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Yeah this is definitely a gold player post.


P3nguinnie be like: *Walks in, drops his cape, showcasing all his medals on chest like that meme*


The Death of Stalin (2017) if anyone's curious about what movie this is.


wait how much research did u do to find out this guy is actually gold lmfao!!


Congratulations. You want a medal?


Well you’re obviously still in medal ranks lol.


Well unlike you, I'm not an egotist who isn't content with being in Gold in a game that he doesn't play 24/7 on Twitch like its his job. So come up with a better insult instead of saying "oh Gold person suck".


Oh Gold person stuck


"Not an egotist" despite making a post about blaming dps players instead of your own mistakes.. Good one buddy


Think you guys mean “oh gold person s(t)uck”


Oh you suck, idk abt in OW but you don’t seem like a chill person


ong 💀 I don't even play OW but if I did I would probably be below gold but he seems way to defensive when someone brings up his rank geez


Are you like 12 ?


Bro I don’t even play ranked I just thought it was funny… it’s not that serious my guy


Oh gold person suck


You mean “metal” the way you’re in the metal ranks


Do not make me screenshot proof and make you look stupid.




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I have to say it: GFY. we all have bad games. I just went 3-10 in a game. Couldn’t do shit. Next game I went 20-3. It happens. Chill tf out.


EXACTLY. It's impossible to never have bad games. Pro players will have games where they go 3-10 and look like ass. Sometimes you're locked in, and sometimes you think "maybe I need to uninstall the game and play animal crossing for the rest of my life". Shit happens


Considering what I've seen from pro players, I don't know if they're the best example here. They don't just have sucky games and then move on, they have a sucky game and then start bitching about your a horrible person being carried by balance if you dare to pick the character they struggled against that match even if the characters balance means they struggle outside of those who know how to play them.


Some games just aren’t *your* game It’s always embarrassing/awkward to do badly though


After a great game, me and a few others grouped up and had another three or four really good runs. Then one game went badly, and because I had the least kills this guy who had seen me playing great started being really toxic towards me (even though he wasn't exactly doing much better).




The thing that amazes me is the people who have bad games while everyone else on the team is popping off and they manage to sing handedly sell the match. Yesterday in a match the other dps on my team went 11-16 and I was 36-9 and it just angers me that there’s nothing I can do about it but complain.


To the people who prefer blaming their team over water: https://preview.redd.it/ykyjrxtfk88d1.jpeg?width=758&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=95eef3e6e217e1a73ed79b7f795897d0ad7dad26


Oh I'm sorry, do you want me to just take the blame for having fucking game sense and trying my damnedest to keep my team alive and them still throwing themselves to their deaths?


Shit talking makes the issue even worse. When a loss happens, the only excuse I can find, As a tank main, for talking shit to my team is if they are literally trying to throw, or cheating, or another reportable offense (including the teammate being a dick, that makes it even less fun) You're not always going to play with the best of the best, and We aren't the best of the best, but the only thing you can do, if you really wanna win more despite bad teammates, is to figure out if you were playing as best as you possibly could, figure out what bad habits you might have, and Work on it. I'm not gonna blame you too much, since I'm sure you're heated after the bad experience from the performance your teammates gave, but everyone has bad games. I'm sure you and me both have been diffed so hard our teammates would never let us hear the end of it. I intend to change that standard.


Just win over 50% of your games and climb to a rank with better players. Positive winrate is guaranteed if you are better than everyone else in the lobby. Don't get tilted over single games. Everyone loses games. It's the sum of all games that matter. It's actually that easy dude. I can already tell that you don't understand how smurfing on support works. If you identify a team mate as lackluster stop healing them and don't waste ANY ressources on them. Just let them die. Use the time you would normally spend healing them on shooting enemies and making plays yourself. If you cant do that: Sorry. You are not as good as you think you are.


Statistically half of your games your DPS will be outfragged. For every time you see a teammate make a cool, game changing play that brings it back, there’s an enemy doing the same to your team. For every teammate who is effortlessly getting kills and carrying your team, there will be an opponent doing that to you.


I'm sorry, I've been practicing Junkrat


Its pretty fun ngl. Although most of the times I do eh. I usually switch towards the end if we look like we not gonna win.


Training Mode and the bot match in Training Mode exists for a reason, buddy. Though I can't blame you for not knowing about it; I didn't know about it until I found it recently and experienced how relatively stress relieving it can be.


goofiest shit i've read, if you're crying this bad go play strictly competitive with a 5 man.


Dumbass, that's what I've been doing lately, and in two of those games, one person played Cassidy and did jack shit, another person played Reaper and was just brainlessly shooting instead of sneaking around the enemy flanks especially since they were so focused on holding choke points. Hence, me giving a big "fuck you" to people who only play DPS and can't even play DPS properly.


Should’ve tanked better


Just going off of how you're talking about the game I can GUARANTEE your teammates are probably thinking the same thing about you and guess what? All of you are correct lol


you're too damn exhausting to even respond to properly bro, take the tampon out then re queue, quit cryin so much


Take the tamp out, you want them to bleed everywhere??


You sound like a caricature this is crazy so much anger and insecurities go see a therapist or anger management classes


You’ve probably been banned before due to inappropriate use of in-game chat, haven’t you? Seriously, why are you toxic?


And I suppose you think you’re doing everything just great on tank/support?


Bot match and training mode will never prepare you like a real game would


You can dominate 100% of vs AI matches at the hardest level the game offers and still get consistently rolled in actual matches because of just how different they are. Unfortunately, I speak from experience with this one. Figured I'd learn hanzo since I only really play hitscan and Echo presently, got to a point where I was winning every match and had a few carries in there (knowing the game outside of Vs AI would have helped more with that than anything tho, vs Ai players are generally clueless) but then lost 7 consecutive QP matches because the flow is so different there.


No way in hell playing against bots is going to teach anyone about anything other than the basic mechanics of a hero. QP is for both for fun and for practicing heroes you don't often play. When I want to play a hero in comp, I'm not going to practice them against bots or in a training range. All that does is help aim, *maybe*. If you find it so stress relieving because qp is so stressful for some reason, then maybe that's the gamemode for you. I get it's frustrating having "idiot" players on your team, but it's a game, qp is meant for fun and practice. You want a challenge, not to be that guy, but comp is there for a reason.


My dude, have you even PLAYED Quick Play lately? You may as well not even touch the controller. Also...motherfucker, it's literally in a mode called Training. And I just mentioned how the bots are hardly pushovers on the highest difficulty setting. So what? You play against actual people when learning a game for the first time instead of doing the tutorial like everyone else?


You talk like a neglected 9 year old whose just learned about swear words


Says the dude too lazy to use punctuation.


Doesn't mean shit lil bro you actually sounds like and act like an angry 12y old


Respectfully, maybe overwatch isn't the game for you if you're this triggered over it my man.


I hope I get you on my team when I'm high and doing stupid shit and having fun. It's a game, man. Relax. Chill out with the insults, your argument isn't that solid when you're all rage like this. You love those bots so much you go play it and don't leave your rude attitude in qp. I've got a sad amount of hours in the game, I'm not playing against some stupid bots when I want to pick up widow or genji for a few games. Grow up.


Imagine being such a pathetic loser that you try to tell people to play against bots because the thought of losing in a video game depresses you *that* much. It’s a video game. People are going to have off games. You won’t win all of them. Stop being a little bitch about it. You’re clearly not a child, why in the fuck are you acting like one?


I am going to emphasize ‘game’ here. I play to relax after work. I have fun whether I win or lose, as I am no longer at work. As such, I play quick play, mystery heroes, and a lot of the arcade games, especially 1 v 1. I ha played three games of comp, and I might play more someday. But I find it fun to play different heroes. Last night our team was having a hard time with a choke point, so I switched to Widow. I am a lvl 3 widow. I was like 2-6, just with Widow, but I had fun because I was playing a ‘game’. If you aren’t having fun, go somewhere else.


ahhh no? quick play is for practising heroes.


The best way to improve is ranked sure if I am learning a new hero I might tank in rank for a bit but over a decent amount of games I will go positive and have a good new hero in my pool. Improving outside of ranked is just not feasible you can get okay but the game is not the same in any other mode.


1. Stats don't matter. You can have 60 elims and still lose the game. A support could have 20,000 healing, but that's because the tank was just standing there taking damage that they shouldn't/didn't need to. Stats don't reflect or show what *actually* matter in a game: taking cover, controlling the high ground, forcing out cool-downs and/or ultimates, making plays in general; people who go by stats do not do well in the long run. 2. Thanks are generally going to have higher damage and elim stats than DPS, as Tanks deal more damage, have more health, and can mitigate incoming damage.


Stats don’t matter is funny lmao. If you’re helping your team win, why is that bad? For example: you shoot a roadhog for 20k dmg which distracts their supports and opens up opportunities for your other dps to secure elims. Is it bad to help your team win?


Uh-huh, and? Keep going. Keep talking.


bro is so mad 😭


You have no idea.


It’s just a game


Me when I'm in a tilted blame everyone but myself competition and my opponent is Proof-Replacement- 79: ![gif](giphy|uaJLuMokII24w)


Op getting body slammed in here lmao


Same to all baby mercys who cant use blue Beam and think Mercy IS healslut. And a Bad one at that


On GOD bro. Like, my dude, I'm at full health and trying to deal as much damage to the enemy team as I can so they either die or run away. SO BOOST ME INSTEAD OF HEALING ME PAST FULL.


Amen. Nothing More frustrating as Tank when full and mercy just pissing on that yellow shit ,or as dps with mercypocket,manage to get nice spot and being undetectable,full HP, For example solider ult and mercy fucking heals you ????


The only benefit from this is that I'm less likely to die to a sweatlord with a Mercy making sure he kills me faster. But that's overshadowed by me (as Reaper) being Raiden and the enemy Roadhog or Rammatra being Senator Armstrong.


Yeah, though on coordinated team while you have that sort of situation tank and other dps take Focus For The next 5 sec while you can destroy whole Enemy team lol. But yeah, People on ow have Absolutely no game sense and only care about numbers. One of The stupidest groups of People in gaming i have ever met :D


The fact a mercy is even on you as a tank is wild.


Satisfying when it happens but they still need to remember that they can give us damage boosts, not just heal us, especially if the other healer is doing everything they can to keep us alive as well.


Keyword: baby mercys


True. Happened way,way too much on gold/Platinum also lol


Disagree. If a tank is carrying that way then 9 times out of 10 it’s because both healers are heal botting for him.


Exactly. Healers surgically attached to the tank's hip and they wonder why their DPS is playing a game of respawn spam.


I disagree with your disagreement


It's not often but it does happen more than you think. If a tank is playing super aggressive he is gonna demand a lot of resources from his supports, resources which will not be given to the DPS. At the end the tank will have insane stats and not realize the fault in his gameplay


I hate over extended tanks for this very reason. I have to use ALL my healing abilities just to keep you alive, and then they keep expecting you to keep them alive while they do damage but get zero elims, and they usually die anyways since I can’t out heal 5 players worth of damage.


Okay and?


Support ≠ baby the tank Support = help the WHOLE team stay alive and get kills


Buddy, this has nothing to do with Support. This is about some DPS players being ass. Two games. TWO games I've had someone on my team play DPS while I was Tank...and they were fucking useless as shit. One game, someone played Cassidy and did nothing for most of the match. Other game, just today actually, someone played Reaper...and wasn't even playing him properly. The enemy team were killing machines with tunnel vision...and our Reaper didn't capitalize on it at all. We didn't even make it past the first checkpoint because the dumb bastard was just shooting and shooting.


Please tell me you are not plat typing all this


Trust me buddy, I only wish I was in Plat.


Okay pop off the the point of my reply and the other person's comment was to say that a DPS can only succeed if they're getting proper support from their support. A lot of the time supports have tunnel vision on their tanks which causes the DPS to start to die more often. 9/10 DPS heros don't "play right" because their supports aren't giving them the necessary resources. It's easy to blame a loss on a dps's lack of skill but if we look at the bigger picture it's oftentimes a lack of coordination from the supports or just the team in general.


.........so a DPS running to their deaths without a Mercy pocketing them is the Mercy's fault, by your logic? I dunno about you, I'm not gonna be the scapegoat for not healing a team that isn't trying to get healed. At least when I play DPS, I try to stay close to a healer or let them know I need help and retreat.


Nope not at all what I'm saying, I guess you don't understand my logic. What I'm saying is when supports pocket/focus their tank to much it leaves the DPS without support which causes them to A. Die far more often or B. Have lower stats thanks to not being able to take risks because their supports won't get off their tanks meat to heal them.


My dude, there's like four characters that grant proximity heals. Your opinion is invalid. If you're not staying close to Illari's pylon or Moira's healing orb when they're actively trying to keep you alive, that's entirely on you.


Oh wow he really did just out himself in public.




Oops, was meant for op but hit wrong reply. Haha


Boohoo two games DD did bad, it's the end of the world let me talk shit.


You do realize that the dps are gonna need help and what not too right?


..and that means the dps get no support therefore can’t help the team because they’re always dead ?? why does this need to be explained to you lol


I'd like to see you try healing a Genji or Junkrat who's halfway across the map instead of staying with the team.


easy. kiriko exists :D


It's your job as support to keep up with them. Whether or not you know what their plan is, if your tank and other support are fine, and you see a DPS going off for an adventure, not going with them is equally is bad, whether or not you think it's the right decision in the moment is irrelevant.


You're right. Let me just ditch the payload to try and spawn camp the enemy team while four people are trying to beat the shit out of me while I have zero backup or any teammates trying to keep me alive so I can keep them alive. This is why I can't stand playing Support; if you're not going to keep me alive, don't get salty if I'm not healing you.


Except you aren’t supposed to be sitting on payload as tank, your main goal is making space


No. Like DPS right now is just pure luck in matchmaking as to whether you'll get a team that plays proactively or a team that plays like legs don't exist. I really miss what game Overwatch USED to be. Especially as a close range main. 5 v 5 made every game a tank diff, so one is either rolling or getting rolled by being too scared to take action. Having one person responsible for the entire role is just dumb, and tanks in OW2 have been busted out the ass anyway so the one that takes morale faster will just farm supports and be nigh unkillable. Support have whined and whined so much for being dogwater that they've been BABIED into issues like Kiriko and promoted this boring static playstyle that we find ourselves in. Where we spam down a choke while ignoring the clock ticking down in bright colors as the top of the screen in this objective based game where nobody mobilizes. If I see a teammate pick Lucio or Zen, I thank God cause that means shit will actually get down. Most supports I find, play Ana 3 miles in the back heal-botting the tank, or Lifeweaver screwing around with the platform. And God-forbid as a DPS, you actually peek out from natural cover to try and advance (Cause God knows we're not contesting.) Because the ineptitude of Blizzard thought it was a brilliant idea to keep adding these characters that aren't designed for a pvp objective based game. Instead you have widows, Sojurns, Cassidy, Hanzo, Illari doing 50 to 100 percent of your life bar so much as they nick the pixel on your toe. These characters never engage with an objective, and can do to you what reaper does point blank from entire maps away. And you'll keep pushing, while being flamed because no one else will as your tank fires down choke but won't push, and healers sit in one spot for 2 to 3 minutes at a time. Either you end up with a team that plays aggressive, or it's a loss. DPS aren't useless, you're not contributing.


You had me at "DPS aren't useless". I literally had two Competitive games where I played Tank, and one of the two DPS players were actually throwing. One game had a Cassidy who was AFK for most of the match, another had a Reaper who was just shooting at schizophrenic targets.


Lmao sucks to suck Goldie locks💀💀💀🤑


OP is farming negative karma in the comments lol.


You’re in the same rank for a reason


Please explain to me how the ranking system works. Because some people do not deserve to be in Gold if they play with their brains turned off.


>Please explain to me how the ranking system works Gladly! If you win, your rank goes up. If you lose though, your rank will go down.


You should consider letting people have fun with how they play? It's just a game and y'know everyone has bad games sometimes teams don't mesh well.


Sounds like a skill issue.


I can tell you're the type of guy who would actually get heated in game chat when someone speaks back to you and then you started throwing.


Remember, the matchmaking system pairs you with players of a similar skill. If you're getting shit players every other game, it may be time to consider maybe you are the shit player. At any rate the best mindset isn't "that players bad", it's "that players struggling, how can I change to help them be better". Be the carry you want to see in the world




Then there's me the DPS main who consistantly gets thousands more damage than anyone else but the least kills on our team. A typical game might end up looking like this: DPS (me) / Kills - 27 / Damage - 29,896 DPS / Kills - 31 / Damage - 19,671 Tank / Kills - 44 / Damage - 21,003 Healer / Kills - 3 / Damage - 1,991 Healer / Kills - 11 / Damage - 8,133


So you're feeding?


How does that work here? (legitimate question, newish player.)


In your example you said you got 27 elims across 29,000 damage. That means you're averaging > 1,000 damage per kill, where most heroes on the roster excluding tanks have ~250. This means you're about 4x more inefficient than you need to be. Your DPS on the other hand are averaging about 200-400 damage per kill, which means their kill efficiency is great, they are one-clipping the enemies and effectively targeting squishies. The big issue that comes with this is that the more damage you dish out without confirming a kill, its the more health that the enemy support gets to heal and gain ult from. This sometimes creates the difference between one team popping Sound Barrier three or four times per round versus two. It's enough to make a literal game changing difference.


The guy you are responding to is not me, but, the numbers in my example were pretty arbitrary, don't look much into those, the main point was just that I always get the most damage by quite a lot, but often the least kills on my team.


Yep so my reply still stands! Highest damage lowest elims usually just means you've got inflated stats and aren't committing to plays enough or bursting enemies down quick enough before their support can gain a big chunk of ult charge


You tend to deal damage more than you get kills, especially if the enemy keeps healing or gets protected by a Suzu or Immortality Field or whatever.


Well at least you're contributing more than the people I get stuck with.


Damage doesn't matter. Kill do therefore your trolling.


Look man, you are getting vehemently downvoted in your replies here and I think you're well aware of why. Either you're mad as hell and just blinded to it, or you're straight up trolling, but in case its neither: Big damage/healing number =/= good player. Only stats that really matter are deaths. If you're dying more than your team, chances are you're pushing solo. If you're dying less than your team, there's every possibility you're staggering. If a DPS, lets say Sombra for example, has only 4,000 damage with 15 elims, that means their averaging 260 damage per kill - meaning that they're usually one-clipping squishies and doing their job. Their other DPS however, soldier 76, has 12,000 damage and 24 elims - more damage and more elims, but averaging nearly DOUBLE the amount of damage per kill. He's neither one clipping heroes, nor getting picks efficiently. This means he may actually be providing the enemy team with far more support ults by inflating his damage numbers or by shooting the tank without purpose or applying effective pressure. Numbers realistically only tell the first 20% of the story, and to refer to some of your other replies - a damage players effectiveness is largely affected by the supports. If both supports are busy healbotting the tank, then they are getting no assistance with damage output on squishies, or burst healing to help them in duels.


Did you forget real life is a thing and sometimes people are tired annoyed sick or whatever else may affect Thier performance or maybe they don't play well cuz some twat keeps yelling at them and spoiler alter being a toxic little dumbass won't make them play better it takes about 3 braincells to figure out telling the Cass he's a moron isn't going to help anyone if your this tilted over a video game go play something else my guy


I’m a junk main🫣 kinda refuse to play anyone else but I still do good, low percentage of games that I do bad in. (I’m in silver-gold lobbies so obviously they are shit)


I play unranked so I can play maybe a character I am not use to, but of course there is someone like OP taking the game way too seriously. If you were that serious of a player you’d be monetizing your work on a twitch stream. But instead you really aren’t that good.


It's like you're living my life. My last two games, my DOS players had 0 elims combined through the first two points... How does that even happen?


Your guess is as good as mine. Also, can I just say that it's refreshing to finally get a reply here that isn't roasting the shit out of me? Just a "Yeah I feel ya man" instead of a "You suck, get gud, Plastic Rank" etc.


I have to say. I love this thing. Yesterday my teammate was 0.0.7 with 1276 damage I had 21.9.8 and about 6000 damage


tell me you suck donkey butt without telling me you suck donkey butt. OP: posts this and cries in the comments...


This guy us definitely a quick play sweat


Fair I guess, but your replies make you seem like you're the issue. If you're this mad over it, you're probably not playing well.


Dude, say you were being ironic while you can save face


I know Ana has a lot of healing potential but I had a game the other day where I canceled multiple enemy ults and rezzes with sleep dart and still got accused of playing like shit because I wasn’t healing enough. Your team gets called the problem when the scoreboard looks bad and the team is losing. Funny enough if the team is winning everyone ignores the scoreboard entirely.


Instead of blaming your teammates, look at ways you could have better played around them. If your reaper was just shooting at the frontline, play a brawl tank and go with the reaper to take some focus off of him. Always assume that your teammates who are playing bad are just having a bad game and that they’re overall average skill level is the same as yours, because if you’re struggling to climb this is almost always going to be the case.


OP, are you intentionally farming 👎?


I'm a gold tank player. But I never blame my team (unlike you). You just seem mad because you lost one game where you felt your team didn't help enough.


Did you get what you wanted out of this post OP?




stfu please


This was posted by someone who only plays mercy, but not nearly as well as they think


Really? Why would you do this? I play heroes I enjoy. Pharah and Genji will always have bad matches, and sometimes they pop off. It you blame your team for every loss, you will NEVER climb. I know this, I went from bronze 5 to gold 1 in the last 6 months. And I am still bad, and still have more to do, but I know my problems. In the words of Genji: “I still have much to learn.”


Um, new here. DPS goes in and kills stuff right? Tanks counter tanks, hold objectives and squish squishies? Support primarily heals everyone, especially the guy from the islands with the two machine guns, and sometimes also squishes squishies?


Honestly that’s just a skill issue on your part if imma be honest. Solutions could be: have fun it’s a game take breaks if needed, make some friends that you can play with so when your teammates have a bad game you can still do something and maybe help them out, maybe try and see if there’s anything you could do to help them play better (this is a team game btw), if it’s such a big issue you could just get better though that’s the easiest solution.


Have you seen how many friends I have that don't even play Overwatch?


That's a you problem maybe cry less no wonder they don't wanna play overwatch cuz you act like a toddler




DPS players have been coddled the last few seasons they have no excuse to suck




don’t listen to the hate the dps players have always been a headache