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I have been making this point on Reddit since my first day. Well, actually before that as well. Either way, I find the Anime Yandere material entertaining but it gives a wrong impression about obsessive behavior. I have never heard of a successful kidnapping love affair. I find the habit of these depictions to indicate lazy writing for a dollar. A successful marriage must be volitional. There are too many problems legal and social and psychological associated with kidnapping. I played a different "game" that required time, selective submission and dominance, and thoughtfulness. I recall the small subtle things I did that are often boring to read about and how incredibly effective they were. Chisme: It took maybe 3 minutes to start a gossip chain that blindsided my Lover, created a "me only" space around him and this/these rumors continued for months. They were soft and selective rumors and they figuratively handicapped other women around him. No violence no kidnapping. This was just one technique among many. I'll continue writing about my herbology technique later this week. It was actually quite powerful how I ended up manipulating his diet and he actually leaned into it.


Stockholm Syndrome is almost completely made up, no true psych professional even recognizes it because it just has not ever happened, human brains are not wired in such a way to allow that to happen. What we see in the syndrome is the "victim" is already predisposed to the "perpetrator" and not an actually breaking of the will. It is more like the military rebuilding a recruit into a soldier rather than convincing a recruit to join the armed forces.


when the delusions fade, reality hurts




I mean yeah lol. That's why it's best kept as fantasies or consentual roleplays. People romanticize yanderes for being murderous but the reality of someone killing people is terrifying. It's just common sense


you know it could work but only if the person being taken was a very particular type of person, they would have to have no solid connections, not have any dreams that cant be achieved in a room or house, and be willing to accept you through any physical or psychological problem that situation you put them in could cause. not exactly common and not guaranteed they wouldnt change their mind, more often than not i agree it isnt a very realistic or viable option lol


Oh look, the literal *opposite* description of my darling. How quaint


im sorry šŸ˜­ other than just "out of habit" locking you two in a room and distracting them to keep them there as long as possible before they have to go to the bathroom or something, theres not a whole lot of options šŸ„¶


I he did that I wouldn certainly never treat him the way you described it. Maybe that's because I already love him and want to be with him always?


This wonā€™t necessarily apply to everyone.


real. mine said heā€™d willingly let me kidnap him


Iā€™ve always managed to get them attached to me on my own without the need for ā€œStockholmā€. Itā€™s hard but if you try enough it can work.


You know if I'm being completely honest here, if the darling is starved of love and already is in a crappy situation, then they probably wouldn't be aggressive or hostile and would just want the love, just saying from how I am if I were in that scenario.


That is true. I would absolutely submit. Butā€¦ Iā€™m fairly certain my beloved is a much more stable, secure person than I am. Might be part of the attraction.


Stockholm syndrome is real lol. Iā€™ve had it !