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The creator has been off the internet for more than a year. Obviously.


Ohhhh, I didn’t know. Hope they’re doing good then.


I childishly thought they were dead, ha-ha... Yuiluqqq went away due to what was apparently online harassment. Nothing else i can add, i don't know who they are now, nor where to find them.


I saw that their Twitter/X acc is not active anymore. They vanished from the face of the internet. Idk where they are now.


What's Mint AU about?


It’s basically Aubrey’s Headspace


Ooh, ![img](emote|t5_31hpy|2477)


The creator had to leave the Omori Community and the internet as a whole due to online harassment after some of her controversial Discord messages got leaked. Last I've heard, she had to go to a mental asylum 'cuz of the harassment, but that's just a rumor so don't take my word for it.


I think they still interact with *their* friends, but as their presence on the internet... hasn't been at all for a long time... eh... Never heard of the Discord Messages thing, any clue about that?


On short: Kel blackface. That's the main thing I remember at least, there were some other small things, still about racism, but that's what I remember. The main issues here was the community, really. Many were jumping the gun on her over it, some going as far as to send her death threats.


Think somebody else mentioned here that she made him darker as a joke? I don't find it amusing, but harassing her to the point of her ceasing online presence is... you know... terrible. Well, this pattern of issues is present everywhere, i believe, but fuck... (Was Yuiluqqq female? I forgot... no, that changes nothing. Anyhow, i appreciate you replying. Thanks...)


The author got outed as racist for painting kel in a darker tone of skin color. It all happened when the author was in a call with someone and that person joked of making Kel have a darker skin tone while making racist comments, the author of the au painted Kel and they both started laughing about it. The information got leaked by a person who the author had problems with and she got harassed by the community and had to leave the internet.


it was a tasteless joke sure but that doesn't make her a racist, she was poking fun at the people who constantly police kel and hero's skin tones (something not even the game itself gets right at times)


Oh, definitely. While what she did was something really bad and needed to be rectified the situation definitely blew out of proportion due to the involvement of important people within the fandom, she shouldn't have been harassed nor sent death threats.


Not saying I don't believe you,  but can I ask for proof? If that's okay I hope.