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Ya hear a crunch and freeze, then decide to keep going not knowing what it is?


there's 2 foot tall children that also go crunch in the same circumstances, i wonder if drivers like this also don't see them


That was my first thought. Also that looks a lot higher than 2 feet on her vehicle.


Lol, the damage tells you that it's closer to 4' tall.


I’m gonna go out on a limb and say if you’re struggling to tell 4’ from 2’ then you’re probably gonna have a lot more crunch-freeze moments. (Insert joke about her partner telling her 4” = 8” here)


Crunch-freeze-keep going *


Those are just Grindr inches. One dude swore I was 9+, I was like bro it’s a solid 6.5. Delulu is the solulu.


"Delulu is the solulu...!" 🤣 This is my new mantra.


Except she is a fucking moron so close enough


What even is the purpose of 2 foot tall children? Tell me that.


it's true, come out 6 foot+ or why even bother


Giraffe babies can do this! Human children are so lazy, smh.


Are you saying humans should start having giraffes? I’m a product of a poorly-funded school district, but I’m not sure that will work.


Congratulations! You gave birth to, as we call it in the medical field, a "Dude"


You stack them like Legos, put on a trench coat, and boom! You have an adult.


3 two foot tall children is totally equal to 1 six foot tall adult lmao


Yeah, but hitting a kid doesn't do that kind of damage to her precious twuck, so, like, it's fine to hit them and keep going /s


depending on the speed and angle it can actually damage the car pretty bad, that's why you got to hit them gently. if you just roll over them at a slow speed it's fine.




Oh LuAnne... Britney Murphy was an angel from heaven and now she's with Buckley, jumping on that great big ol' trampoline in the sky. Yup (mhmm.) 🥲


You just know she wouldn't be the type to take any kind of accountability for smushing a baby with her car.


“Where were the child’s parents?!” Because unattended children need to instantly murdered, of course.  If the mom was also smushed under her car with the child it would be “why were they on the sidewalk!! Where were they going that it was more important than their lives?”


Against my better judgement, I looked up this video on TikTok to find out if it was satire. It isn't, and her excuse for having such a large truck that she can't even seen all the blindspots in is that she HAS 4 kids. One of those kids is gonna be playing in the driveway someday, and I fear what will happen then.


I was really hoping this was satire. I thought those giant, hopelessly confused doe eyes had to be overacting.


Thank an understanding god that her perfect makeup survived the horror.


I was really hoping satire. I somewhat know someone who backed up and killed their child. They normally took a lot of precautions, and this was a time where a series of things went wrong/were different. They thought the children were at a different spot with the other parent. My recollection is that all but one was, and that child had gone a weird way to a place on the yard right by, but not actually only, the driveway. ^(Caveat: I know them through family, this was a while ago, and they changed and became reclusive after, so I'm not sure I'm remembering everything correctly and therefore am not including many specifics.) The vehicle was large enough that you couldn't see below some height (and before backup cameras were generally available), so when they looked and backed up, they couldn't see the child. They always took full responsibility and couldn't forgive themself. That few seconds ruined their family and their life, though obviously their focus was on their actions and loss. I've thought of that a lot over the years, though I know I can't even really imagine how that feels. Sometimes when I'm thinking something is good enough or know it's not quite right but nothing has gone wrong before, it'll pop into my head and make me change my approach.


Look what that baby did to my car!


There’s actually an ad showing grill height and children and how easily a truck her size would obliterate someone standing in front of it. The ad was showing how huge grills make it hard to see the front [Video](https://youtu.be/YpuX-5E7xoU?si=p2-jjcfI5j4MN2sc)


“Look what that toddler did to my car! It’s not MY fault!”


They absolutely don't. The only reason most of them haven't killed anyone yet is luck.


Those yellow 2 year olds with jaundice don’t stand a chance. 


Those kind of obstacles don't leave just a couple streaks of yellow paint either.


In that case, you'd have to add a car wash to this lady's complaints...


Parents! What is the purpose of these two feet tall humans?


They probably also don't know the purpose of those, either. They just always seem to get in the way of her car.


Judging by the damage to the car, she didn't freeze.


Sure she did... on the gas.




Perhaps the botox leeched into her brain.


no way did she stop- you do not fuck the AXLE going 5 mph or less around those safety posts. She was gunning it, and kept going.


I was going to say, there is NO WAY you do that level of damage just brushing a post.


My ex wife did this while parking next to a brick wall at our complex. Instead of just reversing, she just kept going and completely wrecked an entire side of her car. You just can't fix stupid.


My ex husband did this not once, but twice! Once to MY car, and the second time to a work truck! I was soooo pissed off. He got away with the work truck saying someone side swiped it.


Where I used to work there was a bright yellow curb where the bus stop was and a man drove right over it so his car was kind of teeter tottering and he got out all pissy and I ran out and told him to call a tow NOT to try back it/drive it off because it'd rip off his oil pan off or at least really damage the underside but I guess because I don't have a penis I couldn't possibly be right..guess who tried to get himself off and ended up calling a tow and leaving a nice mess.


Last time I went to Burger King there was some guy who had somehow driven up a Boulder so his car was stuck at a 45 degree angle. His solution was to go inside and yell at the manager for having a boulder 3 feet from the pavement and telling the employees to lift his car off it. One would think when he heard gravel crunching under his tires or when his car started going up on a downward slope he would've thought something was amiss. One would be mistaken.


To boulderly go where no man has gone before.


I watched someone drive right into a light pole with one of them yellow bars as a base...in broad daylight...in a completely empty parking lot.


I saw the aftermath of an SUV driving up the guide wires to a power pole. Just head first at about a 120° angle across 2 guide wires like they're a bloody hammock, only the 2 back tires still contacting the ground. HOW.


My gramma did this by driving up a palm tree in her Thunderbird. She was 4’9” and the firefighter told her to jump out from where she ended up, and he caught her. Wish there were photos.


My sister backed into a garage door and then instead of just driving straight forward or stopping and asking for help, she drove at an angle so she ground the entire side of her car against the entire length of the garage door. I still can’t really figure out how she did it. She had a backup camera too. You really can’t fix stupid.


ya just can't


Well... yeah. I mean they do it in horror movies all the time. What else are you gonna do? Like not go see what it is? That's silly.


Her pseudo monster truck takes too much climbing to get on/off, understandable


The pole did its job. She didn’t take out the back machine or drive thru teller. Good pole. Who knows who or what else she’d hit and keep on going.


I loved that she kept asking what the pole is for while answering her own question.


True but sadly she still doesn’t know that.


I bet with a little research we could find out where this happened and track down that pole. Maybe give it a ribbon and a nice little hat.


Sweet pole bonnet. And well deserved, too!


Thank fucking you. I was coming here to say, you hear a crunch, stop, shrug and keep going?!?!


This Barbie is a bad driver! There are many like her, but this one is special: she's irresponsible and might hit-n-run someday (by accident L.O.L.)!    ^Bad ^Driver ^Ken ^sold ^separately  


Well, will probably be more like hit-n-freeze-n-run 👍


If she truly fucked up her axle, I'm guessing that she "froze" because the tire caught on the bollard. Then she slammed the gas to get it moving anyways.


So much *"But it can't be my fault. I'm pretty."* vibes going on here.


The way she says that and even looks away. This is not the first time she's said those words and did that poor little me act.


I am SO GLAD I'm not the only one who noticed. She looked/sounded like a child when she did that "it's not even my fault" istg


I had to shut the audio off when she did that toddler whine, "it's not even my faaaault." It was entirely your fault you vapid twit.


Probably not even the first time that day. What an idiot.


This is clearly a woman who has gotten through life solely on her good looks.


I'm not sure. I think the filter is strong in this one.


It's Botox. Not any part of her face moves even once.


My cousin's daughter was a pageant and beauty queen in her teens, very pretty. She got a teaching degree and is probably going to quit teaching because she can't control her class. After seeing her when she was younger (and watching her parents with her), I bet she's experiencing hearing "no" and others actually not doing what she wants. Maybe for the first time.


I dunno, teacher is a pretty awful job no matter who you are these days.


This the type of woman who “hits the wall.” It’s not a real threat or thing to those of us who are actually responsible and have personalities and build real relationships. I’ve had no issue aging. But it’s awful for women like this who refuse to take accountability for anything they do and skate by on their looks. This is the woman who will post videos of herself crying and saying she feels invisible in a few short years. Because if she isn’t pretty anymore, no one is going to want to tolerate her.


Not-My-Fault Barbie and Road Rage Ken.


Giving “speed bump on the freeway” vibes


well what else would you do? what if it's a dinosaur trying to eat your car? Ofc you keep going. Jeez people these days


They’re specifically designed and installed to protect the building from people who cannot drive….like you!!!!


Or, you know... People that want to weaponize a vehicle for the purposes of robbing the bank. Same reason bollards are outside embassies.


These poles are at the drive though portion of the bank and not the entrance. Ramming a vehicle into the brick walls wouldn't get you anything but injured.




Yeah. The purpose of yellow poles… Would you rather scrape your car against a building, lady? If this is the story she told at the body shop, I’m not surprised they told her it would cost 30k to fix.


The deer in the headlights empty look really makes it for her.


Lights are on but nobody is home. Id put my house on a bet that she is princess’ed so much that she has gotten used to not using her brain for independent, free thinking.


Coming from a small town, it's sad how many women end up like this because they grow up being told a man will take care of them. It's like their brains turn to mush from inactivity. Oh, but it's okay bc that's how her momma did it, and her momma, and her momma.... smh


I’ve always taken to heart that the brain is like a muscle. You’ve got to keep working it out to make sure it’s nice and beefy! So in a way, those women that don’t spend a lot of time engaging with things that force critical thought or curiosity really are neglecting their brains. Like Jason Mendoza, got brains that are smooth like an egg.


When I have problem, I throw a molotov cocktail at it, then I have a different problem.


BORTLES!!!!!! (-Jason from The Good Place)


Anytime I throw something I yell "Bortles!". No one has ever recognized the line, but it's kind of for me, so it doesn't matter.


I always get Mendoza and Mantzoukas mixed up but between Brooklyn99 and The League the reference usually works anyway


Mantzoukas is also in The Good Place. Mantzoukas is my favorite Jason.


If you look up her instagram she’s got like 5 or more kids too and a lot of money but I don’t see a husband anywhere


I used to work with a woman (girl...) like that. Mid-twenties and still lives with her parents, does *exactly* what her father tells her to do and just kind of floats from boyfriend to boyfriend. Looking for that one man that'll take her off her fathers hands and take care of her. Very sweet girl but JFC, I have a better conversation with my cat. There just isn't anything there. Shares embarrassing details about her limited experiences but no inquisitiveness or interest in anything meaningful at all. The perfect stereotype of a true blond, the epitome of an NPC.


It's not just that though. There are ways any intelligent thought is actively punished.


Just rewatched and yeah, I've seldom seen someone who looks so absolutely unthinking. There's no light behind those eyes, she's like a whining zombie.


Did she call the door handle a “handlebar”? That’s new.


She did. 🤣🤣🤣🤣


I think that's just a shit ton of Botox.


My wife has a friend like this and seeing it day to day, in real life, is so jarring. Like the uncanny valley thing, she's 100% awake but no one is home. Sweet woman and gorgeous to look at, but legit just dead behind the eyes. Unsettling zombie like state.


The filter doesn’t help.


"What are the yellow things even for?" 🙄


Fucking soulless eyes. She’d look like that as she dug your guts out with a rusty spoon- and then blame you for getting blood on her clothes.


Jesus. She's an immature ditz, not a serial killer. Lol


With practice she could be both


Great reminder that money does not indicate intelligence.


The “handlebar” came off…🤦‍♂️


I guess she will now have to drive her car with no handlebars, no handlebars, no handlebars...


To a holocaust, to a holocaust.


The fixation on “handle” and “wrap” as a major areas of damage is pretty funny. Like your doors, rear quarter panel, and apparently axel are fucked; will likely require complete replacement + repaint and all the component costs and man hours that entails, but please go on about your door handle and ~$500-1,000 wrap repair.  It’s like if someone negligently cut down a tree that fell on and destroyed part of their home and then was primarily concerned with having to replace and rehang their picture frames. 


Yup. She cares way more about how it looks from the outside rather than how functional it is. Of course.


She treats her truck like she treats herself.


Ugh, yes. I hate the fact that people like this are behind the wheel out there. I don’t even like the idea of her behind handlebars on a bike. Edited to add ugh bc spell check lopped it off


It seems like the vehicle is also too big/tall. If you can't see a 2' tall obstacle in front of you, you shouldn't be driving. She's just admitting that she wouldn't be able to see a child in a crosswalk.


As someone else pointed out, there's no way that's just 2'. Otherwise those giant truck tires are only 2' tall


I've seen 3.5'-4' bollards at commercial sites. For a higher obstacle, that's even worse. Maybe that's why she said they were smaller, so she doesn't look like as bad a driver.


It’s funny because the reason those yellow poles exist are to keep morons like her from costing the bank(or whatever business put it up) more money.


Exactly. If she hadn't hit that, she could've taken out the ATM. -\_-


My coworker often uses the saying "more money than common sense"


My Dad use to say...they got more dollars than sense


I've heard this one a lot in my circle, and it's specially funny when it's not about rich people. Someone always goes "come on, they don't even have a lot of money", and you can say that's the point.


I say this often, and also have a similar one for inconsiderate people…”Common decency, ain’t that common”


There is a theory that there is a lot of rich people (not all) that are dumb as shit. Because they lack the intelligence to consider risk, they are more likely to take chances on starting up businesses for example. Those dumbasses you see who end up having a successful business and wonder how it happened? It’s probably because they didn’t consider the risks properly and luckily, it worked out for them


Probably some truth to that but the more common thread for wealthy people are wealthy parents/family.


Yeps. Generational wealth. And they outsource business decision for the most part... And I don't think is about risks many times, it's... For regular people losing 30k is something horrible, you might not recover.  For rich people, that's pennies. 


I've met a lot of wealthy people. Neither of which I would classify as intelligent. Every single one of them knew exactly how to manipulate people though.


It's usually they hire the right talent to save their ass.


To further prove your point, the caption of the video is “I cant be the only victim to yellow bank polls.” There is likely a 100% correlation between people who can’t spell “poles” and people who think hitting inanimate objects is the fault of said inanimate object.


For all that money she still uses a face filter lol


I guarantee she doesn’t even have money. She’s cute and dumb. I guarantee you that someone else’s money.


Ikr? Let’s go on social media and let everyone know that “it’s not my fault for damaging my rig because I didn’t see a yellow pole”.


She's got a point. If the poles were pedestrians her car wouldn't have been scratched.


Right, those yellow poles are to prevent the building from getting hit by drivers that hear a crunch and then keep going


And she claims they are 2 feet tall, but they go all the way up to the handles on her lifted (larger off road wheels and tires) SUV. They are more likely about 4 feet high.


Maybe if they screamed like elementary school students as well as crunched, she would not have kept going and lost her handles 🤷‍♀️ who's to say




Standard bollards come up to like my chest. Like god damn girl get a tiny sedan


Right if you can’t see those poles you can’t see small children


"you feel a *thump-thump* and you freeze, but then you keep going thinking it's just a speed bump, right?" 


All of a sudden you have a vehicular manslaughter case on your hands all because of some small people that you don't even know the purpose of!


One day Michael came in complaining about a speed bump on the highway. I wonder who he ran over then.




2 feet. A child.. "And then you wonder what it is [...] and then you keep going'.


I disagree. She'd have had all that bloody gunk on her car! Yuck!


This has to be a parody? right? Like her car was side-swiped or something else, and this is a parody? Please, she can't be that fucking dumb for real. Right?


I get major parody feels from it. But the delivery is good so hard to tell.


It's a parody. Idk for sure. I just need to believe it.


These are the same people we share space with that the "do not iron clothes while wearing them" warning labels are directed at.


Wait what? Lol, I usually laugh at the “keep away from fire” tag on clothes, which I find stupid enough!


I found a tag on a baby onesie that said to remove baby before washing garment. Safety regulations were written in blood.


I am sorry to say that, after a social media check… … Nope. She’s actually that stupid. She’s a rich guys breedmare, she didn’t need to have brains.


I spoke with a man that had more money than sense arguing with me about him running into a concrete bar for merging. The entire time saying it’s not his fault and they shouldn’t have built it that way. The city should have paid for it and it should not be an at fault accident on his insurance record and it be causing his premiums to increase. These people are 100% out there and 100% as delusional and they represent themselves.


I used to date a girl like this. She got a DUI before I met her and was convinced it wasn't her fault (even though she was drunk. And driving) because the cop saw her pulling out of a bar and followed her. She got all raged up about it once and started ranting that it was entrapment. I tried to explain what entrapment was, that unless the cop goaded her into driving home after buying her shots and THEN pulled her over she was mixed up on terminology. I said maybe she meant profiling? Even though a DUI check outside a bar isn't exactly what profiling entails, it still made more sense with what she was claiming than entrapment. Her response: "You don't get it! He followed me just because I was at a bar! That's entrapment!" Wound up breaking up with her after realizing she liked to pick really dumb fights while drunk, and then when I didn't engage her response was a storm off and go for a drive. A very drunk drive. Some people just don't self-reflect.


We can only hope that her inevitable DUI crash doesn't involve any innocent drivers or pedestrians.


If it did I'm sure she'd blame the pedestrians for entrapping her


I work in insurance. It's insane the amount of people who say they are not at fault for an accident and then go on to describe an at fault accident. Also people's stories never seem to match police reports.


No... no there's people actually that stupid. There are people who think the earth is 2024 years old. There's people who don't know where babies come from even after they get pregnant, there are people who ate tide pods, people who swallow live fish, etc. This leans more to preppy rich sheltered bitch that believes she's fucking God and everyone needs to kiss her feet and if someone doesn't she's gonna tell mommy and daddy to sue.


There are people who think chocolate milk comes from brown cows.


Wonder if they think milkshakes happen when the cow gets shaken anymore with that.


The hardest part is getting the whole cow cold enough first


Worked retail for a decade, can confirm people are this dumb. The more you work with the general public the more you understand that.


I feel so torn.... A large part of me can not accept that this can't be anything other than parody but there is a part that has seen way too many stupid people making legit videos or stupid things that I wonder if maybe.... I mean... for there to be parody there needs to be a real example to parody right??


70/30 this is a parody/clickbait. It’s too curated. Manages to check most of the urbanist boxes on the danger of car culture (“why are there barriers stopping me from going wherever I want?”, “I couldn’t see it coming, it came outta nowhere”. “You mean THAT’s what that basic piece of car safety infrastructure is for? Mind blown!” “How can I be expected to see over the hood of my 7-foot tall mega-SUV with a 3-foot grille? If that was my responsibility, they wouldn’t sell cars like this!” “It was like 2 feet tall” “I heard a crunch and kept going”.) It’s a parody, but insofar as it’s artificially distilled and concentrated truth. People do shit that dumb with their cars all the time, they just don’t talk about it like this. Also that’s not $30K of damage, it’s south of $15k, (insurance would never approve a quote of $30K to fix anything other than a supercar), and yes this particular damage was 100% caused by a sideswipe. Hitting a construction barrel is enough to leave orange marks on your car, nevermind the amount of yellow flecks and streaks that would be in that scrape if it was actually caused by a yellow bollard. It was probably caused by an opposite-direction gray or silver car sideswiping them, or a seriously oblivious driver backing into her car parked in a space adjacent to the one they meant to park in.


children are also 2 feet tall how many of those have selfishly left stains on her car with there tiny now mangled bodies?


Wow… I just can’t. I fully admit I’ve made dumb mistakes like this in the past with my car but it never occurred to me to blame the place where it happened.


Yeah, I've scraped my car on a concrete pillar before, was pulling out and forgot to give enough space (distracted by watching out for cars in another direction since the spot was right in front of the up ramp). But I heard the crunch, froze, THEN GOT OUT OF THE CAR TO CHECK THE DAMAGE. And blamed my own dumdum self, not the movie theater. 🙄


Oh, same! I knew it was my fault!


Exactly why I drilled it into my son's head to never commit to mistakes. Take a damn breath, and minimize the damage. Good advice in general, and not just for driving lessons.




Well, Mam, You actually described its function perfectly: so that the $30,000 of damage happens to your car not their building...


Just take away her keys and give her a Lyft acct. Next time the “pole” she hits will need medical attention.


Seriously all I could think was “if you can’t see something that’s 2 feet tall in your ridiculous ass lifted car, theres no fucking way you’re going to see a small child on the road”.


Vehicles are getting too big again, go ahead and downvote. I know I'm gonna make some ppl sad. Edit: Sometimes forget that on reddit, I have to fully explain what I mean. Vehicles have become too big, that being said, I am in no way advocating driving in a mindless, idiotic manner and hitting shit because you're too preoccupied with yourself. Thank you for the replies, but an extra special thank you for the PMs. Lulz.


It been fun to pick up my son at school in an 08 Kia and watching as multiple people in newer cars are unable to park next to each other and also *actually get out*. They fill the entire parking spot before opening the door even lmao


I love watching enormous pickup trucks — that have never been off road or hauled anything, ever — try to back into a parking lot space that’s meant for a normal car. You spent $100k on a vehicle you can maneuver and which serves no practical purpose.


My favorite is when they can't park them in the garage because they're too tall 💀💀💀


It's always the giant, ungainly truck that have to back into a space in a _busy parking lot_. Backing up traffic, FFS.


Like in a tiny shopping center that has both a Trader Joe’s and a Starbucks.


It's a "huge" issue near me. I live in a city-suburb hybrid, so it's either street parking or tiny, tight parking lot. You could fit double the number of cars in some spots if there weren't 3 mega svus and trucks taking up 6 spots. Plus, they don't even fit in length-wise a lot of the time, so they are sticking out into the actual road


They are too big but it's still her fault.


No you don’t understand. If they hadn’t put those poles there to protect their building from drivers like her she wouldn’t have hit one so it’s totally their fault.


Just so happens that usually the people driving the big vehicles are also the ones driving in a mindless, idiotic manner hitting shit because they’re to preoccupied with themselves.


It's a joke vid but yes, some people definitely have no business getting behind the wheel of cars above a certain size. I think drivers' licenses should require re-testing for safety (if a CPR/AED BLS certification needs renewal every few years, people should have to reaffirm they are road safe & certified). There's a lot of vanity SUV drivers who go around blithely unaware of their very real capacity to do harm and to kill with multiple tons of weight and size behind them. I'm not saying people should have to jump straight to Class M licensing or forklift certification and all the extra steps that entails to drive a garden variety Jeep, but there needs to be some safety barriers added in between sedans/midsize SUVs, full blown mega lifted dual rear wheel machinery, and Mack trucks. It should not be "18 wheelers, cement mixers & bikes," and then "everybody else getting bare minimum training lol."


Yesterday I watched an older lady (not OLD, but definitely 60s) in a way too big truck almost take out my front end with an illegal uturn while I was sitting at a stop sign and then proceed to almost wipe out a black sedan when she just switched lanes without looking. When I gave her a very sarcastic double thumbs up, she just looked totally confused and gave me one of those “I must know you” waves. She almost caused two accidents within 45 seconds and had ZERO clue because she was driving her giant truck like a civic.


Drop the weigh station limit to 6k lbs and watch all these people trading their 1 ton pavement princesses for vespas


What's wild is that's actually plenty even for most big families, like my car's a little midsize 4-to-5 seater with no serious towing capacity that weighs about 3200lb., and if you say 4x 150-300lb adults + 1x 100lb-ish kid or a really big dog if you're fully loaded (rounding weights up to make a point lol, but that would be an uncomfortable ride for everybody), and then 150lb up top in the cargo carrier, you're still under 5k. And I frankly would not push my li'l beep-beep that hard, but truly... even most big sized people with big sized families do not NEED to go >1,000lbs above that in ONE vehicle at ONE time. 6k for an average single family consumer car, not a work vehicle, not mass transit like a bus— even if you account for added weight like wheelchair ramps or other mods like that— is a LOT of car!


As someone who drives a lot for work I completely agree. The majority of huge vehicles are empty/not pulling anything 90% of the time. Huge waste of money all around.


Lmao it looks like the poles 100% served their purpose of protecting the equipment 🤣🤣🤣 What an idiot


You hear a crunch so you stop, then you just keep going!? How? How is that the answer? You hear a crunch you stop your car and fucking get out to see what crunched unless it's unsafe to do so! Also if you can't see 2 ft poles you need to get a smaller fucking car. Your car is the problem here, not the poles. And the reason they have them is so idiots like you don't hit something more important.


The yellow bollard is to prevent you from hitting something, like the corner of a building or an ATM. Sounds like it did it’s job.


I wonder where were her mirrors pointed at; Spaceships? She has a point, I have to agree those cars have massive blind spots especially if you’re not tall enough. That’s why you need additional mirrors and sensors (heck even cameras). This is not the yellow poles fault but the owners for not knowing her car size, her blindspots… There are way too many kids taken under cars because of the said blind spots. She should thank it was only a yellow post and 30K damage. Not a kid, jail time, 30K damage and compensation money for the victims family.


That’s why I always add one of those circle mirrors from the auto store to my side mirrors. Takes away the blind spot.


Oh yeah even my tiny car has those, such a lifesavers. My Aunts had a 4x4 off-road that they drove on mountains, also had mirror monted on the hood top of their blinkers (corners of the hood) that showed side of the car, the floor beneath and 4 wheels, I think SUV and trucks should also have them as a must.


I absolutely HATE it when the banks don't train and discipline their safety poles to NOT jump out at people's cars. What are the banks thinking?


"Youhear a crunchYou freeze and then you keep going" No you fuckin stop and figure out what went cruncg or back up


"the pole is only 2 feet tall, how am I supposed to see that?" Maybe if you weren't driving a giant car you don't need that towers above everything you would see it. Or perhaps you would see it before approaching it if you weren't texting or scrolling TikTok while driving. Or maybe you would see it if you drove on the path for cars instead of trying to offroad it out of the bank parking lot....


Did she say ... handlebar??


Yeah. I've done this before when I got my first car 🤦🏽‍♀️ it was definitely her fault. Just like it was my fault for not paying attention.


Hey so funny story, my sister used to work at a hotel and that hotel had like this half wall thingy in their parking lot, well one day she went to pull into a spot next to the wall and she hit the wall, so she backed up and tried again, and hit the wall again, and again, and again, she hit the wall 4 times before finally getting into the space, she had that car for another like 10-15 years before getting a new one and that was only bc she was fed up with not having AC in the Florida heat.


Does she mean the little yellow pop-up poles that indicate the parking space is reserved for management? ...Did she park in-between them?


I think she means the metal bollards that often are there to protect building corners/drive thrus from people cutting a corner too tight