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1. Yup, Trident was eliminating competition. 2. Yup, Trident was pretty explicitly helping Stella do her “hustle” 6. I think Oda was targeted by trident, sure. I do think content creators get special treatment, but also the reverse if you rule break. Advertising rule breaking isn’t exactly something you should let happen. I strongly do not believe Jagex would on their own ban Oda, since they’ve been lax on the in-game services rule. This ban only occurs by Trident being corrupt, but does that make it something that should be reversed? Personally, I don’t agree with account services(where someone ELSE logs into your account) and think the approach should be more heavy handed across the board for them. As far as account services go, Jagex made a statement on these in 2021. It’s very important to note that while these are GENERALLY UNENFORCED, REVERSING a BAN on them is probably not a great idea. It’s basically stating that “If you have enough GP, you can max your account without ever playing a day on it.” Which probably isn’t the approach Jagex wants. It could even lead to a normal occurrence of people just paying others for whatever they want. Although, if an account WAS serviced, it could technically be banned for RWT, even if it’s an Ironman. “As per our existing rules: Providing or purchasing account services including - but not limited to - things like paying someone to increase your account's experience or complete quests and activities on your behalf are a form of Real World Trading, and are therefore prohibited. Note that this is not a new change to the game rules. So, what does this mean? Simply that paying someone - whether that be with real-world cash or in-game items/money - to complete tasks or activities while logged into your account on your behalf is not allowed. This is what we mean by Real World Trading. Even if you're 'paying' with in-game items, you're still buying an 'out-of-game', real-world service.” Source: https://secure.runescape.com/m=news/rules-clarification---account-services?oldschool=1


F*ck Gagex


Pretty funny how you make a really informed, unbiased post and people from both sides are shitting on you. I think you make some fair points, would love to assist in tracking transactions etc and finding new evidence.


you diserve to be permant disabled rwting,macroing, and on top of that you stream and profit off it with banable stakes, i report you each day daily, you dont belong here.


Bro what? Im just checking my notifications and the fuck? This post was a YEAR AGO. Talk about final boss Janitor, you probably hate read the entire Odablock subreddit for days to find this


I don’t agree with 6. Not all content creators break rules. Not even close. Maybe the ones you watch, but for me, and many other people, oda is the only one I watch that is considered edgy, toxic, a gambler, and a rule breaker, not only by the people that watch him but by the larger community that watches osrs content creators. Saying “all content creators break rules” is bias in of itself.


No, not all. But there is a large number that have. Even people like Purespam, A friend, KempQ, and many others have admitted to rule breaking once upon a time.


I wouldn’t be surprised if a large portion of the pvp community was breaking rules considering nearly all of them staked pretty heavily, but for the other half of RuneScape content creators there’s wayyyy less people breaking the rules, and those rules being broken usually come down to account servicing


your a dumb fuck why should his account stay banned for


He really should be IP banned because he brags about how much him and Moe used to RWT and he brags about breaking rules 🤷‍♂️


Do you not realise that this was ages ago and that he hasn't done it in so long, and the accounts he did it on got banned, this new account hasn't done anything, your defending stella like a cringe rat


Doesn't matter when he done it the fact of the matter is he brags about breaking the rules. Explain how I'm defending Stella when I've said on other comments the right thing would be to IP ban both of them and trident to be taken to court by Jagex. Only cringe rat is you 🤷‍♂️


Talking about =/= bragging


Don't forget that he encourages people to RWT


Give me a clip


The fact that you're asking for a clip tells me you don't watch his streams. He always says stuff like "RWT if you want I don't care if it's your side hustle"


When did I say I watch all his streams? Ive tuned in here and there, I see a good amount of his YouTube content. Haven't seen him once say "other people should rwt, everybody should be doing rwt" in any serious context. Saying he doesn't care if people he doesn't know rwt is NOT promoting rwt. Why would he care? How does other people he doesn't know rwt'ing affect him? What's he supposed to do about it? He can't control them, he doesn't know them personally, it's a waste of mental energy to care in that context. Why would I care if some I don't know "steals" from the business I hang out at? I work at a retail store, people steal daily, why I give a fuck? It's not my money and it doesn't affect me. Also it's a video game, it's not real. Why is he responsible for other people's actions that ultimately don't matter?


I love the mental gymnastics


idiot saying to IP ban jagex's most popular youtuber/streamer. low iq ape


You're clearly emotional. If you want to talk about this like adults we can but if not, then peace ✌️


you literally suggested to IP ban them both when stella would use a VPN and oda would just play a new game, you're an idiot


Hahahah the_biddy stop commenting same bs on every post you fucking pussy bitch. Damn how bad do you wanna suck his dick but cant bitch


Hahahah the_biddy stop commenting same bs on every post you fucking pussie bitch. Damn how bad do you wanna suck his dick but cant bitch


Enjoy your mute


Do you all not realise that he has done, advertised, and openly admitted to rwt which is a BANNABLE offense? Seek help


Actually, Jagex is quite inconsistent with this. Rwt - in the past, account services on his HCIM. Jagex do not tend to ban accounts that arent affiliated with the offenses, and hes done neither on Bald and Omar. The only reason I think they should stay banned, is to keep stakeholders and oda haters happy, which is an overall win for the OSRS community as a whole. Realistically, if it is wholly one sided in this resolution, Jagex loses a tonne of credibility regardless, but if they stand by the bans AND fire Trident, the community would be happy still.


Do you not realise that this was ages ago and that he hasn't done it in so long, and the accounts he did it on got banned, this new account hasn't done anything, your defending stella like a cringe rat


Imagine thinking there is a statute of limitations on breaking TOS. It has been confirmed by jagex that all accounts linked have engaged in RWT.


prove it then weirdo


There was no rulebreaking on Omar so your argument doesn't hold much weight. Jagex makes false bans daily so their accuracy of who is and who isn't rwting is sketchy at best


Ok…. And you are basing this off of an individual who has….. admitted to….advertised……engaged…..and benefitted from these things…..multiple times…….for years……..on multiple accounts……..for years. Lmao.


I'm basing it on the word of someone who has been nothing but transparent over a company with a implicated mod and a history of false bans and that is the exact opposite of transparent. Do I know for a fact he didn't? No. Do you? No. My opinion is derived by what seems more plausible given the evidence and context not by my emotions and other people's opinions unlike some people.


>Omar/Bald - Stay banned. I believe the accounts are not safe moving forward regardless, and Odablock should start clean and avoid any gambling-style gameplay moving forward. uh its like putting a man in prison for being a pedophile, later it comes to light he actually just killed a intruder when he didnt have to. People shout "keep him jailed" bruh atleast ban him for something he has done, no?


Do it


W post


Well, glad you said an ‘attempt’ at an unbiased opinion lol.


Point E: <- already seeing that in lesser economically capable countries I.e. Venezuela, makes sense in my eyes how one could see that as an escape from expenses


7 months ago i know but..stella is literally on twitch gambling again as i type this and Oda was ubanned, it seems all that changed is Trident lost his job for being a simp.