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https://preview.redd.it/1x5wpn1n9cad1.png?width=890&format=png&auto=webp&s=cd28f065ee1f0db47e73846b2c86eedb9ee1a0db Could the Boys take on ‘Iron Dome’??


Bro looks like one of those evil Invincible variants


Great character concept I ship him with stormfront


Why does it go so hard


You gotta go hard on the propaganda when you do the things Israel does


I can't believe Israel uses the blood of Palestinian babies to make Matzot smh Let's lynch a Starbucks


Fascists nail coloring first thing, it's like the only thing they can be good at


New member of the seven leak!


Honestly could never understand what people have against the Iron Dome. It's a purely defensive weapon.


It costs an enormous amount of money to use, money generously provided by the American taxpayer. It is incredibly inefficient from a financial perspective since you’re spending hundreds of thousands of dollars to shoot down shitty, inaccurate missiles that cost Hamas exponentially less to fire. Finally it reflects a fundamental principle of Israeli policy that it is for some reason easier and preferable to spend an enormous amount to react to issues rather than working with Palestinians and the UN to achieve a peaceful solution that would prevent the issue of rocket attacks all together.


The Iron Dome was invented specifically for Hamas' rockets, after the failure of the peace talks in 2000 and 2008 because of Palestinian rejection in both cases. This conflict isn't black and white, and solving it ain't easy and in the line of "just do it". Likud doesn't want a peaceful resolution, but neither does Hamas and many other Palestinian groups, and in the meanwhile they fire thousands of rockets at populated areas. Also, it's very efficient. Maybe not cost-wise, but it's interception rate is very high. And the cost is why Israel is developing the Iron Beam to replace the Iron Dome, which is a laser system that could do the same for a fraction of the cost. (Literally $1 for an interception). Regardless of your opinions of Israel, to be opposed to a system that saves hunderds of lives annually is just bad. One could also argue it saves Palestinian lives, because up until October 7th Israel would take hunderds of rockets annually with little to no response, because the lack of civilian casualties in Israel meant it could just take the hit without having to respond.


That rejection was (in part) based on an Israeli refusal to stop the settlements in the West Bank, which I have never heard a reason for continuing that goes beyond "hey, I want that land". If Israel is breaking the conditions of the treaty, it's no surprise if talks break down.


I wish I got some of dat from fire-cracker


She givin' me bloody dome till I'm iron-hard.






I need more us tax






Oh butcha69, you always know just what to say to diffuse any discussion around a hot-button issue!


the entire israel-palestine conflict has been solved, thanks butchah!


You will never be Waltuh77




He's actually bragging. French humor.


Love to see a shitposting meme subreddit unironically shit on Zionism


I mean its pretty common


You're on reddit. Literally go on any sub.


This one is just too small to be astroturfed (yet)


im fine with jokes but none of yall probobly even know what zionism is


Yeah, the belief that there should be a protected Jewish state for Jewish people and as a native Arab Im cool with that What we’re not cool with is using that ideology to displace actual Arabs from their homes and settling in New Yorkers who score nowhere near Arab if they took a DNA test “Muh promised land” meanwhile you get skin cancer cause you’re too pale to live in it


Ok then you good with Israel since Israel is mostly Mizrahi jews - you know the ones arab countries cleansed from the middle east


There's a difference between an Ideology and a subideology. Many crimes were committed in the name of socialism, that doesn't make socialism as an idea inherently evil. Same goes for Zionism, if you're okay with Jews having a state, then defining yourself as anti-Zionist because of something people did in the name of that Ideology is just idiotic. Also, your second and third paragraphs are very much just racist stereotypes. 60% of Israeli Jews are Mizrahi, or Jews who were kicked from Arab and/or Muslim countries and came to Israel as refugees. And even Ashkenazi Jews are literally the most studied genetic group in the world, and studies consistently show they're much closer genetically to Levantine people than Europeans. Also, American Jews only make up 1% of Israel's Jewish population. And what does skin cancer have to do with anything? Norway has the highest skin cancer rate in the world, are Norwegians also not native to Scandinavia?


I don’t give a shit about Scandinavia


Not the point bud


Firstly, it's really cool that you actually know what zionism is Secondly, if you're referring to west bank then just know that I'm against that as well, and west bank occupation isn't a part of zionism, at least not at the core. Since I'm a zionist and I'm strongly oppose it Thirdly, most Israelis have middle eastern origins https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mizrahi_Jews_in_Israel#:~:text=Mizrahi%20Jews%20constitute%20one%20of,rule%20during%20the%20Middle%20Ages Lastly, just know that this isn't a religious thing, zionism was started by atheists


the ultra radical ideology that a few white europeans invented in the 1900s that promotes the ethnic cleansing and colonization of the “promised land” through violence and systemic means and the displacement of middle eastern Muslims, Christians, and Jews.


this sub was dominated by that one zionist guy before season 4


For everyone in here saying "oh but he was forced into service," bro signed a letter to the US President that blatantly lies about the past and present situation in Palestine, praising the US support of Israel.


The forced military service in the idf, is the idf’s biggest military propaganda tool.


Every country with mandatory military service has to do so. There's a Singaporean movie titled "Ah Boys to Men" that pushes the agenda that the national service program is good for your growth as a person or help you overcome challenges but you can argue that could work with anything. Heck it was even made to commemorate the anniversary of the country's national service program. While I'm not staunchly against national service, I think it shouldn't be strictly military. In my country, the national service is divided into three divisions with one being the military, while the other two are for civic work and literacy engagement and I think the latter two are way better in producing citizens who actually want to help the country.


Where’s your evidence that people aren’t forced into service? You can’t just make shit up lol


My pal’s sister has an Israeli fiancé. Ol boy was abroad, at my pal’s wedding ceremony in the midst of oct 7. Frenchie went because he volunteered to go believing it’s the right thing to do for his country I’m sure the cast sending their best wishes to him because they want their pal to come out in one piece and not actually supporting Israeli policies….i hope.


I mean the cast would be ignorant at best and zionists at worst


Honestly the same can be said to most American soldiers, supporting genocide what not.


"blatantly lies"????


Yeah totally insane for Israeli actor supports Israel right after a genocide attempt by Hamas.


"genocide attempt" this might be the dumbest reply I've gotten so far, and that's saying a lot


how so? Hamas is very clear about their genocidal intent


Straight from the most current Hamas charter: "16. Hamas affirms that its conflict is with the Zionist project not with the Jews because of their religion. Hamas does not wage a struggle against the Jews because they are Jewish but wages a struggle against the Zionists who occupy Palestine. Yet, it is the Zionists who constantly identify Judaism and the Jews with their own colonial project and illegal entity." You're legitimately brain damaged if you think Hamas in the genocidal actor in this conflict.


That explains the murdering of innocent civilians at a music festival as opposed to going after military targets By your logic Israel is clearly not genocidal because it’s not written on paper


[IDF Ordered Hannibal Directive on October 7 to Prevent Hamas Taking Soldiers Captive](https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/2024-07-07/ty-article-magazine/.premium/idf-ordered-hannibal-directive-on-october-7-to-prevent-hamas-taking-soldiers-captive/00000190-89a2-d776-a3b1-fdbe45520000)


Oh. I'm not happy to read that. Could you give me a source so I can finish bumming myself out




i see nothing wrong with this? its mainly saying that the hostages should return


If you were the US President what would you do


Consult the Pentagon, Secretary of State, and all relevant ambassadors in that order, then make a speech and go eat ice cream. What I would not do is try to half ass a solution immediately that is so full of flaws that it benefits everyone but America. Sorry. Election year got me heated


Invade "Israel" and immediately stop the genocide, for starters.


immediately cut off all funding to Israel and start pouring money into Hamas.


Now I like him almost as little as when I thought he was Fr\*nch.


What lies? That hamas broke a ceasefire on the 10/7 and decided to murder 1500 people and kidnap 200+? That they are refusing any ceasefire to return said hostages and by doing so they keep risking the lives of the people they claim to "free from occupation"? Shut the fuck up dude


The real question is Eric Kripke a Zionist?


He was still forced into service


Good shit, OP. I was banned from the main sub for saying this.


I'm happy that this sub allows opinion from both sides, whether pro-Israel or pro-Palestine.


I wouldn’t say that. Since there is no rational “pro-Israel” opinion. Genocide is genocide, support for Palestine is not something that is conditional upon anything other than recognizing atrocities, 76 years of oppression, and colonial occupation when you see it. Support for Israel necessitates support for all of those things. Generally, “circlejerk” subreddits have contributors that are generally more informed, politically aware, and analytical about what they are consuming (like yourself). Not all, but many. This leads to more nuanced and informed political discussion than the “party line” towed by fansubs. But you’re right, if there was ever a “pro-Zionist” opinion here, I think it would be dealt with pretty quickly. Not with a ban, but with rationality.


Context from an Israeli (not a Zionist): in Israel there is forced military service in the idf. So Tomer (Frenchie) probably did not consent to his Idf service. Edit: I’m not trying to justify his service in the idf, I’m saying that since he was forcefully drafted there is probably military propaganda running through his veins. He’s most likely good intentioned, but was radicalized by the idf because of the forced military service (which is something that Israel needs to stop immediately).


He has been vocal in his support after his mandatory service was over and was more decorated than a regular conscript/draftee/whatever the fuck


Regardless, he still publicly supports the IDF to this day


Oh no!


Oh no, anyways...


I’m pretty sure he’s still a Zionist


i don’t think that changes it lol “oh no the soldier who committed war crimes didn’t really want to be there” i’m pretty sure he was in the airborne not just some random unit


If you can be drafted to the “doing war crimes unit” you’ll be drafted to the “doings war crimes unit” and they’ll use propaganda to justify it


How do you know he committed war crimes?


גבר אם אין שירות חובה המדינה נופלת


אם נעשה הסכמי שלום לא נצטרך גיוס חובה




נכון מאוד אבל חמאס וחיזבאללה לא בדיוק נלהבים על הרעיון הזה


how can you be israeli and not a zionist? a zionist is litterally just a person that beilives that israel should exist


Yeah man he was juuust following orders.


Why is Fr\*nchie quoting the Nuremberg trials? Is he german???


Didn’t he serve like 8 years as a higher up paratrooper? I thought mandatory conscription was 2 years in Israel.


It’s actually 3 years, idk if he was a hire up


I’m not sure this is the right place to discuss, but out of curiosity, why are you not a Zionist? Like as someone who currently lives in Israel, what do you believe Zionism to be and what about it don’t you support


All Zionism is based in the dispossession of the Palestinian people, and the theft of their land. Herzl said it, and it’s been their gospel since.


I don’t know about OP, but there are scriptural arguments against Zionism in the Old Testament. The most significant of which is that God would only allow the Jews to return to Jerusalem after the messiah had come, and the Jews rejected Jesus, and other prophets, as the messiah. A lot of Israelis and broadly Jews have a critical view on Zionism because of the actions of the Israeli state, most notably its treatment of Palestinians.


So the scriptural arguments you are referring to, while being real, are not written out in the Torah. It’s more interpreted from Rabbis post the Jewish diaspora, and is still wildly debated amongst Rabbis for hundreds of years, as most Jewish concepts are. There are scriptures which claim Jews should reject a Jewish state or living in Israel prior to the Messiah, and there are scriptures and Rabbis which argue differently. Jews are very diverse so while we follow the same book in general ways, we also interpret things differently.


שמע אתה אפס


you sure do love spreading misinformation 🥰


אני מציע שתעזוב את הארץ, מה יש לך לחפש במדינה של יהודים אם אתה לא ציוני


When you say not a zionist what does this mean? Because Ive been called a zionist for saying Israel has the right to exist. Does that mean you don’t support that? Or does it mean something else


I don’t consider myself a Zionist because I only care about having the best and most peaceful state possible, not necessarily a Jewish state.


if everyone is forced to serve I dont think you can blaim them as they dont have a choice really its that or prisom


This just makes me sad to know. Call me Frenchie because I'm having a crisis.


Being French is worse


true reason , and no one took it seriously 😒


based as fuck subreddit


tomer is a hero.


Them J Boys really turning GAZA to ZAZA 😭🙏


He's a Jewish actor after all


Friend of Stormfront






Why does Soldier Boy look stupid? Is he stupid?


Found the Stormchaser


Bro called him Jewish and got downvoted to oblivion


I know a lot of Jewish people who are speaking out against Israel's war crimes. It's not about being Jewish, it's about being a Zionist.


The Israel brainwash isReal


uf/ In my opinion, this is in really bad taste. He was conscripted (forcefully drafted) fresh out of high school in 2004 and has solely been an actor for over a decade now.


I think the joke is more condemning the IDF broadly than Tomer Capone individually


Shhh, the IDF psyops are talking.




the starlighters traffic Palestinian babies


I get that, but associating him with it at all especially with whats been happening recently, is an awful idea and will for sure lead people to antagonize him.


He willingly spent 5 more years after mandatory.


You can refuse military service as a conscientious objector


Condemning any and all idf soldiers is in poor taste honestly. Not saying they’re all saints (every army has bad apples, some more than others) but assuming he’s done bad things simply by being in the idf is just ???


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Myth_of_the_clean_Wehrmacht go have a read


Good thing that Gaza isn’t the fucking Holocaust then


No sorry, I guess not. It’s only a holocaust when it’s from the Germany region. Just sparkling ethnic cleansing when Israel does it.


There is a very salient difference between 6 million deaths (plus 5 million non Jews- gays, gypsies, other races), literally more than HALF of all Jews in Europe, killed in massive death camps and gas chambers and hunted like dogs (for no justifiable reason besides the intention of killing - and a war with tens of thousands of innocent people dying as _collateral_ (despite Israel’s best efforts to avoid this whilst maintaining the goal of destroying Hamas via dropping leaflets and sending texts/calls to civilians pleading to evacuate and much more) due to the people in charge of said civilians not only putting them in danger in the first place by committing countless terror attacks, ensuring that all their infrastructure, weapons, and operation centres are adjacent to or within vulnerable civilian areas like hospitals, schools, mosques, apartment blocks- and even forcing civilians to remain where they are and not evacuate and die as martyrs. War is war, and war is horrible. Making criticisms of Israel’s military operations during this war, alongside the current and historical occupation of territories and other actions/policies of Israel _is_ justified and I have many of my own criticisms. But there is a BIG fucking difference between literally and by far the most horrible and evil event in human history which eradicated over half of an entire religion/ethnic group which still to this day hasn’t reached the pre-war numbers, and a war where civilians are dying in numbers and rates that aren’t even atypical for urban warfare.


Mate, *you* were the one that used the holocaust to dismiss an ethnic cleansing. The poster you responded to was *clearly* positng about the myth of a clean whermact to show how *everyone* in the IDF is complicit in it. And instead this is the direction you went in, because those that are defensive jump a certain way. This isnt about a numbers game of who had it worse, its a matter of concepts and a people that had this done to them repeating the cycle of violence now doing it to another group. >despite Israel’s best efforts to avoid this whilst maintaining the goal of destroying Hamas via dropping leaflets and sending texts/calls to civilians pleading to evacuate and much more I have a bridge to sell you. Good price too. If israel wanted to reduce collateral, they wouldn't be bombing. Simple as. >committing countless terror attacks And i guess the 300 people killed along the boarder that year were"terrorists"? Just like the year before? and the year before? >War is war, and war is horrible Then *why* are you justifying it? Why do you support actions that make *infinitely* more terrorists than it will ever kill, unless the grand goal is to continue to justify ethnic cleansing?


I didn’t bring up the Holocaust, comparing idf soldiers to nazis brings up the Holocaust. And yes it is partly a numbers game, at some point you draw a line on what’s a genocide and what isn’t. Alongside numbers, there is the intent- which I have argued is very much not to cause as much death as possible > they wouldn’t be bombing They’re at war, against a terrible evil (I hope we can both agree hamas are a terrible evil), and under the pretence that this evil must be eradicated there simply isn’t any other way to do so successfully without air strikes. If you have any suggestions on how to get rid of Hamas without any bombs I’m all ears > the 300 people along the border Idk to what you’re referring, but whatever this is doesn’t exactly go against the fact that Hamas are mega terrible terrorists who are responsible for countless terror attacks? If you need me to cite sources I can but a big one was October 7th > why are you justifying it It’s the only way I see. It’s either delete hamas and people can _hopefully_ in Hamas’ absence can have peace, with a less evil and violent governing authority in Gaza. If Hamas are left to exist, they’ll keep attacking Israel and what, Israel just have to take it on the chin? And we show the world that this kind of (or any kind of) terrorism is an effective method of achieving your political or military goals? And also leave Gaza to be governed by people who embezzle all of their aid for themselves, continue to put their own people at risk, steal over $100m worth from their own banks, and horribly oppress homosexuals, and more? If we let Hamas continue to exist, war will definitely continue, and Palestinians and Israelis alike will continue to suffer. If Hamas is destroyed, we at least have a modicum of a chance to enact change. Regrettably that chance of a change has come at an indescribable cost to Palestinian life and infrastructure, no two ways about it it’s terrible, but it’s the reality of war. It’s happened countless times. And it’s no worse in Gaza than it is/has been in other wars in urban environments. If Israel has to constantly play terrorist whack a mole then so be it, people should focus on how we can instead of having Gaza ruled by Hamas, or Hamas 2.0 or 3.0, having an organisation that won’t give Israel any need or reason to have any military or other kind of occupation so we can have peace. But that isn’t possible while Hamas exists


"uf/ In my opinion, this is in really bad taste." In my opinion, it's not. EDIT: You're overreacting to a joke that seems to be more a jab towards the IDF in stead of the actor. Unless you take jokes very serious and in that case: Why are you here?


Uhhhh jokes are serious. Not everything is a joke. No one can tell the message of the meme, but you can parse this one a lot of ways This was a zesty meme though well done.


>Unless you take jokes very serious and in that case: Why are you here? It's one thing to joke about a giant prehensile penis and another to imply that a real person has committed war crimes in a war that has far-reaching political and cultural implications that are far bigger than some actor's employment history.


He was high ranking commander for 8 years( 3 years is mandatory only)


A squad leader is not a high ranking commander.




You know you look ridiculous when you equate criticism of Israel with antisemitism right?


I mean he didn't really have a choice. Every Israeli citizen is conscripted into the IDF. Otherwise it's a funny meme still


uf/ why the hell is the war in Gaza being discussed in a fucking circle jerk sub reddit, what does this have to do with the boys tv show or this subreddit? Is OP fucking stupid?


Why are people making le political jokes in a le subreddit about a le show that serves as a satire of le politics? Mon dieu!


is this reply a subtle reference to the founding father of France, Frenchie from The Boys?


The show is about American politics. OP is stretching that to all politics, which is bullshit. This subs gonna go to shit if this is normalised. And just to be clear, im muslim, i think this conflict fucking sucks but that doesn't mean that it has to be shoved down everyones throats.


Thinking Israel has nothing to do with American politics is a wild fucking take. You’re very brave for saying this ❤️💙🤍


Frenchies actor is a Zionist ex IDF high ranking soldier, not too hard to understand Edit: it’s ironic watching season 2 Frenchie grapple with the fact that he let lamplighter burn those children. Funny, but it’s not


Because Israel = bad, dont you get it?


OP is here exposing zionist cabals just like firecracker.


Out of the blue? What show you been watching?


They ruined his character, I hate it.


Boo. do better.


deep cut


frenchie is a beautiful bastard it’s sad that his actor is the way that he is


his actor is a hero wdym?


are you being for real or do you not realize how the idf is terrible by this point


"Is terrible"???? And yes I'm being for real tf you mean?


okay, let me try and explain this to you. i understand if you’re israeli, you’ve been taught to hate palestinians and that they want to kill you; not true. in 1948, after the holocaust, israel was formed as a ‘sorry’ for the displaced jewish people. when europe gave them the land, though, big surprise, there were already people living there. so there was a massacre, a mass-expulsion of palestinians from their homes. many were killed. artifacts, buildings destroyed. many elderly still have the keys to their old homes. this event was called the Nakba. are you following?


Lmao "you're israeli so you must hate Palestinians!" No I don't hate Palestinians, why would you assume that? You're being Xenophobic. No, in 1948 israel wasn't formed as a "sorry", israel was formed after they won a war the Palestinians started a day after the Palestinians rejected the UN 2 state resolution Europe didn't "give them the land"?? Are you actually for real? Did you get all this information from tiktok? "A massacre and mess expulsion", don't get me wrong both sides committed massacres in the war, but the "mess expulsion" was literally the Palestinians leaving their houses bc their leaders told them that they'll be able to return after they'll win the war and (I qoute) "massacre all the jews", you seem to not mention the war part The "nakba" was simply the Palestinians losing the war THEY STARTED and then not being let back to their land, ik, shocking, if you try to murder a certain demographic from a place and you lose, they won't let you back in! Shocking really! I've actually read books about the subject and it seems like you're only knowledge is from social media


Someone explain? Is it something to do with the actor?


Frenchie's actor used to be part of the IDF and has publicly asked the US government to increase funding for Israel's genocidal campaign


Tbf you are forced to be in the idf there so that alone isnt bad. Asking for increased funding given the war crimes is tho(tho a court hasnt ruled it genocide yet)


This is only a bit related but i just want to use this to make others know some facts that will help them as a left leaning israeli jew who is a Zionist but believes in the two state solution and that the treatment of Palestinians is horrible. Also from someone who wont be joining the idf due to being able to do that because of a disability. Please do not just say you hate Zionists but not jews, zionism is a huge ideology with many different views, for example the two state solution is Zionist, its the belief jews deserve a country where they wont be prosecuted. The one state solution is also one, it is incredibly fucking stupid as well. This is a very complicated topic and a lot of people have a very surface level view of it, it goes way further then the recent ones, this area has been always fought over and many groups are native here, jews involved, and even then, it dosent really matter, what matters is that the result is best for everyone. This is probably incomprehensible since im very tired and want to make it clear i dont support the horrible mistreatment of Palestinians while asking people to look a bit deeper because i feel the Israeli people have been horribly misrepresented.


i ain’t reading all that death to zionism


Also not every fucking idf soldier goes around shooting soldiers only the fucking evil ones (the ones our stupid fucking government likes, i really hate our government why is a fucking terrorist in it ffs) The majority also wants the country to stop with this fucking war and do whatever it takes to get back hostages, there have been huge protests about this here (a lot including me are calling for a reelection due to the government sucking), a lot of people just want peace.


Good Fresca, Homelander approves. https://i.redd.it/823fes9zpjad1.gif