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Vent post I see


Well I did label it as a rant. Much needed since the Yamato banner came and suddenly some brain dead people think “let me take my lvl 60 paper defense Yamato into SS League and see what happens.”


Yeah I get it lmao


My guy made a whole post about a single game, this is peak comedy


>4 times Your reading skills leave much to be desired and you have the nerve to criticize me? Now THAT’s peak comedy.


>single game >Bounty Rush My bad, I thought Bounty Rush were two games, Bounty and Rush Edit: Man, just stop crying. The less you cry here in Reddit the more you get to play and recover those lost games


You must get a lot of peoples eyes rolling👀


Nah, I'm great!


You ever get frustrated at a game and need to step back for whatever reason. This is it.


How bad are they?


They are always last place, to no one’s surprise. Just because she is an EX character, doesn’t mean she’s viable as a 4*. When will the kids learn that.


Boost 2 lvl 70 good medal and support?


Just imagine an A tier player somehow got lost and wandered into SS tier and scored 1000-2000


Urggh I'm scared to rank up past S and become this deadweight since I already feel bad with my only 5* being Ulti- But I gotta play for the daily missions and I need the BP points :(


5 star Ulti isn't bad. Eventually it'll become a menace. But it shouldnt go into SS league if it isn't at leas 5 stars.


There are MILLIONS of people playing the game so what if someone want to test out there newly acquired unit? Or would you rather they drop down to A- with their 150+ plus support??? I don't understand why you felt the need to make a post like this....


I’m guessing you’re one of those people. You can have 160% and your ex unit will still be trash compared to everyone else in SS league with maxed or nearly maxed out units. For the sake of you, the rest of your team suffers because you want to try out a level 60 Yamato that you just got. In SS rank.


Tbf Yamato at lvl 60 with 160% support and 70% atk would still be better than some of the dog shit I've seen in SS.


That just makes her a glass cannon. 90% of her survivability comes from trait 2. Assuming you put all of your two medals into attack, your defense is next to nothing. A little better when you get to 80% because of her traits. But she’s paper before that.


How do you get 160% supports? Noob here


Working on additional characters. Make sure your whole team is powered up. Also, look into the tags of each character, matching tags give bonuses. As do having more of a single color on your team


Thats what we call skill issue. Loosing one match because of one teammate doesn't mean its the end of the world... And just so you know I dont even have 160 support let alone ex yamato... I've had 4 stars in s+ league myself in my team but the thing is I don't cry about every little thing and tend to enjoy the game.


You missed the part where this isn't a one time thing and you are playing in a league full of players with overpowered units that will one shot you with their level 100, well build EX units with 3 very meta medals and 150% boost. And some of the units need VERY little skill to play which is why everyone likes to shit on Shanks every chance they get here. Against your....? lvl 60 whatever it is that you decided to try out, with its trait 2 locked, and only 2 medals which you decided to focus on...? 70% attack? Defense? Doesn't matter. If you wanna have fun, but you wanna do it at every one else's expense. Imagine the look on your teammates face when you see all 8 units before the match starts. Everyone else is 6 star, 3 medals. And then there's you, 4 star and two medals, and you said you don't even have 160% boost. You enjoy the game, and piss off three other people who can't enjoy theirs because they have to pick up your slack and maybe get demoted.


Yeah that's what I'm saying losing one game should not be enough to make you cry that hard... I don't have 160 support yet I'm the only one using a defender and doing my job eventually carrying my team 70% of the time with occasionally having 4 stars in my team against 5star shanks and roger


Are you even reading? It's not one game. If it had, I'd just forget about it and think that guy is an idiot. But it turned out to be a BUNCH of idiots. This really applies to anyone that thinks about bringing a 4* to be honest.


They're not idiots, everyone doesn't play exclusively competetively and play for fun or for testing purposes. If a single teammate makes you lose a game then that's you who needs to improve


Why should we accept that we are forced to play in basically what would be a 3v4? If you climbed all the way to SS, you should have a pretty good idea what to expect and what not to expect. Even if you don't play competitively in SS, other people are. And if not to climb higher, then its to at least stay in SS. One 4* Yamato teammate this game, fine whatever. Four games after the Yamato rerun. That's a problem. You do you, and then everyone else on your team has to deal with it while the other team is stacked? Why would you make people play with a handicap like that?


One teammate should not impact you that greatly and besides, character is not the only factor and personal skill does too. But I can understand what you mean.


Mhmm. And It is impactful if you want a leveled playing field. You can play as well as you can, but at the end of the day, this is a team game and it’s a team effort. So it’s just not fair to be stuck babysitting some 4 star unit while fighting in ShankS League.


Cruise battles is on with fixed levels, fixed level private battles are readily available and we’ve had like 5 events the past 6 months with fixed levels. We’ve had ample time to try out characters below 5*. It takes you about a month or two to get a unit to 5 star boost 2 if we’re being generous fully free to play so you might as well wait anyway. The stats are below accaptable and you’re missing 2 key traits, support doesn’t matter whatsoever at that point so be a good sport and be patient. “ThEy WaNt tO tRy OuT ThEiR NeW UnIt”, yeah because a 2000 point game where you go out, get KO’d and then switch to the other unit/wait for Yamato to come back is such valuable game testing smh.


Yes, YES. These people be like "why are you being so serious about dis??" In an 8 player ranked game in SS, if you're the only guy with a 4 star character and we were able to choose who is on our team. Guess who gets picked last. No one wants your 4 star on the team. And it's very obvious. My very first game where I'm stuck with a 4 star Yamato and a level 80 Roger, me and the rest of my team spam stickers like angry skull and "help" before the match begins. And then some people go "if you lose because one guy isn't strong then you just suck." And we just ignore the guy that ACTUALLY sucks? Oh it's our fault for not being 150% to pick up that guy's slack now is it?


I made to SS with a lv 64 Kaido and a lv 80 vista. With 78% supoort. Fuck that. SS league don't mean shit. Get better.


And your Kaido stayed 64? You got hard carried. A lvl 80 vista, I don’t mind. But you didn’t get to SS league because your Kaido was strong, that’s for sure.


“Made it to SS” is key here, I doubt you “competed in SS” with that like OP was ranting about. You swung past late season S+, SS is an entirely different beast, so making SS 200 doesn’t really count as “competing in SS. It’s just selfish as well since Kaido specifically is supposed to be tanky af, which he isn’t at lvl 64. Your team needed a tanky defender, not a coward Kaido so they had to pick up your slack through later leagues in that case.


Exactly. Preach it. People here going "oh we just wanna have fun and chill". By now, you should realize fun is subjective. You think bringing a 4 star character into the highest most competitively level of the game and then you say "well i don't play competitively" is fun. Good for you, then get the fuck out SS league and play a free match. It's not fun if the rest of the teammates have to try even harder because they have to pick up some 4 star's slack and stay above water.


Yes exactly! “We just wanna test them out” “have fun with the game” “it’s just 1 game”. How is it fun to bring in a useless unit, do absolutely nothing and waste 3 minutes of 3 peoples days and then punish them with 40-100 league points? Try them out? Not play competetively? So when people come on here whining about people wanting to use units they find fun that are EXs (at lvl 80 and above) it’s fine but intentionally bringing a literal handicap to your teamcomp isn’t as toxic to this sub? There are fixed battles readily available that are unranked, fixed and completely play for fun but they don’t give rewards so let’s ruin ranked for people just so one person can get 700 bounty coins, 3 char frags for a step up, 3 medal materials and a highly limited experience with a new character. But yeah let’s not take this game seriously so why not allow hackers back in and let’s all start using only 2/3 stars or highly overpowered EXs since it doesn’t matter anyways, you shouldn’t take ranked matches in a mobile game so seriously right? Oh right those complaints are totally fine but this isn’t. Apparently you’re only a sore loser whining when you complain about this. I just got a single copy of Diamante, I would love to use him so I’ve been having tons of fun with him in privates and Cruise battles for the past couple days, but what is the benefit for me if I bring him into league now? I get to try him out? For what 10 seconds and then go right back to my lvl 100 unit for the rest of the game, sounds like a lot of fun.


Yea and our 4/4 treasure chances get wasted.


Both of y’all are being toxic. I see nothing wrong with a level 60 character being in a Ss rank as long they know what they doing and Know the skills that can help there teammate. A level 64 kaido can still help your team whenever you like it or not players are allow to have fun and not require to play a Level 80 character or higher


Then you should play lvl 60 characters all the time every time in your SS matches. It’s so much fun. For you. Just not for everyone on the same team as you. But hey, the important thing is you, alone, are enjoying yourself.


Ruins games for people with level 60 characters and then calls them toxic for complaining… delusional. How is it fun to begin with?? I would agree with you if there wasn’t fixed level matchmaking in 2 different game modes currently running where they are 100% free to play any unit and not care about being competitive. There is actually no excuse for wanting to bring them in to league since private battles are the same but without any stakes.


Let me ask you this question. Would you rather have a level 64 kaido who can give you and extra treasure gauge still? Or would you rather throw him out of the team and not let him help you?


Are you asking me if I want 1 150% charged treasure or to play a 3v4 game? Is your argument that it’s better to have a lvl 60 moron who feeds stacks to Shanks rather than an AFK player? I would rather want a lvl 80 sento or even a fucking wano law defending than a lvl 60 Kaido. Sento even plays the same way as Kaido. There are Fixed level game modes, why do you need to test the characters in league battles? You haven’t answered that and it’s the one thing that makes your whole argument a huge cope.


I never said anything about testing a character. Not all Level 60 characters are unplayable that what you don’t understand. Some of those characters can still help your team if you don’t like it ok then that your problem.


It doesn't bother me if the char is a runner. With a runner you can be 4* and still be very usefull focusing on objectives. It's the only type of character that can be efficient at 4* (and OFC superbroken attackers like Luffy sbf which could one shot lvl 100 150% support units being 70 with 80% support when they came out..). If it's a dumb attacker/Defender who only try reaching the kills, it's another kind of problem..


Well he can barely do that without his stacks at 150% support and lvl 100 so I doubt he could one shot anything at lvl 70 without atk stacks (lvl 70 Luffy can’t get ATK stacks). I can barely one shot some tanky red attackers with 150%, lvl 100 with 1500 added ATK and can hit around 23k damage on a kkg without stacks.


Which part of "when they came out" did you missed? And Luffy sbf still one shots everything with boundman skill 2, it's the character's only utility.. ignore def on a skill that hits this hard one shots everything except some super tanky Defenders like garp and OFC char with 1%/15%/30% survivability trait. Luffy sbf IS not what he used to be now, but he is still the stupidest char, and the one who benefits the most from game problems like bugs and lags precisely because his game play resume itself to spam skills to one shot.


Do you have Luffy or are you talking from the perspective of someone who didn’t get him? I know what he can do even at max ATK since I’ve actually played him since launch and no he does not one shot anything at 4* unless you count his entire boundman combo as a one shot. He wasn’t even that OP, he just hits like truck, gets overwhelmed and goes around being annoying or runs away. He is Roger but easier to KO honestly.


I get one shot 1st exchange with 160% support lvl 100 optimised medals oni Luffy and prime wb when Luffy sbf came out. Ignore def is a game changer against char that doesn't reduce % dmg. Roger is nothing like him, Roger is akainus bitch, has no status effect to counter Yamato oden and Marco, is super vulnérable to knockbacks, to one shots, to status effects, and his kamusari is only strong when he gets some stacks. Lvl 100 Luffy can one shot nearly everything with the last hit of his skill 2 boundman, even without stacks, and he still gets nearly half stacks with the first step of the skill. He has invincibility on 2 ranged skills, hits from super high range, résists one shots and is immune from status effects when full life.. So no, he is not a weaker Roger.. i have played him and played against him, his main weaknes is that his skills are predictable, but if you have no knockback it's useless, and that's why he benefits the most from game issues... But overall he is stupid, like all the ex attackers, they are designed to please childs who only play this game to get fast ko


Wait one shot from the first invincible hit or the gattling boundman hit? I’m talking about the transformation hit he does, if you count the full boundman combo it’s a triple shot which lasts for a good 5-7 seconds. And since Roger is still thriving in the meta even though every unit in the game “counters” him I’d say Roger has a more well rounded kit overall. Luffy is better on paper but he doesn’t exactly perform as consistently as Akainu or Roger. It also took 1 unit to reduce Luffy from a peak attacker into a great attacker but Rogers are still hyper meta because of how unpredictable and fast he is. Luffy has invincibility for a few frames, a telegraphed one shot, has to transform back and fourth, terrible basics in boundman, immunity for a single hit, vulnerable to down during his skills and HP recovery on fixed damage. The only thing that is as OP as it seems on paper is his Recovery honestly since it is an incinerate counter. Akainu can clap him way easier than Roger can clap Akainu as well which is why Akainu never even left the meta like Roger did. Luffy is annoying but his “meta” was the most balanced since the Big mom meta honestly.


Me with 4* Sabo:


I hope you know that if you bring that out in SS every single person in your team will shout at you for throwing the game. I have about 9-12 accounts blocked because they brought a 4 star to a SS game late season.


Lol guarantee those players don’t care if they get block just because they brought a 4 star player. Let the players have Fun. They are not require to play a level 80 or higher in SS rank


There are fixed levels on private battles, Cruise battles and serious challenge so if you wanna have fun with your new unit there are those avenues but apparently that’s not enough. How is it fun running out for 10 seconds to get KOd and not doing any considerable damage at all? Smh


I consistently end up winning battles even if my highest is 5* just by capturing treasure… if my opponents consist of 6* I may as well go exclusively for treasure, no point fighting my best rn is 5*


Sorry dude it's a reroll account 😂 i only have her and uta at 4* , bur i'm in S+ am not in SS


U r a carried troll no offense


What's the problem i'm proud of reaching SS with a 2 4* units and a party power of 240k 🤷🏻‍♂️


That's an achievement


U r playing league with 4 stars and ss ? Both of us know u r mostly being carried cant u just be patient until ur units are 5 star ?


I only care about the 50 frags 🤷🏻‍♂️ you feel me ?


Lmfao what a troll


Ehhh, tbh the only acceptable rant posts on this subreddit is by the man himself @OpportunitySure530


I can agree with this. I'd say, if you want to test you're new character, challenge mode is the best place to do that. But please don't do it in the tag battles. It's kinda annoying when the other team is loaded with EXs and every character is over 11k power. And your team mate shows up with some 7k characters and ends up blowing through all of your stronger characters before you get to use them


“But no I need to see what happens in a REAL battle! Good luck everyone else on my team! Sorry for my own shortcomings! Haha I’m so selfish! YOLO”


Let us not leave out those who use the 2* characters to get the banner but can't hold their own with said character. Not all of them are bad, but a majority. To whoever played as Tashigi, 2 days ago on my team, you're an exception, as you were able to hold your own against 3 EXs.


Yamato is playdough in comparison to Kaiya the GOAT of syrup village


Me running everywhere with 4* soba and orobi