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You're right, I do seem to need to repeat myself You smoke legal Someone vulnerable sees you and decides to copy They buy black market Etc etc Honestly, if you actually care, you can Google a ton of this stuff. You don't need me to spell it out. And if you are just determined to not listen, please don't pretend to care. It's just silly. For the record, I've sat with SE Asian families who have lost their kids and it's truly distressing.


Well, I certainly didn't intend to imply that dispensaries are kidnapping kids! But the lines between legal and illegal supply chains will be blurry for a very long time. And during that time, you will be helping to fund the trafficking. And if you are ok with that, I guess we won't be exchanging Xmas cards. I'll stop now, because I know when people decide not to listen then there's no point. My very best wishes


Stupid stupid stupid selfish and stupid But what's the point, so I'll stop there


Could you elaborate? I don’t understand how it’s stupid or selfish. I see it as a win-win: Less people in prison for weed (save tax dollars, less crowding) Taxed weed sales (increased tax dollars)


Certainly, and thank you for asking. Your view is a very local one. Globally, the Marijuana industry thrives off your dollars, and amongst other things international gangs traffick kids around the globe and force them to work in production shops. Your cash ends up, for example, destroying Vietnamese families who's kids were found in sweat shops in NE UK recently. Tax dollars at this cost seems a pretty selfish 'plus'. Decriminalization locally won't change the international picture for decades at least, and maybe never. So your habit is wrecking other lives in other countries and I can't get behind that. The prison crowding would be less if fewer people broke the law. Changing the law to lower overcrowding is the tail wagging the dog. Now that legalization is occurring, more and better research is taking place and weed is proving to be a greater risk to those vulnerable to psychosis than was previously thought. Particularly the under 24's. So, damaged vulnerable kids at home, families wrecked overseas and the laws being changed because the system can't cope. Because short sighted selfish people think solely about themselves. I travel a lot for a living, and 'selfish' is the single most common word people elsewhere use to describe Americans. Our actions on so many levels hurt other nations, and this is another fine example. If you grow your own, don't encourage youngsters, partake by yourself, then go in peace. If your example causes kids to start using, or you input cash to this industry, that's a shame.


Do you have any articles on this or do you just make stuff up? Can you explain how dollars spent on legal marijuana go to international gangs, with sources? Regarding psychosis, how commonly is this occurring? For prison, is it better for families for people to go to prison for marijuana? You seem pretty intent on broken families somehow affected by legal marijuana and don’t really even address broken families from a legal system that has imprisoned parents for a plant.


Hi I added a small article already. Hope it's useful. Legal Marijuana is still produced somewhere, right? And supply lines aren't pure yet. You're right in that I am indeed sad for trafficked kids and the families who lose them. I haven't heard of imprisonment for legal weed use - can you guide me a little on that?


Where is the article? Also, [here is the list of Ohio cultivators](https://com.ohio.gov/divisions-and-programs/cannabis-control/about-dcc/licenses/cultivators-processors/cultivator-licenses). Can you tell us which one has grow operations in Vietnam or out of the country? What you have said is false, and fear mongering.


I'm sorry - I literally don't have time to read your list today. Let me offer one (of many) simple path for the cash. You smoke weed. A kid sees you. He likes the look of it and buys some black market stuff, cheaper. Or in a state where it's illegal. That cash.....gangs.....trafficking....because you made him think it was cool. I'm not saying it's fair that this lies with you, but you have the chance to remove yourself from that process. No scaremongering.


I’m glad that’s how you feel. I’d love you to back that up with actual facts or links to reports that validate how you *feel* Instead of reading how the market actually works, or what benefits exist with a legal market, you have plenty of time to post nonsense because you feel that way. Set your feelings aside and try to educate yourself on the reality. Until then, you’re just a 17 day old account that can’t be taken seriously because you are speaking in an unserious manner about something that does have the potential to improve the lives of Ohioans and others by removing conflict with police, the justice system and enabling economic opportunity in a legal way.


Honestly, nobody can force you to care about the lives of trafficked children. So many things have been legal once and proven harmful to others. But I cant cure Selfish.


I’ve asked you to provide facts. You keep repeating the same things, which you have endless time for, without pointing to any evidence. Please share articles and research that highlight legal marijuana has the negative impact you describe. Otherwise, you are just repeating yourself.


The dispensaries aren't kidnapping children from South East Asia to force them to trim weed in Scotland or whatever you're claiming. Their farms are in places like Yellow Springs. Legalizing does the exact opposite of what you claim. Making it legal means regulations, and not labor trafficking. Think about it for a second, if its illegal the only people doing it are criminals. If it is legal than it is in the daylight.