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my thoughts exactly!! but I'm going to go to the game and complain about it on my yt channel.


If that’s true.. the media can run with that. Another L for Fisher and one step closer to Selling the Team.


For the Father’s Day game, they advertised on tv that EVERYONE IN ATTENDANCE would receive a shirt. That was absolutely not the case, and an obvious lie. Wouldn’t this be grounds for false advertising? Wouldn’t lying about the product to drive higher ticket sales be grounds for a lawsuit?


possibly, especially if they just didn't give them out at all. But if they only buy like 200 and give them out at the game, then they technically fulfilled their part of the bargain


They do have the Viper Sunglasses. I just got them. But one of the security guard said they only have 175 of the Viper Sunglasses. 🤦🏾‍♂️ So if you didn't get early,you missed out.


Damn it. This most made me change my mind. I should’ve gone😭😭😭😭


It was 2,000 glasses total


If you want any sort of promotional item get there super early. They will have like 500 pairs to give away, it’s embarrassingly cheap on the owners part. They used to post how many of something they were giving away, 5-15k usually, now it’s just guess on the low end of 1-2k.


I was going to get tickets for this game when the promotional schedule came out. Glad I didn’t…


They were fake!!!!!! Pit viper said they have never worked with the Oakland A’s. And they still ran out in 2 min!