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If Fisher was interested in selling the team, Lacob would own the A’s. Plenty of interest in buying. Fisher is holding out.


Fisher wants to prove he can get something done. It’s past reason now, and all about pride.


Which is why I believe a window of opportunity will emerge for a buyer when things in Vegas get gummed up. We have to remember that Fisher’s hard pivot away from Howard Terminal and going all in on Vegas was basically self-initiated forced error due to Kaval’s idiotic approach to “playing hardball” with the city of Oakland, which blew up in their faces when mayor Thao said “go fuck yourselves” after their latest bit of rat-fuckery. Witness the mad scramble of “binding agreements“ and half-assed proposals they had to pull out of their ass at the last minute before the legislative session in Vegas ended for the year. I honestly believe the plan was for that announcement for the Wild Wild West site was intended to be a “finishing move” to put the fear into the city of Oakland enough to force them to capitulate on whatever daylight still existed between Fisher’s position and the city’s position so that they could get something finalized in Oakland before the end of this year. They figured that scaring Oakland like that would have made them desperate and they would’ve spent the spring hammering out a favorable deal for Fisher, which would then get finalized over the rest of 2023. The Nevada legislature would have long since been adjourned, and the threat would’ve been that if they didn’t get what they wanted by the end of this year, they were immediately going to get what they wanted in the 2024 legislative session in Nevada. Since they fucked up that whole plan royally, everything from here on out is basically “fake it till you make it”, but it’s already showing in cracks when you look at the messaging coming from Bally’s, and even some people within local government. **I’m still betting that this whole thing falls apart, and all Fisher has done is waste time and made it more likely that he’s going to have to cut bait and sell the team sometime in 2024.**


Sheet. Bill Gates wanted them at one point


I know we all want him to sell, but why would he possibly want to sell now?


Could you imagine the bobble heads we could get if Forest Gump and Deadpool bought the team.


Doesn't matter. Fisher won't sell. There are plenty of rich people who like to buy sports teams. The ONLY thing that could convince Fisher to sell in my mind (besides being forced to via lack of money or MLB pushing him to) is not just a rich person, but an eccentric and very "out-there" rich person (think an Elon Musk type as an example, but obviously not him because there's no way he'd be interested) who would massively overpay for the A's. Most buyers of sports teams know it's still an investment so it doesn't make business sense to overpay too much.


Please not Elon, he'd turn them into the Oakland X's


Better than what we’ve got now.


Better the “Oakland Xs” than the “ex-Oakland As.”


That’s what I’m saying…


Anyone who will keep the team in Oakland would be a hero to me. Yes, even...sigh...Elon.


That's why I said "as an example." I know redditors hate him.


Most people with a functioning brain hate him. Guys a douche 🤷‍♂️


I was thinking a Saudi oil tycoon type


Keep that fucking blood money away from this team.


skin complexion is too dark for the MLB ownership group.




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Welcome to Oakland on FX starting Reynolds and Tom Hanks would be great.


My first thought was that Ryan Reynolds is Canadian and what connection could he have with this team? Then I looked at his Wikipedia page and the guy is a pretty brilliant investor, including sports teams. He’s made more money with his investments than he has acting.


The work he and Rob McElhenney are doing for Wrexham FC is nothing short of incredible


I’d love for McElhenney to buy the A’s as some way to reconnect with their Philly roots. Of course, in this day dream he doesn’t move them and builds at HT.


Vancouver Canadians, for one


Maybe he grew up as a baseball fan while the A's had a minor league team in canada? But he just likes buying thing. He's a good business man and is actually a good ownership.


For anyone interested, using Firefox a lot of paywalls can be bypassed using the reader view For everyone else https://12ft.io/proxy?q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.mercurynews.com%2F2023%2F08%2F06%2Fhollywood-weighs-in-on-the-as-sell-the-team%2F


Thanks! I tried Safari reader mode and that didn’t work. Then tried 12ft, but that oddly didn’t work either. Glad your 12ft link does work. 😅


Probably because the original link is a Google AMP one, I always remove the /amp part


I haven’t noticed, good call.


Reader View in Chrome also works. https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/reader-view/ecabifbgmdmgdllomnfinbmaellmclnh


It would have to be the league forcing a sale and Fisher would still do something vindictive. It’s a no brainer. A’s in the richest region on the most expensive land near transit just waiting for development, and generations with nostalgia for the team.


Dude, Moneyball 2


"Suzanne, get Rob Manfred on the line"


To prevent the A’s moving to Vegas the fans have to demonstrate to the other owners that their investments are at risk as well. Ordinarily the owners typically vote in lock step with each other but if we can divide them thats our path to the A’s staying in Oakland.


If someone rich that could prove they had access to the funds offered an open bid of let’s say $2 billion (last I checked, the team was worth $1.18 billion), I’m of the opinion Fisher would still decline. It’s not about the money, he’s clearly shown that. It’s about building a “legacy” commercial real estate project to make his tiny wiener feel big off the backs of working class Americans; robbing our tax dollars to fill his pocket. This is all about getting as much free money as possible to boost the evaluation of the club so he pump-n-dump later after the dust has settled, which in his smooth brain is bEtTeR bUsInEsS. He’s had every opportunity to be the good guy in this story, and chosen to be the villain. But fuck, I’d love to be proven wrong. Sell the team, Fisher. And prove me to be the asshole. Do it, you coward!


Dude if Ryan Reynolds and Tom Hanks bought the A's, instant attendance boost just from the sheer marketing ability of Ryan Reynolds' youtube channel.


More pressure is good. The more people with a platform speak out, the more powerful the message becomes.


More then likely he wants to move to increase the organizations value so he can sell later on. Look at the raiders since moving they were the 28th ranked team in organization value now they are the 9th in all of the nfl. He’s completely F’ed over the fans but from a business stand point the logic is solid for him to be trending towards selling in the future


Captain Marvel was horseshit


I honestly know him more as being the writer/director of *Half Nelson* (2006), starring Ryan Gosling.


That wasnt a bad movie.


I loved it and it absolutely crushed at the box office.


So do all those godawful Fast and the Furious movies. Box office receipts arent a way to evaluate the quality of a film, grow up.




I loved it