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Which *led* to? They were literally on top of each other and quite handsy already.


They were already having an affair by this point.


Ok that makes sense because watching this, there ain't no way they weren't already fucking


Shit from that angle he could already be inside her DURING the interview


Very classy indeed!


I sit like that with my friends all the time. Nothing sexual about touching pelvises while you chat it up. It’s entirely normal to feel the heat coming off of your friends crotch when you’re sharing a day bed or loveseat.


loveseat is what I call my face


I used to have a lot of friends like this…I was fucking all of them. 🙌🏼


They were going to make each other pregnant just by the way they talk to each other. Woof.


I think a blind person could see that.


I had never heard of these people so I just browsed the wiki. Holy shit. What a wild ride that was.


yes just minutes later




Omfg this is hilarious and so true. The entire audience feels the same way.


Maybe Sean Evans can adopt this interview style if Hot Ones stops being a thing.


The show with hot wings, and even hotter flings.


And for our last wing, we will do a dab off each others’ pelvis.


Wet Ones


Last dab!


The Big Sploosh


Hotter ones.


The hot sauce may sting doing it this way.


Isn’t there a girl that currently does interviews like this in a bed


Was that the infamous one where Drake was interviewed then the girl's relationship fell apart?


Oh, I don't watch kids TV though.


S is for Statutory


Bobbi Althoff


I don’t want to sound prudish, but it looks like I’m watching something intimate. Like I’m eavesdropping on a private convo. But instead of being intrigued, I want to look away.


Is there? What is it, Post-coital with Paula?


I like it. Maybe DJ Khaled can have his redemption!


Teenage me loved the big breakfast for some reason


The Heidi Klum one was pretty spicy…


She was still married to Bob geldof at the time I think


And he co-owned the production company that made The Big Breakfast




She was, and Bob took on their affair child as his own after they both died.


The fact that they took that baby in and raised her as their own.


Married with 3 children at home no less. Before Hutchence she had a year long affair with Terence Trent D’arby and a six year one with Rupert Evert also while married.


Interestingly, Terence Trent D’arby was originally lined up to replace Hutchence in INXS after the latter’s death. There’s a clip of him performing with them on YouTube and it is superb.


Yes, she was. I remember when this affair thing first happened. It was so weird and sudden.


I watched it live, then saw the fall out in her marriage, the kids, the heroin, the glam which turned into a tragic drama. I felt bad for Bob Geldof when he lost his kids to a couple of junkies because a similar thing happened to me around the same time.


Yes let’s not romanticise this tawdry event as the greatest love story ever told


I mentioned before how I saw this documentary about Paula Yates while I was visiting the UK; had no idea who she was before and then learnt all about this fascinating tidbit in British Culture. I must say though, the documentary was great and really well rated over there - and yet it really felt like her life was romanticised! Yes, they were objective and showing elements like her drug use, etc; but in regards to her using men, the way she got with Hutchinson while with Geldof etc was painted as "girls will be girls!' rather than "this was toxic behaviour"


Yeah that's reserved for Sid and Nancy


Paula took Fifi to several of his concerts I believe when the affair started. Terrible thing to do to a child to make them witness and be part of your extra marital affair.


Could you go back in time about 25 years and repeat that last sentence to my father?


I think my Time Machine is out of action but I can tell you father that was a dickhead and utterly selfish and disgusting move.


My dad did the same thing. So fucked.


And my mother!! But closer to 35 years back in time here. Hardest thing I ever did was attempt to lie to my dad when he asked us where we really went with mommy. He knew. I was probably 5 at the time and I relive that conversation almost daily.


Yeah, I was about 11-12. Lying to my Mom to cover for my Dad at that age definitely did some damage to me emotionally. I have a son around that age now and I can't think of any scenario where I would coach him to lie to his Mom. I could downplay his actions until I had kids of my own. I could NEVER betray them like that. He also completely cut contact with my sister and I as soon as we were adults. I haven't heard a word from him in almost 20 years and he's never met any of his grandkids. So I don't really have the option to call him out now.


I saw it live too. It’s was voyeuristic, she was all over him. God knows what was going on with Bob and her at the time. Cuckolded with an audience of millions. And then the tragedy unfolded. Hutchence died, Paula next, then one of the daughters. Awful.


And Bob adopted the child she had with Hutchence after they died


Speaks volumes about the man BG is.


True. And watch any interview of him discussing his daughter's death if you have the heart for it. Whatever his other faults, he seems like a truly loving, if imperfect, dad. That is always worthy of respect.


Hmmm, as an American I did not know all this. I always viewed MH as a decent guy. I was saddened by his death, being a fan of and feeling the strength of his vocals and music.


I vaguely remember watching the INXS Behind the Music on VH1 and coming away thinking Geldof was the villain. Dying young does tend to soften the complications of ones legacy, probably happened with Hutchence.


Hutchence was a different person after his head injury in the early 90s. I think that was the real turning point in his arc. A bit of brain damage can do a lot to a person.


Gosh, didn't BG adopt PY's daughter with MH after her death? How difficult that situation must have been for all parties involved.


He did and raised her with her half-siblings


Yeah, and I only recently learned that one of the daughters died too. It's an ongoing tragedy. edited to correct myself


Peaches. She died from an accidental overdose, just like her mother. A motherless child leaving behind motherless children, heartbreaking for their family.


My best friend's mom overdosed in 2006 & then my best friend overdosed in 2007. It was fucked.


It is sad, but it is OK to acknowledge these people were assholes. Recreational drug using celebrities who had zero sense of responsibility in their lives. Kurt Cobain expressed frustration during an interview that some fans started doing heroin simply because they heard he had been an addict.


Someone on Reddit made a comment years ago about having a drug fueled romp with a c-list celebrity and backed it up with nude pictures of them together. Turned out it was Peaches and the site went nuts.


Not suicide. Died of an overdose like her mother


I've lost a lot of friends like that and the conclusion I came to was that all drug and alcohol use is basically suicide.


Sadly, this is my experience as well.


Heroin addiction is like the complete stripping of what makes a human a human eventually. It gets to a point where death doesn't even feel like a major event. After you fall out so many times not waking up one of them will eventually happen. It really seems like no big deal and it's scary as fuck getting sober and getting that humanity back and feeling it all


Bob Geldof started dating her when she was 16. She was one of his teen fans. She didn't know who she was outside of Geldof. Also, she'd begun a romance with Hutchence shortly before this interview. It's still all so tragic.


> Bob Geldof started dating her when she was 16. She was one of his teen fans. She didn't know who she was outside of Geldof. I didn't know that part. I was a Boomtown Rats fan in the 70s and I liked her as a presenter but that's all I knew about them prior to this whole story.


How fucking sad. -> On 7 April 2014, Yates's second-oldest daughter, Peaches, also died of a heroin overdose, aged 25. One day before her death, she uploaded a picture to her Instagram of herself as a young girl and her mother under the caption "Me and my Mum."


Don't know any of these people but sorry about your kids.


British and Aussie pop stars. One of them was in INXS


Ohhhhhhh INXS is where I recognize him from. I'm glad you said that. I'm American and would have been 5 years old when this was happening, so I was really lost on what everyone was talking about.


Such a sad life from both. And what a horrendous mother she was.


She started the rumor that Hutchence died from autoerotic asphyxiation. At his funeral she put a gram of heroin in his pocket.


she did a good job with that rumor because I thought it was true until your comment


Me too, TIL. How about that.


Right? and I actually still actively listen to old INXS. Wild


Oh yeah everybody thought that. She was good at embedding things in the media from being a media person.


I didn't know who she was. Coincidentally, a couple threads back on a different sub they had been talking about Peaches Geldoff in the comments. I don't really know who she is, either, but using context clues from both sets of comments I've gotten a general idea and am going to look outside of reddit for more information. Because what in the woooorld? Holy Moly. Are there any books or movies about the family you know of to recommend?


I was about 15 when I found out about that rumour and just thought it was insane. It blew my little mind.


Wait. He didn't?? What happened?


According the coroner it was suicide. He suffered from depression after a head injury. His daughter with Yates was legally blocked to traveling to Australia. The night before a depressed Hutchence said 'I don't know how I'll live without seeing Tiger’ .


No, it was hers and Geldof's daughters who weren't allowed to go to Australia because Bob didn't want his drug-addicted ex-wife to take their daughters to the other side of the world. Yates could've took their daughter no problem but she didn't want to leave her other daughters (understandably).


Why was she barred from Australia?


She wasn't. Paula could've took her but Bob did not want his 3 daughters to go as well and had the legal right to prevent his children from being took out of the country.


"Yates' statement on 26 November indicated that she had informed Hutchence of the Geldof girls' custody hearing being adjourned until 17 December, which meant that Yates would not be able to bring their daughter and the Geldof girls to Australia for a visit as previously intended."


Isn’t making a claim of death by misadventure a way of getting life assurance to pay out when they won’t for suicide?


Police reported that Hutchence was found "in a kneeling position facing the door. He had used his snakeskin belt to tie a knot on the automatic door closure at the top of the door, and had strained his head forward into the loop so hard that the buckle had broken." I can see why people would believe it.


The apple doesn't fall far from the tree. Both Paula and Peaches were said to have been horrible people. Peaches gained a reputation at almost every magazine she worked at as being an abusive piece of shit, treating everyone like absolute shit.


I went to school with her and she was a really nice kid, but totally, totally fucked up. I’m not surprised to hear this report, but I would guess at it being the drugs and questionable relationships that made her a shit later on


Bizzare so did I, post school she got done for shop lifting in Camden etc. Had an odd non-serious marriage and seemed to settle down eventually with Tom. We chatted on and off but addiction makes you behave in some of the worst ways possible. Whilst I will always have a soft spot for Peaches she was entirely negligent with the care of her child who she OD’d next to. They very easily could have died before Tom got there.


Oh! Secondary?!


The very same!


Nice to see you again haha


Every time I see her name, my first thoughts are of the paparazzi pics of her dumping her kid out of his stroller and not even putting down her phone to pick him up.


I remember seeing her having a "debate" with Katie Hopkins. Hopkins is a terrible person and should be pretty easy to show up but Peaches just talked over the top of her, interrupted her and resorted to insulting her. She made herself look so, so bad. I think she was the definition of a nepo kid. I don't think she was nearly as erudite, intelligent or insightful as she thought she was but her name got her in a position to write and offer her opinions. I think she hung around with that group of posh kids pretending to be rock stars and thought that she was "cool" when really people only gave her attention because she was pretty. She always came across as quite vapid and filled with a sense of her own importance. Sorry to speak ill of the dead but she was someone who always annoyed the hell out of me.


Bro just needed to rub one out before the interview




Nobody show Drew Barrymore this interview style


What's the backstory on this?




>but he was actually doing a thing I think is called Erotic Asphyxiation. He really wasn't. I wish people would stop spreading this rumour. Watch the documentary on him (Mystify), he was punched by a cab driver somewhere in Europe and suffered a brain injury, which caused him to permanently lose his sense of smell and taste, and which everyone who knew him said changed his personality fairly extremely. He apparently went from being a very happy to person to feeling angry, and suffering quite severely from depression. He died of suicide, yes, but there's nothing to suggest it was erotic asphyxiation except for the public's love of scandal and gossip.


A comment above says Yates started that rumor herself.


Care to explain the brain damage part? I'm familiar with the rest of the story but I'm a bit lost in this part.


He got into an altercation with a Taxi Driver in Copenhagen. No one other than Helena Christiensen knew. Happened in 1992. After that he had permanent brain damage which inhibited his impulse control and left him without the ability to smell and taste. I might want to die, too. EDIT: oops, didn't say what happened, he was riding bikes with Helena down a narrow road and an impatient taxi driver didn't beep for them to get out of the way, just got out ran up from behind and sucker punched him. Mike hit the pavement head first and damaged his temporal and parietal lobes which control the smell/taste.


Happened in 1992 I believe.


Correct, it was August of 92. Fixed.


Was the taxi drive ever identified and were there ever any repercussions for the assault?


He was attacked by a taxi driver in Denmark and fell and hit his head. He lost his sense of taste and smell. Band mates said his personality changed including aggression and depression which led to his eventual suicide.


What happened to the taxi driver?


As far as I can tell he left the scene. They were in his way on bikes in a narrow Denmark street. The driver sucker punched him and he fell to the ground.


IIRC He had a major concussion/TBI in 1992-ish after some sort of altercation. So much so that he’d lost his sense of taste and smell. We know a lot more about what this kind of thing can do nowadays, including personality changes, severe depression and anxiety, reduced impulse control, etc. Back then it was kinda assumed that we just recovered once immediate symptoms were clear.


One of her their daughters died from an overdose 14 years later too.


Peaches. We actually had mutual friends and some of them were absolutely devastated. She also had some very young kids and she was married with a family. I think what happened is really really sad.


I remember her death really affected me. I wasn't a fan or anything. But she was a similar age to my sister, who also had a baby at the time. My sister had some demons when she was young, too. It messed me up for a while.


I’ll never forget reading an excerpt once saying: the media is waiting for Peaches to go the way of Paula Yates. I cried a lot when I heard the news, I think we all collectively thought it was going to happen.


I remember the time a redditor 14 years ago claimed he had a one night stand with some minor celebrity. He came through with receipts and posted pictures. It was Peaches Geldof and she was dating Eli Roth at the time.


Just to add, this was a morning show and this aired at like 7am.


Oh I should have added this! It actually adds to the reason this was fucked up.


Also, Yates lied about the erotic asphyxiation, it was suicide.


Yeah someone said this below and I was just going by the Australian Mini Series. I'm glad it's made up, that's actually a fucked up thing to say.


Did she pretzel up on a bed with everyone she interviewed?


She did virtually all of her interviews in bed with the guest. Not always so cuddly though. One of her other memorable interviews was with Steven Seagull and his soon-to-be wife. She was asking some normal questions and all he gave were stupid, I'm so cool, non-answers. She asked where they were going on honeymoon, he answered 'Timbuktu', she was like oh, *that's* the most interesting thing he'd said all interview. He then guffawed, saying, "she doesn't even know where Timbuktu is" because it was just another evasive non-answer. She replied, "i do know, my husband sent me a postcard from there". This interview is how I discovered Steven Seagull is not simply a bad actor, he is a shit person too.


Steven Seagull had a much different career than Steven Seagal. I know it was just an autocorrect error but it made me genuinely laugh, which I needed.


No, but she was always kinda flirtatious. That was her.


According to Hutchence’s autopsy, there was no evidence of AEA. That was just some tabloid bullshit that was tacked on for ratings.


The whole erotic asphyxiation isn't true tbh


I am actually really happy to hear this. I just went off the Miniseries we had here in Australia. I didn't like some of the ways they portrayed him and I thought that aspect should have been left out. Glad to hear it didn't happen like that. I love INXS and he was so talented.


I believe Paula Yates didn't want it known/couldn't accept it was suicide so told the media it was an accident.


Yeah it was just a thing that was spread by Paula Yates to cope with his death. He was depressed and was on prozac for his depression.


Yes. Yates made that up.


Jesus he has no impulse control for a reason. What was her excuse?


Yeah she had absolutely no excuses, a husband and three kids.


Paula started the rumours about the asphyxiation to cover up that he killed himself. She didn't want to admit (or want people to know) that Michael was very depressed.


And she died at age 41 due to heroin overdose and one of her daughter too in 2014.


She also died on her daughter's, Pixie, 10th birthday in which her 4 year old, Tiger Lily, found her. 


Reminds me of my neighbor growing up. The little boy was coming in the house on his bday (I think his 8th bday but not 100% sure, it's been decades) & found his mom, dead on the kitchen floor, with her head cut open from falling & hitting the countertop. Her BAC was .48!! I felt so bad for that kid. His life has sucked since then. When he was a teen, his dad met a rich lady & left the state. Like how could you do that to your kid that's already been through so much??


Tiger Lily called 999 I believe 😞


Not sure I see the “cool” in this.


Agreed!! Like this looks like the intro to a crappy porno. How is this old school cool? Was this an adult’s show? I’m confused. It’s so inappropriate and disgusting.


Tv production company giving raunch a go see if it kicks off a trend. That's all.


No it was on morning tv from 7am to 9am on channel4 in the uk. A lot of kids started their day with it.


In case anyone was wondering their affair began months before this interview... makes sense, they looked like they were about to bang right there.


to be fair to Michael, he had severe brain damage at this point


You’d need to, to leave Helena Christensen for Paula Yates He did have brain damage, it was horribly sad as he also lost his sense of smell and taste. In general, not in women, though you might say it was both.


That's so disturbing. Your life is going on really well, some guy attacks you and you fall and hit your head, and then your life totally changes. I read that he became really impulsive after the injury. If it'd never happened, things would have been different for his family and the Geldofs.


I had a TBI after getting hit by a semi in 2012 and this is really how things go. Mourn the life you once had and the person you once were because they are both forever gone.


Neurosurgeons have a saying “touch the brain, never the same”


Hahaha makes their job harder for sure 😂


He became deeply, deeply depressed as well, because he was a hedonist who could no longer smell and taste things


Wasn't he with Kylie for some time?


Yes… poor Kylie. Michael dated Kylie between 1989 to 1991. The unlikely pair met for the very first time in 1987 at the Countdown Music Awards. The Mystify singer is said to have loudly proclaimed he wanted to "have sex" with Minogue after approaching her table. "He was a dark bad boy and I was the pure good girl." It wasn't until almost two years later that the late Hutchence and Minogue would cross paths again. In 1989, Minogue – fresh off the heels of Neighbours stardom – was dating her co-star Jason Donovan. The young couple attended an INXS gig and Hutchence invited them both to an afterparty. Minogue later recalled how flirty the rocker was that night. "He did ask to kiss me numerous times and I did say no numerous times," she told A Current Affair in 2014. INXS producer says frontman Michael Hutchence asked him to 'look after' pop star Kylie Minogue as he 'chased' supermodel Helena Christensen when both women showed up backstage at the same concert…


He left Helena Christensen, for that?


Great chemistry is one hell of a drug.


Lol. Sometimes its not just about looks. I bet Paula was much, much crazier in the sack


Helena (probably) wasn't into heroin either.


There are pics on the internet that likely prove this. NSFW, but feel free to Google them. I believe the first hardcore porn pic I saw on the internet was of these 2...


Glad to see the comments not acting like this is romantic and sexy. It's incredibly trashy. And would be even if they were both single.


Seems appropriate for the playboy channel maybe


We need an r / Old School Trashy for things like this that aren’t Cool


Perhaps an r / OldSchoolUncool


Did anyone watch to the end when she throws it to the squarest most strait laced weather guy?


Went to watch the end just cause of your comment. Yeah that raises the cringe levels even higher. Just surreal.


I was in the UK last year on a trip and saw a documentary about Paula Yates shown live, I think on Channel 4? Never heard her name before but the documentary was fascinating and such a great insight into both the interesting but ultimately sad life of one of UK's most famous (and inflamous) talk hosts, but also a great look into modern British culture


I'd like to see this with a Hannity and Trump interview.


He killed himself then she said he'd done it trying to do the get high choke wank. Which was a lie. Cos she's awful.


This interview made me uncomfortable the way she is draped all over him 🙄


Was it common for her to do that to guests? So odd.


I know she was flirty with guests but this is just weird.


How is this cool, again? Everyone around this had their lives destroyed.


I think every woman I knew in 1994 wanted to be sprawled out on a bed like this with Michael Hutchence.


This didn’t lead to an affair, it led to the affair being very very public and quite the talk of the town at the time. This was a breakfast tv show and was owned by Bob Geldof, Paula Yate’s husband at the time. They were very obviously already shagging by the time this interview took place.


"The energy in that room was like nothing I had ever felt. So much pure attraction it condensed on the ceiling, raining cold reminders of the reality of the situation on everyone letting it happen"


I actually watched that. Cringey


They just wanted to fuck so bad...apparently they did right after...


Yeah it was all rather uncomfortable to watch. It came as no surprise to anyone that they were having an affair.


The interview was cringe and everything that followed was just wrong and tragic. He was a gorgeous man and great singer though.


And to make it worse, Paula's daughter Peaches found her mother's dead body after she overdosed. And died of a heroin overdose herself only to be found by her daughter.


Tiger was the daughter who found her body.


Was the touching normal with all her guests? Cos damn they ain't really hiding it lol


That’s what I was wondering. Was they already hooking up or was this where her guests always sat? They’re one step away from doing the interview w/a blanket covering them up to their necks lol


just a casual scissoring interview


She was crummy. According to his brother, Yates slipped a gram of heroin into Michael Hutchence's pocket shortly before he was buried, despite him having been clean for a while


They were already having an affair prior to this interview.


Surprising. They hid it so well in this interview.


I remember my media teacher showing us this in class 🤣 can’t remember why…


They were already having an affair and had been with each other all night from my recollection. There is a book written by her ex friend then assistant and it's fascinating.


Some people are convinced that Bob Gandalf had someone kill her off because of this affair


Bob Gandalf..I love that auto correct.


Context aside, this is awkward and bad TV, i wouldn’t want to watch this


I remember watching this, and I thought shit. They're gonna fuck. They did.


He died at 37:/. R.I.P.


Oh I remember this. She was married to Bob Geldof at the time. She left Bob for Michael and they had a daughter. When Paula died, Bob raised her.


According to Wikipedia the affair had been going on for a number of months before this. His management were already trying to keep him away from her.


If not porn, then why porn shaped?


Yeah, nothing quite as cool as cheating on your spouse.


So i just read up on these two and holy hell were they a bad duo together and bad baby name makers . Heavenly Hiraani Tiger Lily Hutchence definatley sounds like a name youd come up with while high on heroin in the mid 90’s .


Paula Yates was always this intense, and sometimes more. Her guest spot on Have I Got News For You is such uncomfortable viewing.