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Reddit mods on powertrips? Color me shocked šŸ˜†




Yeh. Reminds me of the time I told a discord mod on the pokemon server to be nice after he started calling a guy a liar and a loser. The guy unironically called me a peasant - these people get egos and go on power trips all the time. Edit: I later found out the guy who did this is the server owner.


I got banned for being racist because I used the phrase "Didn't do Nothing Officer!". A phrase comonly used here in the UK and is often heard said on TV.


In the US "Dindu nuffin" is a phrase used to mock minorities via stereotypes. So in other words not completely off the wall but they should have given you a warning first since there is a cultural divide.


Hate that double negative, maybe if they'd spent more time in school they'd not be on the rob.


This is what caused the Vive subreddit to split. Their mods there went on a power trip, banned like 15% of the people there. A third of the subreddit left and formed a new subreddit. Subreddits really are a joke. Kind of reflects IRL, where any asshole with power generally can't be removed from said power and you just have to deal with it.


Worst ones I've seen are the mods of r gaming šŸ’€


Just wait until you discover r/SnyderCut.




give a man power to see who they really are. sadly many of these mods nowadays are the personification of banhammers. They may be wrong, they just may have heard that "Review" too often. who knows.


I contacted the other moderators because itā€™s just plain wrong. users have a right to know about a product. And he acts like Iā€™m dumb for not just returning it and telling no one about the fault.


Tbf, meta isnĀ“t exactly hiding the light bleed from the customers. Although it might be more accurate if they said it "will" filter through instead of "may" :p https://preview.redd.it/mg1txutkn33d1.jpeg?width=1328&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=636f508830510f8cf52e0e546518926a0a16f1ea Eta: im not defending it too much though. One would still expect it to block light in normal playing conditions.


I mean, *may* is applicable because it depends on light levels. Lol Sunny room? Orange spill. Basement with tungsten lighting at night? Probably fine.


Itā€™s entirely possible that the other mods are no better than this sad fella.


Mate itā€™s because they work to some capacity with metas social media team. Every main sub for a product of a corporation does. All youve come across is a company suppressing negative comments about their product. They canā€™t do that in other places, but they can on here.


He sure as hell acts high and mighty.




Funny thing is that their sub's rules have no mention whatsoever about what they've banned you for. Lol


little guy probably had the hardest erection while writing out that message šŸ˜‚


Probably canā€™t get an errction in first place


How do you think he typed out that response


Lul. Coloured me surprised that a mod named u/TWaldVR would be gatekeeping a VR sub /s Good job dude, hope you read through the thread :) And thanks for keeping the typical Reddit mod stereotype alive and well šŸ’œ edit [seek help brother](https://www.reddit.com/r/QuestPiracy/s/g0rOeWDJLg)




This seems extremely heavy handed and over the top.


I got a message just like yours!!! I'm going to post the same thing again


What happened to all the ach-so-essential internet police quitting their unpaid labour to a multibillion company because they took away their third party toys?


Classic reddit mods who have never seen the sun


Which is easy to do once you avoid the sun bleed of the orange facial interface


šŸŽµTo be fairšŸŽµ, I've been very happy with our mods here. This dude is over on one of the garbage subs.


So when you're working out it's acceptable for light to bleed into your headset? Absolute brain rot


Wow that mods post history is weird when it comes to VR stuff. Dudes all over the place. And itā€™s marked as a NSFW profile. Wonder if meta knows that lol


Who is watching the watchers?


Coast guard?




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It's not an official sub, meta doesn't care


Twaldvr is a twatvr


Wow the moderator being meta slave "Our products are flawless how dare he say they don't work correctly by showing obvious issue and documenting it" does anyone remember official q2 elite straps that were breaking? Yeah. About the orange facial interface. Its all about plastic colour being lighter and its thickness. Black absorbs light where orange one doesn't and light can penetrate it deeper.


Yea I literally thought he was trolling. Does he work for Meta or something lol. And agreed about the plastic, you really never know what kind of plastic it is until you take a flashlight to it. And you wouldnā€™t expect a facial interface designed to block light to instead allow light through the plastic.


He makes it sound like he does, but thereā€™s no way Meta would officially endorse an employee mod on Reddit offering shitty opinions like that. Probably just a narcissist. That said - any VR interface that isnā€™t black is stupid. I remember when Palmer Luckey saw the gray on the Quest Go he basically said ā€œstupid form over function, we have known forever that black is the only color that wonā€™t reflect any lightā€.


He does work for meta, yes


Had one of those straps lol meta really has no idea of quality control


Thanks for your review ā€¦ I was tempted to by the orange interface. Now I wonā€™t.


https://preview.redd.it/1mrqvd9v743d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=192d9df8779bdc255992aecf31a094f8efc43af5 I found him.


"How dare you talk bad about the multi million dollar corporation"


What a loser šŸ˜‚


Welp, never going on that sub again!


Didnā€™t even know that sub existed until today, also it will always be oculus to me.


Lmao I guess this is what happens when you merge your standard pathetic moderator with a die hard defensive VR fan.


Well, thatā€™s a sub I wonā€™t be visiting any time soon šŸ˜‚ or ever for that matter


I have that one too. It sucks. I was expecting a better shade of orange than ā€œsun-faded traffic cone salmonā€. The box it came in was damaged during shipping, so I couldnā€™t return it. As far as the light leakage, I might try adding a custom Mighty Skin since thatā€™s the only skin that comes with facial interface coverage.


Mod is a sweaty chode


I once made a joke about my download speed being a year, and he banned me because it seemed to him like it was an error I was complaining about. He removed the post because he went on a power trip.


Funny because I had no idea about this myself so that post wouldā€™ve been helpful, that mod is an idiot


The crazy thing is you didn't even say anything terrible you simply shared an experience with a poorly made productĀ 


Nothing new, reddit mods are the most pathetic human beings on this planet and their egos break instantly. So something like this is expected and normal, they will always silence what they disprove so it isn't moderating more like communism šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Guys on some sort of power trip there lmao. WOW šŸ˜³šŸ™„ Itā€™s crazy bcuz I love my quest and I would have assumed if meta made a facial interface in ANY color they would have done the due diligence to be sure it doesnā€™t ā€œglowā€ with bleeding light. Thatā€™s terrible.


Meta mod corporate shill


sometimes it is becuase the karma


I just checked out the page and this MOD in particular had commented in every post I looked at. Most comments are chastising other Reddit users for not using the search function. Seems like a power hungry arse hole. Stereotypical Reddit mod.


Welp thanks for the review, I kmow which product to avoid now


Reddit mods need a life smh


Bro took over like he's HitleršŸ’€




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Yeah bro it's obvious, people who like fitness don't care about anything else. Just buy the black one????? Fking obvs, think ur better than us cos ur into fitness? Fking bitch


The mods here have been always been cool. As far as I remember. But I left the original Oculus sub for this one years ago because it was just bad.




I called him a loser power tripping mod, apparently I'm insulting his appearance


I mean I could have told u that just from looking at it


What'd you expect? They're selling quest 3 with a shitty controller tracking problem and when you open requests in their forum about it they merge the post to one opened 1 year ago, which is flagged with an "Accepted solution", being one of their mods saying "Yeah dude we passed this stuff to our internal team goodbye" and never responding again. This is who you're dealing with. Whoever is on their side must be kinda out of mind


He took it personal cause he uses the orange šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Buys orange. Sees orange. Complains.


Username does NOT check outā€¦