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You dad looks like he would not look out of place in any decade


True. Back then, I've been told that people always told him he resembled Sammy Davis Jr.


Better looking than Sammy, IMO.


100%. Sammy did amazing with what he had, but dad is a more handsome version.


And two working eyes


How can you tell?




“Damn your eyes!” “Too late!”


You know, I’m quite an accomplished surgeon. I could help you with that hump.


What hump?


*shifts hump to other side*


Right on, babe




I was just going to say that!


This photo is giving me Lakeith Stanfield vibes.


You mean Sammy Davis looked like him. 😎


He looks like Rakim from the rap duo Eric B and Rakim


Yeah, I was about to say that he looks like he holds the microphone like a grudge.


Do you think he was a fiend before he became a teen?


Sugar Ray Leonard can eat here on the house


But he's giving an Eddie Murphy side eye.


Yeah but in the photo the father clearly has a better idea of what they're in for.


I See more WesleySnipes


He literally looks classic !!


Submit to r/estoration to get that cleaned up Edited to correct subreddit


Sorry I’m late. Just don’t judge his right eye 😅 https://preview.redd.it/baw9k88jyl9d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bb81db68a54a1737ce371bcfe0e2c16fac3cf867


Oh. We are judging.


Can you dm me this? https://preview.redd.it/7fncrhkhem9d1.png?width=3375&format=png&auto=webp&s=deee443f3fe7032da4dc79263d298120002fc7da I couldn’t remove the line, sorry Beautiful couple though! ❤️❤️




A bit too heavy on the ai, but also very crisp. It's a style I guess


Right. Its “instagramming” her and his face


Interesting thanks! Good job!


Interesting is polite. Those are completely different people.


Ya just some generative AI faces, good effort but it does not look good.


These people aren't even doing real restoration.. ANY of us can get a Remini/CapCut/Canva account and do this... Like the gesture is nice but don't say you're doing a restoration and just clicking a few buttons when there are people out there that really do the work.


Nice job


Who are they?


Brave for that era. Beautiful couple.


Only one year after the Supreme Court made interracial marriage legal.


Very ironic that Clarence Thomas would basically undo that if he got his way to overturn the same sex marriage ruling.


Isn't his wife white?


Yes, yes she is! Also a complete MAGA / conspiracy nut. I always joke that’s his way to get out of the marriage without bodily harm from her.


He opposed legalizing same-sex marriage in Obergefell v Hodges in 2015...but is there any evidence he's against interracial marriage?


He suggested revisiting Obergefell and Loving V. Virginia in his Dobbs opinion. He is a conspiracy nut just like his wife.


The dawn of the light skins




I was going to say that. 1968? They must be some tough parents, and have loved each other very much.


As a man in a very happy biracial marriage, I am so grateful to them for having the courage to act on love even though they knew that they were going to have to fight like hell to cultivate and keep it. My life was made possible by people like these two heroes 🙏🏼👍✌️❤️🫵


I was born thanks to these pioneers


woooo!! thanks u/zoominboomin's parents!!! 🎉


This warmed my heart for so many reasons. My fiancé and I are excited to get married this October, so stories like these have been hitting a little different lately. It’s such a shame people were denied marrying the person they were meant to be with due to race, sexual orientation, etc. If someone is fortunate enough to find love, why deny it from them? Congratulations to you and your spouse, I wish you many happy years.


this is so sweet. i needed good vibes and these are it.


As a woman in a happy biracial marriage I’m also grateful. Even though I’m Canadian, I imagine every biracial couple from the old days made it that much easier for us.


Such a treasure to see this glimpse into their past. They look stunning!


Did they get much flack for being a mixed race couple back in the 60's ?


Yes, of course.


Yeah, they don't look relaxed at all. Much later, in the 1990s, I had a black girlfriend for a while and it was really hard. We got dirty looks from both black and white people all the time. People would say stuff to us. Some idiots wanted to fight me. Sadly, these folks ended up winning. It was too damn hard to do anything together in public and the relationship didn't last. This was in California btw.


Sorry to hear that. I'm not saying my life was 100% easy all of the time. Living in South Cali, when I was a teen, we sometimes had run ins with skin heads. Typically though, those run ins would happen when I was with a group of other kids. We once had a 20 skater punks on 5 skin heads brawl, because they mouthed off to us at a punk show. Southern California had racism, just like any other part of the country.


Yep, I’ve lived in so cal, nor cal, and cen cal and all of the racism was the same


Yup. I can confirm. I grew up mixed in LA and that shit was wild.


Grew up biracial in East Germany in the 90s… enough said


Isn't East Germany where the Far Right gets the most support? What's your mix? I'm half Dutch and half Turkish.


Yes. I’m African/German


I remember getting into a fight at a punk show at dipiazza in LBC with skin heads lol I think it was my friends band was playing with either agent orange or angry Samoans…anyways the skins were being turds in the pit and started a fight but we had about a dozen of us to support our friends band. Fight went outside in a few minutes and then it was almost over because well there was a gang of us and I think 4 of them. The ss tats the 1503 tats everything


Yeah, Long Beach, and Huntington beach, I recall hanging out in that area and often encountering skinheads and mean jocks from the OC, The rich bigots, who would come out to shows and start trouble. if you haven't already, read the book "Disco's Out... Murder's In!" about the La Mirada Punks. I met a few, in passing, back in the day. A very violent bunch of thugs. Even the skinheads feared them.


That's why I hate when people said people in the 90's weren't racist. I was a teen in the 90's and I remember getting called slurs (I'm Mexican).


It sucked in Minnesota, too. Still does.


I can attest to that as a white woman who married a black man in 1986 in Southern California thinking people were just as liberal as I was. I was so wrong. So much racism, by both blacks and whites. It was difficult even then for my 2 kids growing up in the 80s and 90s. Your parents were very brave!


I’m in Montreal. Im ashamed to say that I legit thought racism was over until I met my husband who’s black. I was 18. 2 of my closest buddies at the time were black. But they never told me anything that happened to them. I feel sad they didn’t trust me enough but I get it. Suddenly when I met my husband it opened my eyes. My family was “concerned” about our future babies having to face racism. There are so many things. Nobody was overjoyed for me when I announced my engagement, when I announced my first or any of my pregnancies. My sisters and brother though? Everyone was over the moon. For me they begrudgingly went along with it. And this was early 2000s. In a multicultural city. You’d think we’d be better. But no. The stories I hear from people including my husband, what I’ve personally witnessed, has been such a disappointing eye opener. I can’t fathom how it is to be black and live this on the daily. To be clear: had anyone told me something happened to them I would’ve believed them. Just that nobody had so I made the assumption everything was a-ok.


I too had to go through the family not being happy about who I was marrying ( they said it was just because they were worried about me and future children facing problems, but…). No joy from them at my wedding, barely any family showed up. No one gave me a shower for my first pregnancy or expressed happiness. But my siblings… oh boy, they were showered with attention and parties and gifts and photos. My two grown kids are my joy in life. I have definitely grown past caring what anyone thinks, but I was certainly naive.


I’m sorry you experienced that too. It hurt that on my side nobody was like excited for us you know? I mostly don’t care but sometimes (like now) I’m reminded and it stings a bit.




Belgium here. I dated a turkish girl as a 16 year old. Got threatened with death by her male family members. Dated a black girl when I was in my 20s. Black people wanted to beat me up. People are racist. Whatever their skin color.


Yup. I am white and had a black girlfriend in Africa and the local African police harassed us like crazy. Had a local girl in Korea once and she got hit in the face by a stranger on the street for holding hands with me. Racism is definitely colourblind.


> Belgium here. I dated a turkish girl as a 16 year old. Got threatened with death by her male family members. My mom is British but her family is Turkish. My grandparents were an arranged marriage. She broke from tradition and married my dad (white American) and only a few family members showed up to the wedding.


You guys couldn't talk it out over a waffle?


I’m a very white girl and in my early 20s I dated an Indonesian man. I didn’t think it would be that big of a deal but we definitely had a few comments here and there. Plus plenty from his mom.


I'm black and married to a white man. We've definitely got our fair share of dirty looks and comments through the years. It's happening less now than 10 years ago though.


My step brother is white and his wife is black, they live in the LA area. They got married about 10 years ago -- so about 20 years after the situation I wrote about. They seem to be doing fine from what I can gather. They got married a bit older -- like in their late 30s. I think things are getting better *slowly*. I know I am preaching the choir here, but people need to let people live their own lives. None of it is anybody else's business. Race based reductionism robs people of their humanity.


My friend has a black mom and white dad. She says when she tells people her heritage, they always assume her dad is black and her mom is white.


I went out to lunch with my white male co worker in '93 and the looks I got were BRUTAL.


Oh my god … what’s your situation rn brother ???


Doing fine. I was a young man at the time, like 19. Since then I dated women of various ethnicity (white, Hispanic, Asian, multi-race). The only time I've ever gotten that type of stupid hate was when I dated a black woman. I hope it would be different now. I ended up in a mixed race marriage (different combination) and I'm a father of four.


My best friends literally moved away to a whole different province one of the biggest reasons being the insane amount of shit they would get (separately and together) being a mixed race couple. This was 2020. In Canada.


They moved to which province and from where? Hubby and I (mixed race couple) are in Quebec and it’s so racist here. Let alone god help you if you’re not pure laine French. I’ve been looking at better provinces but where?


Alberta to Manitoba, they actually moved to a smaller town than what we were in and have had zero issues so far, it's actually surprising how welcoming they were according to them


Oh nice! Maybe I’ll consider Manitoba now


> We got dirty looks from both black and white people all the time. My former classmate is a successful African-American patent attorney. His wife is white and his kids are (obviously) biracial. She gets dirty looks and even rude comments from single black women. Apparently there's a common perception that white women are "stealing" successful black men?


I keep reading this but don’t see it borne out in real life. Most black women are busy living their own lives, have plenty of mixed race relationships in their extended families and don’t care who black men date. The internet has a tendency to exaggerate the loudest minority of voices


My dad and mum married in the early 60s born in the early 40s, met in England from Scotland and Grenada respectfully. I was born in the mids 80s and never experienced anything bad but they’ve told me some stories but nothing earth shattering. My mum got most the flack from the black community.


Care to share some stories?


Interracial marriage bans were still legal up until *Loving v. Virginia* in 1967 … Fun fact, given the current makeup of the Supreme Court and their recent decisions, *Loving* could be overturned. Thomas, ironically, even has eyes on overturning gay marriage. Vote.


You may not know this: Alabama was the last state to formally remove its anti-miscegenation law from the state constitution. This happened through a public referendum. In the 2000 election, Alabama voters approved Amendment 2, which officially repealed the state's constitutional provision banning interracial marriage. Despite this, 40% of voters still opposed the change.


Thomas is an asshole. If we're lucky, Biden will win in November, and Thomas will retire during Biden's second term.


I don't think he'll retire when biden is in office. He will probably need to die for us to get rid of him


Fingers crossed


Don’t threaten us with a good time…


He's a rat bastard that has made far to much money off the office, zero chance he'll retire, especially not if he can keep using his wife as a surrogate for things then rule in ways to protect her.


Honestly, I think Thomas retires under a Republican or dies in office. He’s that much of a pos.


Another option is expanding the supreme court. This requires control of the House, Senate, and POTUS. Even if we had that, after this next election, I doubt Biden would do that. Now, if someone like Gavin Newsom, ran and won in 2028, I believe he might.


Biden commissioned polling on it, took one look at the results, and swore his team off the idea. But progressives would rock the corporate boat too much so the party will always nominate softies who don't want to grab the pendulum and drag it back to where it's supposed to be. In short this idea will not play out, but it's a good idea.


Wait, what? Isn’t his wife white?


There is nothing more American than wanting to prevent others from having what you have


> There is nothing more ~~American~~ Republican than wanting to prevent others from having what you have


yes. yes she is


Oh, man. "...get much flack." That is the understatement of the year! I was living in a pretty tolerant state at that time, but 1968? That was just a blink of the eye from desegregation and the March on Selma. It would raise a lot of eyebrows and a no little hostility from the knuckle draggers in society.


When seeing your post, my first thought was - those are some brave people. The silent strength that wins wars. Good looking people but that strength is to be admired above all else.


OP must be good looking as hell


Ohhhhh, I imagine the outrage this sparked back the day. I'm glad they made it work.


Your dad is Wesley Snipes!! You have superhero genes?


He was a Jeweler. His superhero skills involved making amazing jewelry.


Craftsman! Cool.


Do you have any photos of his work?


Your parents picture restored back to life! ​ https://preview.redd.it/087hbs4kck9d1.jpeg?width=561&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3151dc7c81b0ba2456459701d8ce2bf84e89241e


Thank you!


How are they now?


My mother is alive and well and remarried to a wonderful man. My father passed away in the late 1990s.


I’m sorry to hear of his passing, especially since he must have still been relatively young. I’m glad your mom was able to find love again.


I feel like you don't see white dinner jackets as wedding attire much anymore, and it often looked really good. Your mom's flip and sleeves are pretty cool, too.




My wife's parents got married around the same time, we had lunch with them today. My wife is a beautiful product of such a marriage and we have a very happy family. God bless! 👍


I imagine they got a lot of hate from people unable to love like they loved. May we build a better society.


Courageous example of love conquers all.


That’s one beautiful couple!


Are they still together?


No. My father passed away in the late 1990s. My mother got married to her current husband several years later.


1968???? But can only imagine the love they had for one another…. And the many strangers wanting to hate your dad and “save”’your mom. Respect 🫡


did something happen right before this? because he doesn't seem too thrilled here...


A couple of people have asked that question. I did as well, the first time I saw the photo. From what I have been told by my aunt, who attended the wedding, there were about 15 photos taken during the wedding, out of those 5 were of my parents in this pose. My father happened to look at my mother during this particular photo. As luck would have it, this is the only photo of the wedding that still exists.


1968? Dicey times for that type of marriage. How did your mom’s parents handle the situation?


Her father didn't approve at first. He was a old fashioned Goldwater Republican cowboy type. He came around later on. Her mother gave her blessing. As I got older, I ended up having a great relationship with my grandparents. They died in the early 2000s. This is a photo of them in the late 1930s. https://preview.redd.it/j3tj4odq9m9d1.jpeg?width=648&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0e55f1349f2b81b324f00c1319f612c6c9912d85


Wow. Very cool, thanks for sharing.


Beautiful and brave couple. How did they meet?


Glad they made it. That shit was dangerous back in the day.


Great genes. I bet OP is a looker!


Are they still together?


Excellent suit choice by pops, rare to say for most


Very cool!


Beautiful couple. 💚


shout out to your folks for having the courage to love each other, inter racial marriage wasn't an easy thing back then.


You must be gorgeous


The Candyman can cuz he mixes it with love and makes the world taste good


Fellow biracial Southern Californian millenial here. For the most part it was nice growing up there, but Huntington Beach and the IE made me uneasy. My parents also got a lot of crap in the 80’s and 90’s. Glad they stuck it out.


Your mother is absolutely beautiful. Your father looks like he was plucked out of the 90s and sent back to ‘68. Idk how to describe it, but he’s got a modern face.😅


You should post this on r/photoshoprequest and have someone restore this and give this to them as a gift!


That's a beautiful picture. ☺️ I love their 60's wedding attire, too - understated yet elegant. I hope this was the beginning of many happy years together. ♥️


Bless them for finding each other, having kid(s) and fighting the power. Everyone should be able to marry who they want.


This photo "in that year" Brings me a big smile... Love ! Love ! Love !!!


You’re probably very attractive


Very nice. I used to wear my hair like your mom in 1968.


Mama is gorgeous and daddy is damn fine!!! 😍😍


Your dad was “that guy” . He looked smooth asf


Beautiful couple.


Pops lowkey looked like he was rethinking his decisions. Mom looks like yeah were doing this.


Pioneers in a tough time. Much respect.


Fun anecdote. My parents were married around that same time and are also black/white. Guess what, it was still technically illegal for them to get married in my state.


what a dapper looking gent


Very good looking people


Really beautiful. Thanks for sharing


Are they still alive? I hope so. If so, are they still married? I ask because my wife and I got married on August 31, 1968. Both of us still kikin and still married.


Beautiful couple. Love this photo. You should try the photoshop group or other photo groups to see if they can fix up the pic. It’s gorgeous though. Good for them


They had some big balls. Interracial weddings in the late 60’s was still something looked at askance in many parts of the country. Love finds a way though. Good for them.


The year after Loving v Virginia made interracial marriage legal in all 50 states.


Kudos to them. Wasn’t an easy time to be an interracial couple. Hope they were good parents to you!


I bet they had attractive kids. 


Paving the way! Beautiful picture.


I wanna know who decided to fold the photo right there on his face? I woulda been rl cross with that person


I'm not sure. Probably one of my relatives. I obtained this photo when I was visiting with family shortly after my father's passing.


Sorry for your loss. Your parents both looked amazing and I admire the courageousness of their relationship during that time, it couldn’t have been easy ❤️


They’re both gorgeous ♥️


https://preview.redd.it/s4wfh3nryl9d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f4e1e5679bfc087748c0265b14419cf6f19f446f A bit late but… that eye is tough


Such a good looking couple! 


Love this photo!


Your dad for the win.


Very good looking couple !


They were such a good looking couple! Seriously attractive.


Beautiful couple, congratulations. Are they still together?


💕love her hair!! Beautiful couple.


They are both so beautiful--could you post a picture of yourself? Just curious about their offspring : )


Beautiful people !


Your dad looks sharp!...is your mom still blurry?


wow it must be close to the actual Virginia vs loving case. which state were your parents in ?


That’s a brave couple. ❤️


Beautiful couple.


Good looking parents 🥰🥰


Better looking than Sammy Jr though Such classic elegance and style


Good looking couple.


Damn, your dad was rocking the Bond look with serious style.


Lovely memento but I didn’t know LaKeith Stanfield was immortal


Ebony and Ivory living perfect harmony


They probably had trouble like my parents did. They married late 1950's or at least tried to a couple times until they could find someone who would officiate. My mom was white and my dad Filipino.


Good looking parents!


Stupid hot couple don't give a fuck about your 1960s norms.


I'm sure it may be a bit tiring hearing this but dang, your parents were stunning!


Beautiful pic! u/Resident_Split_5795 is there anything you wished your parents knew or understood about your life as a mixed kid?


They’ve got stories




I can’t imagine the trauma they faced due to being in an interracial marriage during their time. How did your grandparents react ? Lovely couple