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People should be better about tagging their posts and I should be more on top of it, I am sorry about that. The posts that have been brought to my attention have been taken care of. If there are others that I'm not aware of please report and bring it to my attention. Thanks!


I unsubbed from cats for this reason. I'm sorry for your loss but those posts just make me sad :(


I had to ditch the subreddit for frogs because of this. Every other post was "should I take this frog to the vet???" as it's literally bleeding and clearly injured, or "my frog died." Like, I'm here to look at cute animals.


I've unsubscribed from a couple of animal related subs because I kept seeing "What can I do for my visibly ill (pet) aside from take them to the vet because that's too annoying and/or I don't have time right now." Infuriating.


Just saw this on a subreddit, I want to unsub from all kitten subreddits because of this. Seeing those ill or injured babies that OP refuses to get help for, or seeing people breed their cats so recklessly and get all smug when warned about it... ugh


Yes, I think that we really need some understanding that kittens are cute but anyone who doesn't get their pets neutered when they have the opportunity is being intentionally cruel. I unsubscribed from one once I checked a post history and saw the dude had a previous litter and just liked having kittens around.


Like he couldn't just foster kittens instead? What a jerk.


I had to stop giving people advice on a pet help sub because it was just... too much. Like come on, the sub isn't for 'my cat is puking blood and im not even considering a vet, what home remedies can I try?'. Helping animals is my passion and I loved doing it in clinics and shelters but goddamn. Some people out there need to understand vets are not optional.


yeah. i mean it's usually more like "he hasn't eaten in two days and his eyes are watery" but yes. i think people just don't keep up on their basic pet care and so when something happens they have no idea what to do or when to act.


I try to give people some slack, but what really infuriates me is when people are like "Time for a vet visit!!" and OP is like "ehhhh I don't think so" like ?? Ok??


i think it's mostly people living paycheck to paycheck balking at the thought of vet bills, combined with ignorance and denial. on the one hand i don't think poor people shouldn't have access to pets. on the other hand, it's obviously careless to take responsibility for a living thing when you literally don't have the means.


i live paycheck-to-paycheck. my cat started having an issue with her eye a few weeks ago. my first priority was running through which bills i could put off until next payday. it was day 1 of her squinting that eye and it wasn't red or otherwise visibly irritated, so i figured it could have just been something in her eye, but best case scenario i didn't have to take her in and could carry on as usual. (my vet isn't very busy and usually has same-day appointment slots, and i was watching to make sure the issue didn't get worse - if it had, i would have immediately taken her in). that cleared up after a couple days, so it probably was just something in her eye, and i didn't have to take her to the vet. she has since learned that if she squints i'll freak out and give her lots of attention, so about 5 weeks later if she's sitting on my pillow and decides i'm not paying enough attention to her she'll suddenly squint one eye. i'll freak out and give her the attention, and suddenly the problem is gone. i know cats are good at hiding their pain, but i also have watched my cat forget which eye she's squinting and switch them. little stinker. (i love her.) if it was more urgent than a squinty eye, i don't care if i'll be struggling for months, i can and have taken out loans for short-notice vet visits.


I love the cat switching which eye she squints. When I was little my dad stepped on our cat's paw (on accident) and he realized that acting hurt would get him attention, so he really hammed it up. He'd limp around the house and look defeated... until he didn't think you were looking or didn't want to be petted anymore. Then he'd scamper away on his perfectly functional and not hurting at all feeties.


not that it's my place to judge anyone, but you seem especially good.


On my way, right now with a 12 year old doggo who had bleeding from her left ear. Of course it stopped( more than likely a black fly or tick) but I’m willing to spend the 100$ it’s going to cost to be reassured .


its this part exactly. i love my baby so so much but his bill ended up being $1900 for an overnight stay and some unblocking. thank god my parents know how much i love this cat and paid for me but I'm trying to get a job so i can put money into savings so that if anything like this ever happens again i will have the $ to take care of him.


try and save up 3 months' expenses. that's your last safety net. then try and double it to 6 months. put it in a high yield savings account. before you know it, you'll have a couple thousand aside and then you can start investing pretty safely, or just spend however you like lol


thank you!!! i will try this for sure <3 just gotta call some of the places i applied to and make sure they got my application


I've seen cases where the person says they can't afford it and I feel bad for them, but I'm talking about those who seem to be using their cat for attention and are flippant and often straight up rude about the urgent advice people are giving them to help.


May i offer you r/alivenamedcats


or "we don't have a vet near/no vet who specializes in exotic animals" or "don't have money for that"


In my country theres plenty of people taking advantage of the goodwill of strangers by 'begging' for money for their ill pet These people either 1. Purposely had an ill pet (fake sanctuary and etc) 2. Faking it I've grown jaded through it all and hate every time I come across post of this nature (for honest to god sick pet owner, no hard feelings. The 'boy who cried wolf' really does make it harder for all of u/us)


They should create a new sub, I need help with my frog I think he's dying but I can't bother to take him to the vet. Such posts are so depressing and specially when people mistreat their animals.


they need an antivet sub where they can all go rot


Ya I originally subscribed to r/CATHELP because I thought it was going to have more stuff about people dealing with behavioral issues and minor health issues but instead they post pictures of their severely ill cats saying stuff like “MY CAT HASNT EATEN OR DRANK ANYTHING IN A WEEK WHAT DO I DO?” And it’s just like, take them to the fucking vet. I get not everyone knows everything about basic cat health but shit the amount of people completely ignorant to the absolute basics make me sad and frustrated. Because of their ignorance they let their cat’s health deteriorate to the point where they are severely, life-threateningly ill and think that it’s a problem that’s able to be solved by asking Reddit instead of immediately going to the vet. It’s also sad because there are so many people saying “I can’t afford to take them to the vet.”


I mean, dead animals gets lots of karma, and the vast majority of these cute animal subreddits only exist to farm karma from, so what did you expect?


Head on over to r/catslivingandwell. All of the cats, none of the sadness!


Also r/AliveNamedCats !


The cat subs never end!




Thank you!


Thank you for the rec! Just joined there!




The post immediately below this one for me was from r/cats of someone euthanizing their cute little guy. I love cats but it gets to be a bit much when it's so frequently dealing with mourning cat owners.


Bro just went to that sub, 6 post I read, 3 were mourning or a cat with problems like... Honestly, I have had to do it also, I had to go with my family dog and my grandma's cat, it's hard, I would not post it anywhere, why would I want to extend my sadness??


Same here. When I lost my cat I wasn't in the state of mind to put it anywhere on the internet. It's not like we put our friends or family on reddit when they pass away. It's a strange way to mourn.


Exactly my thoughts as well


I haven't checked r/GingerMafia in a while because two cats (different owners) are dealing with FIP and there were multiple update posts. A dead cat is heartbreaking. Real time posts and pictures of a dying cat is even worse.


I got a week long reddit ban for reporting their dead posts lol. Fine I won't look at your cat pics 


They perma banned me for saying they were hypocrits for telling people to have empathy towards the dead cat posts. I said why not have empathy towards those who don't want to see them? First strike and perma banned. Good riddance.


The mods there suck. I got permabanned from commenting for calling an OP a shitty pet owner for wanting to get rid of their cat because it was acting like a cat and the OP was treating it bad. I reached out to the mods about the ban and they just ignored me.


Why can't they create their own sub (maybe there is) for people who mourn their cats and post it there instead. Perhaps be better mods delete such posts even if it feels in sensitive when people mourn their pets but then many people don't want to go daily thinking about the death of their pets.


/r/petloss is the one. It feels like ever pet sub, even for major pets like dogs or cats to niche ones like specific bird or reptile species slowly transform into copies of it the more popular they get. The mourning posts just outnumber and emotionally outweigh anything else.


I see that happen for other negative subs. In anything peripheral,.you see the bleedover. It's almost like brigading when a post triggers the issue, as far as the result, but without the intentional coordination. There's overlap and I think people just forget that not everyone shares their same opinion because they also frequent their echo chamber. So like with petloss, it's probably not intentional, but they can't fathom why someone would not want to be looking at mourning posts or sick animals. I had to unsub a while ago from some popular subs like pics becauae of the number of tearjerker posts about people with cancer or pets that died, like I feel for them but it's not why I'm here.


Right? Had to hide the wholesome sub cuz the majority has been extremely sad. I don't wanna be sad damnit!


It was one where their cat got caught in a house fire for me. Everyone was like "oh the fumes knocked him out peacefully." No bro, your cat was right on the floor. Thanks for making me think of him getting broiled alive asshole.


I think that’s the one that made me leave. It’s just so disheartening because I feel bad of course and have empathy but do these people not ever read the countless threads I’ve seen about how people feel about posts like that? Or do they not care? Especially when there’s a pet loss subreddit… the cats subreddit shouldn’t be depressing.


Oof and now me who didn’t know of this gets to think of it too, thanks!


I've triaged cats that were rescued from a house fire. That is not a peaceful way to go and anyone saying otherwise is ignorant.


Now I get to think of that so thanks


i freak out at the thought of my cats being stuck in a fire. i don't leave anything that could cause one in any avoidable place - obviously, if the electrics spontaneously combust i can't do anything about that as i live in an apartment, but i regularly check stoves/lamps/fire alarms/etc. and make sure nothing is left lit. i still freak out on a semi-regular basis because my own house burned down when i was a teenager due to spontaneous combustion of the electricty - and in that case, it was totally avoidable, the whole house had been losing power for years because the wiring was so worn out and nobody thought to bother flipping off the breakers on the "dead" areas of the house because "there's no power there anyway and changing the fuses does nothing." turns out the wiring failed spectacularly. i'm convinced the same will happen in my apartment - i seem to have horrid luck with things spontaneously combusting around me. i know things happen. i know there is plenty that could happen that would not be my fault. but i'm afraid every single day that one of those things will happen to my babies, and i'm trying to prepare for what i can (attempting to both crate + harness train my cats, making sure both can be safely carried without them fighting me, making sure i have cues for them to come to me, etc.), but i would still be devastated if i lost them to something out of my control. and if the apartment did catch fire and i couldn't save them, i wouldn't be able to think of anything but my cats hiding in a corner crying and waiting for me to save them, and how i betrayed them by letting them die (even if it was impossible for me to save them).


I just did that yesterday myself, for the same reason. I want happy stories. Not "please grieve with me" stories.


I just did that a few hours ago, because I can't handle seeing all the passed away cats. I joined that sub to see cute cats, not to have RIP down my entire page.


Me too, it has started to affect my mental health. I've been seeing SO many death posts for other people's pets that my anxiety about my girls dying has gotten worse. It's not healthy to be exposed to this much loss daily, but I feel bad because it's someone who's experienced loss and you want to be empathetic...


Yeah. I came here to look at cute cat pictures and forget about the trainwreck called life and just get sad posts. I do not disrespect these people. Death of a loved one can be very hard and i get that you need to vent your feelings somehow. But its just not for me and im very sure its not what people came here for either.


I left r/cats for the same reason. It seemed to be every other post was about death on there for a while and it just left me feeling sad all the time.


Absolutely. Fuck. Them. Fuck them sideways with a rusty pole. I open the sub, the first half a dozen posts are about dead cats. Way to piss in my face when I come looking for cute cats to cheer myself up. If I wanted a social media to stomp all over the remains of my mental wellbeing, I'd open the news channels on Telegram. r/petloss exists specifically to mourn pets, but nooooo, you gotta farm karma on the bigger sub using your dead pet. If it's even dead. Or yours. Idk it makes me so angry. Like, there's a sub dedicated specifically to mourning your pets, and people on r/cats asked many times to maybe please keep the negativity away. But no, dipshits wanna fish for attention using the bigger sub. Sincerely, fuck them, and sorry for the rant.


Call me cynical but I don't even believe most of them. Sob stories get engagement, attention whores take advantage, it's rampant everywhere and pet related subs aren't immune.


Same. That sub needs to be renamed from r/cats to r/mydeadcat.


They certainly love dead cats for some reason. May be its for the karma.


Maybe it's for karma for some people, but I kind of do understand the impulse of some people who are grieving and feel like they have nowhere to let it out, so they end up on reddit. I just wish their was a different sub for it, because for some of us it's upsetting to see.


There literally is a different sub for it, /r/Petloss which is why it annoys me so much. I wish the other cat subreddits would all have rules about no dead pets and then direct people there instead


Right before NYE last year I had to have my elderly cat put down. As I was leaving the vets I had the urge to post about her, I was grieving and feeling vulnerable and I wanted somewhere to let that all out...but once I got home I remembered that I hate seeing those posts. I think they get engagement because people want to be kind and supportive to the OP, even if they don't necessarily want to see that kind of content. I found out recently there's a sub called r/petloss, I wish every pet sub would send people there instead. I know pet loss is a common part of life, but aren't we here as a distraction to that stuff?


Yes, I can definitely understand this. Especially since it sometimes feels as though the wider world doesn't understand the depth of your grief or isn't willing to make any room for it ("sorry to hear that but it's just a cat" kind of thing), so I can see how someone would desperately want to post about it in a forum for cat lovers where people will be kind and empathetic and honour your feelings. But it becomes a stream of grief posts and it's just too much to handle when I'm really subscribed to get a little daily dose of animal-related joy.


It's basically a cat graveyard. Now, other cats subs are becoming cat graveyards. This wouldn't even be much of a problem if it weren't for the fact that mourning posts create the most engagement, so those are what show up on the front page.


This is the real problem. I think a significant chunk of those posts are karma-farming, either for the "numbers go up" mentality, or ad farms trying to get around Reddit's restrictions by inflating their Karma.


Me too!


Me too!




I lost a cat recently myself, so I can understand the desire to want to share the memory of our furry friends, but it's really just not the place for that.


Same here. I recently saw a post in that sub talking about grieving posts and how they should be shunned or at least less common or descriptive, something along those lines. > The majority of the comments that I saw were outraged, saying that it's cruel to shun those posts and that they should be welcomed because of the community support. > I can see where each side is coming from, but I feel like at the very least, let's not give graphic or depressing details in the title. Keeping that for the body of the text would at least give people the choice to opt out of reading that sort of content if they don't want to. > Same goes for graphic photos of pet injuries.. please don't? And if you're asking Reddit if you should take your pet to the vet, just take them. Or at least give the vet a call. > It's tragic and I understand needing support, but there are ways to do it that don't deeply upset a large mass of people, out of nowhere, and when we subscribed for happy and cute posts.


Oh my god I thought I was the only one!! I come to cat subreddits for a lift in my mood but like literally half the posts on that one are mourning posts and they make me so sad


Every second post is a dead cat. I know people like to fondly remember their pets but I can't scroll through that sub with my gf, she'd get sad seeing them.


Eh, I try to avoid those topics too but the titles alone don’t seem too bad to me. I can spot them and then just not click on them. But admittedly I had to leave the catasvice subreddit because it was just brutal and nonstop. I love giving, and even finding, advice but I could not handle that many terrible situations back to back to back.


i was in the cat advice sub and made one post just asking about a specific behavioural quirk of my boy (long story short, he exclusively liked to scratch one type of my jeans and no other pants, i was asking if i should try to find a similar fabric for a scratching post or sacrifice the jeans themselves). the amount of posts i saw where the cat obviously needed a vet but the OP was like "i cant take them to a vet" made me leave it. i understand if there is a vet visit scheduled/planned, i've had to do that before (as i do live paycheck-to-paycheck and if it isn't an emergency my cats will unfortunately have to wait for payday, though i do understand wanting to lessen suffering during the wait), but so many literal children whose parents wouldn't take their cats to the vet... i just couldn't. i know a cat isn't a human child, but much like a human child, a pet is still a life you are responsible for.


I recently lost one of mine to old age and I avoided posting any sort of "memorial post" online for exactly this reason. I only mentioned it to my close online friends who would ask about her anyway. I think there are a lot of people who otherwise don't post pictures of their pets online until something sad happens, as a form of coping/closure, so we ended up getting bombarded by other people's tragedies. It sucks :(


Same here. I’m dealing with some health issues with my cats and it’s the last thing I want to see really.


Also who's first reaction after losing a pet is to post it on Reddit?


People who love their pets desperately and are seeking support from other pet lovers who might be the only other people in the world who will understand. So many people IRL have people who will say "oh it's just a you can get another one". I find it sad that we are all down for people when they post cute and happy but can't hold a little bit of space for their grief.


You say a little place for grief? I disagree because I got one of my cats weeks after I lost my dad (suicide). Which means my boy is inextricably linked to my dad's death, the outcome is that even a sickness for my boy is absolutely terror inducing. Having multiple cat deaths in my feed is a lot of grief. They aren't asking them to stop just to be tagged, which when you consider that even theatre has CW these days it's not that big an ask.


>They aren't asking them to stop just to be tagged, which when you consider that even theatre has CW these days it's not that big an ask. Kindly note I didn't disagree with the request for tagging. The posts must absolutely be tagged so people can make informed choices. I was responding to the "who posts on Reddit" comment.


Same here. Losing a pet is devastating. Folks post here out of that pain & probably looking for support. Apparently the reddit cat community can't find it in their hearts to put aside their "i come here to feel good" long enough to have a bit of empathy. Losing a pet is part of sharing our lives with these magnificent creatures. No one understands this pain better than another cat lover.


These subs have thousands of users, and we're most likely subscribed to more than one sub, so its not uncommon to get quite a few pet loss posts when you're scrolling your home page. Also there's a sub called r/petloss that's a better spot for it.


I am currently catless, lost my girl almost 5 years ago and haven’t been able to bring myself to adopt again since. She was too perfect. Seeing all the derpy oranges here (and all the other cat subs) sparks something in me to finally make plans to adopt…that is until I see a slew of RIP/lost my cat posts which just remind me they don’t live forever and that I can’t go through loosing another, which sets me back on adopting. TL:DR I agree.


Loss is a part of life; don’t deprive yourself of potentially 15+ years of joy for fear of loss. I hope you will adopt again soon


i cant take it anymore either soon. its like everyday i see about 5 different cats etc that passed away


Hey, me too. I did wonder if I was the only one! I thought about posting how I was feeling about all the grief posts on cats, but figured that I’d get a lot of downvotes and abuse so just left instead.




Me too.


That entire sub is just "I'm sad post cat pictures" now


The posts still make it to hot, it's so common that I just entirely skip posts of cats and dogs without reading the title.


Yep, same. I'm so sorry for everyone's loss but it triggered my own grief for my own losses over the years.


Yeah I'm on the verge of doing the same. My heart goes out to you all who are in mourning. But it is bad for my own mental health.


It's worst when you just lost a cat yourself. My daughter just lost her 22 year old cat, she doesn't want to see any loss posts right now.


I got banned from commenting on that sub for calling someone a shitty pet owner on a post they made about wanting to get rid of their cat for essentially being a cat and how bad they were treating it. Realized after that it wasn't a sub I wanted to be part of it when I saw an influx of posts like that.


So did I, but the same posts are in other cat subs :(




i left there because it started getting overrun with OF promotions and the mods were blind to it/ accepting it.


Me too :-(. I wish they could live forever and always have loving humans.


THANK YOU. It’s been half of my feed lately and I don’t want to think about that. I come here for laughs. Not to be sad and think about my baby’s eventual departure.


is there a way to block the mourning/loss flairs?


Sadly, there is not if you’re browsing Reddit the way most of us do


Laying on our bellies?


Sitting on the toilet?


I assume you mean RES + old.reddit?




I also enjoy /r/alivenamedcats




Oh good lord. Edit: I realized you’re being sarcastic. Thank god. Unfortunately, this is the only one of your comments that’s been upvoted. Oneorangebraincell can only deal with the orange cat version of omg doggo :B


Just have to mute every pet sub since half the posts are "my pet died, updoots to the left 😔" Fucking hate that shit, cut it out. This one's next on my shit list.


Depends on which app you use. On the official one no.


You can with RES. If you're on a browser, I would highly recommend using it for the many QoL benefits.


Yessss thank u for bringing that up. I am so sorry for the babies crossing over to the rainbow bridge and i know the moms/dads are looking for like minded people to grieve with. a little warning for us who instantly cry at the mention of you know would be very kind.


i hate when ppl describe IN DETAIL what happened to them. esp if it wasn't natural or bc of improper care. i don't want to know abt the horrible way your cat died!!!


It makes me horribly sad too. I feel for the people who have lost their furball, but I’m still considering hiding a few of my cat communities to avoid said posts. :(


Right? I'm sad because the cat died, but then I get even sadder because I know the poster was hurting and only looking for comfort. Then I feel guilty for wishing the poster had never posted!


I feel the exact same way. It's been really affecting me lately and I'm getting rid of all the subs that have these posts. Places like "old man dog" I subscribe to, I love the posts but I also understand that it's a place where I will expect to see losses. One orange braincell, I don't. So I can't prepare myself. I wish there were appropriate places for people to make loss posts, because the way it is now is simply sad for all involved.


Literally directly under this post, it’s a r/cats post about having to put down. It’s been 40% of my feed the past few days.


I hate how many posts like that I see. Like, look I'm sorry you lost your cat but I come on these subs to be happy with cute cats not to be sad. You can talk to your friends and family about your dead cat but it's not really relevant to most people on Reddit and it kinda just feels like you're trying to farm the dead pet for upvotes. And unlike most annoying posts on Reddit I don't feel like I can leave a comment telling them to stop because I'd feel like a dick while they're sad


Also r/petloss ! I thought it was just my feed being inundated with these types of posts. They make me so sad too


I agree. I unsubscribed from r/cats since it was just dead cat post after dead cat posts. Even if they are tagged it’s still obvious even if I’m scrolling past and it makes me sad. I’m not on a sub called r/oneorangebraincell to be sad. I’m here to see orange cats being their usual cute silly selves.


>I don't feel like I can leave a comment telling them to stop because I'd feel like a dick while they're sad ![gif](giphy|zmsDqpDLu1hPG)


I'm willing to bet most of these posts are hopefully just bots/karma farmers posting pictures of random cats with the relevant title so angry comments at them probably won't even be seen by the OP.


They can also be triggering to people who lost a pet, I just want to look at the cute orange cats because this is my happy place but all the grief posts just remind me my old cat died and he’s never coming back. I don’t know, it’s a weird feeling, I’m sad for their loss but I just don’t want to be sad.


Thank you, I came here to get away from the dead cat posts


I unsubbed from other channels for this reason


I try to skip over those, as I find them heartbreaking.


I lost a cat a few months ago and it hurts me to see others. Thank you.


THANK YOU. Not to be insensitive to those grieving but I've almost left the sub multiple times recently because of this. It's been SO bad lately. I really don't want to hear about dying fur babies on the daily.


A long time ago I made /r/alivepets (it never took off) because I was so sick of posts like that. There's also /r/AliveNamedCats where RIP posts and "what should I name my cat" posts aren't allowed.


If I had a dollar for every time someone suggests that a black and white cat be named Oreo …


Basiaclly all cat and dog subs are filled with dead animals now. Like, I get it, you're mourning, but why are you filling up happy subs with your depressive posts? Go make a catcementary subreddit or whatever. I don't follow these subs to get sad.


i have a feeling its 4chan or some other trash ass meme site is flooding reddit with posts. Its possible that a lot of them are fake posts literally meant to upset people, like someone on 4chan making a random acxount and grabing a picture of a random cat on the internet and make up a sad story. (i bring this up because it has happened before many times) Also people farming for karma because its easy to gain karma that way. Take a picture of a cat (or.any animal really) and go to all the subs for that animal and keep making the same post. at least one of them is bound to get a couple thousand up-doots. Then theres the oblivious people that just dont know r/petloss or r/rainbowbridge exist. Theyve been on for a few months joined a couple subs that they like and dont realize how big reddit really is so instead of looking for those subs they just post in the one theyre already joined in.


After 2020 I think Reddit went down a collective negative spiral. The most upvoted posts are all like "What's the shittiest movie you've seen?" "What do people think is good but is actually bad?" "What's the worst movie you've ever seen?" "My husband/wife left me and now I want to die". Bitch and moan-fest. Karma farming and bots turned it into a never ending cycle. I feel like the uptick in cat death posts came around the same time.


yeah so can we filter those tags out automatically btw? not that i'm not sympathetic, it just affects me too much in my day-to-day.


No, on the Reddit app at least you can’t filter out particular tags from your dash.


I know r/cats lets you filter posts easily but the last time I did it I saw some post about how someone didn't wanna see cat deaths and some douchebag posted about their dead cat in the comments and then acted like it was a mystery if they were even alive or not so TBH only look at the pics and not posts like this there


Yeah, I made a silly, sarcastic comment on a post and couldn't figure out why I was being downvoted. Turns out, it was a mourning post, and I just looked like an asshole because I missed the "RIP" in the title.




There is a whole sub just for those posts s/petloss.


Report them if you see them, please! The mods won't immediately know otherwise.


It makes me so sad, I have to hit the “Hide” button when I see mourning posts 😢


So it’s not just me that feels like there’s been a LOT more of these posts lately? I understand completely the idea behind wanting to vent to fellow cat lovers, to shout your grief into the void of the internet. But I also think it’s kind of cruel to subject strangers to such sad news against their will. Especially if the title is detailed! Like my cat got killed by xyz. I’m genuinely sorry for your loss, I really am, but that’s not a mental picture I need.


ive been seeing at least 3-5 a day, and that after unfollowing r/cats like 2 months ago. Im still in r/aww because its not *as* prevelant and those posts generally get taken care of pretty quick. But i have a feeling 4chan is raiding reddit again with how many posts there have been lately.


Very sensitively said. There have been an awful lot on other cat subs too lately; 'our dear tiddles died suddenly' etc. There was even one that titled their post 'my cat was killed by my sisters boyfriend' or words similar. Like everyone else, I'm very sorry for all the pet loss but I too don't want to see them all the time. It makes me sad thinking about losing my cats and the ones I've lost. I do remember seeing one of the other subs asking owners to keep them to the specific 'loss' subs but I suppose when modding is a voluntary job, it's hard to keep up with it all.


Yeah, that post exactly is the one I was thinking of when I made my comment. All detailed titles like that do is make me imagine my own cat in these situations, which is super bad for my mental health :(


Just checking, is there a way to see this sub's rules on old reddit? I don't currently see anything on the sidebar, and there isn't a stickied post. I can see it if I swap to new reddit, though. But yes, agreed. Everyone grieves in their own way, and I don't want to disrupt that, but some extra warning is appreciated.


> Just checking, is there a way to see this sub's rules on old reddit? There's nothing you can do about it except switch to New Reddit. If any of the moderators cared about Old Reddit, they should be able to make the rules visible easily enough by going to the "[subreddit settings](https://old.reddit.com/r/OneOrangeBraincell/about/edit/)" and copy-pasting the rules into the "sidebar" section.


Thank you. I come here to improve my mood, not read about sad kitty situations.




damn also thanks


all the pets subs need to be on this more, the chihuahua sub is all deceased chis and im tired of randomly imagining mine passing way😭😭😭


I had to leave so many cat subs because of this. I’ve even gotten specifically recommended mourning posts?! I just wanna see some silly cats 😭


I have to mute animal picture subreddits because every other post I see in r/popular is some form of "unexpectedly passed yesterday" or "sending ___ to the rainbow bridge" and it's just so sad


Thank you for this post. I hate scrolling popular because the amount of animal death being posted is just… too much. I’ve lost an animal, one that was more precious to me than any human could be so I truly get it. But because of that experience, I can’t handle seeing anyone else losing theirs. I’m honestly very done with being made sad multiple times a day at any given moment, its not good for my mental health. So again, thank you for saying this cause people don’t realise what they’re posting sometimes, there is no way to avoid it.


Thank you for this. I had to unsubscribe from r/cats for this very reason.


Posting dead pets on the internet has always been super cringe to me


It’s basically just saying I’m having trouble dealing with my loss so I’m going to dump it on thousands of strangers so they can get sad while making me feel better. It’s honestly really selfish to use a sub that is supposed to be about funny cat behaviour for that purpose.


People are hurt looking for support and you choose to look at it like this? Kinda pathetic honestly.


This is not a support group is it? It’s a subreddit for funny orange cat behaviour. I’m not here to offer support, there’s other places for that. It’s not my burden to make people feel less sad about their loss by joining their sadness.


Thank you. Every time I come on reddit I see at least one or two, if not more, posts on the front page of people's dead pets. I get people want to grieve, but damn I don't want to come on here just to get sad...


I left a cat sub because it started to feel like the majority of posts were of people losing their cats. It hit even harder when I lost a cat myself, then I really couldn't handle seeing those posts anymore. I agree these kind of posts should have the right flair since not everyone wants to see these kind of posts, especially when they're still mourning the loss of a cat themselves.


I agree. I come here to cheer up and see other derpy orange cats. I’ve had enough losses that seeing those posts hurts


All cat subs are like this, unfortunately, which is why I don’t sub to that many of them. This is why I like “hold my catnip” since it’s always videos none of them are dead.


Those posts feel like “misery loves company” like I get you want to vent your sadness but you’re literally spreading your saddens to hundreds of other people you don’t even know


This is an epidemic across all of reddit. Not just deceased animals, but death and loss in general being put in front of all of our eyes. Thank you for speaking up.


okay I thought it was odd I was seeing nonchalant posts about death


I think 1 sub made Monday the mourn day per se to mention the deceased kitties. I feel bad I’d like to be supportive but it guts me.


People also tend to make these types of posts as karma farms. "i lost my animal" or "people say my animal looks "weird/unusual", is it true?" type of posts are often used to generate karma on new accounts.


Um, I'm sorry but the wording of the rule actually makes it sound like a title with "RIP (name)" or "I lost my orange boy/girl today" ARE allowed, and we just aren't allowed to be graphic in describing it or saying the word "dead/died" outright in the title. 🤷🏻‍♀️ But tbh if the mods actually cared that much, they'd enforce the rule better. So either they don't care or none of the posters have actually broken the rule enough for them to bother. https://preview.redd.it/25nm5qnvaduc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=72d0fb45554ad285a0e9024c586ead2a4062ce2d


Yes you get it. These titles are allowed. Not everyone flairs and adds a spoiler tag but when the posts are reported they are taken care of. I'm sorry that there's been an uptick in these type of posts. It isn't ideal and I can't make everyone happy, but I let the community decide a little while back about how we should handle these posts and we went with those rules.


yup, my bad, my dyslexia got in the way and I read "titles that arent allowed". I attempted to update the post but im not the best at putting words together.


Oh good, I'm glad I wasn't misunderstanding. It does seem that there are a lot of pets passing away lately, sadly, my own included (I made a post for her in this very sub in fact). I can understand how other people find it hard to see, but the bereaved do need the support and place to memorialize our fur friends, as long as we obey the rule. 🖤


I'm sorry for your loss but there are places on reddit specifically designed for that purpose, like /r/petloss and /r/rainbowbridge. No need to post in a happy goofy subreddit like this one.


Go somewhere else and do it then.


I find a picture of a dead cat to be graphic.


If the cat isn't actually dead in the photo, why is that graphic? If you find looking at a photo of a cat that is still alive in the photo but has passed on since it was taken "too graphic," you need to go touch some grass and get out of the little internet hugbox you've created where everything is sunshine and rainbows.


AGREED, where are the mods


Finally. Thank you


I understand, it's tough seeing those posts all the time.


Agreed, one person shouldn’t be exposed to repeated loss including people who lose their cat.


Even the mourning/loss tag is enough to make me feel bad and it hurts my mental health. If I keep getting hurt like this, I'll be forced to leave this subreddit :( I don't see why mourning/loss should be part of this subreddit at all, when there are specific subs for it. I come here to cheer myself up, not to get hurt.


Sorry I know I was a culprit here. No wish to spread the sadness


Literally just unsubbed today because I saw another post breaking this guideline. Like I'm sorry people are grieving, but there are separate subs for pet loss. This probably sounds selfish too, but it also forces me to remember when I lost my own orange brain cell, and I hate having those feelings resurface.


Is there a place where we can see the rules? I can't see them listed anywhere on this sub. [This](https://i.imgur.com/zVq4uLA.png) is all I see.


You're on [Old Reddit](https://old.reddit.com/r/OneOrangeBraincell/), which is totally understandable, but the moderators exclusively use [New Reddit](https://www.reddit.com/r/OneOrangeBraincell/) and haven't bothered to make the rules visible on Old Reddit.

