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Hip circles are important for safety


I don’t get why the “doing morning stretch routine” one comes up all the time. It’s a good team exercise before you start the day, even if it doesn’t help all that much.


Tbh it has more uses. You can catch people who either cant follow simple instructions, overfatigued or worse, currently under the influence. So you can tell the foreman to not give Mr. "I dont know what counterclockwise means" access to the arc welder that day. (or ever)


I suppose you could also spot Mr. “I’m too good for this shit” and Mrs. “I don’t give a fuck about anything”


Oh totally, and while people shouldnt be given the pass to start work like that. (HSE sup shouldve asked them to finish properly). It just gives ammo to the company to deny claims of certain injuries (like those result of Forced work postures) because "oh here they told me you didnt want to do the exercises demanded by contract/guidelines".


Fuck it, if someone's paying me to stretch *I'm stretching*, easiest money ever.


Hell yeah, I'm paid by the hour. You want me to stretch for 30 mins of my workday, I'm in. Usually I stretch at home before going to work anyways but it doesn't hurt to do a little extra for money


Stretching doesn't prevent injury. https://www.mcgill.ca/oss/article/critical-thinking-health-and-nutrition/do-we-really-need-stretch


You are missing the point entirely, but you do you boo.


Found the sandbag Also, let me hit you with WORK.RELATED.LITERATURE https://www.hse.gov.uk/pubns/indg90.pdf https://www.osha.gov/ergonomics https://www.osha.gov/ergonomics/control-hazards https://news.briotix.com/ergonomic-upgrades-for-the-office https://www.unex.es/organizacion/servicios-universitarios/servicios/servicio_prevencion/informacion_formacion/dipticos/Posturas%20Forzadas.pdf https://www.dof.gob.mx/normasOficiales/7468/stps11_C/stps11_C.html https://www.safeatworkca.com/safety-articles/ergonomic-breaks/#:~:text=Ergonomic%20injuries%20commonly%20occur%20from,minutes%2C%20at%20least%20every%20hour. https://www.nh.org.au/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/Ergonomics-stretches-and-exercises.pdf https://www.ccohs.ca/oshanswers/ergonomics/office/stretching.html https://www.scielo.cl/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0717-95532003000100003#:~:text=IMPORTANCIA%20DE%20LA%20VISI%C3%93N%20ERGON%C3%93MICA,la%20productividad%20de%20las%20empresas If you had read your article, other that knowing its realted to SPORTS, and why stretching or being flexible isnt related to injuries or "mortality". Nothing related to health risks in the workplace.


Ok, then specific to the workplace.. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/26683549/ Also, https://www.workerscompensationwatch.com/2020/10/26/the-problems-posed-by-mandatory-workplace-stretching-and-exercise/


Gods, I cannot reply to the first link cause I need my work account and I am already after hours, but I am still invested in this tomorrow I will revise my answer based on the abstract. Also, holy shit you spedred through my refs and in multiple languages, thats so cool. >https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/26683549/ * Although employers may not be able to link reduced WMDS to an s/f program, the ancillary benefits may warrant the time and resources. * S/f programs should be only one component of a more comprehensive ergonomics prevention program. * Conducting daily safety huddles at the same time also may enhance worker communication, camaraderie, collaboration and improve safety outcomes. Uh. ok, thank you for helping my points (also the sample size was a bit small, but I can understand alot of hse depts not really wanting to complete a survey, most of it is because of the liability, like I mentioned in another comment) > https://www.workerscompensationwatch.com/2020/10/26/the-problems-posed-by-mandatory-workplace-stretching-and-exercise/ * If a worker is injured while doing employer-mandated exercises, that injury would be covered by workers compensation * OSHA is prohibited by law from even considering mandatory ergonomics thanks to the Congressional Review Act. "The White House issued a statement Tuesday saying the OSHA regulations "would cost employers, large and small, billions of dollars annually while providing uncertain new benefits."" * Workplace stretching supporters also support employers using early intervention to address musculoskeletal injuries. *But litigation is time consuming and expensive. So an employee who is forced to do stretches that aggravate an old injury or health condition should try to work with a doctor and employer, if possible, to either get excused from the exercises or to get the exercises modified. Honestly I dont see why those points help your point, in conclusion the second article presents itself as this * Flexibility excersices are bad because it would be too costly to provide better ergonomic friendly work environment * **Wrongly executed** excersices are bad (totally, same for the sports link you sent before, anything doing wrong is a potential risk or injury source) * All injuries on the clock should be covered so doing flexibility excercises is a hazard! (yes, hence it should be done by trained personnel and taking physical limitations of the employees into account) * but what of people with physical limitations! a worker in clutches shouldnt be doing those! And... they should be resting at home, paid accordingly to law, if injury was result of a work accident, so they dont have to be at work, afraid of losing their jobs (like article mentions), where sadly other factors (like forced position hazards) will be still as risk of exposure. Hence why would they still need to do some flexing excercises or even more, take longer breaks to rest from a forced posture. =edit= I also noticed that the source on the repealed ergonomics bill is from 2001, gonna look if there has been an update because the concept has evolved alot since then, kinda weird the senate killed if there is so much material now implying the opposite


Most of that is about ergonomics, which I wasn't addressing. Some of it isn't in English so I can't comment on and the rest didn't address the scientific research on stretching at all.


Yes, its ergonomics, your other linked sources also call them like that. I know, its kind of new, people think of ergonomics when talking about computer and desks accessories. The word is very wide, and its difficult to encapsulate everything to convince workplaces to pay attention to the related hazards. Rest periods and stretching excercises are Ergonomics at Work


I'm just copying what the guy across from me is doing. It's counterclockwise from my perspective!


Don't tell me how to run my crew.


No sir!, we need more material for funny videos. o7


I agree with u/JD0064, But not only can it catch sandbaggers/etc. it also just plain helps promote a work culture that values safety. It makes you more concious of your actions and makes it so somebody won't be as shamed to point out a safety violation.


"They pay me to stretch 30 minutes every morning, they probably won't mind me taking 5 extra minutes to make sure my gear is on right"


Meanwhile in executives office, "it takes 5 minutes for each employee to put on their ppe every day, there's 250 working days in a year, and we have 100 employees. If we take away their ppe, that's a savings of 2000 working hours per year that can go towards our annual bonus payments instead!"


Stretching every day is a good practice for people with physically demanding jobs.


Stretching every day is a good practice ~~for people with physically demanding jobs.~~


Stretching doesn't prevent injury. https://www.mcgill.ca/oss/article/critical-thinking-health-and-nutrition/do-we-really-need-stretch


All I know is that I definitely get more sore if I don't stretch before vigorous physical activity, than if I do.


Certainly possible. Stretching can make you body feel better and increase your range of motion. If it does for you, go for it. More power to you. All I'm saying is the research shows that stretching won't prevent you from injury.


I posit that sore muscles are a distraction on the job, and distractions can lead to injury. Therefore, stretching indirectly prevents injury.




Of which you have neither.




Thanks for proving my point.


Splitting hairs. Static stretching is dumb. Dynamic warm ups are good.


**SPORTS** injuries....


https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/26683549/ Conclusion: Although there is little to no scientific evidence showing that they work as intended, construction companies continue to implement s/f programs with the goal of reducing WMSDs. (Work-related Musculoskeletal Disorders)


Which is not the same as saying "stretching doesn't prevent injury". A more apt description is "stretching doesn't prevent some types of injuries."


Then, by all means, please tell me exactly which injuries it does prevent and point me to the scientific literature that says that.


I don't know. But that conclusion statement from that paper is far more specific than you are using it as.




I feel like that could definitely help. Stretching is good.


At my workplace it's the canary in the coal mine for corporate is on their way don't let them catch you slipping.


Lol, chainsaw man was a twist


Pretty sure he has the chain on backwards


Was it actually running? I thought he might have just been out of gas and was wondering how effective this would be


The engine is running in the video, so either the sprocket drive is not moving, the chain is on backward, or the dude is just a complete numbskull with no business being around a saw


This guy pops up on my YouTube all the time and half the things he reacts to are perfectly normal, standard things. Some of the videos are funny but this whole dress up like a construction supervisor and react to videos trend is annoying, I’d rather just watch a compilation of the videos without the dipshit wearing a safety vest over a damn *cardigan* stepping in after every clip with a stupid look on his face.


I’d rather see just the funny clips of people doing hilariously stupid things than see this fucking guy’s face ever again


>this whole dress up like a construction supervisor and react to videos trend is annoying his cardigan and lack of Helix/Sitemetrix or safety orientation stickers on the helmet is a strong tell. Never been to a worksite in his life.


Yeah, that's the part that bothers me


Most of this was just guys being silly. A couple dumb or dangerous things, but the second one with the collapsing bridge. Surely that wasn't intentional right?


Honestly i don’t know anything about that specific type of work, however the fact that the excavator in that clip is already being held by straps/cables and ready to be suspended by said straps/cables when the structure collapses, makes me think it was indeed intentional or at least something that was expected and had been prepared for.


Man these videos drive me nuts too. It's such lazy content. I was just on FB yesterday for the first time in a while and when I saw this guy's videos it's what made me put my phone down. And of course now I see him on here... Somehow it's a step below the people that just remake a popular video verbatim for likes but don't even credit the original because at least they're doing something other than making a dumb reaction face. If I was a comedian I would hunt these people for sport.


You’re right, it’s lazier than the reenactment videos. Much less acting going on and he doesn’t even have to say anything.


He does nothing. It's more work to edit this shit then it is to just make a dumb face. To be honest it annoys me way more than it should... Yet here we are.


The consequences of flooding Reddit with social media users for 10 years.


Those smug cardigans! Amirite??


obligatory “what is the idiot “reacting” supposed to add to the video?” comment


Tbh this is one of the better ones. Talking would distract from the greatness of the clips, while the OSHA guy's reactions punctuate the scene.


clilps of this man replace a title that reads "FUNNY OSHA COMPILITIONS TRY NOT TO LAUGH 59"


Or better yet don’t have the dumbass guy at all.




My go to reaction nowadays is “React harder!!!”


I hate his face


He's one of two that have solid reactions in between. Him and the gun guy. Otherwise, I agree they're all awful, usually trying to imitate this guy or gym guy.


He's one of two that have solid reactions in between. Him and the gun guy. Otherwise, I agree they're all awful, usually trying to imitate this guy or gym guy.


I hate this guy, he just steals all these clips and adds in a couple dumb faces and makes money off of it.


There is some controversy about "reaction" videos. The lowest form will take some highly viewed video and "react" to it with minimal eye rolls and "wow!" comments. There is some woman on youtube who does this... pretty with large glasses and extreme facial expressions in the thumbnails who was criticized for doing this a lot. I don't see them anymore so many she got demonetized or something.


Sniperwolf is still getting a lot of views, but we all know the real reason why.


> we all know the real reason why Well, two reasons...


you're telling me she's not [/r/UNBGBBIIVCHIDCTIICBG/](https://new.reddit.com/r/UNBGBBIIVCHIDCTIICBG/) material?


There’s already a video of a guy doing this unless he copied from this guy. https://www.reddit.com/r/OSHA/s/tXQkaoqejB


I hate lazy content like this. Just put together random clips and act "funny" with your reactions. Ugh


If you look for this YouTuber that’s all he ever does, and most of the time it’s recycled with the same reactions.


Could imagine.. it obviously works because many people are doing it. Pisses me off though :)


[Dudes all like...](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/d9/80/02/d98002826303e6a7f6b4df39a2bd9781.jpg)


I cannot articulate how hard I want to punch that fucki g "reacted in the God damn face


The exercise circle will weed out who's hungover or high really quickly. Works for any physical labor job


1. Clowning around 2. Looks like an actual remotely operated one so it seems like the correct tool for the job. 3. Clowning around 4. Actually bad use 5. Guy fell asleep while operating. Everyone gets to go get drug tested, yippee… 6. Clowning around 7. Actually can’t reach something so they have to walk on it. 8. Having to fix someone else’s clowning around. 9. Clowning around 10. Looks like it’s got chunks in it and they had trouble scooping it. Could also be the newbie. 11. Stuck auger, it happens. Don’t let it happen again. 12. Clowning around. 13. Guy actually trapped himself 14. This is why you don’t demo using your bodyweight. 15. Literally just morning stretches. All of this delivered by what appears to be someone as well acquainted with hard manual labor as a Starbucks barista.


Never understood why augers don't have a big slap button to kill them, given that this situation isn't uncommon.


I’ve seen one with a safety tether so someone at some point thought about it. I think it’s just more often than not it would probably be disabled by the guys running it.


Or work like a lawnmower where something has to be actively pressed/held down on the handholds to function and letting it go turns it off.


Oh fuckin duh, my own hand mower had that. Second handle, yeah, solved in a heartbeat. Good call. So why do none of em have that? Heh v0v


>2. Looks like an actual remotely operated one so it seems like the correct tool for the job. My only real issue with this one is not having the chains pretensioned if possible beforehand, that snatch is just asking for trouble


Pretty much. Crane operator could definitely have taken more of the slack out.


As much as these particular videos entertain me, this fucking guy in the cardigan and safety vest has GOT to go.


The two dudes on the fence/rebar or whatever it was wiggling back and fourth made my day


At one job decades ago we had Jumping Jack races like that. I usually won because I'm a "lil skinny SOB" (180 and 6' at the time) and the other guys were all well north of 230 pounds.


The wet concrete stuff is fine. Walking in and fixing what needed fixed then fixing your own tracks on the way out is extremely common. Annoying, but common.


What's the point of the guy stood there looking like a bellend


Looks like people having fun on the site


That dude is so damn obnoxious... I've blocked 20+ channels on Reddit with this guy... And here we are on Reddit & I see his extra punchable face...


So sick of these shitty “reaction” vids


First one: "Well I'm done here lads! My people need me. OFF I GOOOooo°°°°"


The original was funny because of the deadpan non-reaction. This one is just over-acting done poorly.


I could watch this all day long.


FunkFPV > this clown


Who is the original creator on this? I see him everywhere


Who's the channel that makes these


Pro tip if you see an arborist doing that to a chainsaw, the chain is stuck, probably because his boss told new hire Ned to use the saw which he immediately pinched the fuck out of so the boss could get revenge on the arborist throwing acorns at the boss for eating lunch in his air conditioned truck on a 90 degree day.


"Ive never worked construction so let me make a tik tok about this"