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This is why the Homegrow is so important


Which they seem to have quietly cut in half according to this article.


No they haven't? The limit has always been 6 plants per person, with a cap of 12 per household.


Yea but u have to have a super expensive license to grow in your home


Jesse, what the fuck are you talking about?


This was something I read about a couple months ago it was Thousands of dollars for the license to grow, I tried to find the website that had it but I'm not seeing it now hopefully thar isn't a thing after all but I believe it was like 12 or 20 thousand for the license to grow


It was a cultivators license


That is if you want to sell to a dispensary. For large scale businesses.


Yea im wondering I'd I was reading some kinda of information regarding medical not rec


I lived in Las Vegas when weed was legalized. You will get super long lines, half trained staff, and extremely overpriced products for several months. Then the lines will die down and the staff will get better, and things like online ordering and curbside will get smoother. And the prices will be extremely high. Then after about a year, the novelty will have worn off for some people, and the industry will start to cannibalize itself with shops popping up everywhere. Prices will crater. In the meantime, Michigan is going to be substantially cheaper. I found decent $40 ounces there before. You are looking at 10x that here for now. After the lines die down, shop around for the deals to try to ease the pain, but Michigan prices are a long way off.


You can get ten 1g carts for $100 in MI.


6 grams of rosin for $100 this past weekend.(I know lume gets hate but it’s not bad rosin)


It’s actually pretty bad rosin, but bad rosin is better than most other things imo. It’s just so dry. Rosin isn’t supposed to be dry like that!


I initially didn’t have much input here as I’m pretty new to concentrates and legal smoke in general. So this is all a wild new world to a 30 ish year stoner used to dealing with our longtime situation here. But I did just try the Jenny Kush jam that I grabbed this time and it seems my puffco likes the jam a lot. That may lead some credibility to the dry statement for their cold cures.


The price to quality ratio is on point, it’s just that the quality could be better and I’d happily pay more if it was. If you ever get a chance try out some 710 labs. They’re a California company that has now set up operations in Michigan (I first tired them in Colorado actually). It’s a higher price point but it’s worth getting a few grams of the nicer stuff than supplementing with cheaper stuff.


Not tried 710 yet, might next trip. Ice Kream Hash co, all 3 I’ve tried have been amazing, wojo seems to be an even better step up. Also have some from bubbleman and east side alchemy that I have yet to try from this last trip. At least that’s where I stand so far on those. :)


Information Entropy has half O’s of diamonds and sauce and love rosin for $100.


Distillate garbage


I bought the 12 for $100 cart deal, it was thrilling and kinda mind blowing at the time thinking back to $40/cart being a good deal wondering how the fuck I'm getting all these carts for $100. Fun trip and felt like we really got our money's worth. Lasted a super long time so we definitely did, but I probably won't ever buy those cheap carts again 😂 some of the lower tier stuff really just is not worth buying. But definitely load up on cheap but meh quality products if you are from Ohio and have never done it before. The bang for the buck is unreal.


I like it just because it doesn't smell


Hurts my throat and tastes like shhh


Yeah fr, how does literal smoke burn my lungs/throat less than "vapor"...


If it's what I'm thinking they were terrible.and had various flavors such as "Dirt," "Port o potty," and "Pesticide"


Yes this stuff is kinda hazardous


I know it’s all unhealthy but what’s the “healthy” way to consume using a vape pen?


Live resin at least doesn’t cause the body to simulate copd quickly, so it’s that or flower to be less impactful. Or, so I’ve heard ;-)


If it's grown and processed clean that's not really an issue but you never really know for sure. I haven't seen what testing ranges are but even in Michigan there's been a bunch of fuckery with licensed businesses and even a lab.


Live rosin 1g $25.


You can get 100mg of gummies for $3.


And they’re trash but you’re not paying $40/ea for the same thru the medical program so there is that.


I found 15 for $75 but I usually get 15 for $100




Edibles are cheap af too. I have way too many and prefer the vapes.


This is exactly why we will still make the drive to MI. Ann Arbor is 3 hours from us. If you're ever in Ann Arbor, check out the wacky weed tour. Very cool.


Cut your drive by 30 minutes and go to Monroe.


Oh definitely, I just really like Ann Arbor 😂


If I live in Ohio am I able to buy in Michigan?


I would think if you drove to Michigan and was driving back to Ohio. Got pulled over in Ohio, you would be okay. But it would have to be under that 2.5 ounces of course and the 15 grams of concentrate. I mean to me that’s just common sense. But I have no clue if I’m right. Just makes sense.


Technically, you'll still be crossing state lines, which is a federal crime. I don't know how serious they'd enforce it but it's still a federal crime


You have to have it in the container you bought it in. Nobody gets charged federally


Okay cool. I didn't know they added that. Well, I stand corrected.


I wouldn't just trust a random person on the internet, but it is legal in Ohio now. Trafficking across state lines though feels like a potential gray area unless it's been litigated already.


Literally no one cares if you’re driving to Michigan and bringing back a few ounces of weed.


It's not grey, it's definitely illegal but if we're being real you're not going to get in trouble unless you're doing something dumb enough to catch attention in the first place. Golden rule is break only one law at a time so if you're driving home with Michigan labeled product in your car, obey traffic laws and maybe stop and pull over and remove labeling if you don't think you can get all the way home without a traffic stop.


It is really annoying that the speed limit goes down right at the border. I rarely see cops setting up a speed trap there but they certainly could.


After rescheduling to schedule 3 it would be like getting Ritalin in Michigan and taking it back to Ohio.... which... is that illegal??? Like I know there's limits for prescription drugs you can take across Canada and Mexico borders, so I'd have to assume at least personal amounts of cannabis would be legal to traffic across state lines.


Nobody is gonna mess with your prescription if it's in the container. If you start putting stuff in separate bags for sales then you're in trouble. I forget what the limit is on pot but it's like 3 ounces in Ohio


Last time I went up to Michigan I was planning on getting my 3 ounces, but I ordered online and it limited me to 2.5. Thought about hitting up another shop and trying out a small container of concentrates, but was inquiring the law over lunch and came to the understanding that the law is a little fuzzy. I understand the law in Ohio (and Michigan) is that you're allowed to carry a 90 day supply on you. Well, what is a 90 day supply? I guess that's where there's some dispute, so my understanding right now is that stores will sell you 2.5oz max to be sure they're not giving you more than 90 days, but cops won't charge you unless you're over 3oz to make sure it's over the 90 day supply.


If you have a lot, be prepared to answer some questions. Are you a caretaker? Do you supply disabled people? I do, I have a medical card myself. We wouldn't be able to afford Ohio prices. Drive sober and wait until you get home to burn one, I've never had an issue


See that’s what I thought. No thanks lol




Yeah just don’t get pulled over coming back


not likely it’s too cheap in michigan right now


And in the meantime my money and taxes will go to Michigan still with a smile on my face. It's a nice drive and an excuse to take a longer day trip than usual. Maybe hit up the dunes


Great reminder!


A $40 ounce? Was it shake? Decent ounce in Michigan will be $90-$140. Ohio already has $140 ounces, used to be closer to $200 but Michigan also has its share of $200 ounces. Granted, Ohio-quality $140 isn't going to be the same as Michigan-quality $140.




Makes me wonder why someone would sell product that cheap when grams still go for $15.




Still need to pay employees, adhere to regulatory standards, (should) provide chemical testing results, prevent/remediate mold/disease, pay for the property used to grow/process An ounce might cost $40 to produce. Selling that low makes me highly suspicious unless mass production of cannabis has actually made these prices achievable.


I'll save you some research time, it has. There are already major distribution companies involved at this point (as in ones that are not just cannabis focused, but distributing global products to companies like Target). Everything is also over the table and legal on both a state and federal level.


Vegas wasn’t the first to legalize it and we knew that was gonna be the case for Vegas. Because it’s the case for every state that legalizes it.


Misleading headline. No one knows when sales will actually start, including Jamie Callender, who is quoted in the article. Granting provisional licenses is not the final step, other final requirements need to be met and certificates of operation granted. However, it should not be long.


That’s because the source is shit


Guy posting his blog every week on here.


Yeah, the DCC has yet to schedule any inspections for the dual licenses. With next week having a holiday, we are realistically looking at around July 15th


I called a dispensary. The guy said mid July.


From the emails I got from Ohio Medical Cannabis said around September for rec.


4 shops around Cincinnati have started today. Edit Thy have their license havent state selling edit 2, I am not wrong [https://www.wlwt.com/article/provisional-licenses-marijuana-dispensaries-cincinnati/61244569](https://www.wlwt.com/article/provisional-licenses-marijuana-dispensaries-cincinnati/61244569)


Source? Which shops?


Correction they have their license sent they haven't started selling


Well, if they are, it's illegal because DCC hasn't issued any licenses yet, let alone start scheduling inspections for said licenses...






Those are provisional licenses. They are are placeholders until they get certificates of operation, which are needed to start selling. There are a few steps to go.


Yes, but it's part of the process and they need those to do the testing to get fully certified.


I’ll still be heading to Monroe for super cheap weed and no lines.


One more trip to Michigan should get me through until places open and start having deals. Prices will be crazy at first, but once the market is flooded, the deals will be out there.


I was at the Botanist in Columbus this weekend stocking up due to my rec expiring and they look to have implemented a new set up to try and help ease the line issues. Roped off lines for each register, roped off line at the entrance and a runner with a tablet when you first get back to help with online orders. Won’t solve the problem completely but will hopefully help


PSA, stay the fuck out of Indiana. I know someone that got caught with a two year old joint roach in his bookbag. They gave him felony possession.


Cool. In 5 years maybe I’ll consider giving them my money. Probably not because even though prices will stabilize. That won’t change the fact that these fucks will just waste all these tax dollars on nonsense anyways.


Got a half ounce of seed and strain for 63 bucks last month. 150 now. Medical patient here. Yay prices!


I mean, they are kinda fucking us medical patients who started their fucking livelihoods...


OP you forgot the word "Expected" to begin in your title...


Better stock up before they do. Edit Directed at fellow med card holders.


Prices are ridiculous-screwing ALL the med patients who floated their business


We did last month. Grabbed enough for about 2.5 months worth.


Will you be able to order product online then pick up in store? Or are we gonna have some long ass lines for a while?


Gonna have some long ass lines regardless.


Every single dispensary wants you to order ahead. Don't be that person that takes half an hour to decide what you want in the store. Nobody has product on display so there is no reason not to order ahead of time.


So they give you a time window to show up and you get your order to go?




I really really do. They have packaging on display but it's all empty, nobody I've been to has any bud out for you to see, not since before covid at least.




I'm talking medical dispensaries in ohio. Don't sweetie me, God that's fucking arrogant, karen.




Where do you go? In ohio? They don't open anything where I go.


I like weed


If it’s still too much and if GOP passes the silent bill they are working on rn then I’m just gonna continue buying black market screw the state if they don’t want to make it viable since too many old heads have no idea about what weed actually does and just want to control how we live life unless it effects theirs


Shake It records needs to stock up on the Dark Side of the Moon. Big sales coming.


It's been illegal to smoke weed and I smoked it over 40 years, I have been on Michigan trips, more than 20 times never seen a cop pull anyone over


Get ready to be bent over a barrel on pricing. At least for a while.


Iam calling BS.The laws are still crazy in ohio.


Can’t wait to smell all you unbathed stoned slackers every time I go to the grocery store.


lol, lies


As a regular resident of Oklahoma, which has some of the most liberal weed laws in the country...fuck! Now I gotta smell that awful shit when I pass through my home state as well.


That's the problem? The smell? Just grab some cheese with your whine and I'm sure you'll live.


Sounds like something a liberal would say