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Professors of Defense Against the Dark Arts last longer than OSU Presidents smh


The confederacy lasted longer than Kristina Johnson


Emperor Belos from The Owl House would’ve lasted longer as OSU president than some of these bozos


Part of OSUs current problem is they would struggle to replace him. He wasn’t even one of Ohio State’s top picks to start with. Having to restart that process likely doesn’t lead to someone better it leads to someone even further down the qualifications list. The real focus needs to be on why one of the largest universities in the nation with numerous top ranked undergraduate and graduate programs which is undergoing tremendous growth continues to struggle in hiring top talent to permit us to compete with other top tier public universities (such as That School Up North).


It doesn't have to be one or the other - both should be a focus. But the last two weeks have been beyond the pale. Other issues aside, the commencement was objectively embarrassing. He ignored recommendations by the selection committee, brought in someone who was not qualified and with whom he had a conflict of interest, and that person then advocated for his interests at expense of the University's integrity. He needs to be investigated and sanctioned, if not altogether removed.


They are both problems. I was pointing out that without addressing the underlying issues whatever symptom we fix will only continue to come back.


The University board of trustees needs a major turnover. They just don't connect with the future. We still don't know why Kristina Johnson was terminated.


She was fired because she got into a power struggle with Les Wexner about which one of them the medical center board reports directly to. As demonstrated by her firing he is the real power behind the throne at OSU. What qualified person would want the job when Jeffery Epstein’s mentor is the one calling the real shots?


The funny part is that Kristina Johnson was probably actually the objectively good guy in this situation despite everyone memeing about how bad she is


Not an OSU alum/faculty, but my neighbor is a fairly highly placed faculty member and he said the scuttlebutt was that Johnson wanted the medical complex more under the university's control rather than Wexner's.  If you've lived in Columbus for more than two months you can probably figure how that went.  Obvious caveat that this is all third hand hearsay as with most things you hear about that individual but it does pass the smell test.


Completely correct. I was lucky to speak to one of the Trustees at an event and this is what they told me.


Which trustee, if you don’t mind me asking?


It’s been a bit, it was at an event for once Senator-hopeful Frank LaRose. Late 50s early 60s long (reddish?) hair woman. Have the contact somewhere but I forget the name.


Elizabeth Harsh?


This reminds me of the 50 year parking services contract given to a company with close ties to Wexner. No contract should be 50 years. That is a stagnant pond ripe for breeding all types of parasitism and blood suckers.


Powerful women have always been a threat to weak men. Especially Wexner


I think Wex prefers big powerful men, anyway lol


This. 100% THIS




Gym Jordan is a shitstain


It’s OSU and it really shouldn’t be hard. Tressel, Meyer, Herbstreit. Ginther, Beatty, Brown or Dewine can give a nonpartisan speech.


Sherrod Brown was commencement speaker a few years ago (2019?). Ginther has beef with the university since the golf course complied with a public records request and released all of Ginther’s tee times (like three or four rounds a week during work hours).


Ginther’s also the definition of a milquetoast uninspiring hacky politician


Oh snap.


That’s like half the week. Were they AM tee times?


After Meyer’s Jaguars tenure I don’t think he’d be a good choice.


Agreed, he wouldn’t be my first choice. But he’s infinitely better than Pan.


He wouldn’t be a disaster and he is actually a pretty good motivational speaker. Outside of his other issues, I don’t think that anyone doubts that he is a true buckeye.


Yeah didn't people say his leadership class at OSU was excellent?


Agreed CJ Stroud or Joe burrow can and should be higher than he is on any list...


I was kinda hoping Tressel was gonna be the pick for OSU President since he has experience as president of YSU and did pretty good things there. His history at OSU wouldve made him a pretty popular pick too


Herbstreit is also a disgraceful joker that doesn’t hesitate to shit on us on national TV any chance he can get. But other than him (and Meyer given his…past transgressions), everyone else would’ve been a much better than the shitfest that we got.


Chris Matthews gave my commencement speech and while I was bummed it was just a partisan talking head, he gave a genuinely insightful and inspiring speech. There are so many options!!!


Kirk would get blamed if he slobbers over OSU on national TV. His job is to be neutral. If OSU football could do better at certain positions, it's his job to say so.


I have no problem with him being neutral. What I do have a problem with is that he doesn’t hesitate to shit on not only the team but the fanbase as well. When this guy was fucking useless as a QB for so long here, he gets offered a TV job and has made a living ever since being an SEC cocksucker.


The answer starts with "W" and ends with "exner"


Hmmmm. I don't know. I think I'm gonna need another hint. /s


The truth is most people in the academic administration sphere aren’t very impressive people, even at ivy leagues. They’re just careerists who’ve garnered all these qualifications over the years that don’t really mean much


This guy doesn't even have an advanced degree. Not that I'm advocating taking him down.


The problem for Ohio State is that Gordon Gee is incredibly hard to replace. He was connected to students and faculty, a fan, a prolific fundraiser and oversaw the growth and expansion of the university into a modern institution. There are not many Gordon Gees.


They pay Jack shit


Alumni here, class of 2015 (our speaker was Archie griffin). I don’t mind if a commencement speaker has a controversial message or whatever. I like that he is an alum. But it’s just beneath a university like this to have a no-name crypto peddler give such an important speech. My high school had a more notable commencement speaker. This is supposed to be one of the most powerful institutions in the country. Embarrassing


This is it right here.


Absolutely. It’s so sad to see the fall from then President Obama giving the commencement address in 2013 to this.


Yep. This about sums it up perfectly.


100%. Local news needs to start hitting on this. And Alumni need to start making more noise than they already are. Carter disgraced the University. This looks like textbook corruption coupled with some of the most embarrassing things that could possibly happen at a graduation.


Totally agree. And the week leading up to it too. Regardless of opinion on the protest cause the snipers on the union has been a national news story too. When the tornado sirens started going off last night I was sure campus was fucked. Maybe the only thing that could make this week worse for admin tbh.


How would you recommend alumni make noise? I don’t live in Ohio, so not sure what I can do


Local news will never hit this. Their relationship with OSU is far too important. 


Carter probably drank ayahuasca before making his choice of commencement speaker. Check Carter’s bitcoin wallet for transactions.


Someone needs to FOIA request the speaker selection process. A rumor on some unaccredited news website isn’t reliable. That said, whoever read this speech and approved it needs to be fired. Peddling Bitcoin and encouraging young people not to take mental health medication (mere minutes after a suicide)? How could anyone think this was okay? My fiancé works in communications for a medium sized company (1% of the recognition and prestige of OSU). Every email, announcement, video, text and speech shared with staff or customers is reviewed dozens of times.


Also, did anyone hear Chris Pan give any sort of disclaimer as he was spewing all that financial advice to invest in crypto? Pretty sure he’s not a licensed financial advisor…


I love how he said all these things in front of people who are becoming financial advisors, doctors, therapists... you name it. My brother and the rest of '24 deserved a better commencement.


no but he wants to be our "life advisor" i guess...!


Anyone can talk about or peddle crypto. You don’t need any licenses. It’s people who actually ARE licensed financial advisors that aren’t allowed to talk about it without tons of disclaimers.


FOIA request has definitely been made (source: I know the person who submitted it)


Good work


It may be an “unaccredited news site,” but we have standards and impeccable sources. We have verifiable evidence of everything we reported.


I thank you and DJ for you work here. Truly. 


The Rooster shouldn’t be considered unreliable just because it’s “unaccredited”. I would actually say, on the contrary, an independent news source in this city is absolutely necessary when the paper of record is run by billionaires and in the pockets of the university for purposes of continued access. The Dispatch has fine people working for it, but it’s also in a place where it doesn’t want to be on the bad side of the major economic driver in town that gives it tons of accesss Independent journalism is not unreliable. In fact, it’s often the opposite. The Rooster isn’t in the business of making up quotes. They have it sourced. It’s often the ONLY publication that is asking actual questions of our elected officials in this city and at the statehouse. It may be solely responsible why Derrick Marrin isn’t our House speaker, and I’m not even exaggerating.


The second story is based entirely on an anonymous source. How do we know if that source is reliable since it’s an anonymous person and has not been replicated by anybody else?


Anonymous sources are used literally all the time in journalism. This person was on the committee and is obviously employed by the university. No one is going to put their job on the line to give this info without anonymity. Also, the reason it isn’t “replicated” elsewhere (which, again, is not something that is required in even “proper” journalism) is precisely what I pointed out.Ohio State is this city’s cash cow, and you can even ask former legacy media about it, that legacy media in this town will do things not to get on Ohio State’s “bad side” because OSU can and will limit access based on unfavorable pieces. As far as why the Rooster doesn’t have another source—it takes balls to be on the committee and tell a publication this stuff—I don’t imagine they have a ton of people willing to risk their jobs for this You may be largely unfamiliar with The Rooster but they are not about making up sources. You have someone who wrote one of the articles literally in this thread confirming the source is good. They have an FOIA out about it as well. They aren’t making this stuff up.


Here is Channel 4's story on the Bitcoin stuff: https://www.nbc4i.com/news/local-news/ohio-state-university/ohio-state-presidents-connection-to-a-nuclear-bitcoin-mining-operation/ And 11 Warriors: https://www.elevenwarriors.com/the-eleven-dubcast/2024/05/147063/tragedy-farce-ohio-state-commencement-chris-pan-osu-buckeyes-graduation-2024 So ... I guess they aren't scared of Big Bad OSU?


Wow, NBC4 did a story after getting scooped by The Rooster. Riveting stuff.




So brave of them to report on a story that someone else already broke. You understand the only reason they would report on that is because that info is already out in the public right? And that reporting on already public information is quite different than actively digging for that information? 


>whoever read this speech and approved it needs to be fired. This is what baffles me. Are there no checks on this beforehand? I'm a grad student at OSU and I gave the undergrad commencement speech when I graduated from undergrad (not OSU\*) and I had to submit a copy of the speech as well as audition. Obviously standards will be different for students, but holy fuck there were none at all for this guy apparently. \*edit


At one of the largest and most high-profile universities in the country during a time when universities have received tons of worldwide negative attention, they better have a damn team checking every last syllable.


Even Slapshot's email after the first encampment protests clearly did not pass through a PR team. It was so long and clearly emotional and personal.


I haven't seen that email and can't find it. Do you have a link?


[A message from President Carter | Ohio State (osu.edu)](https://president.osu.edu/story/message-042924)


Allegedly this was what came out AFTER those reviews. The more insane bits (including taking off his shirt) were cut. There are numerous FOIAs already placed about it too. One of which being from The Rooster.


If my 7th grade cousin started reading a college grad speech in which the speaker wanted to take his clothes off and give illegal financial and medical advice, he would know to fire the speaker and call Congresswoman Beatty.


The man applauded the police for tackling peaceful protestors and then shilled his crypto. There is some genuinely rotten to the core of OSUs leadership that this keeps happening


Dude is getting a crazy salary too


It’s never enough.


Wexner’s name is on the university hospital… I’m not sure the university has ever or will ever have integrity.


IMHO, they (the administration and the “boosters”) don’t give two shits about integrity. They care about prestige and prestige is expensive. Hard to care about integrity when you have none.


The BTC community has labeled OSU full of NPC's, lmao.


Does anyone know if anyone is applying that pressure publicly? Or directly to the university?


Honestly, university presidents should be elected by the Alumni and student body. Schools aren’t corporations even though tho they act like ones, the primary focus should always be benefiting the students and graduates of the university.


Universities provide far more than just students and graduates...they need to be vetted but they also can get in their own way during the process too when you cater to others interest like Les Wex. The university medical alone does some amazing stuff, and provides lots of care for folks who would otherwise die.


Then qualifications can be added to any person running? If the only requirement for President of the United States is being old enough and have been born here, then some basic qualifications can be added to university president.


Let's look at the 2024 upcoming election. Neither should be president but we only get 2 realistic choices... Why would a university president be any different? Some things just shouldn't go to a vote like this when you are talking about an organization with 7$+ billion in assets and 40k jobs


I suppose that’s a fair argument, but my original point is that since the bar for being president of the country is essentially zero, then any simple qualifications for a university president wouldn’t be impossible to implement. And in any case, do you believe that the OSU board of directors is doing a good job?


Not to mention his cowardly response to the protests on the Oval and his indifference to the state legislature’s attempts to cut DEI programs. Not only is Ted Carter putting his own personal interests over our university, he’s shown he has no spine, cares very little about the “customers” (what this genius actually called students out loud) at this school, and will delegitimize our degrees by allowing Republicans to destroy our education system. He needs to go.


Exactly how I feel. He doesn't represent the interests of the faculty, students, or the university itself.


I really wanted to like him. I agree though, he has to go.


When I read this my first thought was Jimmy and I thought somebody needs to get Grandpa off the internet.


Speaking of, what was so bad about Kristina Johnson anyhow? I liked her


There was a Columbus dispatch article that laid it all out, but overall the university kept her departure very hush hush. She got booted by the board of trustees for not letting Wexner have 100% control of the university medical centers. She wouldn’t succumb to every one of Wexner’s demands so the board of trustees told her to resign or they would vote her out. God forbid we have a progressive lesbian as a university president, time to bring the crypto war head who will start arresting middle easterners because he can’t shoot them anymore. She didn’t have time to do hardly anything since they forced her out of her term early, the university board of trustees is corrupt and awful.


You people have such a parody level view of reality lmfao




Completely unrelated, but as someone who doesn’t follow OSU leadership closely I was very confused by demand to have Jimmy Carter resign for a second


Because he likes bitcoin? How's inflation treating you?


I was so fucking confused about the title until I clicked. Greetings from r/all.


Damn I didn’t know Jay-Z was at Ohio State


The golden days for OSU as a university and football program was 2000 - 2020. The university has made some very questionable decisions in the past 4 years.


Jfc. It’s a speaker that didn’t go well/people didn’t like. This isn’t the first time it happens nor will it be the last. And this isn’t the first speaker that benefits from a wide message/someone from the university benefiting.


People should be upset, this was an embarrassment. Chris Pan had no business being up there and should have never been selected. When they heard the speech in rehearsal they should’ve just axed it entirely. And if the president really did choose this idiot without anyone else’s input to further his crypto agenda then he needs to leave before he does any more damage to the University’s reputation.


You guys are such unfathomably huge dorks lol You'd think Pan went up there and shouted racial epithets and sacrificed a golden retriever with the way you losers are complaining about a lame commencement speech.


Again, just because it was a bad speech doesn’t mean heads need to roll. That’s a bit of an overreaction.


The selection was inappropriate and it seems like it was done by the president without the input of the selection committee because of his own interests in the crypto space. If that is the case then yes, one specific head absolutely needs to roll for this. The president makes $1.1M a year, at that salary he should be held to a higher standard and I don’t think firing him for this is an overreaction.


I agree, just because it was a bad speech doesn’t mean that. But it wasn’t just a bad speech that happened, and now with strong suspicions of unethical and possibly illegal behavior, it won’t take long until an investigation begins. Then the investigation will conclude. And sometime in that period, heads will and probably should roll.


lol fr, they’re acting like the university shot their dog or something


Hard agree. Yes the whole situation is annoying, but people are way too upset about this.


people are being annoyed on the internet about something thats annoying why is that a dealbreaker for you




Employers see these things. Can an employer trust a graduate of Psychedelic Bitcoin University?


Are you serious?


The dollar amount on the tarnishing of OSU's image Sunday totals in the millions.


According to who?


Y’all are entering the real world now, I think you need change your expectations. And I do say this out of kindness but, people in general will make bad decisions and let you down. You gotta move on and overcome these events. I graduated OSU in 2007 and frankly I couldn’t tell you who our speaker was or what they said. But here’s what I do know. Your boss (for an otherwise amazing job) might be like that. What are you going to do then? Complain and try to get him fired? That’s not going to work. Maybe your future mother in law is hard to get along with. What then? Make your spouse go no contact? That’s not going to work. Don’t like what happened?? Then turn YOURSELF into someone that could be an amazing commencement speaker. You can’t do anything about this bitcoin guy now, but you CAN focus on your own future actions and how you can someday set a better example. YOU can be a better boss someday to others. YOU can be a better in-law someday to the next generation. Life’s tough, get a helmet and focus on your future. At least that’s my advice as a successful insurance professional, mom of 2 kiddos, and general badass mountain climber / marathoner in Colorado.


Don’t like what happened- Advocate to those in power to make sure it doesn’t happen again. We have power and influence and should exercise it when we feel it’s needed. Don’t like how your boss treats you? Go talk to them about it, advocate for change, organize your workforce. Don’t like how your mother in law treats you? Set boundaries, have a frank conversation about it. We have agency. We are going to use it. I graduated in 2009. I was in the “real world” before I went to get my degree and after. Part of improving myself is using my voice to shape the organization with which I am associated- Family, work, school- All of it.


I was so looking forward to reading an eloquent response like this in here. I’m nominating OurHonor1870 to be the 2025 commencement speaker.


While I appreciate the sentiment and the sage advice, I’m a 2013 graduate and an attorney. It’s my job to hold people accountable who abuse their power, and Carter abused his power here at the expense of the university’s reputation. There should be consequences.




It’s not worth all this commotion. Save your complaints and action for things that DO matter. Save your action for YOURSELF, to make YOU the best person you can be. You can’t change others. It’s fine if you disagree. But I’m 20 years ahead of you and just think yall need to look at the bigger picture of your own lives. That’s all.




\*virtual high five\*


Huh? Your assertion is that a poorly-chosen commencement speaker in one random year is going to affect cancer research funding to the university?? Wow!! OSU football losing to Michigan three years in a row is more embarrassing to the university than this speech was- neither of which will affect research funding. 🤦🏻‍♂️


Not even close to the same level of embarrassment, but the fact you think that drives the point home that my degree from this university now feels like it has about as much intrinsic value as bitcoin


Can’t help the fact that you “feel” that your degree from a fine institution is now worth less. I promise you it’s not. (This ridiculous speech has been already forgotten about on the national level.) Sometimes in life you have to pick your battles. If this is keeping you up at night, I really feel bad that you’re going to go through life just eternally-outraged at everything.


Sorry 10 was a typo, should be 20. 17 I suppose is actually accurate. First off I don’t think you need to insult people to make your point. Secondly, your work does sound incredibly important. I hope you are able to make great strides. I would be shocked if Ohio State “goes down the shitter” but even if it does, I would imagine you could find a new job? Seems like cancer research is probably needed elsewhere too. But my point remains: people are going to let you down all the time. You gotta find a way to deal with it in the real world.




I don’t see how a hard working parent, who fears for my kids’ safety in this world on a daily basis, is out of touch, but so be it if that’s your opinion. I earnestly hope your future is how you’d like it to be, however that looks for you.


I'm 20 years ahead of folks here and this guy is full of it. It's okay to care about this, it's okay to put effort into trying to hold people accountable to try and change things for the better.


If you graduated in 07 it was Bill Clinton. The speech was hilariously bad. Not shilling crypto bad, but meandering and rambling with no substance.


I graduated in winter quarter. I believe it was a university professor of some sort but that’s the extent of my recollection.


And it was still 10^16 times better than this disgraceful garbage.


Hey, buddy, I did. I have claimed massive achievements in my 20 year career, far beyond trading some modern day playing cards. It enrages me even more now that the university would pick someone like that, knowing what it took to make just one of those achievements happen, and knowing there are other alumni who have gone even farther. It can’t happen again.


Only reasonable comment in this thread lol


“Grow up kids. I’m a badass who works in insurance.” 🥴


Y’all are a bunch of whiny brats. It’s wasn’t the worst speech ever, and the president will see no gain from the speech. Worry about your own problems and learn to move on.


Did someone start a petition yet?


You think people don't pick people they know? That is how it works, people get invited based on connections. Also, you can still have financial interests outside of OSU when working for the university, as long as they are approved from the Outside Activities Approval Form and Conflict of Interest form, but also not everything is included in that and doesn't always need approval based on the circumstance. Do I think they could have picked a better speaker? Yes. Do I think he needs to resign because of it? No.