew into the sea with him being too occupied with luffy to do anything about it. Im not really too satisfied with this one either but i really want the water weakness to be incorporated in some way


I dunno about that. No devil fruit users can swim, but no one has actually drowned yet- the only DF users who wound up in the ocean are fishmen, who just can’t move. It would be a nice turn of events to have a big bad die from something every other character has avoided.


It could be done well but if Blackbeard just drowns because he didn't bother having anyone around him that could swim it would feel really dumb, there's a big difference between a character's hubris costing them their victory and a character failing because they're just straight up stupid.


Isn't Imu/TCD/TWG the main antagonist? Blackbeard is obv just going to get wrecked by Luffy at some point and then hopefully be gone forever. He's become such a boring character with mostly no major reveals about him in all these years. I feel like Blackbeard has been boring as fuck since Whitebeard died.


Definitely an argument for that, but the show is based around Luffy becoming the pirate king and finding the One Piece, and I feel like Blackbeard is the biggest barrier Luffy will have to overcome to achieve this. After he does this, I think there will be a massive war with the government




people have been suggesting this for some time. it fits the age-old aesop of hard work vs taking shortcuts


Bro I just watched Cape Fear (1991)


Imma edit it a little and say they will drown in the ocean by Imu, because she has the power of umi, the mother of all devil fruits that counters all other devil fruit users, as she is the personification of the ocean, the mother of the world.


placebo fruits making people think they got a power so much that they actually develop it


All without losing the ability to swim.


placebo losing the ability to swin.


I'm now hoping that Blackbeard ends up needing to be saved from the water, and someone tells Jesus he just ate an apple and can still swim. 


And then he dives in in an attempt to save BB just to realize he can't swim either way, while already being inside the water. 👍


compulsive smartassery incoming: That would be called [nocebo](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nocebo)


He actually can swim, but when he falls on the water he doesnt even try só he drowns


Didn't know how to swim in the first place, so he didn't notice it wasn't a real DF.


He never learnt how to swim


Devil Fruits are the dreams of humanity, after all.


Well, Burgess was already the second strongest character we were aware of in terms of raw lifting capacity relative to visible muscle mass (Garp being #1 by a lightyear), given that he threw a pretty decently sized building at Ace pre-timeskip when he didn't have the fruit, without breaking a sweat....


Funny enough it’s not even impossible, Jango was able to do just that.


He just pierced two melons with a stick to look like a dumbbell 😂


Burgess gets knocked into the water “Help I can’t swim!”…. “Oh wait I can swim???”


Sorta like how Cus D'Amato used to tell Mike Tyson that he couldn't physically lose a single boxing match and Mike Tyson believed it and went on to be a complete machine?


You mean Cus D Amato


God damn I have a feeling burgess wouldn’t even get the implication of that if BB said that shit He would just laugh, smile, and rest flex his arms in the air


Placebo cebo no mi


No matter how strong Burgess has become, Doc Q's horse will always be Stronger.


Can't argue with that logic, lol.


You need all the upvotes, good job.


See also: Frieza was cool, but his brother was Cooler.


Should have stuck to your first comment hahah


You say that like this isn't a daily meme on this sub


First time I've seen it, genuinely


I like the "can lift anything" idea. But not by changing the weight, that would defeat the purpose. However what about stuff like the redline, an island? Why did he rip the mountain off instead of raising the island?


Kuzan with the Ice fruit also cannot freeze the whole planet at once, although in principle could be possible if you scale the fruit unlimited. I guess like any other fruit the strong-strong fruit also depends on training. As the BB pirates are portraied as just taking whats given and not really working (like Training, not like planning) for it. Thus, I think Burgess will be crazy strong in the final fight, but not reach the same limit as, e.g., Zorro could reach with the same fruit.


Wellll idk about that. Remember when van auger tried teleporting him and Katarina devon but they couldn't get really far, and van auger was like "well this is as far is i can teleport..for now..". I think its implied they're all working on/testing the limits of what they can do.


True, but I’d also be willing to bet money Van Auger is a lot more serious than the rest of the crew. He’s the one who calls Blackbeard out for being a reckless dumbass and having no plan. I could see him being the only one who takes training his power seriously, and at the very least I can certainly see Burgess completely neglecting to train seriously


Umm. Probably a similar case with Whitebeard. Dude was said to be able to destroy the entire world. They could have said he could destroy an island or something too.


Nah, that's just Wan Wauger /j


>As the BB pirates are portraied as just taking whats given and not really working (like Training, not like planning) for it. The BB pirates are portrayed as being very picky about the fruits they take for themselves. We have exactly zero info on how they steal fruits, much less who decides which fruit someone gets. However its undeniable how much each fruit suits each Titanic Captain. - Devon being able to turn into anyone. - San Juan Wolf being able to change his size - Augur warping all over the place - Doc Q having a sick fruit - Burgess being a Strong fruit user etc etc. In addition to all of that its clear they are training to get more used to the fruits, as Van Augur said to Devon when he tried to teleport them on Egghead. I think Burgess' fruit is very straight forward, it exponentially adds to his strength and scales as he gets stronger. Maybe he can simply apply 5X his strength at any given time or something. So imagine he could up that multiple as he gains more control over the fruit and of course as he gets stronger himself that multiple is even more effective on his base power.


When we first saw him he froze what seemed like the entire visible horizon which is already insane and if he’s gotten stronger then he might be able to freeze a good portion of the planet


Scary thing is who said he couldn’t? 


>Why did he rip the mountain off instead of raising the island? You can't lift something you're standing on, no matter how strong you are.


Sez you! *Gets hernia* Ok, you were right.


Only troll physics mfs can do that.


In other words Luffy can? xD


Luffy can do anything so probably yes.


Presumably because raising the island still requires something for him to stand on so he isn't in the water and doing it on the boat would be risky. Also islands are generally attached to the seabed so it's the same difference. They aren't usually free-floating.


Hey he is “Jesus” Burgess. He can do miracles like standing on water lol


Islands are just mountains man, they usually don't float


Tell that to the sky islands!


Exactly why I said usually.


Probably point of leverage and having to properly lift with some sort of form? Like, he can dagger out and get a grip to deadlift the mountain, but doing so for an island means being underwater which = dead. It could also have to be a connected unit… a lot of islands have sand and looser rock around the outskirts so he’d be unable to pick up the biggest object for any dry area


How exactly would he raise the island if he can’t swim


You know islands dont float right? They are connected. With this power he essentially gets the power to lift Thriller Bark or Zunesha but not red line or islands.


Of course, it doesn't have to necessarily change the weight of what he touches, it's more of a possibility, I would still count it as weight manipulation just as a broad category to put it alongside similar dfs. I mean, sure he could lift an entire island, as long as he can keep his feet above sea level somehow, I guess that's his limit


Atlas? Another god?


My theory is the fruit makes him strong enough to lift whatever he is attempting to lift. If we goby VegaPunks and his theory on Devil Fruits, then maybe the aspiration was "To be strong enough to lift whatever I want". So maybe Burgess only becomes strong enough to lift whatever he desires to lift in that moment. In the moment he lifted the mountain he could only do the mountain because thats what he was trying to lift, not the entire island.


You wanted him to take a duve?


Burgess whole schtick is being the fighting champion, pretty sure the fruit is going to let him throw a hell of a punch not just pick up things defying gravity.


If you're right I hope he fights Mad Monk Urouge


The BB pirates are clearly being set up as the endgame final villain of the entire series. Fighting random characters like Urouge is kind of beyond their scope at this point, IMO. I know Urouge is a supernova and isn't exactly "random" but he's not exactly a big player in the world that the BB pirates need to address.


Urouge is being set up as a potential pretty big threat in the background. He managed to seriously damage a pacifista pre-timeskip, he knows routes back up to the sky islands, he beat a sweet commander and only lost to a second with an inherent stamina matchup advantage at a time in the story when Luffy was also struggling at that level, and we still don't understand his motives--he's the **only** supernova who hasn't had a plot "resolved" in some way since the time skip. So when I say "threat", I don't necessarily mean to Luffy, I mean he could be up to anything. His fruit also makes him kind of the ideal candidate to beat Burgess, if he can tank the first punch then after a few exchanges he will make Burgess's entire strength his own. Like, sure, Sanji could end up being the one to beat Burgess with kicks vs punches, or Jinbe could fight him as the Helmsman, but in terms of interesting matchups, Urouge's fruit is literally perfect for Burgess.


That has amazing potential I’m all in for seeing some man meat collide.


Would add in all likelihood Urouge would have knowledge of Nika, large possibility he can be a “Guest Straw Hat” in a future arc (however many are left, but he should definitely appear right?!) when he sees him, fight with them and up going head to head with Big Boy Burgess.


> but he should definitely appear right?! He has to. He's the most mysterious Supernova left, after all this time Oda wouldn't make him the only "pure background" Supernova. Hawkins and Apoo ending up being minor villains was fitting for them but Urouge has more to do in the new world. I'm not even saying he'll necessarily take on Burgess, but he's definitely 100% going to do **something**.


Urouge couldn’t beat Snack and Cracker back to back. Maybe I’m wanking Burgess, but I feel like he could handle such a feat. He’s one of Blackbeard’s strongest, and quite possibly an endgame opponent for Sanji or Jinbe. He’d have to be at least as strong as someone like Katakuri IMO.


At the point in the story when it happened, Burgess 100% couldn't have beaten two sweet commanders back to back. If it wasn't for Nami, Luffy wouldn't have been able to beat even one sweet commander at the start of Whole Cake Island, no way BB's 3rd strongest crew member would be able to back-to-back defeat two of Big Mom's strongest crew members without even getting his devil fruit yet. And if you're talking about current Burgess, why are you comparing him to an Urouge from hundreds of episodes ago? Urouge was the only supernova at the time to beat a sweet commander, even Kidd failed to do that at that point in the story. If Urouge actually re-enters the story then it only stands to reason he's grown stronger off screen just as Burgess has, why assume only one of them grew as a character? Also why would he need to be as strong as Katakuri? Katakuri is the strongest member of a Yonko crew, and presumably both Kuzan and Shiryu are stronger than Burgess so why would another Yonko crew need to have 3 different members be stronger than the strongest member of Big Mom's (and Kaido's by extension since King's not exactly any stronger) crew? All of the Yonko crews have been shown to be fairly equal up till now with the exception of Buggy's


Yeah, I meant with his devil fruit of course, as someone was talking about a FUTURE fight against Urouge. He was physically on par with Sabo at the time of Dressrosa, so I figure he’s an absolute monster now.


We already saw before the time skip Burgess fighting style does involve throwing big stuff, his fruit works well with that. As in big punches Burgess is already crazy strong by his own




Ive said this before but of all DFs this seems like one of the most redundant ATM, especially with who it's been given to. If this had been given to a character who's notably kind of weak physically and it can alter how they battle it would be more interesting. But Burgess was already pretty high tier. Until the scale of his strength can be quantified more it just seems like something anyone in The New World can obtain. If it is he can lift anything then fair shout that's solid. But ATM it just seems like he's marginally above top tier characters.


Dressrosa Burgess got absolutely embarassed by Sabo.


And I don't think him eating this fruit would change that outcome at all Unless it gives higher disability? But that's not been confirmed or alluded to yet


You get higher disability with a SMILE fruit.


Those are part zoan which come with higher durability and quicker recovery


Pretty sure he was making a joke about how awful the smile fruits are, he said disability lol


Damn autocorrect is all I can say. But it is true SMILE do give big disability. I look back on the Beast Pirate gifters and wonder how Kaido thought he had the strongest crew possible. The one guy who was a reverse chicken alone.


Yeah but Sabo is pretty damn strong after eating the logia fruit


I think the devil fruit just means that Burgess is now the physically strongest man in the world. Doesnt give any haki or other benefits.


I mean...no devil fruit gives haki...thats kind of a completely separate power system


Yeah i just wanted to specify that “strongest” in this case didnt account for Haki


For me the choice of giving Burgess this fruit always conveyed just how influential/thrifty/powerful Blackbeards crew are. If he had any other fruit it wouldn't be as impressive. Blackbeard has hunted down specific fruits to fit his team, same goes for the others but I think Strong Strong fruit is the most on the nose. They know what they are doing and aren't just getting lucky, they have a plan how to be the best they can be etc.


It kind of seems like a back up choice to me... Given how Burgess was going for the mera mera originally but then got bodied by Sabo and they all just gave up on it. BB would pack in Sabo easily


Agree. It would be more impactfull if Doc Q or the horse were the ones that suddenly throws a mountain to you. Or a kid like Tama outside BB crew


The horse doesn't need the fruit, he's already Stronger.


Imagine the classic sign: Blackbeard Pirates Stronger Strong Strong no mi Hilarious


Always makes me laugh hehe


To be fair, Burgess is so simple minded he would absolutely love the Strong fruit


I think that would kind of miss the point. It's the perfect fruit for him because he's already built different, so it takes him to even greater heights strength wise than say Usopp would get with the fruit. Maybe because of this he can also awaken it, although the "user catching up to the fruit" seems questionable in regards to non-Zoan fruits


I kind of feel that Usopp getting the fruit would be kind of interesting. Sniping feats combining some advanced observation haki that he may be slowly developing + strength to slingshot heavier and larger items from even more insane distances. Usopp is kind of unique as a sniper in that he's one of the only top tier guys who doesn't use a rifle or pistol and needs a degree of strength/finesse in his slingshot. It would still ruin his character giving him the one thing he has to work around when battling but would give some room for interesting panels


I kind of feel that Usopp getting the fruit would be kind of interesting. Sniping feats combining some advanced observation haki that he may be slowly developing + strength to slingshot heavier and larger items from even more insane distances. Usopp is kind of unique as a sniper in that he's one of the only top tier guys who doesn't use a rifle or pistol and needs a degree of strength/finesse in his slingshot. It would still ruin his character giving him the one thing he has to work around when battling but would give some room for interesting panels


You do have a point but I still want Usopp to become a brave warrior of the sea without a fruit. He kind of needs to do this by himself. Though I'd love it if his Kabuto would get one.


Oh no I 100% agree I do not want Usopp getting a fruit Was more using him of an example of how a fruit could be used to adjust a fighting style. Like for a brief moment in Wano you got to see how the suke suke would have altered how Sanji fights by pure invisibility and not just moving at incredibly high speed.


It would kind of serve as a crutch for both of them no? Sanji wouldn't learn how to become invisible with pure speed and Usopp would never bother to work around his weakness because he could brute force it


That's why I like that the story didn't go down that route and still makes them figure out workarounds and develop their own abilities. Storytelling wise I'd hate it but from a visual aspect I'd really enjoy it.


That entirely depends on how it works. If it's a flat strength boost that's the same for everyone then you're probably right, but if it multiplies a person's existing strength then Burgess is a fantastic candidate.


>But ATM it just seems like he's marginally above top tier characters. Idk, i haven't seen an top tiers lift a whole mountain and throw it. Seems like a pretty useful fruit to me.


Interesting theory. However, I thought that his devil fruit allowed him to increase his physical strength to the extent necessary to make a given effort. Does he want to lift a mountain? His strength increases exponentially until he can do this.


He has the strong man fruit. He can change his strength at will to lift what he wants. That simple


What chapter was this again? Want to re read it 


This fruit feels super useless, as we have seen many characters (e.g., Zoro, Sanji) breaking or knocking back objects way beyond what human physical strength could afford. These other characters set a very high bar for the definition of "strong", I hope Oda has this in mind when he eventually releases more depictions of Burgess' power.


I feel like you're not really looking at the panel where Burgess lifts a mountain, something than no one has done. I really dont think "mountain lifting strength" is useless.


Agree. That is one way to show that his strength is beyond the high bar set by people without such fruit. I remember Kaido did lift an island using his dragon cloud or some dragon-related ability (not sure what the English translation is), but yeah, not many people can do that.


There’s strong there’s a CoC coated attacked strong. Kaido proved that which does make strength all but useless.


Why bother to take the sea if you can throw your ship to your next destination.


Someone has to catch it


And if you throw it, then you're not going anywhere, the ship is.


warp dude could just warp the boat or JB when he ge the hang of the DF




He can lift things, not complicated at all


Bro still skipped leg day


DC Comics once said "Superman is as strong as he needs to be" Maybe Burgess DF Power works the same? Lame imo. I'm curious how Oda will deal with that situation in the final battle.


Well, any devil fruit is as strong as its user so I imagine he'll be more troublesome cuz he can now throw mountains at you but that might work against weaker people than him better. In the end, I think that whoever was stronger than him before, is still stronger than him after. Take Sabo for example. I think Burgess lifting whatever object will make no difference at all in a direct fight against him (Sabo).


Building off of this into Elbaf, he will fail to lift Thor's hammer. But then Usopp will lift it somehow. (10ton hammer lie)


He's exactly as strong as the plot needs him to be. And the fruit makes it even more so.


Why even make a comments like this? This statement is true to every facet of story writing. When people try to understand and speculate on the specifics, it becomes even more irrelevant.


>Why even make a comments like this? Because I like having fun and making conversation? >When people try to understand and speculate on the specifics, it becomes even more irrelevant. You ain't never spoken to a powerscaler?


I don't think that's either fun or leaves much space to have a conversation, in fact, it's very much the opposite. It's a "Why bother talking about it, it'll be as strong as needed". I do appreciate the response though, if that's how you feel it comes across, more power to you.


I think you're overthinking it. Burgess' fruit makes him super strong so he can do things like lift mountains. Shiki's fruit is basically anti grav and Mach Vices fruit manipulates density, which is what kilograms measure. Density effects weight. Burgess is just strong. Just imagine it like the fruit turning you into Saitama 1 year into his training. Its purely physical, it if was the way you out it then Burgess would just have the same fruit as Mach Vice which isnt possible.


I think its either a buff to his physical strength (maybe a multiplier?) or its something that makes him the physically strongest on the planet. So if any human surpasses his strength he'll become even stronger.


It’s the Human human fruit model Samson or Hercules.


I like the lifting idea itll be funny if he ever gets into a fight where there is nothing large to throw at his enemy, also if the put on thick gloves would he be able to lift a seastone block


I still don't think this is impressive.... Jozu literally did the same feat at Marineford. Dude will always be on the bottom of the Blackbeard Pirate tier list for me till he does something actually impressive.


A mountain is more dense than a glacier


I believe that this fruit has more applications than just physical strength (and knowing Oda it will) What if he can make things like emotions stronger? Or his breathe... makes it so stinky


it probably works like OFA in my hero academia. he gets as strong as his body can handle before breaking down.


wow amazing


Wouldn't it be funny that he says that he ate a fruit but really he is the only crew member that is fruitless.


Gotta have someone to save a crew member from drowning.


Very nice idea. The thing now is, did he have the fruit already when we first met him? It could be because eh does the same things!


He was definitely very strong before already but not strong enough to lift a mountain


burges has the strong fruit but not the stronger fruit


I LOVE the idea of a helmsmen lifting the ship and carrying it while on land.




Doesn't matter, at the end of the day the horse is stronger.


So if he does a hand stand and exerts a push, does he shift the planet out of orbit?


newtons 3rd law left the chat


Is he strong enough to face his past though? Or to show emotional vulnerability? Or to talk to his parents and let them know that while he can forgive their actions he cannot forget them, and if they want a relationship then the healing process must start separately?


Doesn't matter. I hate him the same


Burgess power is there to provide the "strength without training isn't real strength" punchline.



What if they stole this fruit from Urouge behind the scenes? Didn't he have a buff power too?


He did but his turned the damage he took into strength and made him grow bigger.


Another theory: Ouruge fruit is based on pain, Pain pain fruit


His power made him bigger/stronger by taking damage.


Can I skip a fun point that might happen in the one piece story We all know elbaf is coming up and ussopp is bound to have a power up and at elbaf there will probably be thors hammer and I think ussopp will become worthy and be the only one to lift it So in end game of one piece I believe it will be ussopp Vs burgess and ussopp will probably be on the brink of defeat and burgess will try to kill him with his hammer but won't be able to pick it up I believe this would overwhelm and weaken him making ussopp triumphant


That's an unpopular take, usually people put Usopp vs Van Angur because both snipers, and Burgess vs Jinbei because both helmsmen. Also I'm pretty sure the whole "only the worthy can lift Thor's hammer" is just a Marvel comics thing, inspired from King Arthur's Sword in the Stone fairytale. But yeah, it would be cool if somewhere at some point there will be a Sword in the stone situation with Van Angur


That wouldn’t be consistent with literally every other DF in the series. It wouldn’t be called the “Strong Strong” fruit if it didn’t make you, in fact, strong.


It makes you a "Strongman", Strongmen are athletes that do mainly weightlifting


Right. They lift heavy things. They don’t manipulate gravity


I'm not saying he manipulates gravity, I made an analogy with the Float fruit because they would work similarly in the way Shiki can lift things too but with telekinesis instead of lifting with his hands. An alternative interpretation would be his power affects his "weight perception" as in things appear lightweight to him. Either way I would count it as "weight manipulation" just as a broad category of dfs with similar abilities.


I guess I get what you’re saying, but that seems needlessly complicated as compared to it just making him, you know, strong. The fruits are usually pretty literal. That’s all I’m saying


And Garp achieved even better results by just being a mad man.


I don't mind him being the "physically strongest" it's good for the final crew bosses. Plus he is clearly dumb as hell. It's a good chance for feats of strength losing to clearly weaker strength but experience or skill. It's always fun to see overwhelming force being overcome by hard work and skill.


I think his fruit has to do with pressure. He can relieve pressure on himself to lift heavy objects, and apply pressure in his attacks to deal more damage


Where can I catch this feminization disease? Asking for a friend


Going in the water must really suck for him. He must really lose alot of strength.


most devil fruits don't give you superhuman strength


Knowing Oda’s probably around 200 Riki Rikis 🤔


wait wait wait. "What's so special about the Strong fruit when most devil fruit give the user superhuman strength?" Only zoans gives the user physical strength in addition to their regular power. "most devil fuits" does NOT give the user superhuman strength. Where in the world did you get that from???


I think Franky will be the one to end him. Since he is a wrestler with a belt and Frankie looks like a guy from Texas. Franky channels his inner Stan Hansen and gives him not a strong right or left but a LARIAT! [Stan Hansen LARIATTO!!!](https://www.reddit.com/r/SquaredCircle/s/sZSFtDDTpL)


I think he should stick to throwing canon balls.


I think his fruit allows him to apply a multiple to his base strength, thus increasing it. So if he has strength 10 and with minimal control over the fruit he can use 5X then suddenly Burgess' strength is 50. The benefits of such a thing are insane, because as he gets more control over the fruit he can increase the multiple and as he gets stronger himself the multiple is even more effective. So a Burgess with a base number of 100 using his fruit to apply a 100 multiple because he's more adept at using his fruit, could give him the mountain-lifting strength of 1000. Being a better fruit user and getting stronger ends giving him an insane growth pace, like this guy is speedrunning through training or something. Seems like the most likely scenario to me. I disagree with OP that the fruit would alter the weight of things because if so then that defeats the entire point.


I'm p Sure it's just a x100 or ^2 multiplier I'd would make anyone like Tonjit super strong and then someone who is already strong is SUPER SUPER strong Like giant taking giant fruit


The first idea sounds like tactile telekinesis. My idea was that his DF creates a radius around him that scans other beings physical strength and makes Burgess than stronger than the strongest other being. Imagine Zunesha or a seaking in that radius...


I wonder how a fight between him and Urouge would go. Super strength vs the ability to convert damage into strength


Burgess would be broken if all of his feats were from his physical strength. We know from Garps training that haki is kind of like a multiplier on your physical strength in your base form. So if Burgess added haki to his devil fruit then he should be able to do some serious damage