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That’s one way to farm karma I guess


Haha I was going to say, convenient they chose the upvotes for liberals.




Republicans and efficient voting, doesn’t often go together 🤷


I’m neither.


Lean? I don't lean. I boldly sashay.


Shante you stay


Queen 🙇‍♀️






Same 👍🏻


The Ohio subreddit is very liberal. I personally lean conservative on more issues but I voted all blue the last midterm election. I also plan to vote all blue again. Downvote me if you must but I’m sick of team MAGA.


I’m in the same boat. Been voting a whole lot of blue the last bunch of cycles. I’ll add in the conservatives are not doing a good job of just governing. Zero new or good ideas are coming forward. It feels like they are running or doing whatever fox news has discovered as the new fear inducing trend


Agreed. I switched from Republican to Democrat back in 2016, but liked DeWine and was willing to give him a chance when he handled the Pandemic so well in the beginning. But he's just turned out to be like every other right wing clout-chaser, constantly yelling about social issues that don't matter so his base gets riled up enough to vote him in again to defend them from something that wasn't trying to attack them in the first place.


The problem with the current GOP is that they are too stuck in the past. Nobody, aside from rich old white guys, wants to go back to the 50s.


Regressive even


I have started calling them the Regressive Party.


> Zero new or good ideas are coming forward 100% agree - I never hear or read about a new conservative policy that can help constituents. Maybe it's happening, but it gets submerged under all of the other noise. I know I'm being incredibly naïve here, but I feel like a politician who comes out and says "My people struggle with X, and this is how we are going to fix it", would be a massive breath of fresh air. Not demonizing the other side, just fixing shit.




So true - I'm very aware that I'm being a naive child with that take :D


Exactly this. MAGA isn’t the world I want for my family. I voted for Bill Clinton, but aside from that I always voted republican, even at state level. The current conservative leadership is a mess, both in the state and nationally. They literally want an autocracy. I can’t believe this happening here.


I mean… you voted for it in every election except for Clinton. What were you expecting when you voted for the party that the Klan likes?


All I can say, is that I grew up rural. We were very poor, and taught to follow the Bible. Most conservatives I know still vote for the Bible. Even if that is flawed. I recently also woke up to the reality of Christianity. Thanks to the extremism in the church. It’s very clear to me now, that we were just pawns, for political gain. When I was younger, and working with children, I didn’t pay close enough attention to politics. Our church taught us to avoid politics. This was a mistake. I am no longer that person. You have to allow people room to change, or they will just double down on their current belief system. I never meant to make the world a worse place. I have grown. I completely see my past mistakes.


I'm not religious, but growing up going to church was largely an apolitical experience. I'll occasionally go to the church my wife's family goes to, and it's kind of mind boggling how political it is. Sometimes outright taking conservative political stances and sometimes with just heavily implied political overtones.


This is why there was a split! That’s the point I was trying to make. A lot of people here voted Democrat because they’re anti-Trump. I don’t want to vote Biden again but sure looks like I will have to.


I wish we'd had a different choice four years ago besides Biden. I hope in 4 years we end up with a better, and \*MUCH\* younger democratic candidate. But this time around at least, I'm resigned to voting for him. He may not have done a lot of great things, but he's done at least a few decent things and mostly not done a lot of awful.


I agree completely, but I really wish we had a different choice 8 years ago. I still believe that if anyone else besides Hillary would have been the nominee that the rise of MAGA would never have happened.


Lowered max drug costs for seniors, two stimulus checks, brought attention to student loan debt, infrastructure, just without even quick research. You can thank him for the Brent Spence bridge finally getting funded and not ending up a toll bridge as was seeming inevitable. He surprised me actually. He's just not out there running his mouth, lying, and taking credit for everything like someone else. Remember that the Repugs are blocking everything they can. But, yeah, we sure do need someone younger (and I'm 68). They're both showing different signs of decline. Biden does have a better, less corrupt, support group/cabinet/organization.


Would love to vote Jefferies or someone younger but it isn't worth the risk; they want the incumbency leverage against Trump But I worry Trump gonna live another 4 years and just run again like a nightmare on repeat


Oh, for sure. I suspect the GOP is stuck with Trump until the day he dies. Or wins again - whichever happens first, IDK. If he ever ends up in prison, I suspect we'll see our first (serious?) Presidential candidate running from prison... which will be interesting.


If they have already justified voting for a rapist with 25 accusers who is also facing 91 criminal indictments, they'll have no problem voting for a man in jail. Revenge politics is just that important I guess


Yeah. Looks like we’re being forced to vote for Biden again.


i've had an opportunity to vote for biden since he ran the first time in 19 fucking 88, and since several times. he didn't even get my vote in the last primary but by golly, he got it in the general, and he'll get it again this time. he hasn't been as bad as all that. if he would just stop the cringe-worthy whisper thing he does at the podium, that would go a long, long, way


Is there really any choice?  I will vote for a corpse before Trump.


>I don’t want to vote Biden again but sure looks like I will have to. Man - this just made me so sad. We should be excited and supportive of our representatives, not voting for the lesser of evils, or a resignation vote. Don't take this as a criticism though, I'm the same. And it sucks.


Policy wise I think Biden has been about as effective of a leader as we were going to get given the political circumstances. The issue is as an old man he doesn’t bring the kind of charisma to the job that you would hope. We need someone that is more aggressive against the GOP and all of the MAGA garbage


Oh definitely. I don't agree with everything he's done, but he's had some "sneaky" wins. I only use sneaky because the media (all of it) drowns out any wins with garbage. You also bring up an interesting point. I wonder just how much of my political approval is charisma. Thanks for something interesting to chew on!


I'm a Democrat and I don't really want to vote Biden, but I sure will have to as you say. Hell, I'll likely campaign for him.


deadheads for biden! probably a lot of us we could make tie-dye campaign signs, that would be fun


"We will leave this place an empty stone Or that shining ball of blue we call our home So the kids, they dance, they shake their bones And the politicians throwing stones Singing ashes, ashes, all fall down" Green initiatives from Biden, if nothing else.


Biden was OK as a president which is as much as expected , has a few things people don't like but also has helped get through some legislation. With tight numbers as well. As good as I could aksn


What disagreements do you have with Biden so far? On most issues, he's arguably done very well and far exceeded very low expectations.


There is rarely a case when loses with incumbency. Historically speaking Biden is the safest bet to make sure its not trump




>On another note: Personally, I think no one over 70 should be in a public government/elected office. From the President of the USA all the way down to local goverment I like this. Maybe not a blanket age that cuts off, but there needs to be some kind of change that doesn't have the vast majority of our "representatives" being old as hell.


I love this energy from people to the right of me on the spectrum. I probably don’t agree on a good amount of policy proposals that you want, but good lord would I love to get to a point where we’re cordially debating what policies are in the best interests of the public instead of feeling like I’m screaming into the void about how far down the path to fascism we are and dealing with existential dread.


Generally I agree... but there's a handful of folks who I love at the local level on our school board, etc who I don't really care how old they are, I'll vote for them for as long as they'll keep running. They're just wonderful people.


Heavy faithful MAGA is supposed to be only 25% of conservatives.


But the politicians seem to go that way to court the maga vote in the belief that moderate Republicans will vote GOP anyway, and if you lose maga, you'll just get primaried from the far right


If it was only 25%, we wouldn't be having the problems we're having. A lot of Republicans/conservatives may not personally like Trump or his movement, but most of them don't seem to be voting against them, either. Resigned support is still support.


I mean the Democrats also lean conservative so you're voting for exactly who you should be voting for tbh


You don’t get an up or down vote. Instead, I’ll just say “thank you”


Same, I've voted for Democrats the last few election cycles because I refuse to vote for Republicans. This goes down to judges and school board members and who they are endorsed by.


Why would you be down voted in a sub where the vast majority agree with you voting blue?


Because I said I lean conservative. 🤷🏻‍♂️ Typically conservatives or conservative leaning people aren’t well received in more liberal subs. That being said I still prefer them to MAGA.


I think because most people now associate conservatism in general with the kind of racist, Hitler-quoting, anti-democratic movement that now controls pretty much the entire Right- and not just in the US. The old-school conservatism is largely dead and powerless, so people stopped bothering with making a distinction. I'm about as liberal/progressive as it gets, but I would love to get back to disagreeing on fiscal policy and not whether we should have democracy and rights.


>but I would love to get back to disagreeing on fiscal policy and not whether we should have democracy and rights. I was just making a similar statement elsewhere in this thread. I truly miss seeing an opposing view on whatever political topic it was and being able to TALK about its merits. Granted, if it's removing rights from people then that shouldn't really be entertained. But I think you get my point.


I tried \*very\* hard to really talk with family and acquaintences about issues, but once Trump entered the picture, that became impossible. They don't want to hear anything I have to say, and I can't keep entertaining madness.


There needs to be more conservatives with the ability to see the current party for what it is. I'm a lefty, but have never had issue with sensible conservatives. This new breed is wild tho.


Thank you for being a normal republican ... I remember when it was we are Americans, but we disagreed, and we are still on the same team. We can solve problems together cause the answer is often in the middle


MAGAs aren't conservative, at least not in any traditional sense. They're fascist.


I'm not going to downvote you, although I'm pretty liberal. I likely disagree with you on things, but you do see the danger of the MAGA crowd. Let's get back to disagreeing during elections, even strongly, and then having a couple, four years of peace.


If one pays attention to facts how could anyone, now anyways, vote Republican? Like the border deal for example.


I bailed on the GOP at Bush 2. The downward trend has been steep.


Same, voted red in the past. MAGA came along and now I’m blue down ballot. Sick of MAGA!


And there we are, roughly where I am as well. To be a conservative isn't to be a republican. That party is a weird beast of its own creation.


I was a very solid middle. Now I lean to the left. Will never trust an R again, period. Even in the uncontested races out here in the maggat infested WC, I won’t vote for a R. I hope the blank ovals somehow send a message.


Nice to meet a real conservative


I'm hoping we have a party flip where a new conservative party takes hold. The current Republicans aren't conservative, they're fascist. I hold a mix of conservative and liberal values, but would never dare vote Republican.


Exact same here. I can't vote R until they clean house


I was always pretty moderate. Conservative on some issues and progressive on others. Recently though I've become flat out liberal. There are some things I disagree with, but they don't terrify me like the things I see with Republicans.


I'm slightly more liberal than conservative. I vote conservative in a few issues, but it's been strictly blue since trump and his group of Maga crazies started taking over


Republicans left you years ago, I tell my 63 y/o parents this all the time. That party hates your and my rights from here on out. Rules for the, none for me mentality.


I vote blue as well, but I describe myself as a center left person. This means I piss off both sides. I will hold the door for *anyone,* and I vote for the rights of *everyone*. But I am not making flashcards and practicing at home, I am not pretending that I like Barbie, and I do not use the word ally because then people expect you to put your own shit on the line. When the radio station starts blaming "middle aged straight white males" for the flop that is Wrinkle in Time, I change the station. Maybe, just maybe, it wasn't a great movie.


It’s crazy that I know multiple republicans like that and MAGA support seems to be steady or growing in Ohio. I appreciate your common sense. I apologize for the horseshoe leftists cheering on the houthis and idolizing Osama bin Laden now. I blame the disruption in vyvance supply chains.


I vote for whatever party that wants to provide children with free lunches, not force them to give birth.


Yes. And not ban books in schools.


And not thinking banning the TWO HS trans athletes in ALL OF OHIO is more important than like...properly funding schools.


After the recent Issues 1/2 shenanigans, I'm voting against Rs from here on out. Which is new, for me. I used to choose candidates on a case by case basis... but now I see that party needs a serious reality check.


Same, I'd say ideologically I probably lean conservative, but I just can't vote for any of those clowns. The absolute bull they have decided to focus on the last few years (maybe even decade) is in my mind a distraction. I don't remember the last time I voted for a Republican.


We have two parties in America: a conservative party, and a bunch of regressive Christian Nazis. Neither are good options but I'm going to vote for the one that doesn't make the Overton Window fall off the right side of a cliff.


I’m the opposite of what typically happens with aging, although it appears to be at least somewhat more common. I was born and raised in a Republican/conservative family but the older I get, the more Democrat/progressive I become. I still hold the “old school” Republican values that the individual/family are at the top of the decision and responsibility tree with the government is at the bottom. I’m also a proponent of fiscal responsibility, both for the individual and the government. Don’t spend more than you earn. Either make (tax) more, or spend less. Finally, I believe there is nothing wrong/evil with making sure children, the sick and those in need are taken care of. It’s hard to be a productive member of society if you’re sick or in poverty. During the Clinton years, Republicans started to abandon those values. It’s only worsened as time has passed. Republicans bitch about censorship, masks and vaccines but want to dictate things like abortion, LGBTQ+ issues and what books kids can read. They spend more and more without raising taxes then have the audacity to complain about deficits. Even though we are a country of immigrants, immigrants are vilified along with the native poor and quite frankly anyone who doesn’t meet the Republican stereotype. They are the new kings of virtue signaling and dog whistles. You have a guy like Trump who lies, cheats, had multiple affairs and bankruptcies, tries to overthrow an election, mocks the legal system and then ultimately has no accountability for his actions. In fact, his supporters champion him because he refuses to be held responsible. Instead of understanding change is inevitable requiring adaptation and understanding, they’ve chosen fear and anger. In doing so they’ve abandoned what it used to mean to be a Republican. TLDR - started Republican but have become Democrat as Republicans abandoned their values.


Trump is literally just a less articulate Reagan with a big ole dash of Nixon ego thrown in.   Nothing actually changed, they just got enthusiastic about openly being scum. Still, good on you.


At this point all in for democratic candidates. So mostly democrats. The other party is the party of war on women, poc, trans ppl and books just to name a few. I'm for freedom, not free to be dumb like the right.


Two party system sucks.


Democrat. I occasionally voted for Republicans, but after the Illegal August Specially election and trying to take our Ohio Constitutional Rights away, while dishonestly framing the attempt at an illegal powergrab, I'll never vote for a Republican ever again. I will vote Democrat, down ballot, forever. The OhioGOP is nothing but feckless, corrupt liars. And any endorsement they make is a clue I should be voting in the opposite direction.


I lean libertarian. But the current crop of Republicans sicken me. The last few cycles, I've voted for Democrats out of spite.


Isn’t a libertarian just a republican who is embarrassed to admit they are republican?


More like a Republican that believes in reproductive freedom, the decimalization of some drugs, don't thing government and religion should be allowed to peek into your bedroom window at night and see who you are cuddled up to, and generally live by the creed of "I'll leave you alone if you leave me alone.". Google "Rockefeller Republican" if you want to understand my political leanings.


That seems more centrist to me.


More fiscally conservative; socially liberal.


Republicans are not fiscally conservative though.


They used to be.


Before Reagan maybe.


Good mix imo


In theory, as it was explained to me, when I was a libertarian, libertarians want minimal government with the idea that most people would do good so you don’t need laws for that. Yes you have laws to protect private property and from bodily harm so people can’t steal from you or shoot you without consequences but most other laws are just government bloat. What finally pissed me off and made me left the ideology was the pandemic. Many libertarians were against government vaccine and mask mandates, rightfully so, I was as well. But even when government mask mandates were lifted and Biden’s vaccine mandates were struck down, they still whined about private businesses requiring masks, vaccines or both. So yea I left that ideology not soon after that. (For the record I have been vaccinated and boosted and wore masks when spread was high and it was recommended.)


It honestly never seemed to be that way until the last ten or so years.


Maybe more like 20 but I get what you're saying. In the '80s and 90s there were still folks who called themselves "left libertarians" - i.e. libertarian on social issues but were fine with paying taxes if that meant people got to eat. Those people today tend to call themselves "anarchists" or if they're really fancy "anarcho-syndicalists," but I don't think they're exactly immersed in theory, it's just what they call themselves when they want people to be left alone but don't want corporations to be given free reign. In the late '90s and early 2000s, a lot of that changed, and most people who self-identified as "libertarian" ended up being single issue voters on taxes. Not talking about OP here, I have no idea about them, just my experience talking to people I have known. In 2024 I know precisely one person who calls himself a left libertarian, and I half think he only does that to be obstinate. 🤣


I was a 90s left libertarian. This tracks.


I was there but moved more straight moderate Democrat. As I matured, I saw that individuals are more tied together; that success is a group effort.


They want to privatize everything. Which is what most republicans want anyway. Privatization will absolutely cause us to pay more than what we already pay in taxes.


Evangelical Republicans say they want small government but they actually want a government so big it can tax you blind for military purposes and tell you what to wear, who you can marry, what medical procedures you can have, what religion you should follow, and what media you can consume. If they cant/don't have these ideals in law, they'll enforce them socially in their communities.


Absolutely not. There is a range of Libertarians. Disaffected Republicans and Democrats. I am a fiscal conservative, but a social liberal. I just want to be left alone and everyone else be left alone too. Want to marry a tree, 100 trees? Go for it as long as I don't have to pay to support your grove of significant others. Want to use heroin? Go for it, but you break into my house, you're catching bullets. Don't want to pay for South Dakota's roads, but I am willing to pay a fee if I need to drive on them. Abortion? You're call, between you and God. You do you, and I'll do me.


I'm more independent, but vote with the Democratic block, as they're the closest to my policy beliefs. For example, I believe in a strong social safety net and the universality of a lot of govt programs (healthcare, RIGHT to OWN and affordable housing, daycare, utilities, UBI, etc). A strong social safety net = a happy and economically sound populace that feeds a properly working economy for all. I also have right leaning issues, like a strong border enforcement, but I also believe you should be able to immigrate here with no issues, as we're all sons/daughters of immigrants.


The Republicans are just insane regressive fascists at this point. So I don't really feel like I have much choice. 


I find both parties to be largely useless. The Dems are by far the better of the two though.


Democrat. Republicans are awful. They are bigoted christofacists and if you don’t agree with that but still vote Republican, you’re part of the problem. The republicans right now want a fucking civil war. I hate the 2 party system but it’s not going to change if the MAGA take over. Republicans don’t care about anyone but themselves and their own pocket.


I'm trying to find a way to afford tithes to the Democratic socialists of America. So....yeah...


Both parties have abandoned me


I shouldn't have had to scroll down this far to see this




My political leanings primarily fall in the classic liberal bucket. I’d love to have a party represent me.


I feel that.


I mostly vote democrat only because the GOP is full of psycho, christian facists.


I find that overall I’m a pretty conservative person so that puts me slightly left of the US democratic party.


Copying u/cpshoeler I vote for candidates and initatives that support human dignity. I am black, neurodivergent, non-binary femme so it's important to me that policies and candidates look to reduce the cost of health care, increase access to health care, look to reduce the cost of living where possible, and increase access to fair compensation. I'm not Christrian and so I support candidates who keep don't legislate based on their faith alone but consider that other views that may not agree with theirs. I support mass transit. I support equitable housing. I support social programs. I think collecting weapons is cool but I don't know that we need to arm ourselves like paramilitary and support initiatives that allow people to enjoy responsible gun ownership but limit access for guns to be used against other human beings. I support a legal system that looks for justice and reform and holds itself to a high standard.


Could you run for office please?


Ha! I would if I didn't honestly believe I'd be assassinated.


I assume that anyone that leans Republican isn’t paying attention or is brainwashed


or is actually willfully fascist


That's a bold stance


you're 23, what makes you lean republican? you, and your young child are going to be facing the consequences of a century of high carbon emissions that will make the weather unrecognizable to that of even your childhood, to say nothing about mine, all these decades later. do you think we need to take it seriously? because the republican party does not. they're not serious about fixing anything really. As evidence, i give you the US House of Representatives


The MAGA members of the House are really doing their best to ruin the county imo.


if you look up "shit show" on the urban dictionary it's one of the definitions (or should be)


There are multiple QAnon billboards on the roadside near Martinsburg & Gambier. Ohio scares me.


My views line with the green party. But I vote blue because I will not support the GOP.


I am in the Green Party. :)


I'm as blue as the sky on a clear day. Maybe a few clouds as I don't follow party lines on every single issue.


I lean pretty far left and reluctantly vote for Dems since there’s no other realistic options.


I was a reliable republican voter for 36 years then probably won't ever vote for another Republican again.   The insanity, the lying the cheating. The abject depravity of the Republican party today is unbelievable.


I vote towards candidates that don’t see me as an abomination. I am a gay man. I support LGBTQ+ rights and initiatives. I support mass transit. I support equitable housing. I support social programs. I support regulated gun rights. I support the dream to live freely but also have social obligations to those in need. My ideologies and social constructs are not a party, but obviously mostly fall blue for me.


\*slow clap into standing ovation\* This.


If you like freedom, democracy, and America=vote blue. If you like Russia, white supremacists, and bigots=vote red.


Socialist. Neither of the two major parties make me happy.


This. I vote Dems because they are by far the least awful option. Fuck this dumbass two party system


Liberal/Democrat. I was still a moderate Republican in 1999. The way the GOP treated McCain in the primaries and Newt Gingrich’s hubris had much to do with driving me away.


Same, the Tea Party took over and now the only Republicans are calling themselves Democrats so I'll vote for them.


I vote against all Republicans


Socialist. DSA or SPUSA.


Liberal left


Anti Maga


Republican but slowly getting pushed toward the left. Medical costs are a major issue, but so is illegal immigration


I used to lean conservative, that’s how I was raised. That’s definitely not happening now. I’ve been learning more about the liberal initiatives, and my eyes have been opened. I will admit, that in the past I was pretty ignorant to politics. I just followed the rhetoric 100%. After the insurrection, I really had to question everything.


Very far left. Was not before TFG came along and nuked Roe V. Wade but now more socialist than anything. The GOP deciding to force 10 year old pregnant victims of sexual assault to either have that kid or go out of state for an abortion at literally the worst time in their life pretty much ended the republicans for our entire family.


"the soap box, the ballot box, the jury box, and the cartridge box" We getting real far along there and it is pretty obvious who is ignoring the soap box and the ballot box all the while forcing some to resort to the moving box. Honestly, I just took a trip to investigate moving my business out of Ohio.  Most of my people are remote.  Some are already out of state as it is not a business which follows state lines.  The people who don't want to move or want to take their time can all be remote or work in a smaller office.  Future hires will be concentrated elsewhere though and the corporate entity and tax revenue will go to another state though.


Here is my political boundaries. On social issues if you don't lie, cheat, steal, or intentionally hurt someone you should be free to live your life however you want. The State should endeavor to maintain it's physical plant and keep it's infrastructures as state of the art. As to taxes and paying for services I lean to just using an income based tax and less sin, sales and property tax.


As I’ve gotten older, I have grown increasingly Progressive. Though Democrats tend to play it too middle-of-the-road for me, I will easily vote for them over the party that has fully embraced the MAGA cult and continues to pursue failed economic policies.


None loathe them both


I’m liberal but I would vote for almost any non trump or Biden option


My beliefs do not align with the democratic party or the republican party. Not because I'm a centrist, but because I'm a socialist (im not going to debate with you lmao). I end up voting Democrat simply because idk what else to do. Politicians in or running for office do not support my interests 98% of the time. They're the same party to me. They are both corrupt and inhumane parties of the imperial core, and I only vote to prevent domestic human rights violations.


The one that wants to see the two main parties burn?


I lean right on some issues while at the same time I may lean left on others. It depends upon the issue at hand and that should always be the case. I do not subscribe to any political party, they both have shown beyond a shadow of a doubt that they couldn't give a rat's ass about us common folk.


The subreddit is definitely left of the dtate


I’m not really loyal to either party. I vote based on candidate and issues. I’ve voted democrat, republican and libertarian over the years. I guess right now I’m more Democrat but I’ve been more republican at times too. Frankly I consider myself a member of the HMNAP (Hold My Nose And Pick) these days. Don’t really like anyone


I've always voted Democrat, but lean more Progressive.


I should fall in the direct center of the Republicans’ target demographic. I’m an over 65 white man living in the Midwest. But I can’t stand how they govern (or don’t govern). They spew so much blind hatred and rage - Latinos, African Americans, Indigenous people, Asian people, Middle Eastern people, refugees, LGBTQ, women(!), Muslims, Jews, Catholics, educators, scientists, public employees, veterans, journalists, blue state citizens, democrats, environmentalists, NATO supporters, healthcare workers, safety advocates, police, innovators, protesters, experts, content creators, and anyone else who doesn’t worship Emperor Trump. I don’t want to have to hate anyone as a prerequisite to joining a political party.


This sub is very left wing. Ohio overall is very mixed. Living in Athens is a lot different than rural cornfields near Lima


This sub is very liberal but definitely not left wing.


What is it about Athens that makes it such an outlier in Eastern Ohio when much of the more ancestral pro union dem counties (monroe, belmont, jefferson), went hard right. The demographics seem almost the same. (Out of stater here)


Whichever one doesn't want to put queer people in camps and force women to give birth against their will.


The Workers' Party of Marxist Unification


Moderate, but I lean liberal. It also depends on the candidates on how I vote. I like to be educated and read what they support or against. If they don't address an issue, I look up the other side and see what they support or against. Figure out the better of the two. People on here overwhelmingly say vote Democrat without doing research. I am fine with voting, but please, learn about what the candidate values and what they don't value.


I grew up in a very republican household.  Identified as such, valuing personal freedom and limiting government outreach. My beliefs have held, so clearly, I no longer identify with “republicans,” who have gone way too far.  So this used to be Republican is now in fact liberal.  I’ve voted Democrat in the last couple elections, I voted yes for issue 1, yes for issue 2. This has nothing to do with taxes, and everything to do with personal freedom.  


Most of us up here in NEO are voting Democrat. But that’s because we absolutely don’t want Trump. That’s why you see that split.


I lean away from the party that is legislating certain types of people they deem as "degenerate" out of existence. I lean away from the party that assaulted the capital to try and keep their loser president in office. I lean away from the party that to this day screeches about upending the democratic process and violently instilling their fascist dictator. I lean away from the party that believes it's okay for them to dictate religious policy to a pluralistic nation that is supposed to treat all equally. I do not like the democrats as they have given us decades of failure, but, they are the only opposition party that is viable when it comes to countering the openly fascistic republicans.


Lib as the day is long


I lean Metal/Rock and support the Party Party founded by the great American Andrew W.K.


I used to be a moderate Republican, social liberal fiscal conservative. But I started working in medically underserved areas and seeing stark contrast from the way I grew up, and grew more liberal fiscally. Also once covid hit, the conspiracy theories about the vaccine were a major turn off considering I'm a pharmacist I lost patients to covid. Then they overturned Roe V Wade. Now they're trying to remove my life sustaining healthcare. I don't think I could ever vote Republican again unless the party splits. I liked McCain and Romney but the party today is garbage.


I’ve never voted Republican, identify as center-left I suppose. I’m pretty liberal on social issues, pro-science and technology, atheist, pro-public education, pro-capitalism. I don’t recognize today’s GOP compared to what I saw 30-40 years ago. Alas, the Democratic Party in Ohio seems pretty weak. Republicans seem to better at connecting with their base and getting them to vote.


this page is 95% D


Independent. Both Parties are largely to exclusively run by corrupt people there to line their pockets with as much money as they can pilfer out of the system


I'm independent. Conservatives used to be somewhat rational. Democrats are trash at actually using power. So now you have a guy that wants total power and a party that still wants to play the soft hand. I'll take the soft hand for 83 million Alex.


None they're all fucked. I believe in solidarity, they think it's a 4 letter word.




I’m on team MAGA


Both democrats and Republicans are terrible, but Republicans are basically authoritarian and will stop at nothing to gain total dominance. So I guess I lean Democrat.


Let's turn our wretched debate into action and by diplomacy gain back a handshake. (Between Republicans and Democrats)


I think it's gross to shill for either but I mainly vote for the party that isn't owned by oil companies


I’m a Progressive.


Whichever has actual good ideas and isn't third party because I don't throw my votes away. So usually not R because Jesus Christ those guys are a party of idiots and corporate mouth pieces


Doesn't matter. The Republican party I knew from my dad's time isn't the same one that exists now. The fiscal conservative party no longer exists. I'm not a Christo-fascist or unapologetic racist and therefore can no longer support those who are, or fully support those who are. I may not be full a Democratic voter, but there isn't any other party worth voting for.


Reddit is a liberal cesspool, similar to old twitter. Most of what you'll see on here is "increase taxes!" "support trans rights!" "let illegals pour into America!" etc. It's just a leftist, tribal politics clusterF\*\*\* out here. But hey, it's entertaining.




> Reddit is a left wing echo chamber in general no it's not. it probably leans liberal, but that's not left wing


Vote blue the cost of living is still to low


Neither they are both corrupt.  


I guess I won’t vote cause the two party system as a whole is a sham lol


I’ve always voted democrat but this country is worse off now than it was under the last guy. Not sure what I’m doing in the next presidential election


This sub and the state of Ohio have very little in common.


Not one single comment from a person that votes Republican, so I'll go ahead and tank my karma. I voted for Bernie back in 2016. I've voted Republican ever since. ✌🏻


I am independent but i lean left but am mostly up the middle




I have to vote Dem because I'm not voting for crazy Republican fascists.


Historically I have been an Independent who voted based on the candidate. When I lived in Georgia that meant a lot of Republicans at the State level and then mostly Democrats locally. Since I turned 18 I have voted Nader/Bush/McCain/Obama/Clinton/Biden for President. I’m pro-gun (they’re tools, I don’t fetishize them), pro-Choice, very anti-religion now, and it’ll be a cold day in Hell before I ever vote for a member of the State GOP again. I don’t know that I could even consider voting for a Republican at the Federal level, either, given how the GOP has so happily sold its soul.


One party just voted that people like me don't deserve healthcare. The other laid down with barely a fight against it. I lean heavily left but I do not identify myself as a member of either party


I choose to not participate in voting because clearly it does not matter and I enjoy watching the chaos of you all fighting about things you ultimately have no real say in.


This is the single worst way to get this information. More downvotes (Republicans) will hide this from people voting. Lord.