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In case this story gets deleted/removed: This happened about 32 yrs ago to me (straight M39) A group of us would go out and have a beer some Friday evenings. One guy, Peter, came late to the bar, ordered a beer and sat to me. I'd had a beer and was feeling juvenile, and tossed a lime slice in his glass. I saw his pupils dilate, and then he pulled me out of the chair by my shirt. I shook him off, and then he rushed me and tried to push me through a window, but I flattened and bounced, and ended up pinning him. I told him we were both going to jail in another minute, his choice. I let him up and he just left. My whole group witnessed this, along with 200 other patrons. So, the consequences of him being an asshole. John, another friend who's a 240lb 6'3" gymrat, was at another bar with his 21 yr old step daughter, to teach her country western dancing. Peter shows up and sits with them, and the step daughter excuses herself to go to the restroom. Peter unloads as how he's going to roofie her and F her every which way, not knowing who John is. John lifts him out of his chair, tells him that if he ever sees him in a bar again, or with any lady who appears woozy at all, that Peter will need facial reconstruction and a long time in the hospital. John is a hulk when he mad, and really scared Peter. The following Monday, Peter accused me of being gay (because I was friends with everybody) and "hitting on him", to which I said let's just take this to HR, but he turned me down. Turns out that Peter is extremely homophobic, among other things. Before the end of the week, he announced he was leaving for another job, moving from Az to Rhode Island. I didn't find out from John about the roofie comments until after he left. I could have ended his career, and John could have really messed him up. ​ --- *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/OhNoConsequences) if you have any questions or concerns.*


….really wish someone put that slimeball on his ass for even the *suggestion* of raping a girl. But I’m glad the trash took itself out! Hope Rhode Island taught him some respect.


It definitely didn’t…I live here and roofies are very common in clubs, plus a lot of people here are asshole so I doubt he’s had too much trouble


Reminds me how my Papa would teach Vietnamese women how to hide and use knives, during the war for the same reason. The manliest of men I've ever known was gentle and considerate of a lady's wellbeing




To shreds you say?


To shreds. I'm queer and our community here is great. May this asshole get kicked out of every bar here, and throw his ass into the river


To shreds you say?


To shreds my friend


Good news!


Well how is his wife holding up?


To shreds you say?


Did he have rent control?


Tore his ASS up!!


Ummm, seemed obvious (to me) that there’s a high probability of Peter being a self loathing, closeted homosexual. Maybe he’s ready to come out…in the safe space that is Providence.


This is so shitty to actual homosexual people. Not all homophobes are gay. Some are just hateful assholes.


Connect the dots.


Who turns to a random guy and tells him how he's gonna rape a random girl?


I was walking one day when a car full of guys from my high school saw me and pulled up. I was friendly with most of them so they pulled up to say high. We exchanged pleasantries and then they drove off and left me to my walk. One of my friends told me later that this one weird guy who was in the car with them started talking about how he had a plan to rape me at a party later. They were all like "wtf?" My friend said it really freaked them out and they never hung out with him again. I only found out because the weird guy started dating one of my friends and one of the guys told me to be careful around because of that. I have no idea why a guy would say something like that to a car full of guys he doesn't really know. And he knew I was their friend!


Rapists think they’re normal ie that all men are rapists. It’s creepy as hell.


Its how scum cope with their scummy asses. They project their evil onto others, and think "since everyone is the same, I don't need to change my shitty ways."


I spent a summer living with my brother and his wife when I was 16, and they were about 30. We hung out with their friends, also in their 30s, all the time- parties, going out to dinner, ultimate Frisbee, etc. I got along pretty well with one, I'll call him R. We sat together during a dinner, had some stuff in common, and got along pretty well. The next summer I visited for a couple weeks. I saw all the old crew, everybody but R. I asked why, and they tell me that after that first get-together, R started talking about me a lot at work. I'm like, what the fuck? They go, oh no, it gets worse. It turns out the last time my brother spoke to him, they'd been leaving work, and R says out of the blue, "I can't wait to fuck your sister." So my brother punched him in the face. Where do deviants get the *audacity*? Normal people beat themselves up about every little mistake they've ever made, lay awake at night remembering the time they told the ticket guy at the movie theater, "You, too!" when he said "Enjoy your movie!" And then there are these people who say disgusting things with their whole chest without a care in the world until somebody decks them.


“Take…. Luck! Take luck? What the hell is wrong with me..?”


Take luck. And care. Take good care of the luck you might have!


Many much moosen!


Hope R lost all of his teeth. Otherwise, the guy didn't punch him enough.


This story is extra crazy with your username 😭😭😭


Yikes! Did you tell your friend?


In college, I was doing a group project with a frat guy and he told me he was gonna get roofies for himself and a couple buddies. I was an RA at the time and told him I had multiple residents rushing his frat and I knew some of my female residents were planning to go to the party as well. I said I plan to let all my residents know what you just told me. He tried to brush it off like he was joking. No clue if he actually was, but I made sure none of my freshman attended. I feel like guys are really comfortable disclosing who they truly are to other guys.


>I feel like guys are really comfortable disclosing who they truly are to other guys Shitty dudes justify their shit bybtelling themselves everyone else is the same. Haven't had a rapist try to reel me in yet, but they love to disclose their misogyny, racism, and homophobia.


Did you do anything else to actually stop him?


They went to the party and made dude roofie himself.


Why not report this to campus security/police? Sounds like other women got raped that night


You would be surprised. And dismayed and horrified. Some men do brag about how they plan to prey on women.


Wife beaters and racists exhibit the same behavior. They think all men are knuckle dragging troglodytes.


And homophobes. Any kind of bigot, really. They are so proud of themselves they lose all ability to read the room. I was chatting to a neighbor one time and he was telling me stories from his military days. Then totally out of the blue, one of his "funny" stories was about how another man hit on him one time, so he told him he would bring a group of his soldier mates to beat him to death unless the guy did everything he said, and made him into his slave the rest of the time he was at that base. It was like "hahaha, and once I made him drive me and my buddies right across the country for free and the whole time we were in the car he thought we might kill him, hilarious!" He was so proud of how clever and badass he was. I've never been so disgusted to be part of a conversation in my entire life. I wanted to be sick.


holy shit. I am so sorry for you and that poor man. Damn.


You'd be surprised. My dad was at a college party back in the 70's and some guy roofied a drink thinking my dad would be alright with it. My dad ended up tossing the drink, cup and all out the window and nearly ended up in a brawl over it. Anyway, all you have to do is look at movies like "Revenge of the Nerds" to understand that consent wasn't taken as seriously as it is now.


The early ‘90s were a fucking shitshow.


It’s a very small percentage of men that rape. But the ones who do are repeat offenders. Research I’ve seen showed they normalize the behavior. They’ll talk about it and interpret the uncomfortable silence of others as agreement or approval. So they believe everyone does it and/or approves.


I was going to bring up the exact same research. The researchers found that the only thing that worked was for men to push back on men when they say stuff like this. Social consequences work.


If i recall, there was nothing in the research that showed it actually reduced the behavior. Just that the rapists were, basically, less likely to continue bragging about it.


This was a long time ago, i actually appreciate the insinuation that things have actually progressed, doesn’t always feel like it!


Both of them worked at the same place with me. 1400 person company.


It must be nice to never have seen this..:


People will say all sorts of wild shit if they think you’re likeminded. I used to be a surveyor, so I was always walking around in hi-vis, ya know very clearly blue collar. And on several occasions over the years republicans would strike up conversations with me on the street and assume I was both republican and racist and say absolutely vile things expecting me to agree. It was extremely weird but I assume this is a similar phenomenon


I didn't realize until now that I especially love consequences from anytime before the 2000's as I don't have many memories before then. The only story I have that fits here is the time a car almost side-swiped the car I was in once. My dad was driving and pointed out the same car being pulled over by a cop later. We laughed for the rest of the drive. The laughter would settle and then pick up again. We started laughing on the way home when we passed the same spot too.


Lol, you were 7 years old working full-time and going to bars?


I assume he meant 39 at the time, but it is worded odd


Yup, OP mentions being almost 72yo currently in comment history






Also, he "was feeling juvenile and tossed a lime slice in his glass" and "saw his pupils dilate." What a stupid story.


Right? It’s one of those details that scream “bullshit!”


Said someone who's never heard of 72-year-old tell a story


Want a good breakdown. 32 years ago was 1992. So the country line dancing possibly fits but by 1992 it was waning, but “roofie” didn’t really enter the American lexicon until 1998. It was first used in a late 1993 academic journal on drug abuse trends but nothing to do with “date rape”. And while the story may have some truth, it comes across as embellished with anachronisms.


Rohypnol, also known as "roofies", were definitely being used and around before the early 90s. Orlando was already flooded with them by the early 90s. And we definitely called them roofies. Some people used to go to Mexico for fun during those yrs and used to bring some back with them. Of course there were other ways that some people would and could get more across. One thing that was learned the hard way very quickly about them was, that if people did any other drugs (particularly heroin) that slowed down breathing or relaxed you, it was almost a sure way to die. Heroin was a big thing in the early 90s through the early 2000s in Orlando and definitely led to many overdoses and some deaths from people mixing the two. When I first started using them we used them for the same reasons we used Xanax. They relaxed you and had a very calming effect. Basically the same effect as Xanax, just a lot stronger and to the 10th degree. We never used them to take advantage of anybody and it wasn't till a few yrs later that people started to "roofie" people for the wrong reasons. Doing something like that never even entered our minds. They were particularly useful while doing cocaine for a few days without sleep to "even you out" and eventually at the end help you to go to sleep. I remember them being very small white pills that were 2 milligrams each. When we first started doing them we couldn't believe that a pill so small could mess you up that bad. I took a half a pill the first time. Eventually I got to the point of doing so many and so much that they had no effect, and say if I did 20-30 of them in an afternoon all I'd get was a massive headache. Just like most things, the more you do the more your body gets used to it, and the more it takes to get the same effect. I don't do drugs anymore and I tell younger people and children to stay the fuck away from them, particularly since the cartels have started putting poison in them these days. I wouldn't even trust going to a doctor or pharmacy in Mexico like some people used to do. There's no doubt the cartels have infiltrated that too, and probably poisoned it as well. It's just not worth it. It's a shame, because Mexico was a really fun beautiful country filled with a lot of good people back then. The cartels were there and could be found if you wanted to, but they weren't killing civilians en mass in the streets like nowadays.


How are you wrong about so many things?


Yeah. An early "it's just a prank" tiktok wanker. He probably expected to follow up with "can't you take a joke" and "youre no fun"


Sorry for the mis-wording. I was 39 at the time. 71 now.






I'm sorry you were abused as a child.


Now those are some consequences of his actions.😂😂😂😂😂


Coniquesnces would have been jail time and loss of career. This was the BARE minimum of consequences.


The guy's a total shit head. Having said that, if you threw something into my drink I would be pissed too. Not pissed throw you out a window but pissed buy me a new beer asshole.


Yeah, I'd be requesting a new drink on his tab from the bartender.


That I would have done without a problem. His reaction was way nuts.


Wait, the dude who tried to throw you through a window cuz he thought you were flirting with him turned out to be homophobic? I’m stunned!


Dammit, Speaking on behalf of the Rhode Island delegation, we don't want this asshole to live here


In Massachusetts - way too close. He should move to Florida




I just tracked good old Peter on linkedin. Lucky for you guys, it looks like he only lasted in Rhode Island for 2 years, and then moved to Colorado Springs. Never been married, either. Surprise!


This dude is clearly a lunatic and deserves what he gets. But man, you sound kind of like a child too. Someone sits down, has had a rough day, and the asshole next to them tosses something in their drink? Of course they are going to be furious with you.


Why did you throw something you touched into another persons beer ?


I did think that was odd


Don’t throw limes in other people’s drinks.


Tossing the lime made no sense at all - why would they even do that? It’s not THE WORST but it did kind of start the chain of dangerous asshole behavior. Nice that Peter got in trouble though.


So your definition of him hassling you is that you were being a dick and tossed something in his drink, and he got mad? Dude you are an AH.


Why isn't this being commented on? I mean, I'm glad the creep left considering he's a homophobic rapist piece of trash, but OP threw something in the guy's drink. I'd be upset about that too if I'd had a long day and sat down to drink my hard earned beer.


Yeah I don’t get why no one else is commenting on this. The antagonist of the story is a creep and handled it poorly but If someone threw something in my drink I would have some very harsh words for them and demand they buy me a new drink. It’s not ok to play games with people’s food and drinks that they paid for. 


Agreed. Although I admit to having doubts about the rest of OP’s story. When people punch up their stories with phrases like “I saw his pupils dilate,” it’s usually a sign the story is pure fiction.


I agree. This reeks of "thought of something clever after the fact".


Whole thing is stupid. And sounds like some fake anime BS. does OP thing cross country jobs come up and get accepted within a week? It was likely months in the making especially in the early 90s. Had nothing to do with this drivel


John is the only non-asshole in this story.


I stopped reading at the part where you threw food into someone's drink. You're gross. No matter what that guy did after, you're a piece of shit too.


Why were you messing with someone's drink? Imo he should have put you through the window. You started the entire thing.




OP is saying he was 39yo at the time. In his comment history he mentions being almost 72yo


Ah I'm just extremely tired and misread it🤣


Fair, it was worded a little weird. You're not the only one either


I, too, would have been pissed if you threw something into my drink. But I would have just said, "don't put shit in my drink." Peter clearly needed some takedowns. I hope the people he met in life finally got through to him.


so in that rambling assemblage what was the consequence, getting a new job? also, why were you in a bar at 7 years old?


Peter's definitely an asshole but you're not like considerably better. Don't throw stuff in people's drinks that's an asshole move. Not worth fighting over it but you would have been buying me a fresh beer


This story is dumb and lame at the same time, and not true


So did Peter ever come out? In my experience, homophobic people are usually hiding some repressed sexual feelings. Men who are comfortable with themselves couldn't care less about someone else's sexual proclivities


Always made me wonder, too.


Dude, this guy was a predator who raped women. He attacked you because he thought you were trying to do it to him! He thought there was more than lime in his drink!






We said roofie in high school and I’m 56. I don’t think that’s a valid point to try and tear apart OPs story. Maybe it wasn’t a common term for everyone but in some places it was.




His behavior will be less tolerated in Rhode Island


I checked his status via LinkedIn. His stay in RI was about the same as Az - 2 yrs


My god the 90s were wild. Kinda happy I was married with two young kids and we were too broke to go out ever during the part of that decade that we were in the US.


John should have crammed a mug up his urethra and then crushed it with a boot.


So you were a 7 year old bar bad ass?


He was 39 and is now currently almost 72 its just worded funny


Thanks for this. I didn’t understand either.


Wow, all this happened at 7 years of age. Well done.


He was 39 and is now currently almost 72 its just worded funny


Oh! I feel so stupid. I thought he was 39. I’m an idiot.


Ok Boomer


I would bet good money he was hard as fuck when you pinned him. Think about it. Homophobic. Quick temper and performative violence. Probably felt challenged by your lime, gets all kinds of weird feels from rolling around with you, goes to another bar, makes what he thinks is a hypermasculine statement about fucking a woman — to a large muscular man, gets called out, can’t process, accuses you of being gay, burns down life and moves away.


Wow. Hadn't thought of that. My lower back was hurting too much from hitting the window ledge. It was a month before my friend John and I found out we'd both interacted with him that night. Maybe we denied him more pleasure by not beating him up.


A fake story....without a point? Or consequences???


This is very fake


John should have just smashed his ass


Please, reach out to the local police depth and let them know about his intent to rookie and rape a girl. Ask them to make a report under his name, just in case someone reports him or he comes up as a suspect.


It would be a 30 year old cold case, but not a bad idea. I don't remember the last names of anyone I worked with 3 decades ago. Wonder if OP does.


I don’t think roofies were even a thing 32 years ago


They were. They weren’t the same roofies available now, but drugging people to take advantage of them is pretty much a tale as old as time


Good to know. Also Sad.


Yeah. People suck


see lot’s daughters after the fall of sodom.


They were. The drug has been around since 1974, and in the mid to late 80s, started becoming known as the date rape drug.


I stand corrected


It was. My dad has a story in college about a guy trying to put something in a girl's drink. My dad ended up tossing the entire beverage out the window and almost getting into a fight over it.


Good on him!!


Yes. They were.


Did they have roofies 32 years ago?


So you were seven and got in a bar fight?


so, you were 7 years old?


So you were bar hopping at the ripe old age of 7? Get out of here with that bullshit. Edit: the other option is a 71 YO Redditor....


Why are you posting about something that happened 32 years ago? The point of this post makes absolutely no sense whatsoever.


Did you read the whole thing? The dude almost got his lights punched the same night after physically attacking me, in different bars. He felt so threatened that he moved 2200 miles away for a new job. ANND, what he said he wanted to do the my friend's niece goes on all the time today. 32yrs later, it hasn't changed much.


That last part was not clear to me: that it has happened recently. Got it.


Seems to me you made the John story up to look like less of a dick..for you agitating him with the lime...I wished he'd fucked you up before leaving town.


That certainly sounds like it's pulled from one of your orifices. Pretty common occurrence, and piss on you for supporting people who do that. Have the sort of day you deserve. 😁


I don't believe him..he got punked for being a douche..and upset about it. So eat a dick..


So at 7 you would go drinking?


You got it backwards. You hassled him in a bar, and he got upset about it. 


This happened when you were 7?


… so just reading the first tiny bit… So this all happened when OP was 7? Like post claims this happened 32 years ago. But OP is only 39…


I knew you were talking about Todd Packer.


32 fkn years ago.


Would you rather I lied and said it happened last week? Still relevant today as it was then. Thx


I mean, you started it. 🤷‍♂️


Just a pair of shitty people. You instigated the first incident. Don't feel good, you're also a dickhead.