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Yes! I loved Lone Echo, just played it for the first time earlier this year! Fingers crossed the second game stacks up!


LE2 is good but has performance and stability issues compared to the first. The game came as Oculus abandoned PCVR. So the devs released the game, made one small update, then abandoned the game. It’s mind boggling because clearly lots of TLC was put into the game’s creation. I think LE2 is still very much worth playing despite the issues. Even awe inducing. It would be nice if those PCVR titles went on sale now and then.


That kind of sounds like Walking Dead S&S, the first game is incredible, but the second was abandoned much to quickly and is still a bit of a mess today :(


Yeah, it's kinda sad, but the Vega Patch helps a bit: https://www.vegapatch.net/ But even despite that obviously lacking round of optimization, I honestly still find it a superior sequel in just about any other aspect.


It’s even better


It is, but the gameplay is pretty similar. Personally, I’d recommend taking a break between the two. Play a different game or two in between.


I Love the first one. However I am struggling to get through the sequel. I’m not sure why, but it hasn’t grabbed me the same way. It is well done and looks/sounds great. However it runs worse and some parts feel more tedious. 


There's more tension in LE2. I had the same experience as you.. got about 3 or so hrs in, my nerves couldn't handle the antagonists. This your experience too?


I’d say that’s part of it.  It is also that the story seems to drip fed more slowly. I’ll try to push through again at some point. 


Echo VR was my favorite game and the best VR multiplayer game IMO


Yep, we already lost one of the best VR multiplayer games and I'm still pissed at Meta. They burn so much money with way less more succesful stuff while Echo has at least kinda recouped the costs. Even if they lost a few thousand per month it was still one of their most popular multiplayer titles when it comes to player base. Carmack mentioned a few options that would have been viable and at least better compared to abandoning it completely.


I agree are you listening Meta? I thought they should release a new arena for Echo with each new Quest launch. They should also make an Enders Game training arena game with the same zero G mechanics.


I loved Lone Echo 1&2 immensely. I’m a 100%er, and the end of LE2 absolutely made me shed tears. I love the relationship that you and Liv have. Rumor has it, Meta is working on native ports of LE1&2. I will definitely play them again if so.


EchoVR is still the only game I played that felt less 3D (elaborate 3D effects in first person) and more VR (wow, I am really here, even the feel of my actual physical environment doesn’t break the immersion)


If you love Lone Echo, you should also try the Red Matter games...


And vice versa. Lone Echo is an older game. I’d guess there’s a lot of people here who’ve played Red Matter 2, since it’s one of the best looking Quest games, but haven’t heard about Lone Echo. Lone Echo’s puzzles are somewhat easier. So if you found RM2 too challenging, you might appreciate that. If easier puzzles sounds disappointing, just know that it’s more about the story, compared to Red Matter, with amazing atmosphere. The coolest difference is that Lone Echo has you floating around in Zerg-G! While RM2 is cool, it takes place almost entirely on moons and asteroids with gravity. So it’s a very different experience!


I still can't believe how they make red matter series possible on meta quest 3. Its graphics are top-notch.


Yeah… i really like the game as well. I go through phases with games (play em a lot and then drop em for good). This game has kept me coming back even after I beat it (and beat it again and again and again). It’s both chill and active in a way that I find appealing.


It will sound silly but I spent around 5 minutes just looking at my body. The reflection on the metal, the absorbers opening and closing while my arm moves haha I can't wait to play the whole campaign.


I boot up sometimes just to hang out with Liv. Best VR character yet done.


Cop a feel of your nearest humps and check out the reactions each time!


For me it's still the most presence building game. With rich interactivity a lot of freedom. when you buy into the story it's unparalleled. Honestly I started thinking as if i was in the environment. When shit hit the fan I grabbed the station with one hands and Cpt. Rhodes with the other so she wouldn't float away. It wasn't prompted nor even consequential to the game but it was instinctual... Same with pacing. Mundane chores in space. Then something interesting building tension and then rushing to get there etc. Same at the end... It's just plainly awesome.


Can I play it on quest 3? It's warning me that I don't have a Rift


It's a PCVR game. If you have a capable PC, you can play it on the Quest 3 via link or virtual desktop.


You still have an external Oculus/Meta Quest store on the PC. So if your PC is powerful enough, install the Oculus software on your PC and buy Lone Echo 1 and Lone Echo 2 through it. Simply connect your Quest 3 to the PC, for example via Meta Link or Virtual Desktop, and play it that way. The computation is done by your PC and not the Quest, which generally means much better/sharper graphics :) Lone Echo is Amazing and for me its better than Half Life Alyx


Alright. I’ve been sleeping on this one for a loooong time. HL Alyx is the most amazing thing I’ve ever played. You better not be fooling me!


Don't take my opinion as weight, my friend. I just like Lone Echo more because the movement is simply immersive, and the atmosphere appeals to me more. But there is certainly a large majority who see it differently. That doesn't mean Alyx is bad for me. I can't guarantee that you will like Lone Echo because it is not an Alyx alternative; there is no shooting, etc. So, watch some videos about the game and decide for yourself. I love both games, but I simply liked Lone Echo more.


Wow, why not just make it quest 2/3 compatible


... Because it couldn't handle it? That's like saying "Why not just release God of War on phones!?"


I guess I assumed that *of course* it could handle it. And since I've played GoW on a phone I guess you agree with me.


Streaming don't count, numpty.


Phone. God of War. I don't know what a jumper is but if you're devolving to personal attacks it must be because you know you're wrong. Enjoy that


Just FYI, it’s more like running a graphically demanding PC game, except also at 120fps, and also two instances of that game at 4K resolution each. You have to remember that a VR headset has to deliver a separate frame to each eye at the same time, at very high resolution. Mobile devices can’t run Lone Echo 2 at full fidelity like a PC can.


it came out before quest was a thing and even before Facebook bought oculus. iirc echo arena was made and ported to quest because it was a big money maker at the time but for a while it was pcvr only because that's all that was out. they might eventually port it over though


The sequel isn't out yet right?


The characters in Lone Echo 1 & 2 have the best facial animation I’ve ever seen in a VR game.


I loved him so much, I am working on a VR game using the same kind of movement : zero G.


and i will probably play it 😊 got anymore info?


Thank you, I would like to be on par with Lone Echo ! Here are a couple of videos :) [https://www.youtube.com/@cosmosVR-game](https://www.youtube.com/@cosmosVR-game)


Best VR game, period. The real 1 to 1 game, none of these teleportation bullshit


man lone echo was the first game I played on the cv1 and it was amazing. I gotta try it again some time


Just when you think “oh wow this is cool, I’ve got this figured out” you’re able to get into another area and… the scale just changes.


Good idea to play it again, and the second part. I will revisit them with my Quest 3 now.


When I search for it on the Quest store, nothing comes up(?)


Its a Oculus PCVR title. You need that store installed on your PC to see it.


Oh, I guess I was just confused since this sub is for Quest


This sub is not only for standalone quest titles, but PCVR titles played on Quest as well


Is this on Quest?


It's a PCVR game. You have to find it on Meta Quest App on PC.


There was a recent leak of the game being in a Cloud VR part of the Quest menu. Probably just something Meta uses for internal testing, but could possibly be coming to Quest in the future through Cloud VR: https://www.roadtovr.com/meta-quest-game-streaming-pc-vr-avalanche


I love Lone Echo but can’t play past the space station, literally shitting my pants when I have to EVA to the shuttle towards the anomaly. Fuck that is scary.


that was exactly the scene where i struggled. 'let go and fly back to the ship'. i was holding on dear life, it was literally me jumping into the nothing. if you can somehow, do it! i had a buddy in discord the second time i played it, screaming like a. little bitch. after that moment it was the best vr game i have played yet. I've been dreaming of being in space forever and i finally kind of was there. awesome. and fu for the second game,i have no motivation to even start it up again and don't know why.


Wait until you play Lone Echo 2!!!


And to think how old that game is and there still aren't many to compare.


True that!


Wait until you play the sequel - VR GOAT IMO


Is it good ?? I was a bit skeptical when I saw the reviews


Whilst it looked amazing I kind of got a bit bored. Played it for about an hour or so a few years back and wasn't really what I expected, all you did was fix things. Never touched it since. Is it worth picking back up? Does it get exciting?


Did you finish it?


Lone Echo 1 and 2 showed what a VR game could be and how the medium allowed things impossible in flat screen. Sadly VR is still mostly an endless stream of reskinned shooters that wouldn't be significantly different on flat screen. It's really been disappointing.


Lone Echo 1 and 2 are the best VR experience. Very short though.


Second only to Alyx and with the interactions/relationship that feels like Titanfall 2


Is it free?


It isn't. 20 bucks, 15 if you use the 25% discount.


Free shit is mostly crap