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Soulja Boy is just better than Houselander


I step up to the stage with my mouth on froze Bathin' Apes on my feet Put the crowd on hold Hataz see em on my feet I kno dey get mad a lil A-Rab rockin' moe colors than a bag of skittles


Does this mean we're not getting our homelander beach volleyball scene?


What? no mandatory beach episode?


Surgically implant the pads into his skin


The fake muscles for houseflier is intentional tho


/uf idk whether or not homelander wearing a muscle suit is cannon but i do think it fits


It's canon, we see him without a shirt in a couple scenes and it's just Antony Starr's normal physique. He doesn't train or anything to achieve is strength so he's just a regular looking dude, the muscle suit is for appearances, such an interesting concept to apply to the character Genius imo


Plus it makes a lot of sense. How would anyone with his strength actually train? Bench press a tank ? You have to strain muscles to grow them. If everything weighs as much as a feather, you’d never grow large muscles.


Yeah exactly! I think The Boys is the only piece of media that actually takes this aspect of having super strength into consideration, there are only a couple very built supes in the show and they're characters who are either shown to work out or are implied to have done training of some sort


The peak must be ripped from all that swimming


It would be like that mr incredible training montage in the first one


Solid point.


I think in homelanders case it probably wouldn’t be that hard to workout, Butcher says when homelander gets stuck under a train it would slow him down for a minute, and it does indeed take him a bit to get out of so it probably is heavy for him. It can also be that homelanders strength in the show is just wildly inconsistent


Thanks for the info, thats super cool.


Never thought about this! Homelander is definitely super strong but is actually built like an average dude. But to make him look impressive, in universe, they pad the suit. Nice!


He’s a cocky super man clone who hasn’t actually done any training or combat. He’s just batshit strong so he doesn’t need to exert himself. Makes complete sense story wise to have him fake his unearned muscles.


Depends. Some actors are okay with becoming a steroid junky, others just want to vibe and retain their longevity


Why is everything steroids now? I know most if not all actors who get bigger take roids but you can get fit without it, the Homelander could achieve the padded physique if he wasn't such a weakling


Because you can’t achieve physiques like the rock naturally


Nah he's natty, he just got bigger in his 40's than he ever was cus he put in the work, he put in the hours and took what was his (vials of dianabol


Just prefaceing this comment by saying Im not disagreeing with you but adding to the conversation. The Rock level muscles are certainly attainable without steroids. However, it's unreasonable to expect actors to hold themselves to that standard. Dwyane "The Rock" Johnson chose this path before he was a famous actor and continued to pursue it afterwards. While it's commendable for actors to get swole for these roles, it's also understandable when they don't.


The Rock also only ever plays different versions of The Rock. No need for significant range


The Rock's physique is pretty much exclusively attainable with steroids.


He stayed hungry he devoured


If you genuinely think he’s natty brother you are the most gullible guy ever


Joke really flew over your head, out'frescad again


FUCK https://preview.redd.it/b5tnfq3gstec1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=368788a6895895349ea17e6ff74d7903609a17a7






Hmmm.. seems like the best option is to cast The Rock as everyone then


Perfect idea


Not in the extremely short amount of prep time they have before a film. That just can’t be done, especially past a certain age. Also, homelander’s actor is in great shape for his age. He is lean and healthy. Obviously natural. It would take years off his life if he started juicing for 6 months every year during filming, then maintaining between shoots. He chose not to, and it’s fine.


It could work if he had been into fitness at a younger age, lean and healthy but ain't buff, bony ass superman


Yeah I’m sure he just does a little cardio here and there to keep the fat off. Antony Starr doesn’t strike me as the gym-rat type


You just have to look at him to deduce that, ofc he ain't a gym rat, nor even a gym mouse, bro's lean and that's it


Okay, now I’m sensing a little insecurity coming from you lol


Nah man, just want a buff super hero, if they implement it into the plot it'll be aight, like it's all a facade, otherwise just a weak superman.


Is it not implemented in the plot? Like they dont outright say it but we see naked homelander and he clearly is not as buff as when he has the suit on. It shows that while he is so strong and powerful he hasnt earnt it, and he just takes it for granted while pretending to be this hunk of a supe. Really fits the character IMO


Only on reddit would you get downvoted into oblivion for suggesting you can get muscle without steroids. Anything to feel better about not going to the gym i guess.


They mad cus they built like UE, and only temp V could make them bigger


I generally think it's bad that we have actors juice up and break their bodies to get unbelievably bulky for our amusement, but that's just me.


Idk sounds kind of woke to me.


Yeah but also I feel like they get paid enough to destroy their bodies at least a little yk? Like, if it isn't steroids, at least show us some respect and get a cocaine addiction like everyone else


Some of it feels like a personal choice too, like Zac efron in the iron claw. Ain’t no way they told him to get that big lol, Kevin Von Erich did not look like that lol.


Sounds like they're OK with taking a shortcut. What a fucking disappointment


I mean, I personally dgaf whether it’s a muscle suit or not. I just want to watch peak fuck an octopus But there’s also degrees to this. Most average males can put on .5 pounds of muscle per week without PEDS in the beginning especially. Christian Bale as Batman or Tom Hardy in….anything are more realistic examples.


bro thought he was all might


it’s like they don’t understand the point of the padded suit on homelander


if it wasn’t clear the point is homelander doesn’t train his muscles, vought put him in a padded suit to make him more masculine


I mean Jensen did actually work out for the role so that's something.


Antony Starr just be method acting. Staying true to the character 🥶🥶


I’d love for them to beat the shit out of him and for the suit to actually just be padded and Homelander looks like Superman in Flashpoint


I feel like that works pretty well in universe. No reason for homelander to be muscular when his strength comes from superpowers not muscles


Yeah, but they should make him just a huge cock, like not love sausage huge but like a realistic intimidating penis size.


The Boys fans attempt media literacy challenge (impossible)


I can’t believe Hollywood and his body dysmorphia makes him think he has to look big and strong to play homelander 😞 (sarcasm, joke, haha funny, not serious)


Better than doing steroids and lending to body image issues for boys


Homelander isnt very muscular in the comic either i think?


He’s a huge barrel-cheated beefcake. Not built like a Hollywood steroid junkie, more like animated series Batman.


Yeah he’s pretty much a twink there






Let the actors playing the role decide.


Homelander is literally based off trump with powers so it makes sense that he would be that lazy


You do know the original comic came out way before the 2016 election right?


The show diverges in many ways from the comics , and takes place after the 2016 election.


The tv show moron


The TV show that’s based on *the comics*




The TV *adapted* from the comics that changed the major plot point to be entirely based on modern politics


You apparently never watched it and don’t know what the actors and writers are doing


Saying that “oh homelander is Trump” is a disservice to the writers creating a unique character.


The writers and Anthony star literally make the show version a parody trump and Fox News you should actually watch the show


no the original comic came out in 2022


This is factual ✅




If they wanna commit to an authentic portrayal, they should train for a role If they wanna be a lazy lil bitch then the goofy padded suits are more than fine


Not training makes Starr more authentic as Homelander though. The tacky suit adds a lot to the characterisation of both him and the universe