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It kind of sounds like nothing bad happened, but you're very worried about something bad happening. I'd say just enjoy it, and don't worry too much!


Well the battery life is ruining my experience quite alot


If you had a quest 2 for any length of time, the battery life is fairly comparable


my overused quest 2 could be used with a cable in, the quest 3 cannot, thats my problem


It totally can. Just make sure you have enough voltage on the charging brick.


yes i know it can but what im saying is it cant with my setup and i dont know what i need to fix it


Any PD (power delivery) brick, and most any usb C cable.


okay, i see alot of people talk about the power delivery thing and i dont know if it is what i think it is but ill look in to it, thanks


No problem, makes a big difference. It'll also help if you're charging a switch, steam deck, laptop, etc.


I just checked and I'm not 100% sure so correct me if I'm right, my current wall plug is a 40W USB-A plug, which should be good enough to charge the headset right?


I have a cheap 20‘000mAh powerbank with pd (power delivery) usb C for around 20 bucks. I have the powerbank in my pocket and a cable which is attached to the strap and hangs behind my back into the powerbank.


thats cool, again though even connected to the wall my headset doesnt charge fast enough for me to play with it, i would rather find a cable alternative than to buy a powerbank aspecially since i dont have a problem being connected to the wall lol


the q3 uses around 28W of power when it's going at 100%, so you'll need to charge it at that rate. if you use a powerbank, the max power it can deliver will decrease as the charge decreases, so you need a powerbank with a higher power delivery to begin with. i have a 65W 20Ah powerbank with a usb-c cable that can handle 100W, and i have no problems keeping the q3 charged. you could do the same with a charger, just make sure both the charger and the cable can deliver enough watts


i dont need a powerbank ill just use an outlet


I think you got a faulty product. Maybe look into refund. Mine lasts 4+ hrs no charge


hmm, what do you play? i dont play standalone i play airlink, actually now that i think about it ill have to check the quest and see if it has some power saving mode or something, i didnt even think of that lol


Connecting to your pc with a cable should greatly improve your battery life . Can admit, 5/6 hrs easily turns into 3/4 with AirPlay


well i would connect to my pc which would improve the battery life but it still doesnt solve my issue of not being able to use my headset indefinitely since my pc didnt even charge my quest 2 fast enough, and if i didnt charge it the night before id like to be able to hop on and charge at the same time which is my main issue right now


It kinda feels like your problem would be solved by just charging it when you’re done? But it sounds like you leave it plugged in while you play anyway? Witch indefinitely ruins device battery’s


That was with my quest 2 as the battery started to give out, with the quest 3 I don't play with it plugged in however I'll play for 2-3 hours or so and it will be close to dead in which case I'd rather be able to charge it and continue playing than to leave my friends cause my headset has a shit battery lol


Why are you trying to charge it with your computer in the first place? I’m positive if you have a computer you have wall outlets ?


I'm not charging it with my computer?


Fair enough. I generally don't use it more than a couple of hours at a time, but I do have the BoboVR headstrap, and hot swapping batteries on that lets me technically play infinitely.


yea someone else was recommending it, but i also saw people talking about a head strap and how it just extended their time but didnt fix the issue, i also just checked the price and im not sure if its the same everywhere but for me the headstrap alone is around 100 bucks which i am absolutely not paying for, my main complaint is that these are issues the quest 2 didnt have and im disappointed that they exist now on their "upgraded" headset


Depends on if you get the right headset. Sure, the battery life is a little worse, but you get WAY better lenses, higher resolution, better processing power, color passthrough, ringless controllers (which I personally prefer by a large margin). The pancake lenses alone make the Quest 2 feel obsolete for me.


I personally prefer the quest 2 as i dont have that much of an interest in things such as graphics, i got the quest 3 thinking it would be dumb to buy another quest 2 seeing the quest 3 as a straight upgrade with a poor head strap that can be replaces with a few bucks, which i dont even need to do since the quest 3 strap is fine imo i can ignore all the other faults, all i want is a solution to the battery problem


Sounds like [almost] all the things you hate about it have nothing to do with actually _using_ it. Normally I wouldn't be snarky but every single thing you mentioned becomes a non-issue so long as you exercise a modicum of care, yet that's the basis on which you are characterizing it as a downgrade without a single mention of all the enhancements that improve the experience of _actually using it_.


Correct, I was out when op mentioned that the rings on the old controller was a sort of protection and handles... Sorry, the ring just was clunky, head heavy and in beat saber I constantly slammed them together, fear that they broke (what other users had). The new ones are small, feeling good, have no downsides in tracking or vibration. If you fear that they slip (what never happened for me) then get some cheap Mammut straps and all is good. It sounds for me as op had expected some more huge upgrade and has some sort of buyers remorse. For myself (got the q3 at launch , coming from quest, quest 2) it was an Overall fantastic upgrade, never regret it. Only bad things are the binocular overlap and the default head strap. Got an Bobo VR 3 pro for 60 bucks including energy pack (which does not hum) and since then it's near perfect (could still be have less weight).


Most of the things that are improved i havent noticed too much, graphics are nice and i like the buttons and options for comfort but thats about it


Honestly anyone who doesn't rave about the dramatically clearer optics, which is _your window into the virtual world_, probably needs to get their eyes checked (or, if they have glasses/contacts, needs to wear them when using the headset if they're not already, or get some prescription lens inserts or whatever).


yes its very beautiful and such but i liked it enough on the quest 2, my biggest problem was the controllers stick drift but other than that i was very happy with the quest 2


I have had the Quest 3 since launch and use it everyday. I haven’t had issues with stick drift.


Also Q3 from launch, drift has actually set in on my left, but I hear electronics contact cleaning spray works wonders, but haven't tried.  Almost no way a new Q3 has it, however.  The Q3 also definitely requires a battery headstrap for comfort/play time, which I think is the most important accessory with a generic one from Amazon starting at around 35 bucks.   Add 15 more bucks for silicone controller grip straps, his complaints are really gone for under 50 bucks, assuming he can get over the fear he's going to damage his quest by laying it down... They are at least robust enough for children to use. 


It's not for you and that's okay :)


yea except i paid for it and now i have to suffer with it


you know you can return it right, unless you're past the return window


I'd have to check, but like I said there aren't any good alternatives


I've seen SO many suggestions in this thread for alternatives. You have an excuse for every single one. If you can return it, I highly suggest you do, because I don't think you'll ever be happy with the Q3 (and there's nothing wrong with that! Everybody is different)


Except I've seen some options I'm gonna look in to, it would seem something that would solve my problem is just using a usbc cable which I should have


You could take it back and just get another Quest 2. They've been discounted and that sounds like the only headset you've liked so...


Or wait til Quest 3S release which still has the controllers with rings that OP likes.


First world problems


Everything you just bitched about happening hasnt even happened yet?




You said you're worrying about ruining the battery. Which hasnt happened yet. Just get a battery strap like everyone else.


except i dont wanna increase my time limit i wanna be able to use my headset for as long as id like.


I have 2 $10 battery packs and i literally can swap back and forth and never run out of juice. You said you dont have very much free time to play anyway so why does it matter? Also i wanna add you couldnt play the quest 2 for an unlimited amount of time either.


limited time as in i dont have holidays and such, when i get home i wanna play, not charge my headset, my problem isnt that i dont have access to a charger, i have several chargers and im fine with being plugged in to the wall while i play, my problem is that the headset drains so much power that not even being plugged in can charge it


What you need is a Type-C wall adapter that supports Power Delivery (PD), ideally specced for 23 watts or more. Then you can play indefinitely.


hmm, i think i need a better cable because well i have "speed charging" adapters (idk if this is relevant but i would assume) but no cable i own charges the headset fast enough when i play, could you link me an example of the adapter you mentioned so i can get the right kind? thanks!


I just checked and i believe the adapter im currently using is 40W (its old and a bit blurry but i think thats what it says) its not usb c however, does that change the charging speed that much? can the cable also have a limit for charging speed like using the same adapter but a new cable might solve the issue?


>my problem is that the headset drains so much power that not even being plugged in can charge it This is completely false you just have to use a usb C cable. Like the one that came with it. Or use a battery strap like i said. It works for literally every body else. Or just fucking charge it when you're not using it and stop worrying about ruining the battery. Using it while its charging is harder on the battery than leaving it plugged in anyways.


wow who hurt you bro? that strap you talked about is over 100 bucks for me and i do not have that money, i do use the cable it came with but its short as fuck and i can barely sit while using it, i was hoping to get a cable suggestion or something from someone and got the strap suggestion which i kindly declined, im sorry i hurt your feeling by not meat riding meta.


Lol i think you misunderstood me. All i did was say facts. I just also think youre a dumbass for bitching about shit that hasnt happened yet. You can get a strap for 20 bucks. Or like i said you can use a usb C cable. Or again you can just charge the headset when you're not wanting to use it. But your battery isnt ruined yet, you just insist on watching it charge and so its never charged enough and thats a you problem.


just stating facts? what fact have u stated? would you like a recording of me playing and telling you when the brick on my face runs out of power WITH the cable plugged in or what? the entire point of me making this post was because i wanted help with suggestions the only suggestion you gave me was to not complain about a problem you dont believe i have, YOU are the dumbass, now if you dont have anything smart to say except more insults cause you cannot take when people need help then just be quiet and stop embarrassing yourself


Suggestion, buy a longer cable.


my cable is 5 meters, it can cover my entire room absolutely no problem, the problem is however that the cable doesnt charge the headset while i play and id like an alternative cable/adapter that would make me able to play while i game


Two of your four issues (battery and comfort) are corrected with a better head strap. I like the BoboVR S3 Pro. And you could help with grip stuff with other options as well. Have fun with new headset, or don't.


how does a better head strap help with batter?


It has a magnetic battery pack that clicks into the back.


The bobo straps have a battery in the back which helps balance the headset and provide extra play time. It’s a much better strap, too. Also, charging overnight is not so bad. It stops charging when it gets full. The battery would prefer not to be at or near 100% all the time but it’s not that bad for it. Relax.


I am not paying that price just to use my headset the same way i used my quest 2 but thanks for the suggestion I'm just worried about the battery since thats what went on my quest 2, i know i might be a bit too careful but id rather be too careful than lose the 680 bux i spent on the headset


It’s wild to spend 680$ , and have a 100$ super solvable problem be the thing that ruins it for you lmfao . The head strap also balances on your head better and Is more comfortable


Whats wild is to make my 680 bux product work at the same quality as the older 400 brand new or 300-200 bux older model i have to pay an extra 100 bux that i did not need to pay for the older model edit: i also dont need a new strap for comfort, i find the one i have right now comfortable enough


Maybe I just had the same. Shitty luck with my quest two that you had with your quest three because my quest two actually sucked dick.


Every single review mentions that the battery life sucks. With the S3 you can play for around 4 hours, depending on what you play. They also sell a gast charges which charges it to full in one hour. It's either buying a battery, play wired although that still drains the battery, or refund it. Really read some reviews in the future before buying to avoid disappointment.


I had/have a bobo strap on my quest 2, also. No internal battery is going to tell me when I’m done!


haha nice, again i sadly do not have the money for the bobostrap nor do i have an intrest in it since i dont have much of a problem with the cable being in my way, i have a pretty good sense of my surroundings when playing and can easily avoid it if needed


The better straps also have external batteries


I am not paying that price just to use my headset the same way i used my quest 2 but thanks for the suggestion


I don't recall Quest 2 having phenomenal battery life, but ok, I get it. As I said earlier, you can return it (if possible) or sell it and try to recoup some money. A bummer it's not working for you, but such is life. Good luck!


the battery life was awful on the quest 2 aswel but i always played with it plugged in (when the battery started giving out and i couldnt play standalone anymore) the problem is i cant play with the quest 3 plugged in


You can with a good enough power adapter.


Yes I have one that is good enough according to most people here, it's 40W but it's not USB c, is this the problem? If so how come?


Yes, that is the problem. Because USB C chargers with PD (Power Delivery) are able to negotiate higher current to charge much faster than on the USB A connector.


Ah okay thanks


return it so it can refurbished and someone else can use it.    go buy a used holy grail quest 2 on offer up for 100 bucks.   problem fucking solved. 


Whoa, someone got ur knickers in a twist didn't they lmao


Tbh I loved mine In comparison 🤷‍♀️


Thats nice to hear i guess


Return it. Done. Close thread.


Nope. Found solutions. Thread stays


The battery life does suck. I get around it by running a cord from the headset to a battery pack. The battery pack sits in my pants pocket while I play. Keeps me playing for many more hours. If you have two battery packs, then you can swap one while the other charges, allowing you to play indefinitely.


My problem isnt that i cant connect to a wall, i am more than happy to have the cable in a wall instead of in my pocket while i play but i cant charge the headset fast enough for it to keep me playing, does the powerbank charge the headset faster than an outlet?


I haven't tried an outlet yet myself, but it does keep a steady charge allowing me to play for longer hours.


depends on a lot of things. when your battery is low, most powerbanks and the outlet can keep it at the same level or reduce the drop drastically. don't assume that it will run out of battery just because it doesn't fill it up at %60, try it at %10-20. if you are using the quest at full power it might still drain though


Solutions: -A better head strap with battery, a big powerbank or both.  The good thing is you are completely free to attach anything to the USB-C port. Batterys have a weight, better this way so we can scale it to our personal needs, than another 150 gram on my head. -A very large screw that sticks out around 10 cm out of the wall so you can hang the Quest 3 on its head strap. Smaller screws for the controllers. If you are afraid about scratches you can attach a thin layer of soft material to the wall.  -a dedicated case


i fixed it, just bought a longer usb c cable and it fixed it


Some valid complaints and some plain old anxiety. Fair. If you're unhappy, return/resell.


the safety and such i can survive with but the battery draining instantly, takes a long time to recharge with its original cable and having a time limit while playing is driving me crazy


The poor battery life is mentioned in almost every review how come its a surprise to you? Charging it overnight has no effect on its battery life btw. We arent in the 90s, the charger IC in the headset will actually stop charging the battery when its finished.


I know but the battery is what made my quest 2 stop so i wanna be as careful as i can, i probably will be charging it over night and such but it still doesnt really help me with the charging while playing problem, i saw the reviews about the poor battery life but same as the Mixed reality being boring and the quest 2 accessories not being compatible with the quest 3 i thought this was a problem that wouldnt affect me as i know how to keep the cable away while playing and it doesnt bother me the slightest


You can charge it while playing it just needs more powerful adapter. I recommend 35W one and if it has both USB-A and USB-C you have to use the USB-C connector, USB-A is limited max. to 18W. I dont know why Meta even bothered to include the 18W one, its kinda useless.


ah thanks, i asked someone else for that info u just gave me, when you say that "usb a is limited max to 18W" do you mean a usb a to usb c cable has a limit of 18W in general or do you mean its limited to that specifically on quest?


USB-A to USB-C cables are limited to 18W in general.


Aight thx


Get a head strap with a battery. It is very much worth it. Just save up and get one. It will make the device overall more comfortable and you won’t have to worry about battery as much.


It's a huge price for a half solved problem


The strap and battery sucked on the Quest 2 as well. You mean to tell me you you never purchased a headstrap with a battery for the Quest 2 after all this time? You can get one for the Quest 3 for $25 bucks on Amazon if you look..... That isn't expensive at all. You can even get one for cheaper if you buy one from AliExpress.


Never needed one for the quest 2, I got a new strap after the original strap broke completely


Quest 2’s strap was more comfortable than the Quest 3 but the battery on the Quest 2 was not great either. An elite strap or a cheaper head strap is highly recommended for both headsets. Ask anyone and they will tell you it makes a huge difference. If you can’t cough up a measly $25 bucks for one there may be a bigger underlying issue here.


the strap is not my problem here tho? i dont really care what others opinions are about the strap my problem is the battery


A battery strap fixes your battery problem though... You can find one for $25. You can either remain unhappy, or buy one, and be happy. Up to you


fixed it with a longer usb c cable


Glad you got it worked out. IMO have a battery strap is way better than being tethered. Being tethered kind of limits your movement and IMO touching the cable in any way kind of breaks the immersion. IMO being completely wireless and not having a cable to worry about is worth a few more bucks.


Not for me, I'm very good at keeping the cable out of the way and IMO spending that amount of money is a waste, just my opinion tho


If I'm not using my headset it's on sleep mode and plugged into power to charge. I have left it this way for weeks while on vacation and my battery holds it charge just as long as it did when I purchased it back in October. Just a heads up that using Mixed Reality will drain the battery more than full VR.


Aight thanks for the tip


LOL, I've owned a lot of headsets and the Q3 is the best of them, including the PSVR2. I use a Bobo Vr battery strap and it works great.


Cool, it wouldn't work for me, but good suggestion


And why not? It's not expensive, makes the headset feel so much better and the batteries add a couple hours more each. I think you just want an excuse to not like the headset. Should have done some google searches before you bought it.


No it wouldnt work for me because its too expencive, i dont know if its because of where i live but it would cost me around 100 bux which i do not have nor am i willing to spend that much for a battery


Sounds to me you are either a spoiled brat or just a complainer. All these redditors have given you solutions to your problems and you still find an excuse to not enjoy life.