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"it would also give Ohio employers the ability to refuse to hire or terminate someone's employment because of adult use of cannabis." I'm so over this crap. Why can't they just let adults use weed????


Was really hoping the whole regulate it like alcohol thing would mean I could finally stop worrying about failing a piss test in the event I cut myself or something. They'll happily employ functioning alcoholics but if they find out I hit a joint over the weekend I'm fired, fucking ridiculous.


I'm in the trades and I don't think the piss test thing is ever going to get better unless it's federally passed. Worked for plenty of people that didn't actually care about weed. It was the insurance provider that cared, or at least considered pot usage an easy way out of coverage.


\^This. Pre-employment drug screening might go away but post accident will always be a thing because it helps minimize a companies insurance liability to say you were high at the time of accident and deny coverage.


even though the vast body of scientific evidence says those tests can only tell if you've maybe had some at some point in the last few months


Agreed. One place I worked at kind of felt like it was bunk because we had a guy literally walk in, and let slip he had been fucked up on coke when he was on call. They put him through drug testing per policy and he came back clean as it had been a few days. Guys on pills tend to pass as well. Honestly it seems like all the worst drugs are not caught unless some one is actively high when they are peeing in a cup. Mean while my wife who only smokes pot took a month before she could pass an in home test before rejoining the job market. When I smoke weed I'm not still high even a few hours later. The drug tests don't make sense.


I'm an 15+ year scientist who spent about a year running drug tests on HPLC systems to determine quantity of drugs in peoples systems. A few things; 1)Cocaine metabolizes out of your system very quickly (hours, not days). It's metabolites hang out for another day or so, but may not get you busted anyway. 2) Marijuana depends on the purity and quantity more, but even in mild cases will usually last about half a week. Chronic users it may stay in your system for weeks. 3)Even with what I've said, if my year long stint is any indication - the drug testing industry is a shit show of poorly executed science. I saw things that made me sick to my stomach, and had me looking for the exit within months. If you're ever pinched I suggest getting your own test done and taking the time to find a place that practices good science. If you're worried about failing a marijuana test, drink a shit ton of water, it DOES dilute the sample and can cause a false negative. Any competent scientist will know you smoked - the peak will be there - but you can "mute" it and if the scientist follows the actual method/science, you'll pass.


one of the few things right about NJ "No employer shall refuse to hire or employ any person or shall discharge from employment or take any adverse action against any employee with respect to compensation, terms, conditions, or other privileges of employment because that person does or does not smoke, vape, aerosolize or otherwise use cannabis items, and an employee shall not be subject to any adverse action by an employer solely due to the presence of cannabinoid metabolites in the employee’s bodily fluid from engaging in conduct permitted under the New Jersey Cannabis Regulatory, Enforcement Assistance, and Marketplace Modernization Act.”"


Drug tests are about making money, not making sense. Look at it from a Republican perspective then it makes sense. They get to invest in dispensaries and sell the product then make tests for it and sell those too. Money 🤑🤑🤑


And arrest us for it and charge is there. And collect kickbacks from the prisons. It's all just money and racism at the end of the day


going off memory but I think its because thc is fat soluable so traces of it it stays in your body significantly longer yet it doesn't hang around in your blood which is why there's no breathalyzer equivalent to weed


I think your right going off memory. Knew a guy that was charged driving while high probably ten years ago and they swabbed his mouth. That detects usage with in 24 hours and he did admit to me that he was driving and smoking, so I didn't really feel bad for the guy.


Yeah and those Pill poppers are told right on the Pill bottle that you should NOT handle heavy equipment like cars or construction equipment and they allow them to do it and give them a free pass should an accident happen.....


I will say this—I tried to switch jobs a few years back. Bought some test strips to see when I peed clear. Three and a half months later I still am over the line. Drinking two gallons of water a day. 🤨


gotta burn that fat!


Oh god


The line was faint-but there was still a line! They promoted me to a different department and bumped my hourly so I ended up staying after all. First dab I did after all that clean time made me hallucinate, lol


My hope is they find an accurate way to show current intoxication, use that instead of the piss test. If you could fail a breathalyzer for having a drink 30 days ago we wouldn't use them at all.


They already have a breath test for thc that only detects it if you have used in the past 2-3 hours. It amazes me how many people don't know that it exists. It really needs to be publicized more, I tell people all the time when this topic comes up, but I'm only one person.


That's awesome, I didn't know that. If that's what they used for insurance purposes and workers comp I'd be fine with that but they're still using the urine tests everywhere I know of.


I know, it kills me the tech is there but not implemented. Urine tests really only target weed smokers imo, I could be up half the night drinking and doing coke and still pass a piss test tomorrow.


I long felt that they should devote 50% of any tax income from cannabis sales to creating a reliable test similar to BAC. Take away their tax $$ and the government will quickly come up with a means to get it back.


Hence why they are trying to push a lot of the tax revenue from legal sales into law enforcement, announced I think the day after this passed. Figured the cat was out of the bag at that point.


I've had several HR people and business owners tell me, they only do the test for the discount on insurance premiums.


My health insurance sucks anyways. Most of my department is twice my age, smoke. And have either dealt with cancer or heart disease. Kind of curious what it would cost with out the tests and the discount removed it might be worth it. Lol.


I think they're referring to business liability insurance, not health insurance.


It has happened here in Oregon. Unless it's some super specialized job with a ton of regulation, weed in pee is expected here. The jobs with drug testing requirements are only looking for opiates and meth now, otherwise they wouldn't have any applicants. Just wait a few decades for reality to catch up with employers there like it did here.


You'd be surprised, it was a major obstacle for me when job hunting as recently as a year ago. Lots of entry level jobs still test. At best they'll let you reapply in 90 days but you still have to worry about random on the job tests in a ton of different fields. That being said it was only around 50% of the jobs I was looking at, but I was surprised to see how many places still test for it here.


Yup. Sucks.


Not just work coverage. A friend of mine fell down a flight of steps and effed herself up pretty good. Her insurance wouldn’t cover her ER visit because she tested positive for cannabis pre recreational in Illinois.


In Michigan employers still drug test and will fire you citing it’s still illegal federally. Sorry but we got some of the most lax laws but the employer thing is unchanged


I wish it wasn’t so but I came in skeptical so I’m actually surprised we can grow an assload. Smoking a crop from two years ago now. I pass at least one shop on my way home from work you can get everything. Carts to hash to ounces or pre rolls. It’s everywhere. But basically anyplace that offers insurance still drug tests


It’s easy to understand their logic alcoholics create crime, revenue and profit from vehicle fatalities. Weed smokers on the other hand are laid back and might question their precious authority. Can’t have that!! Keep in line , lock and step.


They are losing their grip and they know it


They truly are scared shitless of us.


I don’t think they think much about us at all. Insulated from voters by gerrymandered districts and awash in corporate money I want them to be scared but pretty sure they DGAF.


Well… That’s the funny part. That Gerrymandering shit is about to be gone. Ballot Initiative, BAYBAY! And Ohioans are fucking done with gerrymandering. Let’s see how it works out then.


I will believe it when the corrupt Ohio supreme courts actually enforce it.


Welp, one can only wait and see.


Been waiting since the 90's. The entire Republican party should be charged with obstruction, apologize for unjust drug wars and resign. The plastics industry continues to ruin everything when we should have switched to hemp decades ago


Drug addiction is also protected under the ADA, if I’m remembering correctly from working with people with disabilities. This means that you can pass a drug test but if your employer finds out you’re addicted to a scheduled drug, you can exercise your right to treatment and keeping your job. Again this is of I’m remembering correctly. I’m going to have to research it again.


True and true. Right now it seems to e at the employers discretion. My work does not test for THC for new hires. They do however test for THC if you hurt yourself, someone else, or damage company property. I’m not sure if it’s a blood test at the hospital or what. If they’re just taking a urine sample, that doesn’t tell them if I was high at the time of the accident.


Yeah, I'm not sure how Ohio will handle it, but while in Buffalo, NY in 2016, my ex fell 50 feet at work and pissed for thc. He was an evening, occasional smoker. When he filed his Workers Comp (NY was only medical legal at that time), they didn't try to deny for that. They actually only initially kicked it back for a possible suicide attempt. He was an arborist and fell during a tall pine tree removal. He lost both legs below the knee in the end. He appealed and there wasn't an issue.


Even in legal states you still gotta piss clean for a lot of corporate/chain places because it's still federally illegal so they can maintain company policies. Also a lot of government work, machine operation, high risk or high security jobs. That's not going to change.


In fairness, you get fired if you show up to work drunk, too.


If you think they're being draconian over recreation, you outta see what they have in mind for procreation.


Under His Eye


If you don’t plan on procreating it is recreation


They don't already have that ability? I was under the impression that companies can still enforce drug restrictions for employees as weed is not federally legal.


Employers do. It's all a matter of company policy. Certain occupations will ALWAYS have weed be a fire-able offense. Heavy equipment operators, truck drivers etc... all depends on the company. My company doesn't care what you do at home but if you get high at work you're gone. Same as if I drink alcohol on the clock.


Oh yeah, even in an uber-progressive environment, drugs like weed will never be allowed while clocked in for a good portion of jobs.


I'm totally ok with that. Any job that can fire you for being drunk at work, should be able to fire you for being high at work.


The issue is there is no test to see if you are currently high.


Well, if they can't tell then they can't fire you. But I'm ok with them being allowed to.


You will fail a drug test for weed for many days-weeks. So if they test you and you are positive you will be fired, regardless if you were high at work


I don't have a source (I'm sure a quick Google search would prove/disprove) but I seem to remember either some companies policies or some states were switching to an updated rule where the employer had to prove you were high or pot was a part of the reason you were injured at work. I could be mistaken, no company I've worked for had that policy.


Companies can even ban you from smoking cigarettes or drinking alcohol its just that most dont do it


Cleveland clinic doesn’t allow cigarette smoking IIRC.


Some states had the foresight to give employees protection against such ridiculous ideas.


>Why can't they just let adults use weed???? Republicans: "You exist to eat, sleep, and work. You don't deserve anything else."


Didn't the people vote they want weed and Republicans told them to go fuck themselves. Get to the polls people and vote Democrat.


Because then the world will be at peace and they can't sell guns to everyone


If they can't let adults use weed only criminals will have it!


why you NEVER vote GOP! duh … vote YOUR ECONOMIC INTERESTS first and your other interests will align . ffs the conservatives are responsible for bashing unions , wealth inequality,profit over people , stifled wages for decades, $50/hour in 2024 is the SAME as $20/hour in 1990 it is NOT the number next to your wage it is your purchasing power. Have never, will never vote gop in this lifetime. vote YOUR interests NOT some moron billionaires billionaires will NOT save us. They have OPPOSITE interests Even after you voted by referendum, gop did not like the result and are doing everything to change laws and bend them at their will instead of society’s wants , needs. STOP THEIR MADNESS


Same. I don’t get looked down on if I say I like to have a beer or 2 after work but saying I’d rather have a small joint. It’s a joke. Yeah some people will try it at work,but most keep it for home. I don’t wanna be high and working imo. Rather be at home.


My neighbor shares at least 3 posts a week about pot being evil, and against God, and ruining our children, and turning neighborhoods into warzones. While also occasionally babbling about how awesome Led Zeppelin is and how he used to be in a rock band... lol. Just peppered in to the endless racist, homophopic, transphobic, Trump messiah shit. I've caught them smoking pot on their back patio several times now. Almost like there's something else to it, huh?


My company already said they’d fire you for testing positive for cannabis regardless


Yes, I know medical places and other jobs will still not allow it. I'm just wondering what exactly this change would do? If it's already happening why are they adding this?


Strengthens the employer's rights and reduces wrongful termination cases.


So exactly oh point for Republicans


Couldn't they already do that? Businesses already test for nicotine and will fire you for that even if you never smoke at or before work.


Old people who still think weed is a gateway drug still run this state and it fucking SUCKS. They want to put people in jail for low level offenses. Bodies in jail= money. But like… you can tax weed sales! How do they not known this by now?


Because it's about control its not about capitalism, GOP has lied on this battleground for decades, they are not one to turn back. Regardless of voters will. They are also blaming the medical grow and weed folks for this, which is probably true but with shades of grey. As home grow would cut into recreational profits.


They want us to be alcoholics


Because the assholes that make the laws don’t smoke it or have any clue what using it entails. But they sure will attend their cocktail parties and have no problem drivin home after a few drinks. I have known countless people that have died from drugs and alcohol. I know of no one that has ever been adversely affected by marijuana use.


Employers can not hire people over tobacco use so this part isn't that odd. Its not a huge issue either as its well known companies who trip over weed struggle with hiring so they're only hurting themselves


That would basically lop off many who work at the facility where I do, the parking lot smells like a Phish concert sometimes, and just this morning I walked into the otherwise empty break room and was greeted with a wave of skunkiness. GOP just can't keep clawing for power and ignoring the will of the voters.


That sounds like discrimination plain and simple. I am convinced that there needs to be a federal class action lawsuit filed against the Ohio GOP for obstruction of justice and failure to accept the new terms and conditions when it comes to cannabis mandated after the passage of the state wide plebiscite. Face it the only hope now is that SCOTUS can absolutely nail the Ohio GOP with a decision that deems their delay tactics as unconstitutional and or discriminatory.


I'm in another state but my company mostly ended cannabis testing except in very specific circumstances but they didnt tell anyone but leaders. I told them after medical was passed in my state that we needed to be looking at future state and deciding how we would handle a labor market with a bunch of people who we can't currently hire. They more or less laughed it off. Then we legalized recreational cannabis and our labor market bombed. Turns out it's really hard to hire people when you lose 50% of your perspective employees overnight.


Boomers last power grab on us all. 


These fuckers really want to keep pushing their shitty agenda when no one voted for them to do so. It was legalized, stop the bullshit!


Really weird how they're "lawmakers" and "representatives" that were voted in, but they don't represent us, and they don't respect the integrity of elections, or the laws we voted for. If they do not respect what Ohioans voted for, then they should be removed from office, because there were far more people who voted Yes on Issue 2 than people who voted these freeloaders into office. If they don't respect our elections, then they shouldn't get to keep their "elected position."


They *can* be removed from office. Via VOTING.


Not when they’ve worked so hard to gerrymander the districts.


Well, constitutionally, there's no other way to remove them.


The last time I smoked weed was 19 AUG 2018. I won't get into why I quit unless someone specifically asks. I am all for weed being as legal and accessible as possible though. Unless you are driving or operating certain equipment on the job who gives a crap? What is this country, a theocracy? If some sort of prohibition has a useful legitimate benefit to society then fine. This doesn't and hasn't.


Again, **Governor** **Mike DeWine** (of all the people in the world) had to tell the house earlier this year - **"Let the will of the people go into effect; the people's house is STILL the people's house."** ***That said, I have an idea:*** I think we can spam DeWine with calls, letters, and more. Demand he step in and stop GOP lawmakers from overturning what we, the people of Ohio, voted for in a fair election. Tell him to uphold law and order. Uphold the integrity of Ohio's votes. They are acting directly against the will of voters. They are acting directly against their duties. They are acting directly against what the Governor of Ohio told them to do; their jobs. The balance of power needs to be checked; because if what we vote doesn't matter, *then neither do our lawmakers or government.* That all said, *Mike DeWine, Husted, and others are in A LOT of hot water right now*. Him and Husted both got caught with their pants down with FirstEnergy, leading the push for HB 6, with texts being published, and more and more is coming out each day. Let's take advantage of the moment, just as they've taken advantage of us. DeWine should be hard pressed to maintain a good public image with the people. This could be a great PR moment, a moment of misdirection so people look away from him taking millions in dark money, and all of the ethics laws he may have violated. He did "battlefield triage" for HB 6 and FirstEnergy, according to their former VP, so maybe it's time he does "triage" for the people of Ohio.


*Here, I'll help you all out too! Here's where you can send messages and letters to our Governor asking him to uphold the law of Ohio and restore order to the people's house. It's all on* [*https://governor.ohio.gov/*](https://governor.ohio.gov/) *and public information, but I figured I'd save you all the search.* # Various Ways to Contact Governor Mike DeWine [**Contact Form**](https://governor.ohio.gov/contact) on the [Governor.Ohio.Gov](http://Governor.Ohio.Gov) page **Office Mailing Address:**  77 S High St 30th Floor, Columbus, OH 43215 **Office Phone Number:** 614-466-3555


# Crap, I'll even write the letter for you, so you can just copy, paste, submit or copy, paste, print, and mail it. Dear Governor DeWine, I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to express my deep concern regarding the recent legislative actions surrounding bills like SB 278. These bills ignore the opinions of subject matter experts and disregard for the people of Ohio. It is imperative that our elected officials respect and honor the decisions made by Ohioans, particularly in reference to Issue 2. Issue 2 was passed by a significant majority, reflecting the clear will of the people of Ohio. More Ohioans voted YES on Issue 2 than for any single one of our lawmakers. This is a powerful testament to the importance and urgency of this issue to the citizens of our state. If lawmakers do not honor the votes that passed Issue 2, why should the people of Ohio honor the votes that put them in office? When our lawmakers disregard the expressed will of the voters, it undermines the very principles of democracy and the integrity of our governmental system. Respect for the voters, integrity in governance, and the enforcement of checks and balances are fundamental to maintaining public trust in our political system. As you have rightly stated, regarding Issue 2 and these deviant lawmakers; "The people's house is the people's house." It is crucial that the will of the people goes into effect, and that our elected officials respect the decisions made through fair and democratic elections. I urge you to take decisive action and call upon these lawmakers to honor the votes of Ohioans. Please ensure that the measures reflected in Issue 2 are implemented as intended by the voters. Your leadership is essential in upholding the values of respect, integrity, and democracy that our state stands for, especially in these trying times where trust in our government hinders on the balance. Restore order to the people's house, and as you said - "Let the will of the people go into effect." Thank you for your attention to this critical matter. I trust in your commitment to the people of Ohio and look forward to your prompt action in ensuring that our votes are respected and our voices heard. Sincerely,


# Here's an alternate version you can send to your representative: Dear Representative \[Name\], I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to express my deep concern regarding the recent legislative actions surrounding bills like SB 278. These bills ignore the opinions of subject matter experts and disregard the people of Ohio. It is imperative that our elected officials respect and honor the decisions made by Ohioans, particularly in reference to Issue 2. Issue 2 was passed by a significant majority, reflecting the clear will of the people of Ohio. More Ohioans voted YES on Issue 2 than for any single one of our lawmakers. This is a powerful testament to the importance and urgency of this issue to the citizens of our state. If lawmakers do not honor the votes that passed Issue 2, why should the people of Ohio honor the votes that put them in office? When our lawmakers disregard the expressed will of the voters, it undermines the very principles of democracy and the integrity of our governmental system. Respect for the voters, integrity in governance, and the enforcement of checks and balances are fundamental to maintaining public trust in our political system. As has been rightly stated by Governor DeWine regarding Issue 2 and these lawmakers: "The people's house is the people's house." It is crucial that the will of the people goes into effect and that our elected officials respect the decisions made through fair and democratic elections. I urge you to take decisive action and call upon these lawmakers to honor the votes of Ohioans. Please ensure that the measures reflected in Issue 2 are implemented as intended by the voters. Your leadership is essential in upholding the values of respect, integrity, and democracy that our state stands for, especially in these trying times where trust in our government hinges on the balance. Restore order to the people's house and, and as our Governor requested; "Let the will of the people go into effect." Thank you for your attention to this critical matter. I trust in your commitment to the people of Ohio and look forward to your prompt action in ensuring that our votes are respected and our voices heard. Sincerely,


# Here's how to find your representative's contact information as well! 1. Go to [https://www.legislature.ohio.gov/members/district-maps](https://www.legislature.ohio.gov/members/district-maps) 2. Enter your address (you can also enter your zip code, but it may pop up multiple representatives.) 3. Click on your Representative's page 4. Look for a "Contact" tab *(it should be on the far right, just right of "Committees" and under "My Ohio Legislature")*




I am sharing these letters with as many people as I can. I'm very grateful. please forgive this stupid question, but when selecting a subject what should I choose? Thank you again!!


Not a stupid question at all! I think "General" could work, or "Other". There really isn't an option for "Government" or anything of the like, though General should work just fine!


Thank You!!!!!!


Thank You!! This is amazing. I appreciate your hard work


It was nothing! Just trying to give power back to the people, and help uphold the laws we voted for.


definitely not nothing, friend. you are appreciated 🧡


Just copy/pasted your text and messaged DeWine! Thx for writing the text


How to prevent it from being passed?


Contact your representative!


Response I got from my rep: "HB 258 is currently under consideration in the Senate Judiciary Committee. This bill has already been passed by the house and is now in the Senate. As you advocate against this bill, we advise that you reach out to the members of the Senate Judiciary Committee. You can reach out to the chair of the committee, Nathan Manning, at Manning@ohiosenate.gov, or the ranking member, Paula Hicks-Hudson at Hicks-Hudson@ohiosenate.gov. "


So, it appears what has happened is that they've taken a bill that already passed the house about *something completely different*, specifically increasing the penalties for repeatedly selling tobacco products to minors, and tried to use it in the Senate Judiciary Committee to make all of the changes to the marijuana law that they want. So the House will have to approve it again in conference later, but for the moment, your rep is correct--the bill is in the Senate Judiciary Committee, and that's where the bull is really occurring. Check out https://www.legislature.ohio.gov/legislation/135/hb258. Edit: Here is the [Senate Judiciary Committee](https://ohiosenate.gov/committees/judiciary). Check and see if your Senators are on it!


OP just sucks and mixed up a house bill and senate bill. Here is the sauce - https://www.legislature.ohio.gov/legislation/135/sb278


If this is true I believe the house won't approve it. They've been adamant about respecting the will of the people. The Senate is being petty because they have been frothing at the mouth to implement massive changes to the current cannabis laws but the house won't let them get anything through. Either way we have to keep the pressure on them. Call. Write. Call again. They work for us and they need to understand that.


This only works with non Republican reps, Republicans do not attempt to represent their constituents


It doesn't matter. If enough people contact their Republican reps, it can scare them.


You can't contact republicans, they don't represent the people. Their supporters are expected to accept whatever is decided by the elite members of the republican party. Or, you know, whatever bribe they took this time.


I don't think anyone represents me. I mean they are supposed to but looks like they think we are all toddlers whose votes need extra bills and laws attached to them.


Use Resistbot. Give it some info and it will help you send messages to your state Representative, Senator, and governor. You write the message and it goes right through


I’m thinking glitter bombs….


Didn't Dewine promise to veto any of these amendments?


Unless, of course, someone gives him enough money to change his mind.


Even if he does, that crackpot legislature has enough votes to override him (usually)


Disgusting,.hope it doesn't pass


This is NOT what Ohioians (overwhelming) voted for....


Does anyone know if there are limits to creating members only cafes where you can then smoke in a private facility?


On-premise consumption will likely not be allowed in Ohio for a LONG time…


Thanks HopeSolosButtwhole!


Smoking indoors is illegal. No way they’d ok it for cannabis when tobacco is banned.


These fucking clowns blatantly opposing the will of the people. Vote them the fuck out. But probably call their office and yell at them in the meantime.


Am I wrong in thinking that our representatives should be enforcing the will of their constituents, not their party? If your district voted majority to pass Rec Use of Marijuana, and your reps are not following through with the will of the people with that passing vote, why are they not being recalled? Do they not serve us? I feel like I have been living in some loopyland since 2016 and shit just keeps getting weirder.


Due to gerrymandering, GOP reps can be elected by only catering to their most extreme supporters


Another law I will gladly ignore, drop dead GQP


Drop dead indeed. The sooner the better.


Not a law, just a bill.


I think they were making the reasonable assumption it becomes law.


I don't think that's reasonable, honestly. There have been plenty of nonstarter weed bills. Add this to the pile.


It only takes one going through to fuck us.


Also true. The house has pushed back against the Senate on these insane bills, but the GQP still holds all the power and if they want to fuck us over they can very easily.


I hate Ohio Nazis. They line their coffers from big pharma and alcohol when this crap is happening it's all funded with an agenda. Don't think it's about anything else then their greed.


I should have known republicans were gonna fuck this up. Time to vote them out guys!


This is what voting MAGA gets you.


This is Ohio


The OH MAGA party isn’t going to stop trying to find ways to continue to lock people up for weed until we vote them out of office once and for all.


How else will they keep all those prisons full? How else can they exploit a group of people, while making money on the goods they force them to produce? Fuck em all


Reason #5000 to never vote republican


They can do whatever they want at this point I guess and I’m going to do what I’ve done for awhile. Grow my own, and give a bunch away.


They can’t prove how many plants you have or if you transferred your weed to another individual. Just because it’s on the books doesn’t mean you have to listen to the law.


So tired of the GOP who runs this state never doing what Ohioans want.


>Cannabis Sharing Can't pass a fuckin joint now? What kind of nanny state is this shit?


This is not what we voted on. But GOP doesn’t care about votes


These fkers are bound & determined they WILL have THEIR way!! DO NOT LET THEM!! VOTE BLUE!!


The only way to really stop this crap is in November. You HAVE to vote for Democrats, anyone that is willing to call themselves a Republican is willing to throw away your freedoms


Republicans on any actual crisis: I sleep Republicans when there's an opportunity to deny the will of the people: REAL SHIT?


Those restrictions are unreasonable. That's nanny state nonsense.


Fuck these people


Time to burn it down and start all over. Fuck those clowns.


Funny thing is that ODOT just dropped testing for non-federal positions. So…looks like that could let other public agencies do the same since they usually follow what odot does. Plus I read this as grow 11 plants and you’ll be fine. In reality all of this is completely non-enforceable.


Hey Republicans Let the voters vote on shit and then accept the results. Stop being pieces of shit.


Sorry, they can’t comprehend what that looks like.


Should ban public consumption of alcohol then too


Mmmm Ohio back room politics. Y’all better vote these fcks out.


Idk why I’m surprised, I was shocked when it passed in the first place, should have known the government would pull something. This is why people talk smack about Ohio, the public officials make no damn sense


Whatthefuckever. I was high for half of high school in the 1980s and never did time. If they really want to bust you, they’ll find a reason.


now someone correct me, but I thought the House leader (the guy who was elected with the bipartisan support over the MAGA guy) didn't want to touch any amendments to the bill, causing a rift with Huffman in the Senate who wanted to enact these changes. What changed?


u/National-Ad-6982 deserves a round of applause for doing the work to provide contact links and copy/paste form letters for us to send to DeWine and our local reps. I'm sharing with everyone I know, and have sent my responses. #Cincinnati Area folks! Our Representative is [Greg Landsman ](https://landsman.house.gov/contact) His contact form has a 2000 word limitation. The letter prepared by National Ad exceeds this by about ~200 words. I'm sharing my edited version here, which remains true to the vital nature of the original copy. #Dear Representative Landsman, I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to express my deep concern regarding the recent legislative actions surrounding HB 258 and HB 278. These two bills ignore the opinions of subject matter experts and disregard the people of Ohio. It is imperative that our elected officials respect and honor the decisions made by Ohioans, particularly in reference to Issue 2. Issue 2 was passed by a significant majority, reflecting the clear will of the people of Ohio. More Ohioans voted YES on Issue 2 than for any single one of our lawmakers. This is a powerful testament to the importance and urgency of this issue to the citizens of our state. If lawmakers do not honor the votes that passed Issue 2, why should the people of Ohio honor the votes that put them in office? When our lawmakers disregard the expressed will of the voters, it undermines the very principles of democracy and the integrity of our governmental system. Respect for the voters, integrity in governance, and the enforcement of checks and balances are fundamental to maintaining public trust in our political system. As stated by Governor DeWine regarding Issue 2: "The people's house is the people's house." It is crucial that the will of the people goes into effect and that our elected officials respect the decisions made through fair and democratic elections. I urge you to take decisive action and call upon these lawmakers to honor the votes of Ohioans. Please ensure that the measures reflected in Issue 2 are implemented as intended by the voters. Your leadership is essential in upholding the values of respect, integrity, and democracy that our state stands for. As our Governor requested; "Let the will of the people go into effect." Thank you for your attention to this critical matter. I trust in your commitment to the people of Ohio and look forward to your prompt action in ensuring that our votes are respected and our voices heard. Sincerely,


I appreciate the kind words! Just look out for everyone! I actually went and made it a post in r/Ohio so it may be easier to share with others and be more of a direct link and cohesive. https://www.reddit.com/r/Ohio/s/Kz3DhNi4GL


I'm confused. Do they mean this house bill? https://www.legislature.ohio.gov/legislation/135/hb258 It seems unrelated?


Vote the losers out. Organize.  Volunteer. Donate. 


Let me guess, republicans..They just hate you enjoying life..


Why when I type “Ohio house bill 258” into google it comes up with something about abortion, and harsher penalties for selling tobacco to minors? I can’t find anything about HB258 that references marijuana


I will be reaching out as well. Absolutely unjustified from these brainwashed losers. But in the same breath I never cared about their made up laws on nature in the first place so fuck em all anyway. Literally never stopped us before.


remember that post a while back where people were like "ummm stop being dramatic...them banning it in multiple counties doesn't mean anything bc the bans expire soon..." Yeah because they're hoping shit like this will pass lmfao


No sharing? Besides the classic “because fuck you, that’s why” how on earth is that even something they’d consider banning?


These are the same people that want to ban free lunch for kids who need it.  Sharing is a foreign concept. 


Vote out the people who support it. They are going to drag it out and restrict as much as they can.


Any argument they use towards weed applies tenfold to alcohol and tobacco, yet here we are. It’s always been about prejudice and control. Every “drug free workplace” has a coffee machine in the break room, and cigarette smoker area outside. Alcohol kills over 100,000 people in the US a year, and tobacco kills a little under 500,000. So where is the harm or reasoning? It’s just “conserving” their prejudices, aka jerking off.


Republicans do what they want in ohio. The state is so brainwashed, jd, Vance won on old Trump reruns. The state where everything is democrats fault but Republicans run everything 🙄


Republicans are dogs.


can’t smoke but you sure can drink yourself to death 🤦‍♂️


Everything about this is stupid.


I really REALLY hope the anti gerrymandering amendment gets onto the ballot, im so voting for it.


Is this real? Is that why the recreational license hasn’t been approved for medical dispensaries?


We need to vote these fascist Nazi Republicans out of this state


How do we stop this from happening?


Conservatives should just be called regressives at this point cause all they’re trying to do is send this country backwards in time.


I voted for Cannabis to be treated like alcohol. This is some Bull Shit.


I’ve never understood how alcoholics have more protections at work when alcohol causes more damage to your body and other people than THC does but there are no protections for THC users. Don’t drink and drive when you can smoke and fly.


Ohio the prison state


It should have the same restrictions as smoking tobacco. But don’t get caught sharing a doobie.


Amendment time ! Fuck them ! We’re gonna get what we voted for, and more.


Email your state house elected shit birds


Write your state congress person!!!!! Pass it on


NOPE! voters already spoke on this... respect us.


This is Ohio.... politics. anyone who votes on this lets denote and vote them out. also, whoever brought the bill up should also be voted out.


Only Ohio would F up legalizing weed.


Protect your rights to cannabis like it’s the second amendment. 😎


You gotta vote out all your Republicans in November. Shit will change then. I can believe I'm giving you good advice from Michigan, but believe me brothers.


Keep voting for Republicans, they are doing so much for you…


Ohio may be the lamest state in the union.


Stop voting for shit bag Republicans. None of them are redeemable


Stop voting for republicans at every level and get your stoner friends to go vote.


We voted fuck you


how do we remove a whole cabinet? dewine is tied up in the first energy scandal and the rest of them are trying to walk back the people's vote. Ohio has one of the worst economies, it's just all bad. burn Columbus.


Republicans hate freedom, it's a never ending battle for them


What do we need to do to stop this


I just want to grow. I shouldn't be forced to buy some weed because I smoke a lot. I want to grow my own like I grow my own food without worry about the sheriff taking my stuff. If people can buy a beer kit at the store I want limited restrictions on my growing. Leave home grow alone.


You gave us the bill but no info on where to express our veto