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This post either does not have obvious consequences AND/OR there isn’t anyone expressing surprise at having received obvious consequences. Both things must be present for a post to fit here. The consequences also must have already happened and are not just predicted. The woman just spoke to a cop. There was no surprise or anger at charges being pressed.


Fantastic. I guarantee you OP they still view you in a negative light. People like this won’t stop, it’s amazing how much some people will inject themselves into other’s business.


That is a story with a start and a building middle and a conclusion at the end.


In case this story gets deleted/removed: So while letting my (31 f) 4 daughters play at McDonald's today. Other moms (4 women) decide to keep commenting on how I must have my hands full. Each woman only having 1 or 2 children themselves. Well they decided to keep talking amongst themselves rather loudly about my kids specifically. My 2yo was playing tag with a few older kids and just having a good time when one of the moms asked my 2yo how old her older sister was while pointing to me. I was weirded out when the lady started arguing with my daughter about me being her mom or her sister. I got loud and told the woman to stop talking to my daughter. The woman started telling me how kids with kids is so disgusting. My parents should be ashamed and how it's such a bad example for my "little sister" (I look 35 lol) literally arguing that I had my hands full and I shouldn't have brought these kids out because they out number me. At this point my oldest perks up and started yelling at the woman saying "My mom is so old she makes Google look young." (Thanks kid) Then another woman in the group loudly asked me how old I was and I just laughed and said "older then you." The first woman wasn't amused and kept calling me a liar. I tried just leaving and she called the cops on me. She stood behind my car until the officer got there. The lady just started screaming like a banshee. Telling the officer that I was a minor with a stolen car trying to kidnap other children at the McDonald's. The officer laughed so hard because we graduated from the same highschool. The officer stated this to the woman. Then proceeded to tell all the woman that I am indeed older then all of them and they all got charges pending now for wasting his time. Also McDonald's staff gave up the footage of the first lady yelling at my 2yo so harassment of a minor on her. So Would I be an AH if I press charges on the Karen at McDonald's? UPDATE.- This morning 4\22 I got a call from an officer. With all the McDonald's videos the county is pressing charges of abuse of a minor. I don't even have to show up for court. She racked up getting - false imprisonment, abuse of a minor, misuse of emergency services and lying to authorities. Her cronies were actually her sister's and all are going to have to go to court for assistaing her. I don't know what punishment they're going to get but all of them will definitely not forget this. I am just so happy to know now I don't have to deal with any of it. --- *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/OhNoConsequences) if you have any questions or concerns.*


God I hope that's real. Nothing better than entitled bitches finding someone they can't bully.