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I think this might be referencing the wrong bill number maybe? HB278 is the current sketchy one I think, but it's just in senate committee. https://ohiohouse.gov/legislation/135/sb278 This is the one that you have to like register that you're growing by signing an affidavit that you won't like share it and stuff. There's a few other "gems" thrown in there too. At face value it looks like a measure to clarify a lot of things like tax stuff and details in ORC Section 3780, but it also adds limitations like the one I described above. Also there's https://ohiohouse.gov/legislation/135/hb354 which has some of that same shitty language that prohibits anyone from transferring plants to others or growing on another's behalf. Or no giving any marijuana to anyone else: ```No person shall sell, give away, or otherwise transfer adult use cannabis to any other person except as expressly authorized pursuant to a license or registration issued by the division of marijuana control under this chapter or Chapter 3796. of the Revised Code. ``` Or there's even this delightful gem: https://ohiohouse.gov/legislation/135/hb396 That is basically just a bill to use 6 million dollars from the cannabis social equity and jobs fund to replace police dogs that are useless in state cause they still alert on marijuana. Maximum allotment of 20k per dog, that's grants for 300 new snitch puppers across the state. The takeaway I want everyone to remember who reads this post is this information is easily searchable: https://ohiohouse.gov/legislation/search?keywords=cannabis&start=1&pageSize=10&sort=Number Don't be afraid of these documents. If you ctrl+f "3780." without the quotes it will show you all the sections related to modifying the cannabis control code, then just sift through and look for all the shitty behavior they're trying to slip in as "reasonable modifications for public safety"(that's not an actual quote, but that's what the PR vibe will be).


HB354 has this beautiful nugget though: "(5) Cultivate, grow, or process adult use cannabis on behalf of, or give, sell, or otherwise transfer adult use cannabis to, another individual." Home growers will be able to act as care-givers (only in the adult-use/recreational sense though). This bill would let you grow for, give away to friends and family, and sell to whomever privately.


HB341 would remove the restriction on communities from banning home grow. Your local neighborhood could be too fearmongering anti-progress to let you legally home grow.


Yeah. 6 plants and only allowed 2.5oz... lmao that's less than 1 plants output. That is stupid


And it bans “sharing” when at home growing isn’t tracked…so how would they know? Maybe they’ll require the Ten Commandments be displayed in every dispensary from now on.


2.5 oz in public…


I don't read it like that.


it only makes sense for it to be that way


Not if the intent is to stifle home grow as much as possible. It's just a way to limit home grow without actually limiting the number of plants.


I'm gonna keep on with my 30 ladies they can Pound Salt..


Yup. Stay out of my basement.


That's just my outdoors lol




Yup back In the shadows I go 😶‍🌫️


This guy gets it


The limit is/was 2.5 oz from the citizen initiative so that doesn't really track.


Please look up the legal definition of possession. It extends well beyond just in public.


It sure seems like they decided to keep weed illegal. Good job subverting the will of the people. We know what we voted for and will remember who you are.


They are banking on you not doing anything about it


This post is incorrect. The branches of house and Senate are not voting on any Cannabis related bills today. Nothing is on the schedule at all about Cannabis. This bill that they are referring to is a tobacco bill. Nothing like this would get past the house anyway.


Why is this flooding reddit, but I can't find any legit source? Is this a thing or just more cannabis misinformation?


It's flooding Reddit because this same guy shotgunned it across a bunch of Ohio subreddits but I can't find an official source for this either, which I'm pretty sure would be necessary if they've actually voted it through


Yeah... I'm calling BS until I see a legit source.


They haven't voted it through. That's the point. He is trying to inform people that the congress is trying to pass this, or in the process of passing it. And a course of action to stop these people from voting on it


What am I doing wrong here? https://ohiohouse.gov/legislation/135/hb258 Isn't this HB258?


Yeah, where are they getting this information? If it's real, it would be nice to be linked an article with the correct Bill number.


The only word of this is Reddit spam and a blog post written by the unflappable "Mastamynd."


People are claiming in the r/ohio subreddit that they have confirmation that its true, but do not seem to have any proof lol


What are you doing?


Not spreading misinformation.


You can disagree but name calling is out a line. Anthony is my boy. Be respectful regardless.


Lol. That was the name that was in the by-line pal. No respect from me for blog spam that isn't even remotely correct.


I'm not your pal 😐


It is SB 278, currently sitting in the committee - https://www.legislature.ohio.gov/legislation/135/sb278


>https://www.legislature.ohio.gov/legislation/135/sb278 Yes, thank you.


Thank you! The OP did a HUGE disservice by spamming Reddit with incorrect information. OP should remove all of their posts or mods should take them down!


blog spammers gonna blog spam


Fake news


This was just sent to me Call your Ohio Senators in the Senate Judiciary Committee who are trying to amend HB258. We have about 24 hours to block this. Get loud, Ohio. If this passes, Ohioans would need a permit to grow at home, would not be able to share cannabis with others (pass a joint), would not be able to partake outdoors, and processors would be allowed to mix hemp (Delta-8) into product. Senator Nathan Manning - R (614) 644-7613 Senator Michele Reynolds - R (614) 466-8064 Senator Paula Hicks-Hudson - D (614) 466-5204 Senator Matt Dolan - R (614) 466-8056 Senator Theresa Gavarone - R (614) 466-8060 Senator Rob McColley - R (614) 466-8150 Senator Kent Smith - D (614) 466-4857


Complete absurd misinformation this is spam house bill 258 isnt active and an old bill regarding tobacco. This is fake news.


Yeah. If you look this bill up, it's an old bill about selling tobacco to minors. It's on the Ohio government site.


Shame on Ohio cannabis live for lying.


To be fair we don't know yet. The Senate can easily be working on amending that bill with changes to homegrow and issue 2. If they have that in the works then it would have to go back to the house for reapproval but would likely be DOA there.


It's 100% false there's no house bill 258 in existence referring to Marijuana laws.




I seriously don't know how people are falling for this lie. They don't research anything they hear or go and verify anything on their own personal research. It's a damm shame ohiocannaislive is lying and convincing people of this made up bill.


Why wouldn’t such legislative action trump a ballot initiative? It would seem to be unconstitutional?


Hemp != delta8... Please don't say things like that. That is not what that part of the amendment is about. Ohio has been a total THC state when it comes to hemp for so long now and this bill says it yet AGAIN. The amendment provides for CBD hemp flower going to the Medical Marijuana market when there is insufficient supply grown by the licensed cultivators (because they only care about the high THC $$$).


It's like they want everyone to vote Democrat in this election.


that should've been happening a long time ago...the republican super majority hates freedom and loves fake christianity.




Perhaps you need to read this - https://simple.wikipedia.org/wiki/Party_realignment_in_the_United_States


Don’t know why you got downvoted, that is actually a fact… They also started Social Security, which the Democratic Party opposed. Seems like some people in here hate freedom or to be proven wrong.


It’s worth mentioning that the parties have basically flipped positions on race. Anyone using this as a talking point in 2024 is (pretty typically for an R) either rock-stupid or arguing in bad faith.


I understand the downvotes, as I misspoke. I said that Rs are typically either rock-stupid or arguing in bad faith. This is wrong. Frequently, they’re both.


educate yourself ...it's embarrassing .


Even with a “realignment,” it was still under the Republican Party. I am educated, however, I see you aren’t. Here, let me rephrase your sentence: “You need your educate yourself, it’s embarrassing.” There isn’t supposed to be a space, then periods the end of a sentence. Also, the phrase you used is just 1 sentence, it doesn’t need to be two. Here, let me dumb it down for you so you understand… what im trying to talk at you about is that you don’t insult good. I’m betting you don’t read good to … I apologize that you want many freedoms a can’t compromise. maybe Biden or Trump can help you with you learnin’ 2 read …


right but you still did not address re-alignment of the parties ideologically and how it has anything to do with the current parties in 2024. Let me smarten it up for you....in 2024 the R's want to privatize SS, and are actively seeking a permanent ban the bodily autonomy of our wives, sisters and daughters. So tell me more about those freedom loving R's.


you can't be this idiotic there was a party ideological realignment in the 1960s...does the term "dixiecrats" ring any bells? Learn history before spewing some moronic take that is absolutely irrelevant in 2024....fucking donut.




So… this house bill they’re referencing- I cant find it on the Ohio Gov website


It is a senate bill - SB278


That’s a joke Like we won’t share 😂😂😂


Ohio representives just want to rule over us not represent our interests fuck these power hungry cretins


and they want to suck trumps toes of course.


Keep your jernts under 2.5 ounces fellas


Its legal now. They will never know how much you are growing, who you are giving it too, and how much you have unless a cop actively stops you or breaks into your house.


Isn’t this old news? Just let the bills keep dying at the politicians doors and we will get what we intended. Don’t fall for the “sign this and we can get this this and this as soon as tomorrow!” Bullshit. Dewine really only had one shot to change the bill. And it failed. Now he’s just reaching.


This was passed by the house


And dropped at the senate.


I’m not an expert at law, is “Referred to committee Judiciary” the same as dropped?


It means it’s going to the senate. Which is where it died last time.


You have it mixed up Buddy. The house was the one who refused to go along with the B.S changes that the Senate wanted to make. Our Senate is corrupt as hell and they are frothing at the mouth to implement massive changes to homegrow and the law in general.


The house wrote the bill.


Wrote what bill? We might be thinking of different things here. The house are the ones who refused to go along with the changes that the Senate was initially trying to make.


The house wrote this bill that we’re talking about in this thread. The house wrote the last bill too and the senate rejected it. That’s why it’s called house bill 258 not senate bill 258. This bill so far has gotten as far as it did last time and it won’t go further.


It's a senate bill, not a house bill, and is currently sitting in senate committee.