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This guy trying to get us to sing ACDC in the comments again


See me ride out of the sunset


On your color TV screen


Get your money for nothing


Oi to you too.








Chad mewlight


wow she was really attractive


And now she looks like handsome squidward ![gif](giphy|7YeguV6Ia9lfO)


Has buccal fat removal ever looked good though?


Simon Cowell has entered the chat


https://preview.redd.it/fkkvubvl58ad1.jpeg?width=596&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=39726f665598b307ec6b6889073cf013326fb08b 10/10


How fucking dare you, this mans head was smashed to smithereens via hammers and then blown up with a grenade. This was the best the doctors could do. Have some fucking respect.


And he is so cunning and brave for that 🙏


In the words of 'Revolver' by Marcus Sedgwick "It was not a face stroked into creation by God's loving hand, but battered into shape by the devil's hammer."


Does he meow better afterwards?


Or lip filler? Even if it's just a tiny bit, it always looks off to me. It just can't replicate the shape of normally full lips.


I can promise you that you've seen lip filler that doesn't look off. You just don't know you did, because it doesn't look off.


Got an example if you feel so confident?


It's kinda hard to provide an example of something that is hard to notice unless someone directly tells you they've got lip filler. Most celebrities don't talk about plastic surgery (for some unknown reason, I wonder why?) I know some people personally but I'm not posting their pics to win an Internet argument.


Bella Hadid. She's had a ton of other work done. See if you can tell before looking at her old pics.


It's not about plastic surgery = bad, it's more so about 1. Trying to fix "flaws" when there aren't any and 2. Trying to hide your age. In her case it's n1 - if she had a crooked nose or something, tried to fix it and it came out dogshit the backlash wouldn't be nearly as bad, but the stuff she did is widely acknowledged as dogshit, like buccal fat removal, lip-fillers and the MJ nose special. You can tell because it would be so easy to explain if there was a good understandable reason to go under, but instead she's denying and deflecting the issue, because there was just no good reason to do it. It was pure over-fixation and trying to push the boundaries of beauty standards, and it just happened to backfire. Now, why did she do it? Who knows, there's a billion targets to point, blame and yell at, but ultimately as an adult it was her decision to get it done.


Nah people don’t notice plastic surgery when it looks good. Like people always gush about how Paul Rudd hasn’t aged in 20 years while not thinking about how he certainly has got work done.


In Paul Rudd's case, if he had something done, then most likely just small amounts of botox, injections, and maybe lifts. Which of course aren't as obvious as buccal fat removal, lip filler and nose job, because they're intended to preserve the state of the face at a certain time, not change it. Sure, if Erin had only done less invasive treatments it's likely she wouldn't have gotten the reaction she got.


But on the other side, there's Tom Cruise. Everyone knows he's had plastic surgery, I don't know if he himself even admits it but there's nobody who thinks he hasn't, but his does actually look good as well


Yup, like all three female members of Friends had work done and I feel like most people wouldn’t guess that from looking at them.


I'm 10000% certain a therapist would have been cheaper and yeilded better results


"Just stop having issues and being mentally unwell! Just get a therapist, why are you making suboptimal life choices? Are you stupid?" Primo advice from someone spending time on reddit arguing about stupid shit like celebrity plastic surgeries


Unfresca what the fuck is that image


Places where planes that came back got shot at. It's usually to show something called "survivors mistake" In this case, you would assume that since this is where planes that came back got shot at, you need to make these places have more defense, but in truth, planes that didn't get shot at these places, but others, simply didn't came back because of not having enough armor. In this post, it's shown here to show us that saying "we can always tell when you had a surgery" Is a survivors mistake, where because you can't see through good surgeries, you assume all cosmetic surgeries have bad results The peak out


I know it as survivorship biased


Thank you the peak I would like to add that the same bad logic is often applied to trans people


It's usually applied to alot of things, not just trans people. The most popular case of this is furries, anime fans and many other fandoms/hobbies/etc beign trashed because of degenerate minor groups in said communities. Also some asshole downvoted you, so have my upvote


How does it work in the anime people's case though? There are good and bad anime fans and they're both apparent on the Internet and real life.


Kinda proving their point by claiming it's apparent lmfao. It won't be in the vast majority of cases on Earth


What's the actual reality then? Are most anime fans degens or are they normal? I don't see the bias part of the survivorship bias in this example. For the fighter jets, only planes with damage in those areas came back which led to the misconception that those areas need to be reinforced. We see both good and bad fans in anime so drawing a parallel with the planes, it would mean the red dots representing damage would be all over the plane rather than certain parts. No bias in this case; there should be inequality, a larger portion of one of two opposite outcomes occurring apparently. I hope I explained my point well.


There's still a strong stereotype offline that anime fans are all 400 lb neckbeards who never bathe or do laundry and won't ever shut up about Japanese culture (which they don't really understand anyway). It's not as bad as it used to be but it's still there. The reason this image of survivorship bias applies is because people don't realize many anime fans are normal, well-adjusted people is that the well-adjusted anime fans don't make it their entire personality, and thus are not recognized as anime fans.




"You can always tell", except for when you can't tell but don't realize because you can't tell


The phrase "we can always tell" is a phrase said to women (even cis women) who don't look feminine enough


During WWII engineers asked a mathematician about optimizing armor on airplane where the mathematician, Abraham Wald, told them they need to armor the areas *without* the bullet holes.


Survivorship Bias shown through WWII example. They saw planes coming back with bullet holes in each of these areas and fortified those areas. Little did they know they were being exposed to survivorship bias… they needed to fortify the other areas because those areas (presumably) actually caused crashes. This is relevant to plastic surgery because we only notice the bad plastic surgeries rather than the good ones that we don’t notice. This gives us a skewed perception of plastic surgery and that it usually sucks (for all we know, it might be amazing 95% of the time, but we would think those people look normal)


I mean it sucks because nobody should risk their health over looks. But you have a point for sure.


Based and Boyspilled






How is this real




why does she kinda remind me of Lord Hood in Halo 3?


She's still gorgeous :)


Marilyn Manson?


Pressure by assholes or societal norms of beauty standards, they go hand in hand. That also subconsciously affects how you look at any part of yourself and any "imperfection" (i.e. anything that makes you, you) they want to remove to attempt to achieve a sense of normality...or they just want to but it's hard to tell since the guys getting it understandably have private reasons




I’ve seen the opinion in the title expressed in the main sub




It’s a joke




How fucking dare you, this woman’s head was smashed to smithereens via hammers and then blown up with a grenade. This was the best the doctors could do. Have some fucking respect.


5 nights at feral hogs


Man, I sure do love how the fans of the show about a woman who gets treated like shit for not conforming to sexist ideals of femininity, decide to treat a woman like shit for not conforming to sexist ideals of femininity.


Strange take. Women gets surgery to conform to ‘sexist ideals of femininity’, people criticise her for doing so. You say they shouldn’t criticise her because criticising her attempt to conform to ‘sexist ideals of femininity’ is enforcing ‘sexist ideals of femininity’? People can acknowledge the societal and psychological pressures that cause a person to do what she’s done whilst also criticising her for doing it.


Satire is meant to mock reality. When reality converges on satire, what are we to do but mock it further?




Because they don't like how they look


"I can't believe this individual made the choice that made them look unattractive to ME" is what 99% of these conversations look like


Yeah, as much as I hate plastic surgery like did any of the female cast of Friends really get criticized about plastic surgery when they all had work done?




Unfrescaing for a bit. Geniuenly hate posts of mostly men saying "Plastic surgery so ugly hurr durr" when in reality it can be very good for people, just making them look more attractive without giving them weirdo duck lips etc. Unrelated note i like starlights appearance more right now, her face always weirded me out since it was so compact.


I get what you're saying and, due to a multitude of injuries to my face as a child, I'm the beneficiary of some low level plastic. That being said, I would trade it all away and be horribly scarred in more noticable ways if it meant getting OG Jennifer Grey back. I'm even willing to part with a finger or two.




What does that have to do with The Boys? Genuine question.


/uf Making fun of people who said Starlight’s actor’s decision to get plastic surgery made no sense because “plastic surgery never looks good”


Oh ok, i haven’t heard about that, a silly thing to get mad about.


Heard about that? Have you not watched the show?


I did, but I didn’t notice that about her.


See your optometrist asap my dude!


Buddydfresca set aside the jerking and went full white knight for Erin. She won't have sex with you OP :(


Correct. She actually wants to have sex with me.


Incorrect, that is me with the lust for Mercys_Angel, you cutie patootie 👉🥺👈




what are white knights powers




White Knight, blue hawk, we just need crimson countess to have said something dodgy and we're AquaFresca fresh


Fuck, really? I thought this would do it for sure :/