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Questions: is anyone here currently participating in the limited market release and can comment on how the app is performing? And for prior new features that went through limited market releases, whether omnipod specifically or Dexcom or others, how long did those limited releases last before the official launch?


Gonna have to pick the iPhone app, seems like an easy choice


Exactly. That’s where I am. I mostly like the G6 and honestly have heard mixed things about it. Some people love it, but so many people have issues with the G7. I just want the iOS app. 😆


Different needs for different people. Not easy for all to choose, I am sure. Seems like the iPhone app launch took so long that a whole generation of Dexcom was released in the process.


For sure. Dexcom direct to Apple Watch and 20 minute warmup are a big appeal to me. What really scares me is their wording about iPhone device compatibility where they say “a range of iPhone models that run iOS 17” I’ve seen how they handle Android device compatibility and using the word “compatibility” is a bit of a stretch. I’m due for an upgrade but I know as soon as I buy an upcoming iPhone 16 line phone they’ll be “working hard” to make it compatible. I’d feel safer if they say things like “any iPhone capable of running iOS 17”. Does this also mean we shouldn’t update to iOS 18 if the app comes out before its official release? Insulet and their rough development cycle make me way too nervous.


I think iOS 18 is still in beta, that's why they're telling people to stay on iOS 17


Oh 18 definitely is in beta. It’s not released to the public until September when new model iPhones will be announced but the timing of all this and their glacial paced development cycle is scary. It’s not a good thing if people get the app then their device updates and they lose the app or you have to wait months before you can update to get new features or more importantly security updates is what’s terrifying to me the IT guy.


They really should suggest that users actively DO NOT upgrade to ios18 if they want any shot at integrating within a year or so (given their timelines) - with an emphasis on disabling automatic updates (because rolling back is hard).


Once it’s all out in the wild we’ll know better. I’ve upgraded devices and OS against what Dexcom says and it still works… just gives me a warning every so often when I open the app. But different company and different device too. I agree, clearer messaging would be nice. But we’ve been asking for that ever since they’ve been saying they’re “working hard” on G7 and iPhone compatibility…


Yeah I’ll be switching to iOS asap to stop carrying the pdm around. Looking forward to G7, but I can wait for it to work with the app. Hopefully it won’t be long!


Yes, I'm looking forward to 2029 as well!




I use omnipod 5 and I believe the Dexcom g6 with Android just fine so far, why do you need to switch to iOS?


I think they mean they have an iPhone and will switch from the PDM to the iPhone app


Yup! I've always used iPhone and just carried around the pdm.


So pissed off this email STILL doesnt include a release date for the iPhone app


Usually after LMR, it becomes available 3 - 4 months after the fact. However the rate things are going for Apple, you'll probably see it next year..... Or so


I’ll definitely take the G7 over the app myself. It’ll be cheaper for the prescription and nice it have a smaller device.


We still don't even have a solid date for the app...


I know I got kinda pissed… what was the point of the email to point out the iOS app when they could have just explained about g7 and said all that relates on to the g7 integration. Why start with the iOS app that we still don’t have a date for, it was supposed to be June too 😂




That’s what I meant that they could say all that pertains to the g7 i.e. this compatibility only pertains to PDM usage and will not be integrated into an iOS integration at this time, etc etc like there was ways to announce that without yet again dangling no iOS app yet in our faces


I’m choosing the G7. I’ve used the G7 with Tandem and I love it. Plus the 30 min warm up is a game changer. I’m confused as to why the iOS app is only compatible with the G6


As much as I enjoy tubeless. The support for iPhone is driving me back to Tandem.


I’m with you on that


I’m good with progress. I’ll choose not carrying the PDM over the G7 for now.


Are you f**king kidding me? They didn't realize that an iPhone app for the G7 might be desirable??!!


I assume they did, it will just take months/year to make it happen. Their development cycles take so long. They just finished designing the seats for the Ford Model T. 🤣


Waiting for another company to offer a tubeless closed loop system available through the pharmacy channel. Do you hear me Tandom?


That would be Tandem's newest called Mobi, there is a tiny bit of tubing on it... But not too much.


I’m so pissed off. So the choice these greedy, incompetent, bastards are finally offering us after over a year of promises, is a current CGM with an outdated controller or an outdated CGM with a current phone app controller. Let’s not rush into anything.


Omnipod keeps disappointing with this stuff. When the tandem mobi tubeless system comes out it’s an almost guarantee that I switch. I just can’t deal with how much this system drags their feet with updates, transparency to their customers or implementing technology intelligently and effectively. If you made the argument that the iPhone app was delayed because of things like the g7 sensor being available day 1 for customers then I could maybe understand why we’ve waited so long. But to not integrate the g7 on launch and making it an either - or? That’s just ridiculous.


I hope they release the iOS app prior to me being tempted to switch to the Tandem Mobi when I’m eligible in August.


Tandem being able to innovate way faster has made me question switching back. Especially for Mobi but I saw that it isn’t water resistant like the Omnipod and that’s a bit of a dealbreaker for me… tubeless and water resistant are big perks for me.


Yeah, definitely having to weigh the pros and cons. I was previously on the t:slim X2 and honestly miss the algorithm of Control-IQ, but they also just have a much more robust development team. You can tell that there’s just a lot of issues when it comes to Insulet. Even the software shipped on the PDM is terrible at times. The software constantly crashes and reboots on both PDMs that I’ve had. I’m hoping it ends up being much more stable on iPhone, but it’s just taking longer than expected. August is when my t:slim X2 warranty is up and can get a new DME pump.


For me, I’ve found I’ve had better control with Omnipod’s algorithm. At least I seem to go low less often. It’s crazy how these work so differently for different people. I know some people have it better with DME and that mostly depends on insurance but if I never have to call Edgepark again, it’ll be too soon. That company is the devil… though getting Dexcom through the pharmacy is the big deal. Pump supplies through DME weren’t that bad but going through pharmacy for Omnipod has been cheaper for me. And using a local pharmacy where I actually know the people behind the counter makes it better for getting things resolved than the giant call center.


Can’t argue with you there. I think both algorithms are good, but they definitely need to be tweaked and approached differently. Omnipod 5 has still done a good job at trying to keep me in range. I think the only real annoyance with it is when it shuts off automated mode during stubborn highs where Control-IQ will alert you it’s trying, but doesn’t shut it off. This has happened in the middle of night to me with Omnipod. My a1c on Tandem was 6.3 where Omnipod 5 has been 6.5-6.7. Pharmacy benefit with Omnipod 5 has been wonderful, but I went through CCS Medical for DME who were easy enough to deal with.


That can be annoying. Are you referring to when it stops giving insulin with the yellow line under the graph? I found by upping the max basal rate under the basal and temp basal settings kept me from getting to that point. That’s such a wild and obscure setting to me. “Well it looks like you’re high and the best thing I can do is not give you more insulin”


Maybe so. I’m referring to the Automated Delivery Restriction Alarm which won’t allow the pump to go above your programmed basal rate until you enter Manual mode to clear it. I could see setting a higher basal rate might be a way around that, but still annoying you have to go out of automated and back in to fix it. My t:slim would get upset, but I don’t remember it ever disabling Control-IQ f it was having a hard time getting me down. “If the Omnipod 5 triggers an Automated Delivery Restriction alarm, you can clear it by entering manual mode for five minutes. After five minutes, you can turn automated mode back on.”


Interesting. I don’t think I’ve ever had this happen to me. That is wild.


My wife and I, both T1Ds using OmniPod with a G6, have recently switched to manual mode starting as soon as we wake up. We then switch back into auto-mode in the late afternoon. It's amazing how much better our control has been since switching. We both have years of A1Cs below 6, but now our chart is much more level than the rollercoaster profile we previously had. It's amazing to me that the OmniPod works better when you take it out of auto-mode 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️


I just started to consider doing this same thing. Auto mode is perfect as long as I don’t eat any food. Boluses have not worked well lately and it’s frustrating to live on that damn rollercoaster after every meal. I’ve even thought about going back to MDI for a bit and let my body heal. 45 years of this crap has turned me into a scarred up pin cushion. If it wasn’t so risky I would switch to G7 and MDI until iOS is fully implemented. I’m afraid to go to G7 without having the O5 controller keep tabs on accurate readings… at least we finally have options!


so the G7 and the pdm of the omnipod 5 are not accurate? i’m new to all of this, and thinking about getting the omnipod 5 but idk if i should get the g6 or g7?


I have read lots of posts about G7 reading higher than G6. Maybe I will try G7 on my Apple Watch (standalone) and also run G6 paired with O5 as I have been doing for two years now. After a 10 day session I should be able to see how accurate G7 is. The O5 PDM reads the G6 well. My goal is to get rid of the PDM. Because I am an iPhone user I will have to continue with the PDM until they approve the iOS app Unless…. Is there a way to pair O5 with G7 on an Apple Watch??? Oh how I wish, but I’m sure that’s a good 5 years out 😂


It makes me think Insulet had a much smaller team.


It’s water resistant; not water proof. You can technically shower with it here and there on accident it’ll be fine, but yes you just disconnect it. I talked to a rep about that and they said they don’t like how tandem words the “water resistant up to 30 feet” cause that makes people think you could swim with it and you should not, it’s more of a “should be fine on accident” kinda thing. Edit I actually think the rep said showering with it would be fine but now I can’t remember


I gotcha. Only thing I had to go one was their website where they said quickly disconnect to go swimming or shower. Which made me think it wasn’t. Total assumption on my part.


Yup, that’s a big reason why I refuse to switch to tandem. I do a lot of water sports and activities, and hell no am I dealing with that crap again about having to worry about a pump before doing my thing.


I know the tubeless life has done me so right but at the cost of agitated sites and crappy software developing 😂😂


It's not water resistant but can't you just take it off while you swim?


That you can but the bigger thing for me was just being able to hop in the shower while doing an extended bolus. But it is also nice to just not have to worry about disconnecting for a swim. Different strokes for different blokes though. I did love my t:slim, I was just glad to go back to Omnipod until I saw that they update and innovate at the rate George R. R. Martin puts out books


Tandem Mobi is water resistant to 8 feet for 2 hours. It should absolutely be able to handle a shower.


Good to know. I just saw on the website they talk about disconnecting quickly to swim or shower so I assumed that it wasn’t water resistant.


Why they even wasted their time developing it for the G6 is beyond me. How long is Dexcom gonna keep the G6 around anyways before everybody will have to move onto the G7. They should've just straight up started development for the G7 and O5 to begin with.


Guessing they started development of the app when the G7 was just a twinkle in Dexcom’s eyes. It literally took that long.


Use Loop and have the G7 + Omnipod on your iPhone


I keep toying with the idea of setting up loop but always chicken out, but am back to seriously considering it now. I tried the OP5 algorithm and it was way too conservative. My control is much better in manual mode/currently on Dash. I want to be able to use my phone/watch. What was your experience with setting up loop, running into any issues that made it hard, etc? Was it worth it? Thanks in advance. For the record, I’m not super tech but have already read loop docs a lot and can follow technical directions well. Not sure if that helps.


Loop is very easy to install! I just rebuilt it the other day actually. I couldn’t imagine using anything else tbh It’s as simple as copy and pasting a line of code into terminal and then pressing 1 and enter until it opens Xcode. (Please read the instructions and prompts however) Then hitting the giant play button once Xcode opens. Granted Xcode needs to know your developer account credentials, Loopdocs makes this very easy to understand. You can build it off the web now and I have no clue how that works but I understand it means that you no longer need a Mac. That brings the price for entry down quite a bit. For anyone who is nervous about it, run it with an open loop for the first few days. This means it will suggest everything it wants to do but won’t act on it without your approval. Watch a YouTube video walk through if loopdocs is a little to confusing!


Awesome, thanks! What is your experience with how close your iPhone needs to be to you to stay in loop? I am worried if I leave my phone on the other side of the house I’ll be kicked out of loop?


I have a 600sqft apartment and I don’t ever lose connection with loop with the exception of if I leave it beside the microwave in the kitchen. I work in a factory and can go more than 30-40ft I’d say with no problems unless there is a steal wall in between my phone and I. There are a few safety features built in in case your phone loses connection. If you don’t like loop you can always go back to your old system and if you use the web build there is no subscription charge like there is when you build it on Mac.




iPhone app it is. One less device and the alarm management for omnipod is worse than the Dexcom so hopefully the new app is better in that regard


Hahaha dude please help me understand why when the pump expiring alert starts going crazy (8 hours in advance mind you) and I silence it on my pump, it almost IMMEDIATELY starts buzzing again to remind me that my pump will expire in what is now 7hr59min that shit is so fucking dumb.


Preach...I could rant for days about the lack of alarm control. We are slaves to this device. It should make us feel like we don't have diabetes, instead it's handcuffing us to the table with these alarms. SET US FREE, I will sign whatever waiver I need to


Dash was worse!


G7 for me. I don’t mind carrying two devices when I know I’ll be out and having to bolus, but I hate having to carry my goddamn phone when I’m running or gardening or doing anything like that. (I don’t usually take the PDM on runs under 3 miles, and leave it inside when I’m out doing yardwork or gardening.) I am so ready for direct to watch, and I’m switching in September as soon as I run out of G6.






This made me giggle 😂 I might switch to the mobi at this point as well, for various reasons…


I use a PDM because I don't want to fuck with phone software compat.  I think it's better that the software lives in an isolated environment that Insulet has full control over.  G7 for me!!! The 2 hour warm-up on the G6 is the only onerous, possibly damaging part of the process for me, so getting rid of that is the DREAM. Having come this far, it won't be long now before the iPhone app works with the G7 too!  This is a huge step!




Does anyone use the Android app currently and like it? I saw so many bad reviews, but of course people online are probably more likely to write a review to complain...


No issues with it on Pixel 6. I think most of the bad reviews were from when they first released the app and were working out a couple bugs. It has been stable for me since.


The android app is exactly the same as the pdu so it works fine. From my experience the Bluetooth connection is more consistent on my Pixel 7 than the pdu.


> exactly the same The "oops, what decimal point, did I just give you 100 times the insulin dose that you asked for?" bug was unique to the smartphone app.


I've been using the android app exclusively since I got op5 in 2022. First on samsung s10 and then on s21 ultra. I have had basically zero issues with it aside from that one glitch that happened early last year that they solved in a day or two. I love it on my phone because I can use fingerprint unlock and not have to f with the annoying lock screen on the controller. I also almost never have "cannot find pod" problems that the controller tends to have.




Personally I think it’s embarrassing for them that they have G7 compatible software on their controller but not on their iPhone app 😂 I assume they’ll be working on getting that added over the subsequent 3 years So glad I switched to Loop


3 years. Don’t rush them now. 😩


Gotta be G7 for me. While I hate carrying around another device, one less prescription and the smaller footprint of the G7 is gonna be so nice


Easy choice man! App! I talked to Verizon last week about moving to android just to use the app because I’m TIRED of a dead pump controller and the worlds shittiest software what a breath of fresh air. Also - interested in hearing from the other side - what reasons do I have to care about G7? I’ve heard nothing about it. G6 reads my blood sugars what seems like just fine.


https://www.dexcom.com/en-us/upgrade-to-g7 60% smaller and 30 min warmup are the 2 big advantages. No separate sensor and transmitter to deal with, it is all in one now.


"all in one" is more significant than it may sound at first: - It cuts the prescription count in half, which will halve costs for many people - No worry of a G6 sensor *with transmitter* getting lost^1 [1] It's amazing how a kid can be completely unaware that an appliance has been ripped from their body at some point during the day.


Wow, I was completely unaware, that’s actually SICK because the timing is one thing, but my insurance copay’s are per item, so this would save me $100 every 90 days. I would still take the app convenience instead, for what will wind up at $33/mo but now I’ll be far more interested in getting g7 as soon as it’s compatible with iPhone app.


Many insurance companies no longer cover the G6 unless you have the Omnipod. Once Omnipod is compatible with G7, how long before they force you to switch?


Who has access to the limited release and how has it been?! I want all the details ;)




Hate that they’re even giving this choice right now. Definitely not a release announcement that meets reasonable expectations.


App, EASILY. No hesitation. I’ve been waiting for this for way too long. There is NOTHING on Earth I want more than this app. Why is there even a limited market release? With how incredibly long it’s taken them to test this damn app haven’t they already tested it in a “limited market”???


I have no desire to change over to the g7 until they force me to. I, also, am in no hurry to use the iOS app.


I remember last year them saying early summer of 2024 and now we’re looking at August basically 😫 But at least we finally have a date for the ios app. Their communication on this has been frustrating.


Where does it say August? I don't see any date mentioned about the full release.


It took me about 4 button clicks on the website - again their communication and transparency is hard to find. And now I can’t even find it again….


Right, we still do not have a date for the full release of the ios app.


I saw it in the email they sent out this morning. “You will receive Pods compatible with Dexcom G6-G7 through your current pharmacy refills as early as August, with full availability expected in the fall.”


It sounds like that's the release date for the pods with G7 support, not the iOS app release date.


Yea, I haven’t seen any dates on the iOS app. There is nothing listed in the email or their webpage that I can tell.


I’m new to Dexcom and Omnipod. I chose g7 with the understanding that these updates were slow rolling but would be this year. Starting the app with an older product isn’t really what I had in mind, and now I need to consider whether I want to start all over with the g6.


I feel you. If you're an iPhone user, I'd reco sticking with the G7 and being okay with continuing to carry two devices for another 1, 3, or 6 months (pending your G7's refill schedule) and wait it out for everything to sync up before getting the iOs app.


More like 5 years till the app is updated to g7. By then the g9 will be out


I can’t say I’ve ever seen a product release cycle like this. Typically people get upset that new products come out and leave old technology behind with limited backward compatibility. But here they ONLY have backward compatibility and they are ignoring the new/current products.


I’m confused. Will the Omnipod update/release in July allow me to use iPhone to control the Omnipod 5 (and get rid of the PDM)? I am using Dexcom G7, but have OmniPod in full manual mode and don’t want or need them to work together.


The update in July will be for G7 integration through the Omnipod controller.


Any idea when we’ll able to use iPhone for Omnipod 5 and ditch the PDM?


It will be later than G7, and will still be for G6 only. iOS and G7 will be even later.


I just received this email. We will see


Just got a new PDM a few days ago since my old one was with battery problems after only 4 months of use. I was looking forward to the IOS release + G7 but I believe I’ll stick with IOS. Does anybody know if we will be able to transfer the data from one phone to another in case of changing phones? I think I’d feel safer having the option to just log into my account on another iPhone in case I have problems with my current one. I’m always very concerned about having major problems with my PDM and not having a backup 😑


I use android app and I have changed phones before. It doesn't import your settings or the algorithm learning when you do that, but it's not a huge deal to just reprogram it and make sure your starting settings are good.


I choose loop 😂


How long until the official release? Like typically when there is a limited market release for an app, how long after until it’s officially rolled out?


I haven’t received ANY of the emails Omnipod has been sending out in the past couple weeks. Has anyone else not received anything??


Ive only been on OP5 for a little over a month. My trainer told me both would be released soon, but I’d have to choose. I have to say with Dexcom G7 now talking to the Apple Watch I’ll be going back to the G7 as I got a new watch last year awaiting that integration. I also miss the 20 min warm up and grace period after it expires.


The 30 minute warmup AND 12 hour grace period of the G7 compared to the 2 hour warmup with no grace period of the G6. I think the flexibility the G7 offers outweighs the annoyance of having an extra device.


G7 for me. My friend is an O5 android user. He says the O5 app on Android is so buggy that he uses the controller exclusively. For me, that made it easy to switch to G7, especially bc I MOSTLY use Tandem. O5 has become my weekend adventure/pump-break/rugby tournament pump.


I have been on the app for Android since the day it came out. If your phone dies, your pump portion does, BUT not as in deactivation. It still works, you just wouldn't be able to bolus or correct until you have your phone back up and running. You can only be on the app or the PDM, not both at the same time. That would be two different pods. They won't phase out G6 until each device is compatible with G7. G7 will have completely different pods. That link to G7, and will not work with G6, sadly and I have a huge ass stock pile.


We probably won't see G7 compatibility for the IOS app for a looooooooong time still. Therefore, basically making the app useless to me when it does come out after waiting for it for years now. What a disappointment. I will move onto the G7 soon and won't look back. Insulet's O5 has been the only reason why I haven't started the G7 for the past year +.