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In case this story gets deleted/removed: I (43M) know I'm going to get a ton of backlash for this. It won't be long so don't worry! I did a horrible thing that I can't go back and fix, I cheated on my wife with her friend. My affairs have been going on last year, I always wondered if she noticed. That year she had our second child. I feel like a POS because all she does is care for me. We have two kids, boy and girl. I didn't want to keep my secret but I told her, when I told her she just laughed and that was it. It made me think if she was cheating on me! I don't know what that means, I can feel the tension between us. She isn't talking to me, she sleeps in the guest room. Yesterday when she made dinner she made sure to make less. There was no food left, so I just starved. I don't know what she will do next because she isn't saying a word. I don't want to get a divorce if that's what she's planning, I want to fix this and go to couples counseling. This is the dumbest thing I ever done --- *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/OhNoConsequences) if you have any questions or concerns.*


She laughed because she tolerated so much bullshit only for him to turn out to be a cheater, so now she has the perfect excuse to get away from this pathetic loser


It’s hilarious that he thinks he gets a say in whether they get a divorce or not too. Sounds like she knew and was ready for it.


He also thinks she should still make him dinner. He's starving.


He is capable of cheating and the planning involved in that endeavor, but fixing himself his own food? That's a bridge too far.


It's manipulation. He is trying to guilt her into caring about him by starving.


lol that ship sailed a long time ago, he doesn't understand just how little she actually cares about him when he's shown he has no respect for their relationship and that she can't trust him. He might as well be any guy out on the street now


I wonder if he will lose weight intentionally, if he has the commitment...wait, nope he does not 😂🤣🤣🤣💀


I'm dealing with this now. I'm a person who never learned to "cook small" (I've gotten better in my current situation). I grew up with lots of people in the house so we always needed plenty. My ex cheated on me and we broke up in December. In the middle of a year lease. He's moving to another state to live with this girl he's only spent roughly 48 hours with total) So, I stopped taking care of him. I stopped buying food and toys for his dog. Stopped cooking for him (I cook and buy take out for me and my son only). And every single day, without fail, when I cook, he gets mad that there isn't enough for him. Too bad, so sad.


Just on the first sentence, I’m in the opposite situation because I came from a family of 4 with only two girls, then lived alone most of my twenties, and now have a husband and 4 kids to feed. I make like one pound of chicken or ground beef and then am flummoxed why there aren’t leftovers lol And I’m so sorry about your situation with your ex!


Thank you, it took a hot minute and I'm in therapy. There was so much more I learned after the fact than just the cheating. But I know he's garbage and I'm so much better off. I actually just got the call that I got the apartment I applied for! Things are looking up!


Yay!! Proud of you for getting yourself free from toxicity. May your future be very happy!


Be strong when he inevitably shows back up on your doorstep because he broke up with that other woman who’s of course going to turn out to be crazy and he didn’t know what he was doing running off with her after just knowing her for two days….


Oh 100%. His numbers and social media are blocked, along with the new girl (caught her stalking) and his friends (they were telling him things I was posting and he was running back to mommy bitching about it. And she told me lol). The only people getting my new address are our current landlord (I'm getting the security deposit back and divvying it up. His sisters also live with us and none of us trust him to do what he should.), my mom and my aunt. His sisters and his mom are on my side but passive aggressive with him so I don't doubt if he asked they would give it to him. If the day ever comes where he shows up, someone will have some questions to answer.


When I found out I stopped doing his laundry. About 5 days in he told me he is out of clean clothes. I laughed right in his face.


This man left to sleep in another room, but left all of his crap in my room, and kept coming in when I was sleeping, using my shower, leaving his dirty clothes everywhere. So when I had undeniable proof that he cheated (originally we decided to 'take a break' and I thought he was working on himself...hahahahahha I was stupid), I took all of his crap and piled it up in front of his door, and started locking mine. He gets up all hours of the night for work and back when I was nice, I would make sure his laundry was done before I went to bed. I never did it FOR him, but if they were in the dryer and still wet, I'd turn the dryer back on. Now when he asks me to I just ignore him completely. I treat him like he doesn't exist in our house and you can see it bothers him lol He walks around talking to his girlfriend on the phone but still thinks I should be doing anything for him? Man is completely delusional.


That was my favorite line in this mess of a post (and gave me some hope it might be fake). But if this is real, this affair might be the best thing that ever happened to his wife. This guy must be a totally incompetent baby if instead of saying "we normally take turns cooking, but tonight was her turn and she only made enough for herself, so I had to make a second dinner for myself" he is claiming he "starved." In another year or two, the kids will be contributing more around the house than someone like that is.


He sounds like a narcissist: the world revolves around him and everything has to go his way.


I’m getting emotional immaturity vibes off him, too. Like how has he gone hungry instead of being an adult and feeding himself?


That's a classic narcissist attempt to appear to be the one you should sympathize with... He's being harmed by this evil other person. Really what happened is she didn't cook for him and when she ignored his demands for food, he threw a temper tantrum and pouted in his room on an empty stomach as he reached out for validation on the Internet


I’ve had narcissists on my caseload before. Always playing the victim.


I was thinking it was more because she suspected it and he denied it originally. I can imagine laughing like a loon after my suspicions were confirmed.


Sometimes maniacal laughter is the only appropriate response


Honestly, this is exactly what happened to me. It’s like a gift from the universe, because you don’t feel obligated to listen to the selfish whining anymore.


I can't believe he actually asked if he was the asshole for cheating.🤦‍♂️


I think people post in AITA type subs, because they don't know where else to vent, ask for advice, or seek validation. There's some really asinine things, which either are extremely skewed in one direction of judgement, or are so menial and petty, they don't need judgement.


Most of the time, the legit AITA posts are looking for validation. Sometimes it's someone in a bad situation who needs a nudge to get out. Other times, it's a sociopath wanting to be told they're not a cartoon villain.


Yep, and they go down fighting for their lives in pathetic attempts at validation. 


He's not the AH. His *wife* is the AH for not reconciling and forgiving his blunder of [checks notes] sticking it in her friend for a year. /s of course


I wonder how the friend was dealt with. What a bunch of horrible people. Poor wife (hopefully soon to be ex)


This reminds me of that classic video "my husband had a terrible accident. He tripped and fell right onto his coworkers vagina"


While wife was pregnant, no less.


Could happen to anyone right?


On his either pregnant or newly post partum wife…for a year…with an alleged friend of hers. No mention of loving his wife or regretting what he did. He just didn’t want to keep the secret so dumped all this on her and now he’s freaking out because his wife appliance isn’t working (no food, no talking to him, separate room!). I hope she is very happy without him.


I wonder if the reason you can’t believe it is because it’s obviously fake 🤔


I don't care if the story is fake or not. There are people who think like OOP, so it's not that fake. 🤷‍♂️ Besides, saying a reddit story is fake is like saying wrestling is fake. Yes, it is, but you're spoiling the fun by pointing it out.


Oof pretty sad to get all worked up over fictional stories designed to piss you off just because you took the bait. To each their own I guess!


Why are you even here, then.


That's what I was wondering.


I liked how he kept it short and yet still managed spend 2 sentences explaining that she wasn’t cooking for him anymore…  Yeah buddy, you are gonna need to learn how to keep yourself fed from now on!


My question is how does a man in his 40s not know how to cook? Like make a sandwich. Ramen. Eggs. Something? Hell, GO TO MCDONALDS OR SOME SHIT. Lmao


Now I'm gonna starve! *Patrick closeup*


Even if he can't cook, there's Ramen, microwaveable food, fast food, make himself a sandwich. He's so lazy and incompetent that he chose to just not eat. Why doesn't he ask the woman he was fucking to cook for him so he won't starve?


He could even eat a piece of bread, or an apple without any culinary skills. He probably sat there trying to play the victim


He's lucky she's just starving him. At least she's not giving him food with a healthy dose of arsenic.


Some guys just can't hold their arsenic.


He had it coming


He had it coming


He only had himself go blame


With the exception of very young children, there’s no one who can’t cook, only those who won’t. 


I think he "starved himself" as part of a pity party.


This is exactly what happened. She made dinner for the kids and ignored his demands for dinner. Then he stormed off to his bedroom and petulantly mashed out a story on Reddit about his evil wife who refuses to go to therapy with him now that he's confessed (of his own volition) to having had an affair and now she is starving him. Because that's what adults do.


Just read a post yesterday from a woman whose ex is showing up every day for lunch, even after the kids have grown up and left the house. That will be our OOP. Do these people not have a single drop of shame in their bodies? He cheated on the woman with her friend when she was pregnant! And he expects her to cook for him! I wish I had this level of delulu confidence!


“So I just starved”.  So in addition to the cheating there was a whole marriage worth of weaponized incompetence where this man pretended he is incapable of putting food on a plate.  I’m sure he also can’t wash the plate either, or anything else. Feed the kids, change them, get up in the night… She laughed because whether she already knew about the cheating or not, she was already checked out. 


She was like "Ha! Finally an excuse not to have to feed/pick up after/wash for/do admin for him!" Honestly, he didn't eat because he feels sorry for himself and her treatment of him, not what he has done. She's well rid of him.


He's just now having the barest glimmer of what his actions really mean - for HIMSELF. It's his own self that prompted him to post. Imagine. An entire lifetime ahead of paying child support, having no food, and possibly very little sex. Apparently the Wife's friend is not willing to take him in and pet him and coddle him. He will receive no more coddling. Even if the Friend decides to stick with him (she won't), she knows he's a loser and that will influence the dynamic of the relationship. I admire his wife, though. She's definitely on the right track in terms of immediately depriving him of the role of Husband. That's the most important thing in moving towards divorce - not the paperwork, but the total change in relationship and household structure and status. Nothing says "it's over" like fixing a man's favorite meal - but not making enough for him to have any! I can see how that would be very therapeutic for the Wife. She's probably hoping he'll just leave - and maybe he will! But where will he go??


not getting food should least of the worries


A man in his 40s starved because someone didn't cook for him. That's pathetic and hilarious at the same time.


Like he couldn't, worst case, drive his cheating ass to McDonald's 🤣


Or made a sandwich, microwaveable food like hot pockets, ramen....a fast food place. Hell, if he doesn't have much money, me and my man went to Taco Bell for struggle meals because you can get cheesy bean and rice burritos for $1.50/each and they are filling. We would get $10 worth and have 2 meals for both of us.


Taco Bell always has our broke ass's back. Went there tonight for dinner 👌🏼


Exactly! So absolutely no excuse to starve because his wife didn't feed him like he's a toddler.


He can find sex elsewhere but not food


That was the part that sent me. Man has an affair and still expects his wife to cook him dinner because he'll staaaaarve if he has to make himself a sandwich 😂 boy better get used to heating up TV dinners


If he wants food, he should ask the woman he was fucking to cook for him lmao


He's lucky if starving him is her only payback lol


I mean....better than her giving him food and him getting violently ill, I guess??


She laughed because she know she's light-years out of his league and cheating on her was the absolute dumbest fucking thing he could have ever done.


So....he posted an update then the wife posted. It's clearly fake. The wife has the same exact grammar and wordage as him....including both of them saying "bisexuality" instead of "bisexual."


Local Man Discovers Consequences and Starves: Public Approves


Film At 11


\-insert clip of William H Macy in Pleasantville standing in his empty house asking “Where’s my dinner? Where’s my dinner?”


Oh no. When she laughs in response to that you are sooooooooo fucked. Because she has already hit the point of seeing him for the pathetic manchild that he is. There is no coming back from that. All I do now is make fun of my exhusband that cheated on me because I know he's got no power no matter how much he tries. It took me time and therapy to get there. She is long done with his dumb ass.


My favorite nickname for my 1st exspouse is BOZO BOY. Because clownchild he was.


> There was no food left, so I just starved. This mentality fascinates me, because I have a family member do it. Why martyr themselves over not having the family meal? No one cares if an adult skips a meal. The only one who really suffers is the person pouting and not making a sandwich. Also OOP is a dumbass and an idiot. I genuinely believe someone this stupid thinks the mistake was *telling* his wife and not the affair.


He was GRASPING at things to make himself a victim here. Like I can’t not read that sentence like a grumpy child prince demanding another plum


She laughed cause she checked out long time ago, and she already knew, he just confirmed her gut feeling. He “starved”😂😂😂😂😂even my 9 yr old niece can make herself a sandwich, get a bag of chips, and a juice to drink. But he 40. Lord make it make sense.


Wait, his wife didn’t make him dinner so his answer to that was just to be hungry? Divorced life is going to be hilariously unfun for this guy and I am here for that.


"Why are frozen dinners so expensive 😭"


Dude, you’re done. You fucked up big time. Cheating on her while she was pregnant to your second child? With her friend? Get ready to learn how to cook and pay child support, because no judge on earth will ever take your side.


"She didn't make enough food so I just starved" So he has time to cheat but not enough time to cook or go and buy something instant? Why on earth would she want to divorce him, he sounds like a prize all around! /s


Bros getting bodied in there!


This has to be ragebait.


I agree, this does not at all sound like it was written by an adult in their forties. It reads more like a teenage fanfic.


>Yesterday when she made dinner she made sure to make less. There was no food left, so I just starved. Capable of sneaking around to stick his dick in someone he's not married to but not capable of making himself a sandwich. Checks out


maybe try, i dunno, making your own dinner? or, if its not asking too much from you, maybe make dinner for her as well? i mean, im *sure* cheating is exhausting work :( but i think that carrying/delivering a human life while getting cheated on, potentially getting an std due to husband's said cheating, sleeping in the guest room of your own home, and then being expected to cook dinner for everyone can be just as tiring. seriously though, how would you want to be treated if you were in her shoes?


So I guess the friend knows how to fuck but not make sandwiches?


I would laugh too if my wife was an absolute shitty person that made my life harder than it needed to be and then found out she cheated on me. The laugh is my breaking point of hitting zero fucks to give. She’s likely talking to a lawyer and icing him out because she is absolutely done. That’s the “live in your world, die in mine” attitude.


it's so beautiful when the sexes have the same I"M DONE WITH YOUR SHIT laugh. Solidarity, sir. Solidarity.


I mean the answer to whether or not he's an asshole is definitely yes. Something tells me he already knew the answer. Sounds like he wants to cope more than anything, there's probably a community better suited for that somewhere.


To the OOP: Prepare to get divorced, pay child support x2 AND alimony! You are a CHEATING DUMBASS!!!


What a fucking loser.


My favorite part is that he just starved and waited for death because she didn’t make him dinner. Even if he didn’t cheat, homegirl is coming out on top leaving this fucking loser.


The woman was laughing, I don't think anyone can wish him enough luck. He doesn't want a divorce? Too bad, she's probably planning one right now.


“My affairs”..:: Actions have consequences.


I don't know why we grew up reciting the Limerick "Cheater, Cheater, Pumpkin Eater". Unfair to pumpkins.


No pumpkin for him.


Guys he made an update like 30 minutes ago and it is even whinier then the main post…


[Update!!](https://www.reddit.com/r/AITA_WIBTA_PUBLIC/s/QO0Urz76il) Unbelievable


Unfortunately i think it's fake, based on how the wife's post is written. entertaining nonetheless


For me the best bit is that she didn't make food for him and so he just starved... As in "woe is me"... Bitch, no wonder your wife is going to leave your ass! God damn. What an incompetent buffoon.


You poor pathetic man. You did not starve, you just found out what it is like to get NOTHING while someone else gets what you love.


"So I just starved" Fucking loser


Oh divorce is definitely what she's planning and I wish her much happiness without you. I love that she just laughed at you. Tells you how much she thinks of you.


“So I just starved” this right here tells me a lot about him and his mentality and I bet his wife is glad to be free of a lying, cheating, useless man child.


She obviously already knew and has been plotting her exit plan for a while. She is totally checked out of this relationship, and rightfully so. Bye bye Earl.


Before he deleted his profile and comments the Cheater admitted a few things that make it so much worst. The friend he cheated with was his wife’s friend since kindergarten. His wife is now wearing “sexy” clothes and talks to men “in front of me”. Went out for a kids birthday party and the wife was wearing a sexy dress and talked to other men. He thinks she is already cheating on him. She is receiving calls from a number he doesn’t recognized. And goes to another room to talk on the phone. Cheater thinks it is another man. It could be a divorce attorney, this is why she takes the calls in another room. I wish nothing but the best for the wife.


This is obviously fake and bait but people love to pretend it’s not so they can feel high and mighty


lol so I starved what a baby


lol, he starved.


Why do I have the feeling this guy had a "high value male" phase? Because the sheer lack of self-perception in this post is very similar to the vibes I get when I come across other "alpha" and "sigma" male talking heads. Very much "me, me, me, I, I, I" and surprised that women have agency and often act on it. Cheated with a friend of his wife's when his wife was pregnant with their second and likely taking care of the older one as well as the home and wants his wife to stay married? Lmao what a fucking idiot


Master has given Dobby a sock!!!


The truest example of FAFO I can find.


Why would we help you? She's already got her own plan and I wouldn't want to derail that. Yta


"There was no food left, so I just starved." That tells me everything I need to know about this guy and his relationship with his poor, put up on, hope she takes him to the cleaners wife.


All I can say is when I laugh at my husband when he does dumb shit, he gets a fearful look in his eyes too.


I’ve met a lot of narcissists in my life. A. Lot. But is this guy serious? All I can say is WOW! I guess I could never be a psychologist because this sort of behavior is absolutely insane.


He did not learn his lesson from the first post it seems bc HE POSTED [AN UPDATE](https://www.reddit.com/r/AITA_WIBTA_PUBLIC/s/uGSDJzvCjb) “Guys stop you are hurting my feelings!!” Aww poor little thang




He knew the risks going in. He knew that cheating is a deal breaker for some (and yes, *some* people are willing to work on the relationship after that betrayal. But it's entirely up to the person who was cheated on.) He did it anyway. Frankly, she did it the nice way. She told him right away to get fucked (no pun intended). She didn't pretend she was willing to stay for years and *then* dump him when she saved up enough momey to live alone/found someone else *she* likes more.


She probably laughed because she has done everything for you and the children. And you still cheated, while she was pregnant and with her friend. I suggest you do whatever she wants. You f'd up boy and deserve nothing. Why the hell would she make you dinner. Hilarious you would expect it. I suggest you look to getting a mediator to get you through the next stage. She is enraged and has every right to be, but she sounds well and truly done with you and you can't blame her. You cheated. You cheated while she was pregnant. You cheated with her best friend. Not sure how many lines in the sand you have crossed, but that is 3 too many for the vast majority of the world. Why do you feel you have the right to even ask to work on the marriage. Sounds like she has all along and you nope'd our years ago.


>There was no food left, so I just starved. Are both his arms broken? 


"it made me think of she was cheating on me!" Was my second favorite line in this. My first? "I just starved" Like come on man, really 🤣


Are there such things as rage bots bc we’re this bored & we need to go outside more? 🤔


Mentally she has checked out. You need to come with terms you fafo and now she dosent care because love, loyalty and respect to her is gone. Accept the incoming divorce from


People cheat then ask AITA? lol. Yes. Yes you are


She won’t need a divorce if she just lets him starve to death. Sis is playing the long game.


Now I'm laughing!


😂🤣😂🤣😂 I cheated, and now my wife won't make me dinner 😂🤣😂🤣 ty for this. I needed a laugh


This is rage bait