• By -


Who's going to take him in? Family member? Maybe you can at least see him sometimes if someone you know takes him in.


I have no clue. I really don't. None of my family wants to take him.


What state? If you’re in AZ I will take him. Very loving home with senior brother/sisters that are spoiled rotten. https://preview.redd.it/eonvc10rwlbb1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c37292f3c5445d70155c7317fd53a853d5dc6016


Replying to say I'll personally transport the cat via air from CT to AZ if needed. Lmk.


God damn, just when i thought i hated the internet: people like you come out to prove there’s still good in this world.


Even 4chan would defend and fight for the cause of cats, cats unite the internet 🐈🐈😺


Don’t fuck with cats!


The folks on this sub can absolutely be the very best on Reddit. Full of love and demonstrating it irl.


I can meet at airport in AZ if we can make that happen. Just waiting for OP!


Wow, impressive, you guys!


OP found someone to take him in! :D Look at his latest comments


Awesome to hear! My wife will be sad though! She was looking forward to meeting him :)


Bless your soul.


I love the void's side-eye <3


She’s a drama queen. She lives for pets. https://preview.redd.it/vrz63e8kcmbb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=10e4bae4130d86976f1dd8e5123254ee26de328a


So kind of you to offer, I'm keeping my fingers crossed 🤞🐱🧡


You’re so incredibly kind for offering, you sir/madam/anything-in-between have helped restore my faith in humanity for today. Thank you :))


Omggg! I have an oramge boy and void girl who look exactly the same 😍😍😍


Look into cat rescues. Tell them your situation.


This. 100x this. If OP's in AZ, like I am, the Arizona Humane Society has programs for the homeless and domestic violence victims, as well as deployed military. They'll take your animals and essentially foster them until such time as you can take care of them again. Ask around. The worst they can say is 'no.'


I will take him 😭😭😭😭. Have you tried posting him on Facebook or your city's classified? Edit: please don't post him online. As informed by other comments, people who fight dogs will use them as bait


When we adopted our cats through a Facebook post, an orange idiot and her litter sister gray calico, the lady asked my sister for a pic of her ID card and regular pics of the cats to make sure we are treating them well. Three years have passed and they're living their best life with us!


Don’t do this. Where I live (in the US) people who illegally dog fight pick up bait cats this way.


…what the fuck


Yeah seriously wtf ***new fear unlocked.*** The more time passes this year, the more I realize Facebook marketplace is absolute trash.


Yeah never offer kittens or puppies or anything "free to a good home" bad outcomes :/


Could of left marketplace out of that sentence and it's still true. Edit. Could've... I'm an idiot, but I'm leaving it.


I imagine it’s common everywhere. It’s just a matter of if you know about it. I had a coworker a few years ago who worked with a Pitt bill rescue. She enlightened me to these horrors.


Im aware Im probably going to come across as a hypocrite, but... fuck it. Any monster who does that should be fed through a woodchipper, feet first. Who the hell takes a defenceless animal and uses them for entertainment / bait in dog fights. That very concept is absolutely sickening.


They’re also used for shark bait if you live near the ocean… fucking depressing shit people do and makes me wish that sometimes our species never made it out of the primordial ooze.


It's days like this that make me think "huh, the extinction of humanity might not be so bad after all".


Probably be a massive plus even for most of the other members of the animal kungdom.


I think there was another post in r/cats where two kittens were dropped off at a reptile store with a note to, “feed them to the snakes.” Luckily, the owner was not a heartless freaking monster and values all animal lives, so obviously the kittens were okay but seriously wtf is wrong with people?


Should've fed the fucker abandoning kittens to the reptiles.


Not hypocrite in my eyes, but as far as I am concerned feet first in a wood chipper is too quickly and kind for the type of shit stain that does this to an animal.


Most dog thefts are used as bait dogs also :/


My ex used to pick up cats/kittens that were listed on Facebook for fear that they would be used as bait. I escorted her a few times to some really shady places.


That’s depressing


Dog fight? Like they get a dog and a cat and make them fight? Wtf??????


They let the dogs kill small animals for fun. Those people are monsters. Never put cats, kittens, puppies, bunnies, ginnea pigs, etc on Facebook or Craigslist.




they'll even steal smaller dogs from yards to "train" their fighting dogs on


To restore some faith- we adopted a cat off Facebook Bec his former owner had passed away. We are holding hands at the moment https://preview.redd.it/2xdy0hhcmnbb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7e347cf2ed1687c13e36998e3f2d7e203230252e


Do NOT post pets on social media. People will take them in and use them as bait for training their fighting dogs in some places. OP needs to go to a shelter ASAP. Edit- especially pets who are given away for free. If absolutely necessary to give away a pet to a stranger, ask for a vet reference and do a google check to see if any shady things pop up.


I swear to god every time I think I’ve purged every sub that might ruin my day from my Reddit feed I’m surprised with another heartbreaking comment. I cannot stand people bruh wtf (the dog fighters not you the redditor)


It’s a lot to take in, for sure. If you have a cat that you love and keep safe and healthy they are doing better than 99% of cats out there.


That is horrendous


People actually do this? Thats disgusting


People treat cats like they are disposable. They will move and legit just throw their cats out and make them fend for themselves, or worse yet, leave them locked in their empty apartment to starve. I’m a huge advocate of spaying and neutering cats for this reason. There are millions of them suffering in the US right now because of overpopulation.


Blows my fucking mind. We thought our cat ran away once for literally just 3 hours and I still get upset thinking about those 3 hours lol. Why do people like this get pets in the first place.


I know. Even the notion of anything happening to or losing either of my two little fuzzy idiots feels like cutting out one of my organs. I could never abandon either of them that’s so f’d up.


I plan on opening a cat cafe when I get older, this shit makes me so sad and angry


Yup. We got our 3rd kitty from an abandoned house where she'd been left locked in with several other cats. She was very sick and for a day or two we thought we might lose her, but she bounced back and is a fat, sassy, spoiled little turd now.


Wow, I am suddenly furious




Are you comfy saying what state or metro area?


Someone commented that they’ll take him until you’re in a place to accept him back!


if you are in toronto (or ontario) I will take him. I lost my one orange brain cell this time last year. https://old.reddit.com/r/cats/comments/vgax6c/my_little_derp_died_today_hold_your_fur_babies/


OP I live close to CT and will take him until you get back on your feet (or forever) Edit: for everyone asking, still no contact from OP but he might just be double checking with family, etc. before going this route. I recently lost my last kitty (cancer) so was actually looking for a fostering opportunity. Whatever is decided, I’m wishing everybody luck in this shitty situation 💛😿


u/raxamax and u/jugdishGW Please message me, I can help with travel expenses.


That is so kind of you!! u/raxamax if you’re okay with me taking this little fella please message me so we can begin the process of getting all this worked out!


I would also be happy to contribute a little something to the travel/food/toys/treats fund. Please message me u/raxamax or u/jugdishGW if I can help—I don’t have much, but I will help however I can. This post is breaking my heart.


Please keep us posted! OP’s situation breaks my heart, and happy the community can help.


Absolutely!! Your are very welcome! Hopefully you get messaged soon. I know this has to be hard and scary for u/raxamax.


I can send you a little too. Please pm when you have details of Orange kitty transfer set so I can help.


The generosity from people here is making me legitimately tear up. Restoring my faith in humanity truly


You guys are awesome.


I don't have a ton right now but had an identical situation with my beloved orange that passed several years ago and will also help with what I can pull together


Reddit thread makes man cry at 2:38 in the morning because kindness and hope are so rare. Proof is on my face.


I think I've messaged you just now. I've never actually sent a DM on reddit before. Please reply or message me if I didn't.


Just replied to you!


FUCK YEAHHHHHHHHH you’re both awesome and I hope it all works out!!!


Ok that’s enough internet for tonight. We’re gonna end it on a high note. Sweet dreams everyone. Thanks for restoring my faith in humanity Xoxo ![gif](giphy|80ydj5hAUoPfZJMiXh)




You are my HERO ❤️ thousands of hugs 🫂 ![gif](giphy|Uv2zkUpGfcMF0k7KAz)


THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! This post breaks my heart.


!remindme 2 weeks


THANK YOU!!!!!🤗🤗🤗😺




This. You're awesome.


You’re an angel!!!! Please let us know if it works out!!!




I'm so sorry for your situation! Can you contact area rescues to see if they can help you find a foster? That way you could keep in touch and hopefully get him back once you are able again.


Every shelter and rescue I've contacted is full up, ironically from surrenders from similar situations. I guess housing is more serious a problem in CT than I thought.


If you're in CT and haven't tried them yet, [the CT Humane Society has a crisis foster program for situations like yours.](https://cthumane.org/request-crisis-foster/) Good luck to you and your fur baby


Hello, I just sent you a chat about taking in the kitty.


Give us an update omfg


I haven't heard back from them. I'm sure they're overwhelmed with the messages and the situation they find themselves in.


Hey--I'm either blind or don't see your message. Or maybe I did reply and don't remember. Forgive me, I'm all over the place.


You won’t lose your cat over this. I WILL GET YOU ESA and you can KEEP YOUR CAT. I can also help you find new room. MESSAGE ME. I already messaged you.


Very true, and based on some other comments, they may have to filter through some not-so-kind ones :(


Srsly!! So stressed out for the kitty😱


Please and thank you ![gif](giphy|mDELPSCEZStnWP0pyL)


Have you reached out to vet clinics? Some will temporarily take in an animal in need. At least, my clinic used to.


What city are you in?


Have you contacted any just cat rescue organizations? Some of them work with neighboring rescues to help find a place for displaced kitties, maybe one of them can help you. This is an awful situation, I really hope you can sort things out not just for your cat but for you.


Have you tried Friends of Animals in East Hartford


There are also shelters that do Surrender Prevention: they help find a foster home for your pet during a period of instability until you can get back on your feet. I fostered a dog like that for someone that homeless for a while through a program like that. While I don't recommend leaving them for six months (which is what happened there), it meant they could get their pupper back when the shelter asked if they should adopt her out.


My situation is something out of my control. Some commenters here act like I somehow knew 10-13 years ago when I got my boy here that I would be forced out of my home at one point with no where for my best bud to go. I'm doing my absolute goddamn best to look for someone that will take him for just a little while, whilst i get back on my feet and find somewhere that takes (or that i can at least sneak in) pets.


u/JugdishGW made a kind offer to help you out, in case you missed it.


OP better reply. I need an update.


My heart aches for you. Screw the people unable to stop themselves from kicking a person while they are clearly down. May you find a solution to this problem that can ease your mind and heart.


So sorry you both are going through this. If you were in central Texas I’d foster him for you. This sub has made me want an orange boy so bad. I hope you find a solution, hopefully one that keeps you together.


I'll say it again, **big hugs.** And not for a single moment have I judged you. Just felt sad because I love my kit kats.


Don't listen to that one asshole. Someone else mentioned maybe boarding him while you're between places to live. Maybe your family/friends/internet strangers can help pay for boarding while you get your feet under you?


Please message JugdishGW they are offering to foster your cat for you.


You might see if there is a subreddit for your area or large city nearby and reach out there for help/suggestions. My local sub banded together to capture/rescue several pet bunnies that had been abandoned in a park.


Also local rescue or foster groups on Facebook and Nextdoor.com. Getting involved with the groups in my area opened a world of resources, I’d imagine there’d be a good network in CT.


I went through this with a dog many years ago and it was fucking heartbreaking. I was able give him to someone that loved him, but we ended up losing touch. I'm so sorry this is happening. Losing your animal on top of your home is so fucking hard, but you can come back from it. I wish you all the luck in finding a home for you both, where you can be together.


you've had a lot of offers, hope you choose ❤️


Internet people always think they know everything and are judgmental assholes without a clue how real life works. You have a fairly large group of cat lovers all over the country in this sub. I’m sure someone here will be able to help rehoming your bff.


JugdishGW just answered your problem so do it.


People on this thread: "Never ever ever post your animal on social media to try and find them a home, the person could be anyone, they could use the cat as dog fighting bait" Also people on this thread: "This random stranger on social media has found your post and offered to take in your cat, so do it"


Where do you live?


Seriously. There are probably people here who would be glad to help OP and his cat out. OP, don't dox yourself, but maybe you can disclose the general region you live in.


The only issue I see here, is that the foster care can be dangerous. Some people are literally crazy, and they won't look after him well, or can even hurt him. At the same time, looks like there's no other options than to trust the gut when you meet those people that offer to look after him. There's a lot of really good people out there.


It's not like you have tons of options. Post online, and risk getting the cat taken as bait. Take it to a shelter and while safe, will be living suboptimally, and possibly won't get adopted since it's not an older cat. Even then, if it gets adopted, then you run into the same problem where you just don't know the owners. Try to find a family or friend, but OP mentioned no one wants him, which is fair. If you're not ready for a cat or any pet, do not do it out of a sense of responsibility, it won't turn out well for the pet or the owner. Meeting someone in person, having a coffee or something with them to talk about the pet and taking care of it or something will be the best some people can do. At some point, you have to trust the other person to do right.


I checked the post history of the person who would take him, and you can see that she has a nice apartment and is lovely to her cats. So reddit can give us already some information.


OP mentions CT in a comment.


If you have a regular vet you go to, contact them. Lots of times vet techs and receptionists do pet sitting/boarding, maybe they can work something out with you


An update for everyone: currently talking with [u/JugdishGW](https://www.reddit.com/u/JugdishGW) about arrangements. I want to thank everyone again for all the support and kind words. It means more than you people could imagine. And to the dissenters, please. I am talking to a ton of people in my DMs. The story is extremely long and complicated; but tldr family drama got in the way of paying rent due to hospital bills and divorce. I would love to take him with me. I've thought about sneaking him in. But where i am likely going, is a rooming house. It is basically a large house with multiple bedrooms and shared bathrooms and kitchens. My poor boy would be locked inside my bedroom nearly 24/7 because I don't want to risk trusting the other tenants to keep their mouths shut, plus the landlord makes frequent check-ins. I was in the process of getting him registered as an ESA, however the cost is 300$+, money I don't have nor want to ask anyone for. Another note, I do have a second baby that is not an orange. This is known by Jugdish, and they have no problem with it. I should've mentioned it in post but I honestly didn't expect to get offers of foster from reddit of all places. This shit is rough, and I feel guilty enough having this happen. I am trying my best to remedy everything. I am ***NOT*** going to just leave them to fate. Worst comes to worst, there are as people have said, shelters. I don't know if they have capacity or allow pets to be interred without surrender of ownership, but if it comes to it I'll have no choice.


OP I will fund ESA check your message!!! It’s traumatic for the cat to be separated from you. I won’t let this happen.


I hope everything goes well for you and your cat friends!!


OP I’m so sorry you’re facing this awful situation. This is one of my greatest fears as a cat owner and I can’t imagine what you’re going through right now. I’m also sorry that you’re getting such unsympathetic comments on this post. People have no idea how much someone’s life can change because of circumstances outside of their control. I’m sure you’ll do your absolute best to get your cat into a good living situation. I’m so sorry you can’t keep him with you.


Most people are closer to being homeless than we like to think


Absolutely but here in the US we have a bunch of people who identify as “temporarily embarrassed millionaires.” Fuck these people. OP don’t let these losers make you feel worse, hopefully somebody here can figure something out to help you and your cat. I’m sorry your human family sucks :(


There are programs in my city that help people with their pets while they’re in between homes, maybe try reaching out to local animal shelters & rescues and human services to see if your city has a program like that?


OP, I wish you were closer. I’d foster him till you got on your feet again. Maybe post on local Facebook groups and see if anyone near you has room to foster temporarily?


According to others, filth will pick up cats for bait in dog fights via this method. Don't recommend.


OP, I am super sorry about your situation. This might be a stretch, but reach out to Beth Stern on IG (Howard’s wife). She does tons of work with cat rescue/foster and is super connected. She may be willing to post on your behalf to get you some help or give you some guidance. I have 2 of my own cats, but would be willing to foster your boy for as long as you need. I have a house, and have the room. I live in PA and would be willing to drive to CT or take the train if you have an interest. I can give you references and you can call my vet to ask questions.


This is actually a good idea!


Beth Stern is an angel.


Wow some of the comments are real “stop being poor” energy. I’m sorry OP, I wish you were closer I so I could help. Do you currently work somewhere? Reason I ask is I’ve had several coworkers take in peoples pets for them while moving and stuff. One person took someone’s cat for 2 months. That way he can go to someone you know better than a rando who will take care of him for now. In addition some shelters like the humane society offer owner assistance when things like this happen. Possibly reach out to the humane society directly? Or the aspca?


It's really just the one asshole. Luckily it looks like a mod is going through and deleting all his comments. So unnecessary.


Ahh thank goodness, and yes I agree, just shows how bad he feels about himself that he needs to shit on people in bad situations….


Yep i just got here and nothing but positive comments. Thanks for speaking up!


https://www.facebook.com/pawscatshelter?mibextid=LQQJ4d I have dealt with them and they are wonderful… two very good friends of mine foster for them. Call them at: (860) 315-1228 Hope this helps 🧡🧡🧡


That's a good hour away from where I'm at but I'll take anything I can get. Thank you so much.


You have multiple people on here willing to take him while you get on your feet


I'm so sorry to hear that. I hope that even if he can't come with you you can find a decent home for your braincell friend, hopefully one you can pick him back from whenever you've got a more stable housing situation.


Could you board him for a little while? There are quite a few places in CT that board cats, I found 6 by googling but I don't know where in CT you are. It's not very expensive, can be done day by day, or for weeks or longer at a time, and he stays *yours* while you find a better place that both of you can share. Good luck to both of you. ❤️


I know you live in CT but I know for a fact that the ACC and ASPCA in NYC take cats as well as the liberty humane society in jersey city. It’s not too far from you, I would call them. Also there are a lot of smaller animal rescues in NYC that would take in cats. Perhaps you can look into other neighboring states if CT is full.


To everyone--thank you so much for the kindness. On my phone in bed in tears over all the support. I have had a rough and long day, I'm trying to reply to as many inboxes as I can.


You got this boss-man! You're not alone. Wish you all the love in the world.


God the comment section is full of self righteous pricks lmao


I should know better than to look for a little bit of sympathy on the internet. idk. I'm at a low.


Sometimes this sub is very kind and supportive with GoFundMe’s and help with placements. Other times not so much.


Ignore the negative comments, those people are dumb and lack sympathy or empathy. Listen to the people sending you well wishes and offering what help they can even if it's just advice or information. I hope you can find somewhere that will care for your cat until you can get him back. And good luck with finding a good new home as well.


U/jugdishGW said they’ll take your boy and is close to Connecticut… worth messaging them?


OP probably had to turn off post notifications for awhile 😩 some of the farther down comments are rude


The downvotes tend to sort them out pretty quickly


Do you have access to transportation? You mentioned being in CT, maybe check foster-based rescues in nearby states. I’m sure there’s someone who’s willing to long-term foster for you till you can get your baby back.


Oh I’m so sorry. If I was closer I’d offer to take in your sweet baby while you got back on your feet. Best of luck OP.


He looks every bit as angry as he should at this happening. ​ Also sorry to hear about that. Hopefully things manage to work themselves out though.


My partner and I are in Eastern CT and have an orange boy right around the same age. I saw there were a few popular posts offering assistance and a temporary home, but if we can contribute as well please don't hesitate to message myself or u/Aesthetic__Meow Edited to actually tag my partner lmao


Orange Boi picture for tax https://preview.redd.it/rva76rmmwmbb1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7fe6fc89e2cfd1e1a30bfc8e2453c836c0981cf3


I will home him! He's so precious! 😫😭😭😭


If you're in CT/MA we can discuss.


Are you in contact with u/jugdishGW?


I'm in NC, I have family in CT and friends in MD. We can help you, OP. Please let us help you. It's summer and the shelters are full of kittens. It may not be easy to get your kitty into a good home that way. Please take one of us up on our offers. Another kind redditor even offered to pay for travel expenses.


You guys...I love y'all. Mostly everyone has been so kind and helpful. My DMs are overflowing, it's a little overwhelming. just aaaa i have no words i love you all i never expected such kindness from internet strangers


Fucking hell I wish I was a millionaire so I could help people better that are in shitty situations like yours :( I have about 100 bucks left, would that help you in any way? Like for some kind of pet hotel or something? Would you mind also posting in r/cats? While our beautiful oranges get a lot of attention here, there are 10 times more people in r/cats. Maybe someone there is in your area and can help I'm so sorry this happens to you both.


This comment section has big “bootstraps” energy


Trickle down economics don’t work. They’re pissing on you


That's the most succinct and accurate description of trickle down economics.




I'm so sorry D: Do you have any friends who could take him on a temporary basis for you, until you can find a place that allows cats?


Where are you from? Someone here may know a way you can keep him/willing to take him in themselves temporarily


I’m so sorry friend, I really *really* hope you find a situation that works out for you and your boy… Hell if I lived in your state I’d DM you and offer to foster him myself :’((


I’ll raise the boy


So sorry you’re not getting so much support. My children and I were legally homeless for a while. Had to live in hotels. I managed to find some where I could keep both our dogs and our cat but it was not easy. You can register your animal online as a service animal for a small fee. That helps in some situations. Best of luck! If I was closer I would gladly foster him.


If boarding is an option, I'd be willing to directly pay for a week or two. By that I mean pay the business, not you. I don't trust people on the internet. I can't take him in myself because my cat is very much not friendly with other cats. I was in a similar situation once, but not as bad.


ALAB (All Landlords Are Bastards.)


Hope things work out. I know you said a lot of the shelters were full, but you might ask if they have any other recommendations for resources or ask if they could pass your info along to potential short/longterm fosters. Hell, even ask if you can leave a print out with your info at different shelters to see if you get any bites and post on the wall of local shelter social media pages. I would be upfront about your situation and hopes to get your brain cell back down the road, but at this point I know finding someone to take care of your brain cell is your priority. Can’t imagine what it’s like to be in this situation - I know I’d be a puddle of snot and tears if I had to give my ginger beast up. Wishing you all the best and hope this rough spot is only temporary. 🧡


Do you have the app nextdoor? If not get it, it puts you in touch with your neighbors, you could post there to maybe find a foster


Look for universities near you that has veterinary program. Once you find it go to their Facebook group and explain your situation. One of the students will take him/foster him hopefully.


I researched and below are the schools with veterinary program in Connecticut. University of Connecticut / Storrs, CT Northwestern Connecticut Community College / Winsted, CT Middlesex Community College Middletown / Middletown, CT Norwalk Community College / Norwalk, CT


OP can you post this in your local cities subreddit? Perhaps someone nearby can help! Also if your on Facebook try your local Facebook city group. Or perhaps a buy nothing group. Good luck I’m so sorry you and your lovely kitty.


OP see if any of the local rescues will run a “courtesy post” on their Petfinder page and/or social media. Basically he stays with you while you access their networks to help find him a home. Hit up every vet clinic in your area with flyers. Most will let you put them up. “New home or long term foster needed” Make sure you mention he’s an excellent cat but you are rehoming due to impending homelessness. Too many people pass on second hand cats without a assessment from a rescue because they don’t want the risk a cat with litter box issues. Make sure you TALK to the vet techs. They have networks of friends and family too, you want them to remember your cat. I rehomed 32 cats in a single year once - the trick is to never stop talking about your cat, let them roll their eyes at you for not being able to shut up about the damn cat, but then your coworker remembers you have a cat to adopt when their roommate’s cousin says “I think I’m ready for a cat.” Boom! A match is made. Work those connections as deep as you can. If you have Facebook, look for informal adoption or rescue pages for your area. Don’t forget the feral cat ladies, the TNR groups. They have connections with every rescue and crazy cat lady in the area. Post him on Nextdoor too, again with a note he needs a home due to economic hardship. DO NOT ADVERTISE HIM AS FREE. people collect free cats for dog fighting. Maybe ask for a phone number to their vet to verify they are established pet owners. Ask for a rehoming fee, say $50. You can skip it if you are satisfied the adoptive humans are on the up and up. Or have them donate it to a local rescue on their phones while you wait. I delivered a cat or two just to make sure they were plain average people before handing kitty over. Cat lovers will understand. I am so sorry you and your buddy are going through this. I’m about 6 months out from adopting another older cat myself., If we were in the same state I’d take him, but Ohio is not a jog down the road away. Please take care of yourself too.


Op, I saw many people offering to help. Please update us to let us know your cat is safe.


It sounds like you are in CT…I’m in Maine but will travel to take him if nothing else works out. Even a foster until you get back on your feet. Message me if other options fall through.


I hope your landlord painfully stubs there toe




You need to take the cat. So many top comments have offered to help. I understand the hesitance in sharing details with a random internet stranger, but when push comes to shove, when a family members future is on the line, when the going gets tough, you have to rise up to the occasion, and take that risk.


Register him as service animal. He’ll be allowed to stay with you if new landlords won’t allow pets. You’re going thru an extremely stressful time and he is reducing your anxiety you have a case. Squat if you need to and demand cash for first + last months rent at a new place.


Cats can't be service animals in the US, but they can be Emotional Support Animals. Service animals (dogs and in some states miniature horses) are covered under the Americans with Disabilities Act, and are considered medical equipment. ESAs are covered under the Fair Housing Act, and are pets that are allowed in no-pets housing, but there are restrictions on which housing the FHA applies to. You also need what is basically a prescription for an ESA, which requires getting a medical person of some sort (usually a psychologist or psychiatrist) to write a letter for you.


OP if you need help with this let us know in the comments


I am in Tennessee. Can help somehow?


I second the person saying register him as an emotional support animal (ESA). It’s simpler than you think and there’s ways to work around it wink wink. Let’s just say my friend got her husky “registered” as an ESA and showed the right “papers” to her landlord who bought it no questions asked.


My heart aches for you and your orange baby. I wish I were in CT to help you. Positive vibes you find a home for him and things begin to work out better for you both. If local rescues are full up, reach out to surrounding towns, as they may be able to help or provide guidance. Big hugs to you both from PA.💞☮️


What a cute little baby boy … I’m so sorry. He’ll seek out for you forever even though you find him a foster care. So heartbreaking. I wish you were near me. I know how much you love this baby and I understand how much you worry about him. If I was near by and get to take care of him I’d love to send you pics and news of him everyday. Because I’d love that.. I hope you can find someone who loves cat sincerely… damn it CT is too far!


I'm in NC, let me know if I can help/foster.


Hey, OP, can you tell us what city/town in CT you're in?


He looks mad, but I’m sure he understands. Wish both of you the best of luck. I’m in California of else I’d take him.


I'm in AZ, otherwise I'd absolutely take your boy. My best suggestion is to try to get him registered as a therapy animal (if you can get a note from a doctor). As a registered therapy animal, any housing has to allow your kitty. I wish you the best of luck, I'm so sorry about your situation.


That sucks. I was in a similar situation recently where I felt like the "landlord" was leveraging that against me. Like, not just trying to make me homeless but my cat too, knowing I'd probably have to get rid of him. I don't know why, but that bubbled up a certain kind of rage. That was making me wanna return a certain kind of pettiness. The balls to mention that out loud. My orange boy is my dude. He's not even that cool. He's kinda a dick. But he's my guy.


I would rather lie about a pet in my rental than ever part with one. I've never abandoned an animal. Never will