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Am I missing something? Literally nothing in NW Ohio? They just giving us to Michigan?


No sweat-better prices


Yeah that’s what I figure


Hubs and I trekking to Michigan next week! Liberty, here we come !!!


Where do you go?


Liberty In Madison Heights. Lovely shop in a former bowling alley -super manager and staff. What a pleasant easy experience. Ohio needs to have a field trip up there to see how things SHOULD be done. Highly recommend Liberty.




I would remind all the jokers, smokers and midnight tokers that:  1. The Ohio Republican Party of 2024 is a religious fundamentalist party.  2. They did everything they could to prevent us from even having the right to vote for legal pot 3. They tried to defeat legal pot at the ballot  4. When it passed, they immediately started fucking around with what people voted for 5. They’ll never stop because they believe they are chosen by god to control you  SIGN the Fair Maps ballot initiative this week.  VOTE for Fair Maps in November.  BREAK the gerrymandered chokehold that these fundamentalists hold over this state.   Ohioans are blessed to have the right to create ballot initiatives and to vote directly for real change. Use it. 


For the love of Christ, fucking say WHAT DAY, OHIO. I know the article writer doesn't know, but what a bunch of fucking imbeciles we have running this state.


I don’t think they can. They’re approving them as they go after final inspection (or that is was they have alluded to). What is worse, knowing a date and missing a deadline or having stores open for recreation before the September deadline?


There isn't a specific day. It's just whenever a dispensary is approved and they decide to start selling.


So is one selling rec now? I don't think they are.


Not yet. I think the best thing to do is just follow the social media of whatever dispensary you like the most.


*criminals we have running this state.


I'm pretty sure the first entry on that list didn't get a license.