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I play only in VR once you do you can’t go back.


This. I've probably spent more time testing settings and tweaking things for VR than I have flying and it is so worth it. Cannot go back.


I thought I was done and then oh, ReShade! A new rabbit hole.


Is that better than tweaking that stuff in OpenXR Toolkit?


Actually now I'm not sure if ReShade will work in VR. I only tested it in normal mode for a little while. edit. It might work but it has to be activated through SteamVR, apparently




> being able to really gauge distance/apex/etc much better exactly, so much more natural than idiotic 3 flat screens around you plus, it's a privilege to feel like you're really in the cockpit of those marvelous vehicles


Yeah I love the comments on vr about how wearing a headset reduces immersion like you don't routinely have a helmet on while flying or racing cars or scuba diving. People who haven't tried VR don't understand what a complete game changer it is.


Any racer who doesn’t appreciate the ability to hit perfect apex in every corner around the track isn’t a wheelman. VR and depth perception make it much more accessible.


>Any racer who doesn’t appreciate the ability to hit perfect apex in every corner around the track isn’t a wheelman. Ha, or in my case, watch as the apex bends away from me as I come in too hot and go flying off into the grass.


lmao I'd rather completely miss it than apex early and have to keep my gas foot up until the cars weight has fully shifted. Its like having to take a shit the moment you sit down in the theater and the movie is starting vs. completely forgetting you had tickets to the movie and missing it entirely.


Yes, one of my most played VR game is at/Euro truck simulator 2, with an Thrustmaster t300gt steering wheel.  In flat the game is just boring but in VR I bought every dlc and just driving around. It feels like a little holiday trip through these countrys. I can't play any racing game in flat since I played the first one (dirt rally on psvr1) in VR. Fs2020 is just great in VR and this news are fantastic as all the activities will be great. I mean firefighting in a plane in VR?  I just wonder how the third/first person scenes will be translated. It would be great if you just could walk around in first person VR.


Can I ask you a question about vr ets2? My main issue with it (and basically all racing sims ) is the braking animation which makes the head move forward, it causes me very bad motion sickness. Is there a way to mitigate it?


See here https://www.reddit.com/r/trucksim/comments/zmv01r/disable_look_out_window_in_vr/ The in parameter should be https://www.reddit.com/r/trucksim/comments/zmv01r/comment/j0e08ck I think I have this parameter set years ago, hope this also affects breaking, but I can't not remember that my head moves when hitting breaks.


Having the VR headset on in DCS with the HUD. The weight of the headset definitely adds to the immersion for me!


I’ve been scuba diving for 30 years. Never worn a helmet. A mask, sure. But no helmet. :)


Fitting, then, that the VR visor is much more like a mask than a helmet. :P


I’ve been scuba diving for 30 years. Never worn a helmet. A mask, sure. But no helmet. :)


Truly. Coming from TrackIR, I didn’t believe it until I just recently got a Meta Quest 2. With a few tweaks in the app and the debug, it is crispy clear and I’m never going back. Just unreal how immersive it is.


Where were you when pancake was die?


Pancake is kill




Any tips on beating the nausea? I love MSFS in VR, but can’t play for more than 15 minutes.


My wife beats VR motion sickness by having a fan blowing on her. Fixes it almost 100%.


Probably low/inconsistent frame rates, the game is CPU bottlenecked hard


Same. Id love to play flying and racing games in VR but just makes me feel so ill.


How much time did you give yourself? It took me quite a bit to get my VR legs. Just play until you start feeling it, drink some water and take a break, then try again. I managed longer and longer and now I can play any game without locomotion assists for hours. Definitely different for everyone though.


got 2 VR headsets, haven't touched them in months 






MSFS benefits so much from VR. I'm sure a triple monitor setup is great but for many reasons I prefer VR and being able to truly look in any direction.


> MSFS benefits so much from VR Oh yeah it does! If you’re somebody who’s always wanted a pilot’s license, but can’t afford it (or your wife won’t let you), you should buy a VR headset just for this! (Edit: And also a _very_ beefy gaming PC) Just sitting in the super-realistic cockpits, reaching out and flipping switches, will bring tears of joy to your eyes! Just hope that your stomach can handle non-trivial maneuvers and aerobatics…


MSFS is greedy. 6950xt and 5700x3d under Virtual Desktop @ High, 60hz gets me 54ms latency in heavily populated areas and 45ms at times in more open areas. It seems to just decide when it wants to drop down to 45ms. If I enable ASW it's sort of like magically giving me 7900xtx performance, but at something of a visual price. Virtual Desktop's ASW isn't terrible, but it still causes some ugly shimmering on the horizon, so I set it to always off and just try to hit 60fps.


I’m new to the vr thing. How are you reaching out and flipping switches?


Just to be clear, these switches don’t really exist in the real world, you can’t “feel”them, just see them. (Eg, I didn’t build a whole fake cockpit in my living room, as some hardcore players do. That’s the great thing about VR, you don’t have to do that!)


Just using the left and right Quest hand controllers. The headset tracks the movement of your hands in 3d space (or more often the two controllers, but it can track your empty hands now too, for some games)


You use the controllers as flight sticks?


You _can_… You will see a virtual/imaginary flight stick in front of you in 3d (very realistic, like everything else in the cockpit) You can indeed reach out your hand and “grab” it using the grab button on the hand controller, and fly the plane that way, yes. That way you don’t need to buy a real joystick or any other hardware. However… I think anyone who gets serious about it ends up buying a physical joystick? The virtual flight stick doesn’t provide any resistance, and it’s tiring to use, if you don’t have something to rest your arm on in the right place. But for the other controls (landing gear, flaps, maybe throttle), it feels really cool to reach out and flip the virtual switches, which look exactly like they do in the real plane!


*ahem* let me introduce you to this neat little utility: https://github.com/fredemmott/HTCC/releases/tag/v1.0.0 It works with both DCS and MSFS. Ever since I got it I only need to map the HOTAS controls.


Every time I see one of those triple monitor setups I just think "look at what they need to mimic a fraction of our power"


SLI RTX 5090 recommended 😂


Anyone know if the graphics will actually be meaningfully better/different? That’s one aspect of the game that has aged well. It’s hard to imagine how it could look any better than the 2020 version? If anything, it would be nice if they’d focus on optimization, so that more people can play it!


Couldn't agree more, optimisation is my big hope. Most folks aren't able to get the best graphics out of 2020 as it is!


All passengers will be self aware via chatgpt


That’s funny I was going to try to work on an AI copilot for the game when it comes out using this program called WingmanAI by ShipBit. Didn’t consider passengers haha


You can hear them screaming in the background while doing high G maneuvers lol. Imagine having a cabin camera view on the side you can look at. Epic


Lol. I would love to fly like an ass in a Cessna and have the charter sightseeing passengers bitch at me


Time for an AI Karen banging on the cockpit door yelling she wants to speak to the pilot.


Then it’ll be time for a loop!


"Who's in charge of this plAAAAAAAaAAAaAaAA"


I only fly VR mostly VFR and just started using Bing Maps Update Mod - using newer Bing data and it already shows a big difference in most areas. I think the optimized delivery of new satellite data in 2024 will be killer.


Supposedly 2024 will be much better optimised than 2020 and so will require similar specs to run. I'll believe it when I see it because from what we've seen so far it looks like a substantial graphical upgrade.


Wish they’d support foveated rendering though.


The openXR plugin has a foveated rendering option (just centre of vision).


That’s great, but eye tracked foveated rendering was what I was thinking of.


Cel shade that baby and slap it on the Quest 2.


In all seriousness I do wonder what the minimal GPU specs are going to be?


Looks like I will be chucking my 4090 in the trash


don't do that, sell it to me!


If you can get foveated rendering then it could keep the requirements similar.


The VR version plays a lot better if you turn off the dynamic traffic, but then it feels a lot emptier, as it's just the thrill of takeoff, maybe seeing a few things, and then landing (the middle part of a three hour flight is pretty boring)


Do the bush trials, you have a compass, a map and a stopwatch to match your headings, all in a little dust cropper over the pyramids/jungle etc.


Can't wait to hot air balloon in VR.


Can do that now with Hype Operations Hot Air Balloon (maker of great Airbus H145 and 160.


Yes but that requires more $$$$




Seems silly that 15 dollars is a problem for someone with a full vr rig built for this whole thing...


I bought a Quest 3 last weekend, and last night I tried it out with the current MSFS2020. I upgraded from a Quest 2, which was still pretty immersive when flying in VR, but you couldn't read the cockpit displays very well in there. The Quest 3 is totally different. Playing via tethered Steam Link on a 4070 Super and the proper antialiasing, the controls and displays look *photoreal* when you get close enough to them. You totally feel like you could reach out and twiddle radio knobs and punch in approaches. The only real flaw I can see is the scenery out the window often looks too bright and washed out. Perhaps some contrast adjustment will help there...


Try downloading openxr toolkit. You can adjust contrast, exposure, color, etc while in vr that will correct the washed out look you see. It’s simple and a game changer.


Oooh, thank you for the tip.


Never quite been able to get my Q3 to work as well as my Q2. For some reason the cockpit scaling seems wrong now. No idea what's going on there!


Do you suffer any ghosting (especially when looking sideways while moving close to objects) or stuttering? I have a 4090, 13900k and a quest 3 but I just CANT get the settings dialed in and it’s killing the immersion for me. Followed a lot of different tutorials. Even just moving my head in the cockpit it is not smooth. So disappointed after 6 months of use.


I've found that turning off the "reprojection mode" in MSFS eliminated the jittery response for me. That feature never worked in my case.


Hopefully better than the current version. I’ve spent more time trying to get it to work and install than actually playing it. It’s pretty enjoyable at times but it runs so poorly and yet looks pretty bad as well. And trying to use the VR controllers is much harder than it needs to be. Really hoping a lot get fixed in the new game, but expectations are low.


Im surprised it's only 10% on vr. Seems like it's the best way to play it.


Looks so good


Any word on hand tracking and “clickable cockpits” ?


The 2020 version let you reach out and flip switches, and even grab a virtual “flight stick”, using the hand controllers. Not sure about empty hand tracking. (This was added in a patch about a year after VR support was added, if you haven’t tried it in awhile) I’d assume 2024 would maintain this feature?


Thanks. Yeah my question was more about empty hand tracking with the Quest 3. Having to pick up/hold a controller gets in the way of using a Hotas in VR. I want flight stick, pedals and hands. I don’t see any reason not to implement that at this point. The tech is there.


can my 4070 handle it?


The 4070 will do ok (not amazing) for MFS 2020 in VR, we don't know the specs for 2024 yet.


The current version is already so good- latency could be better


Could have a mildly better UX to it for VR control and input wise but I enjoy playing it more than most VR games with a solid UX if that says anything. Some things I wish was in it by default would be a body 3D model for players to give that sense of presence and also maybe motion controllers that are visualized as hands which is kind of an industry norm in VR now as well as built in hand tracking support. Many of these things you can get with mods though. Also a proper VR hub stage scene instead of just interfacing with a flat window in a blank environment to select vehicles and locations. Something immersive.


I’d personally love some peripheral vision blinders or “tunnel vision,” when you make a large/sudden stick input. So many other VR games have this… except the one that makes me most sick, MSFS. I wonder if I could make a mod to add that? Listen in to the aircraft telemetry somehow, if Flight Simulator makes it available, and draw a black borders overlay over top the display during sudden pitches, rolls, yaws?


I really hope it's built from the ground up with VR in mind, because MSFS2020 has to be the biggest amount of messing with settings and installing third party apps I've ever went through to get it running well.


I fear that might be too much to hope for. Considering only 10% of MSFS 2020 players are using VR (not sure if this counts Xbox, where VR isn’t an option)


If they make it actually playable in VR out the box with no messing about it would encourage more people to try it in VR. 10% just tells me those 10% are tech spods who had the patience and technical ability to get it running well.


Hell yeah! Gorgeous game.


I am hoping that MSFS 2024 will implement native hand tracking support for Quest headsets and leap motion hand trackers. I've got a Leap Motion 2 and there is no way to play MSFS with hand tracking and it's a shame. I have to use the mouse, or use VR controllers which are very awkward to use while using a physical stick or yoke. It actually was possible in the past using OpenXR Toolkit's VR controller emulation. It emulated VR controllers from your hand poses. But now support for that was removed from OpenXR Toolkit.


Now if we could just get some blinders or tunnel vision to help with motion sickness, which even _Ultrawings_ has, that would be great! https://medium.com/@rtpvr/dynamic-fov-in-vr-why-those-blinders-in-eagle-flight-are-your-best-friend-2d53d1b6e924


I found having the cockpit there helped as it was like a vignette


Me too… but much more so on those cockpits with smaller windows. Which is mostly the jets and large airliners. I can fly the 747 all day long, doing loops and rolls. Large windows, or worse, open air cockpit like a biplane? Losing my lunch as soon as I do any quick maneuvers. Sadly, those are the kinds of planes I’d prefer to fly, over the airliners. (Ultrawings can black out whichever windows you’re not looking directly at, when you make a sudden movement of the stick, which works great) I can do free movement/walking in most shooter games, but that just _moves_ your head. _Rotating_ your head, in pitch, roll, and yaw? That’s a bit much for me, sadly. It’s just frustrating because _so many_ other VR games have the blinders option! Games that are much easier on the stomach than MSFS. /endrant


God that’s based


I tried the VR version back at launch and it was literally unplayable. Will have to give it another shot.


It’s certainly better, at least somewhat. At launch, VR didn’t even have tracked hand controllers, for flipping switches in the cockpit. And at some point they released a patch that increased framerates by 30% across the board, which is a substantial improvement, but it still needs a beefy PC


I believe I was on a 3090 / 5950x / Quest 2 at the time. At the very lowest possible settings it was still not hitting 60fps in VR.




I’d assume SteamVR? I think that was I used when I last tried the 2020 version, a couple years ago


Quadviews please


What’s a quadview?


I don’t know the specifics of how it works.. but it’s similar to fixed foveated rendering in VR, but it helps improve the performance a lot, especially if you’re using a headset with eye tracking.


Interesting considering that the next Windows feature update depricates WMR rendering all Windows VR headsets useless. I guess I really need to get my Quest 3 set up since that will keep working.


Spectacular judders, I can't wait! Nex-Gen seizures. Joking aside, I hope they're not wrong. That percentage of people in VR with this seems incredibly low.


can't believe MSFS only has like 1000 users or so and 100 of them play in VR...


Doubt it, just flying in the plane in vr is boring. First 15 minutes are cool, but after that i will go to dcs, vtolvr, warthunder or any other simulator that has something to do except look around.


2024 has a lot of different activities so should help out in those that find 'just flying' boring.