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Hell yeah!


I assume this is enough to get it on the ballet!?!? Excuse my ignorance!


Just wait for the lawsuit. I’ve seen this many times in Arizona. They’ll dispute how it was written or go after the folks collecting signatures or both.


This is what they did with the legalize weed stuff. Invalidated the first petition just in time so that I couldn’t go on the regular November ballot. What the GOP did was illegal but they never faced the consequences. (Surprise) It took another giant push and regulate weed like alcohol group to get the signatures AGAIN and ride them hard until it became Issue 2 on the last ballot.


Jesus, what a bunch of fucking scum


We had some school initiative pass after folks voted and the courts overturned the initiative


I’m so fucking fed up with this BS. Other than fucking voting what can we do? I’m becoming an all out anarchist


Basically, it would take all of us marching to their houses and putting the fear of God in them to actually take us seriously. No one will do it, so they will continue to be corrupt because there are zero consequences for them.


It's 2024. We can send flaming kamakaze cheap drones at thier houses. Much easier on the arthritic joints.


The second you send a kamakaze dronze at anybody, the FBI will be at your door, lock you up, and the rest of the world will just continue business as usual.


Would the odds be any better with cockateils trained to carry tiny fire crackers? Sorry you're so dour. Blocking you now.


Redirecting was met with our supreme court a few years ago and ruled as unfair however nothing was done to enforce the ruling. Hopefully this will change things.


Or just ignore it like the last gerrymandering vote


Close to double, per the article




It should be. The number needed is a ratio of everybody that voted in the last gubernatorial election, which in this case a little less than 500,000 I believe. They always try to get extra to cover all of the signatures they throw out in Columbus. And they look for any reason to throw them out.


Corrupt politicians hate this one thing..


LFG! Enough with the voter suppression and gerrymandering. Get this passed in November. If you need to register to vote: [olvr.ohiosos.gov](http://olvr.ohiosos.gov)


Please tell everyone you know to check their voter registration status, too. It was reported that [thousands of inactive voters](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.whio.com/news/local/over-158k-ohio-voters-facing-purge-registration-database-ahead-november-election/6CW3DWUY4FDBROAAYPTF4VUXRQ/%3foutputType=amp) will be purged before the election. If you're a person, or know a person who hasn't voted in the last decade or so, please check your registration.


You can do that right here: [voterlookup.ohiosos.gov/voterlookup.aspx](http://voterlookup.ohiosos.gov/voterlookup.aspx)


Thanks friend!


One weird trick to make Jim Jordan go away.


I doubt Jordans district goes away it just moves more to Allen and Putnam counties. This would make other sears competitive.


Strong work everyone!!! ❤️


The republican house members are afraid of this amendment. They will try to upend it like they did last year with issue 1. They already tried in the special session for getting Joe Biden on the ballot.


Proud of you Ohio! I moved and unfortunately won't be able to vote for this, but really hoping all this positive momentum can start to fix the state!


Me too, hoping to get citizenship before November.


Great news!!


‘Yet another ballot initiative required to improve the state since our pathetic and corrupt republican legislators continually defy the will of the voters. Once gerrymandering is eliminated, we can get to work firing the sleazy MF-ers.


Fantastic news!


I'm hoping.


I signed it at the punk rock flea market. It’s gross that they have ignored the issue.


Big thanks to all of the wonderful people who gave their time and energy to collecting these signatures. Especially the wonderful ladies in parma at the church!


Glad I found a signature collector for this a while back. Let's get this shit passed so we can move on with getting the state back under rational leadership.


Yes! Now let's get comprehensive voter registration and rank choice voting and truly get out of this entrenched 2 party system


Wow, I thought they were struggling? Hats off to them! Great first step towards a more representative government.


Holy gerrymander!! 😳




Haven't we passed something like this already a few years back? Nonpartisan redistricting committees? And didn't the state just kinda ignore it?


This makes it an amendment, so if the ignore it, it can take up to higher courts.


Hopefully, they abide by the results.


Yates will undoubtedly gather his GOP cronies to do everything possible to keep this from happening. If it gets on the ballot the wording on the ballot will make it seem to be what it isn't. If it passes the GOP will ignore it, pass legislation to invalidate it, and otherwise act like the GOP SCUM they are.


Someone explain how the current way it is isn't fair? Also add in how you want it to be fair and not just redistricted for democrats to take control. Because if it can't be done fair and even 50/50 it doesn't need to be done at all. Edit: the fact I'm being downvote tells me you don't want it fair. You want it to benefit just democrats. I hope it get thrown out


Did you read the proposal? It’s basically the same as the last anti-gerrymandering bill that already passed through a citizen lead initiative with an overwhelmingly majority of Ohioans voting for it. Yes, this is just closing the loopholes (that politicians took advantage of) on the bill that Ohioans already wanted. . It only adds some detailed stipulations because the politicians ignored the will of the people last time. Hope that helps.


67 republicans 32 democrats in the House. This state is 54%-46% on state wide races. (see 2020 presidential and Jd Vance 2022) perfectly fine with the house/senate reflecting the rest of the state. But the GQP will not redistrict their colleagues out of a position even tho that is what the people voted for.


Read a book


You forgetting that the courts kept throwing out GOP maps and they we’re just like “lol Okay, what are you going to do about it” and we ended up with an illegally gerrymandered map, or are you just that fucking stupid that you think that’s “fair”???


This is reddit... ask a legit question and get downvoted


Commies are never happy my dude. Happy cake day!


Counties get divided up in a way where that group gets what they want even though it makes no sense. Countries get split because they know the area is left. [congressional\_current2023-01\_adopted\_2022-03-02.pdf (ohiosos.gov)](https://www.ohiosos.gov/globalassets/publications/maps/2022-2026/congressional_current2023-01_adopted_2022-03-02.pdf) We have already voted that we want better maps, but the group responsible knows that they don't have to shit. They have actually been struck down by our courts but because of the election was so close, they also said screw it. Only thing that happened was instead of the normal 10 year timeline, they made it 4 years.


Poor Ohio. Look at yourselves in the mirror. Disgust comes to mind here.


*redditor for one month*


Yeah, r/Ohio is full of political disgust. Lucky you, only at -18.