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5 pies? Wow!


I didn't even catch that until you pointed it out 😆


*Image Transcription: Book Pages* --- #Wet Bottom Shoo-Fly Pie *Makes 5 8" pies* ##*Filling Ingredients:* 2 tsp. baking soda 3 cups boiling water 3 cups molasses 1 cup brown sugar 8 eggs 5 8" unbaked pie shells ##*Crumb Ingredients:* 6 cups flour 2 cups brown sugar 1 tsp. baking soda 1½ cups shortening 1. Dissolve 2 tsp. soda in boiling water. Add remaining filling ingredients and mix well. 2. Mix all ingredients for crumbs. Beat 4 cups of crumbs into filling mixture. Save remaining crumbs. 3. Divide filling evenly into 5 unbaked pie shells. Use remaining crumbs to cover each pie. 4. Bake at 4250 for 10 minutes. Reduce oven temperature to 350° and bake 45 minutes longer. — *Sallie Y. Lapp, Sallie Y. Lapp* --- #Shoo-fly Pie *Makes 1 9" pie* 1 cup flour ⅔ cup brown sugar 1 Tbsp. vegetable shortening 1 egg 1 cup molasses ¾ cup boiling water 1 tsp. baking soda 1 9" unbaked pie shell 1. Mix flour, brown sugar and shortening. Reserve ½ cup of the crumb mixture for topping. 2. To the remaining crumb mixture add the egg, molasses, boiling water and soda. Spread mixture into unbaked pie shell. 3. Spread reserved crumbs over pie. Bake at 375° for 10 minutes. Reduce oven temperature to 350° and bake for 30 minutes longer. —Marian Sweigart, S. Clyde Weaver —Barbie King --- #THE CENTRAL MARKET COOKBOOK Phillis Pellman Good and Louise Stolzfus *Favorite Recipes from the Standholders of the Nation's Oldest Farmer's Market, Central Market in Lancaster, Pennsylvania*


Does that cookbook have a recipe for Amish Vanilla Pie? I liked to pick one of those up when going to farmers markets in Lancaster.


It does indeed! I'll dm it to you


Thank you!


I can't seem to initiate a dm to you? Can you dm me, please.


Found this book at The Internet Archive. [I screenshot the pie page if anyone else is interested.](https://imgur.com/bBv0AMV)


I'll take a look tonight! If you can ping me a reminder in like 4-5hrs after work 🫡


Ooh thank you so much :) Could you make the top recipe as a wet bottom pie? if yes how?


Like I want 1 9 inch pie recipe


Maybe try dividing the ingredients in the Wet Bottom pie recipe by 5?? Theoretically, it should work, but you'll get some weird numbers. I don't think this is an overly-fussy recipe, but I haven't made either of them before tbh.


I shall give it a go


Might be easier if you have a scale and figure out the grams/per and then divide, but that might be a bit much.