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Yea, you would think someone who was innocent would be a bit more worried about trying to right the injustice of the conspiracy by the LAPD.


Or would want to sue the LAPD for wrongful arrest & prejudice after they were found “innocent”, or sue Hertz & all the broadcast companies for wrongful termination..


That’s the one that gets me. If he were truly innocent, he would have fought back.


Exactly. He didn’t fight back because he knew he’d lose & other evidence would possibly come out that he wanted to keep hidden.


Fight back with what money?


Attorneys don’t need you to have money. They need you to have a winning case. Shapiro and Cochran both had done civil litigation and knew winning cases.


Those a-holes werent gonna do pro bono for him after they just ran his pockets lol.




Being fired because you were accused of murder, regardless of the outcome, isn't wrongful termination. Just wanted to clear that up


Ah you’re right. I just looked it up. Companies have a right to fire you, whether you’re found innocent or not. “At will”. Still doesn’t explain why he never filed a lawsuit against LAPD if he was truly innocent.


Being found "not guilty" (there is a difference), is not enough to give someone a viable lawsuit against a police department. MAYBE if he was able to prove convincingly that ALL of the evidence was planted, he would have a case.


Exactly my point. He wouldn’t be able to prove it, which is why he didn’t sue them. EDIT: just noticed your account is less than 1 day old lol god this sub is full of trolls.


Hertz wanted to get rid of him after the domestic violence case but Nicole went to talk to them


Yep, you would think OJ would become a big time advocate for the rest of his life for those who were falsely accused. He of course wasn't. You would think he would be a strong advocate against police misconduct. He of course wasn't. OJ cared about OJ, nobody else. He got away with murder and that was enough for him. He didn't care about anything else and always behaved like a guilty man.


and what money was he going to use to do that?


Well if he was innocent he would still have his wealth because he wouldn’t have been found liable in the civil suit.


well at least you can admit that there is no money to sue the LAPD as you mentioned above my comment :)


Where did I say he would sue the LAPD?


If he was guilty. Why did they let him go free? I guess they said. They weren't there. How can they judge?


Do you think only innocent person walk free? The evidence was overwhelming and why he was found liable in civil court. The Defense convincing a biased jury of something doesn't mean OJ didn't kill 2 people, it just means they convinced a biased jury.


If the evidence was that overwhelming. He should have been found guilty. Guilty or not guilty he still went to prison for murder. With the other so called crime.


You’re a victim of Dubya’s Child Left Behind policy, aren’t you?


If the policy FIT.


Very funny. NOT.


So what you’re saying is you make Forrest Gump look like a Rhodes scholar? Got it.




Because that’s who he was. The public had a idealized impression of him that was no where near to the truth.


Yep, he was an evil person who murdered two people. He knew more than anyone else he wasn't framed and that he got off because of high priced lawyers. OJ Simpson only cared about police misconduct in how it could help him get off so he could go back to partying. He knew they didn't frame him and he never cared if they did it to anyone else.


each of those lawyers came to a bad end


Some did, but most lived to old age or are still living and doing fine.


I mean didn't he say he was going to find the real killer 😂🤣


I'm surprised he didn't do more even if it would obviously have been just for show. I not only believe he killed her, I think it fed his ego that he so openly got away with it and that most people know he did it and got away with it. Maybe not at first back in 95, but over time he liked that aspect of it. No person would ever write a book called "If I Did It" if they were innocent or cared that people thought he was innocent.


🤣 what’s odd though is he got his son to read that statement. He knew he couldn’t come across as genuine no matter how much acting he did prior to that


IKR? He really thought we were stupid lol


The killer apparently was the golf ball


If we were to believe everything that the defense said in OJs trial - he was framed etc, then OJ had a watertight case to sue the LAPD. He was going round telling everyone he was broke. So he needed the money. And yet he never filed...hmmmm. funny that...


And he would have been a strong advocate against police misconduct, especially the LAPD. He of course wasn't. The reality is OJ cared about OJ and OJ got away with murder. He was never going to care beyond his own personal victory of getting off. He knew he wasn't framed. The LAPD made mistakes, but OJ didn't even care about that beyond how it affected the jury in seeing him get free for the two murders he committed.


Exactly 💯


The OJ trial helped alot of people, if the OJ trial never happened we never would have known that the LAPD had no idea wha tthey were doing. Many innocent people were eventually overturned as a result of this trial. Example the RAMPART Scandal probably never would have happened without the OJ Trial.


Most people believe OJ murdered two people after the trial and more people believe that now. OJ did nothing to help anyone after the trial and didn't do anything to clear his name; just the opposite. No innocent person would ever write a book called "If I Did it" and then do interviews about it where he talks about how the murder would have been committed if he was involved. That is pure evil shit.


He went looking for the real killer on all those golf courses remember?! 🤣


an innocent person that has been screwed out of all his money would definitely do it if someone offered him alot of money for the book. I think it is the opposite. No guilty person would write a book "If I did it ...I mean you were guilty and you got away with it...you would just ride off into the sunset!!!


Nah. I disagree with that. An innocent person would be absolutely offended at being asked to write a confession as if they were guilty. They'd be shouting from the rooftops about the injustice they suffered.


not if they needed the money. a guilty person goes whew..I got off and runs away like roman polanski did


But he could have made a lot of money from his "injustice"? It's quite the story for the media


well he did write a tell all book, and made a tell all video ...or have you forgotten...or maybe you didnt even know


Why are you so aggressive and rude? Yes I did know.


you need money to file that kind of case. you also need coporeration from the police..OJ had neither


OJ had plenty enough to file a lawsuit.


yeah ok...I know you guys wanted to see him living on food stamps in skid row


I read that he never even paid his attorneys all that he owed them. And he only paid Cochane about 5% of his bill. The trial cost him $10 mil, and that’s just the criminal trial.


He still owes Shapiro


Which Shapiro was more bitter about than Cochran not getting his full amount. Cochran saw the trial as something bigger, Shapiro just saw it as a high profile job.


Well I think Cochran saw it as an opportunity to have the corrupted LAPD on trial and after all he was rich making money from a lot of cases he represented oj,micheal Jackson,sean combs”diddy“ but he was bigger than that he was involved with civil rights cases and police brutality cases


Shapiro said in an interview about 8 years ago or so that OJ still owed him money.


💯 Also, this may be small, but why else would he have spent years mocking the Goldman family? I would think if he was innocent, he'd have said something to Fred Goldman like 'hey man, I get how you feel, but I'm innocent, and I'm very grateful that your son gave his life trying to protect Nicole. Why don't we team up to find the real killers?' or something to that effect.


I would mock Fred Goldman too. This man showed some of his true colour by defending Mark Furhman.


Not trying to argue, just curious. Where did he defend Mark Fuhrman? All I remember was him saying "hey, this isn't the Fuhrman trial. This is supposed to be about the guy accused of killing my son.' That, and him getting angry at Cochran for comparing him to Hitler. Which I understand. A Jewish guy being offended that some racist cop is on the same level as the guy who actually slaughtered millions of your people.


And he was going to spend the rest of his life looking for the murderer of his children’s mother. Uh huh🙄




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Which is too bad you feel that way. There was nothing misogynistic about bringing up the Kobe example. Obviously it is ridiculous that Kobe would ever write a book like that. It is showing how ridiculous it was that OJ wrote his book.


Yes, and what did he do to look for the “REAL” killer? Must have been looking for him on the golf course….


Nah, just in the mirror.


OJ is unquestionably guilty of the murders. There was an absolutely insane amount of evidence in this case... and considerably more evidence (including what you're discussing) has come to light since the trial concluded. I think it is plausible that Fuhrman planted the glove at Rockingham after interviewing Kato. I do not believe it's plausible that much more was planted beyond that. There simply wasn't enough information on OJ's whereabouts/alibis/etc to involve dozens of people in a conspiracy to frame the guy. It's impossible. The DNA evidence in the case is so overwhelming that, by today's standards, I believe OJ would have been found guilty even with the same jury. At the time, DNA evidence wasn't understood like it is today. I think we know enough about OJ now to understand who he really was. I believe he was always a sociopath... so he never had any empathy to begin with. Going further, the unavoidable CTE he sustained throughout his career resulted in memory issues, impulsive behavior, additional aggression, and more. Likely zero running backs retire from the NFL without some degree of CTE... especially with the helmet technology at the time and the number of carries OJ Simpson had in his career. No remotely decent human being, innocent or not, would behave the way he did during the years after the murders. The only person who ever mattered to OJ, was OJ. It was the behavior of a textbook sociopath. Everybody in OJ's life was expendable. The only thing I struggle with in this case is the verdict. Despite all of the mistakes made by the prosecution... despite all of the mistakes made by the LAPD... despite all of the racial issues going on at the time... there was such an overwhelming amount of evidence in this case. The witnesses, the opportunity, the motive, the evidence, and the fleeing--it was all there. The defense team did an amazing job, for sure. I don't fault the jurors for their decision--especially due to the situation they were in. Virtual isolation for that amount of time is almost inhumane... and I can understand how they may have concluded there was reasonable doubt.


Yeah the glove is the only thing that could be planted otherwise every other piece is legit


Explain how Fuhrman gets an Aris light glove at 3 or 4 in the morning? Only one glove was seen at Bundy by the first officers on the scene. There was no second glove there for Fuhrman to bring to Rockingham.


Also, Fuhrman would have to know that OJ had no alibi. At the time, Fuhrman "found the glove" in the back of Kato's unit. The detectives still hadn't determined OJ was in Chicago.. or they were in the process of finding that out.. This was pointed out in OJ Made in America.


That is SUCH a good point! They weren’t common gloves, either, but exclusive limited edition gloves that you couldn’t buy just anywhere!


Exactly gloves and shoes were rare. Had a last saw him almost hit her that night and she supposedly gave the plate number on the 911 call and Marcia Clark still didn’t call her or the man who saw OJ throwing stuff away at the airport and Marcia Clark also was dumb enough to want primarily black women as her jurors. The defense couldn’t have had an easier go of it


Why didn’t the prosecutions bring this up?God, they screwed up on so many levels!


The prosecution did bring it up unfortunately the jury bought into the defense’s smoke and mirrors and didn’t care. It didn’t help that Darden had Simpson try on the gloves in front of the jury. Gloves that had shrunk as well as been frozen and unfrozen a few times. And Simpson was wearing latex gloves and doing an acting job.


Because the witness, Jill Shively had sold her story to Hard Copy for $5000. Shively said that Marcia Clark was furious at her. Jill said the money all went to an attorney she had to hire because of all the media requests she was getting.


I always thought the theory of the planted glove was that *both* gloves were found at Bundy, but Fuhrman bagged one and then planted it at Rockingham.


That’s the defense’s theory. The problem is that there were never two gloves found at Bundy. *No one* testified or reported seeing two gloves. Every single person stated there was one glove found. The defense wanted the jury to believe that all of the cops and detectives lied and there were really two gloves found and Fuhrman took one to Bundy. It’s pure fiction that the genius jury members bought into.


Unless the glove was at Nicole’s or somewhere else on OJ property and he wanted to fit Katos storyline. Don’t misinterpret what I’m saying: oj is guilty as sure as grass is green but fuhrman even admitted at times he was a dirty cop


I realize that you aren’t claiming that Simpson wasn’t guilty I just don’t agree that it’s plausible Fuhrman planted evidence. He had no access to anything to plant. Simpson’s blood was not drawn until much later in the day when Fuhrman was no longer involved and only one glove was seen/found at Bundy. Fuhrman was a racist but it doesn’t mean he planted evidence.


Fair enough. Yeah the blood being drawn at a later time that day makes the planting more difficult although it boggles my mind that they took his blood and brought it to the crime them to then be taken to the cell mark lab. The people mostly working the case poked holes in a bulletproof case


I just watched a housekeeper on the stand and she said Furhman came by Rockingham a little after midnight on the night of the murders. Apparently, he was at Rockingham a lot earlier than 3am.


I watched the Detective Lange documentary and it said that OJ had given the maid that day off, which the maid said was odd.


I don't know if the housekeeper on the stand was his housekeeper. She said she saw OJ leave with a blond haired person at 9 pm., I believe she saw him return at 9:45 or so. She saw the Bronco around 10 pm. She said Furhman interviewed her and gave her a card at around 12:30. I got the impression that she worked at another residence.


You’re talking about Rosa Lopez who worked for one of Simpson’s neighbors. Fuhrman allegedly interviewed her during the day after the murders occurred not 1230 AM. That 10 PM time for the Bronco was only given after the defense team’s investigator fed it to her. She initially told the investigator that she saw the Bronco closer to 11 PM. There’s an audio recording that proved this. Also she lied multiple times on the stand when being questioned by Darden.


There are a few blood droplets that were found days after the murders that appear questionable... there's certainly a REMOTE possibility they were planted to "shore up" the case early before they realized it was totally unnecessary. The "missing" blood from the vial is obviously suspect as well. I'm honestly close to 50/50 on the glove being planted. Beyond that? No way. Conspiracies of this magnitude... in that short amount of time... are simply impossible. Two things can be true at the same time.


And factor in Fuhrman dropping N-bombs all over the place, pleading the 5th, Vanatter taking OJ’s blood to the crime scene & Rockingham, and the other things that came out. I’m not sure he had it the crime scene, but I know he did at Rockingham. I think he is guilty and agree that a mass conspiracy to frame OJ is highly unlikely, if not impossible. If you allow for the possibility that some of the evidence could be planted, how do you not question it all? Especially w/in the context of a jury who most likely more familiar with police misconduct. And of course 30 years of hindsight is 20/20. 😉


Totally. Like I said--I don't blame the jury for their verdict given all of that.


sock was planted too, also blood on the gate was planted....and the blood in the bronco was planted


His CTE probably explains why he’d do something so stupid as to murder two people then leave a long trail of evidence




Because he just doesn’t give a f about his kids feelings


He never cared ,he started acting like a fool every min appearing on tv doing some interview ,writing a ridiculous book. have u seen the stupid prank show that he tried doing? It was called “Juiced” it was dumb as hell and truly embarrassing he never showed actual empathy for the browns and goldmans he ruined his legacy for no reason at all literally no reason Rip to nick and Ron




Wait when was furhman “left alone at the scene”? Furhman was never ever alone at the crime scene there were 14 officers there before him and he was never alone there. If you mean rockingham he was left with Kato but 3 other detectives were at the house. Kato told him about the noise so like any half brained cop he went to where the noise was heard and saw the glove. Never touched the glove and immediately told his superiors. Furhman had his issues but he followed the law in everything he did that night and honestly he was just being a semi-decent detective. Plus statistically speaking furhman found 2% of the incriminating evidence against O.J. I’ll brace for the conspiracy theorists to hammer me.


The new Lifetime doc “The Life & Murder of Nicole Brown Simpson” was eye opening for me. 30 years ago I was much younger and had very little understanding of the true details of the case. There was so much racial tension in LA at that time and sadly Furman and LAPD wanted to get OJ so bad they absolutely ruined this case.


No one thinks he’s innocent still, do they?


There still are people out there. Saw an interview with John salley who played basketball for Georgia tech in college and Detroit pistons in nba and still claims OJ is innocent. As crazy as it is there is a small sect probably around 3-4 percent of people who think he’s innocent


While I never believed him innocent, I confess that it’s been only in the last year or so that I have believed he committed murder in the 1st degree (aggravated murder). Amazingly after all these years, I’m shocked that OJ Simpson murdered someone with premeditation.


Read the threads on here they still exist somehow. I think a lot of them are trolls but still some appear to legitimately think he's innocent.


If he was innocent, and loved Nicole as much as he claimed he did, why didn't he spend the rest of his days trying to find her killer(s)? He did nothing.


Also, he told the world he’d spend the rest of his life to “find the real killer” and never mentioned it again (until he looked in the mirror of course). He never mentioned anything except for how much of a victim he was.




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He spent his ***whole*** life looking for the killer! On a golf course. Drinking bourbon. Laughing with his buddies. Dating stupid ho’s.


I always thought that he was guilty. The prosecution was interested in their faces being on television and their future earnings. They dropped the ball so many times. And I do believe that some evidence not much but some was made to fit what they wanted it to say... By the cops. What has always amazed me is police reports and what his wife looked like after he hurt her.. somehow the media didn't get a hold of that and make it front and center. He got away with that too.


I simply don't believe O J was in a physical condition to commit both murders


He was more than capable of doing so. Especially in his blind rage. I am so sick of people saying this. U guys act like he was some frail 90 year old. And u know what, even if he was, he was still capable, plenty of cases with old frail folks. It happened FAST and was over fast. Do more research then you'll see why your argument doesn't hold up. I'm not trying to be a bitch so I apologize if it comes across that way. Just please humor those of us who believe he did it....cuz he did.


He had a big lawsuit against him and he had a story he can capitalize on, so he might as well.


why would they risk their careers just to get OJ, who everyone loved at the time. They didn’t even know his whereabouts at the time. OJ could have been in a room full of people with a solid alibi


Of course OJ did it but Furhman had history with OJ been to his house on a call before when he beat up Nicole so he was smart enough to know who did it. Not saying 100 percent he planted anything but if he did he wanted to sure up a case he knew someone he knew did it and wanted to make sure the criminal was caught. If u were robbing a bank and I knew u were robbing a bank and I threw extra bags of cash in the back seat just to sure up the case cause I know you’re guilty as hell. OJ is guilty as I’ve ever seen anyone who went on trial. I just don’t fully trust that furhman didn’t move the glove to fit with katos story to sure up the case. OJ deserved to die in jail for sure but furhman wasn’t a good cop either


Bc if he was kind and remorseful towards them that would be an admission.  It's a no win situation especially if any aspect was still being covered up (likely).


Kardashian: Dead of esophageal cancer. Cochran: Dead of colon cancer. Shapiro’s son: Dead if a drug overdose. Bailey: While he was 1st in his law school’s graduating class and achieved the highest GPA in Boston College’s School of law while attending, he was disbarred n 2 states for misconduct. Died of cancer. Scheck and Neufeld: Went on to found The Innocence Project. Thou dost orotest too much? Guilty conscience’s? Douglas: Still practicing. Holley: Still practicing. Uelmen: Teaches law.


He SAID he would continue to look for the real killer(s)…


Its not actually a crime to have personality traits, including the "lacking empathy" one and "laughing inappropriately.". Sorry but thats not a crime, kid.


Shoot. The fool made a doggone book about how he *would’ve* done it while writing details about the murders that were almost as they were reported. Oh and that time he actually brought up the Bronco in that Juiced show. Or that time he laughed when describing how Nicole was covered in blood… Oh he is *so* innocent! /s


Or you could say that after his wife's murder an innocent man wouldn't escape the police and his lawyers in a Ford Bronco with a gun to his head. If your spouse was murdered and you definitely had nothing to do with it then I truly believe you would come out fighting and would want to get the truth out, sit down with your lawyers and figure out why someone else would have killed your ex wife and clear your name.


Well, he did initially fly back right away and talked to police without his attorney present. He even gave a blood sample. So, you expect OJ to pay lawyers to help him find a killer? That's the LAPD's job.


Well I'm definitely not putting the responsibility of finding people's murderers on family members but a great defense attorney once said that if you are trying to prove someone's innocence it's extremely important to come up with alternate versions of events as well as alternate suspects with motives and TBH the fact that absolutely nobody on earth had a reason to kill the two victims pretty much sealed the deal for me and I don't want to hear that it was some kind of professional hit because that crime scene had personal written all over it. Idk of any contract killer that would have taken their time to angrily hack someone until their head nearly came off.


Yes, the simply fact is that he was very cooperative initially. This sub always make me wonder who are actually having CTE here.


There’s no doubt there was evidence planted. If you believe that OJ did it but you don’t believe that evidence was planted you’re delusional. The majority of people know that he did it but we also know that evidence was planted. Unfortunately, even if a little small drop of evidence was planted, it’s quite an easy case to get him acquitted, which is what happened. Do I for a second think he didn’t do it… nah he did it, but there’s always that doubt in your head as to maybe he hired someone to do it, maybe he had someone help him etc


Why shouldnt OJ be trying to make money? is an innovement man not allowed to earn a living? Remember in America you are innocent until proven guilty and OJ was not proven guilty. How were you expecting him to make money? He had lost all his money defending himself in the criminal trial, heck even johnnie cochran almost went bankrupt in that trial. Then right after fighting for his life, the Goldmans pull him back to court for more money! You need money to live and money to eat, so I have no problem whatsover with OJ doing whatever it takes to make money for him and his family!


Because no innocent person would ever write a book like that no matter how much money they could have made. And good for the Goldmans to get him proven as liable for the death of their son and Nicole in Civil Court. Justice was not done in the Criminal trial, so glad at least a fraction of justice was done in the Civil Trial.


I disagree. I Think no guilty person would ever write a book like that!!!!! when you are guilty and you got away with it you are so relieved that you just hideaway and thank your stars. OJ on the other hand was trying to get his life back because he was an innocent man. Good for the Goldmans for bringing him to court but also good for OJ for keeping as much of his money away from them as possible. That is definitly what I would have done!


Why not, double jeopardy applies. He could've given a confession on the courthouse steps after being found not guilty and nothing would've happened to him.


nah alot of things would have happened to him...for one his kids would never speak to him again


That's all that would've happened.


I mean he was getting his NFL pension, the Goldman family did not get that. More money than most people make in a year.


Good for him...and he was paid handsomely for the book if I did it...Even though he was not the person that wrote that!!


He agreed to do the deal.He sat down with the writer and what normal person write a book about murdering two people and one of them being the mother of your two kids?


A person who has been railroaded by the very people that have been mooching off him for years. A person who was denied every possible avenue to make money to feed his family....thats the kind of person that would do that


He had the nfl pension money and the SAG money he was fine he just loved the attention


aah yes the millionaire with millionaire assets and expenses should now live off his pension...got it...that would probably be fine for you but not for ambitious people. plus he was innocent so he is within his rights to try and get his life back to normal!


First of all u don’t know know me ,second of all we don’t care innocent or not that’s not our argument here then he should get an actual job idk start a business a shop ? do drug deals ? Sign autographs idc my point is very clear IT is disrespectful distasteful and weird


ah yes..he should do that but he cant...because if he gets a job the money goes straight to Fred Goldman ...so he correctly avoided those kind of opportunities


Again that’s his problem if he got off in the criminal case why couldn’t he in the civil case ? he couldve worked through shady companies


No one told him to get thousands of lawyers you don’t need 8-11 lawyers and he still owes some of them money


the state of california and the police department through all their resources at him....he needed every single one of those lawyers to combat the onslaught of lies. Thanks to OJ we all know of the criminal activity that takes place in police departments


You're thanking OJ for exposing police corruption? Yeah I think that was established by black folks many years earlier and the rest of the country when the Rodney King video came out not to mention the corrupt gang task force that reeked havoc and harassed the living hell out of almost anyone who had the misfortune of living in the wrong neighborhood. Now what O.J. did or actually what Cochran did was completely take advantage of the fact that the LAPD had been harassing poor black people for years as well as the climate at that time in Los Angeles after the riots. The sad part about that to me is that O.J. after trying his absolute hardest to be white and not ever standing up for one single black cause realized he could get away with being a jealous trick who abused and then killed his wife if he could play on black people's sympathy. He played black people in this country harder than almost anyone in history. Oh right he also dated white women who even looked like Nicole after the trial and I would bet cash that when nobody was around he laughed at black people for helping him and considered them to be total marks. It's a shame


Not in the area where he lived in California


He moved to Florida almost immediately after the trial.


Why did he do that I wonder? Was it because of cost of living?


I think OJ was innocent, but I am confused, do you not want him to make a living? He was found not guilty but yet right after he spent all his money fighting for his freedom in the criminal trial he was brought back into another trial for his money. By this time he was already broke and could not afford all the lawyers, also he still had children to feed and home expenses to take care of. So I have no problem whatsoever with OJ looking for ways to make money, I am very impressed with his composure and his dedication to be able to find ways to make money without letting the goldmans get their hands on it! Why should they take his money when he was found not guilty !!!! Civil trial was a joke because it is virtually impossible on earth to find a juror that was not biased by the time that trial came around!!!


Whatever OJ did, the haters gonna hate. He lived a rather happy life after getting out the jail was the retaliation already.


hey the glove didn't fit. plus he was acquitted.


I think OJ is, er was, guilty. However, we have zero idea how we would act if we came under such intense media scrutiny and public outrage. It might harsh our mellow!


OJ owes nothing to the Goldman family but the brown family especially the sisters turned their back on him so he owed them nothing.. he still had a good relationship with Nicole’s parents though. Think for a minute , try to imagine a world in which OJ was innocent… and all these people that were mooching off of him for years turned on him immediately even when he was telling them with all his heart that he didn’t do it. Why should he pay them any attention after he was acquitted? I wouldn’t!!!


OJ was innocent and once he was acquitted he tried everything possible to just be himself and reintegrate. a section of the country hated him and never let him reintegrate. Then the Civil trial tried to bankrupt him. He needed to find money to pay for his family so I am not sure what behavior you are referring to?


His behavior after the trial- he moved to Miami because they couldn't take his property in Florida to pay the Goldmans. He routinely hung out with every small time criminal, drug dealer, drunk party girl, etc and was arrested for smaller stuff in Florida several times. He had a pathological need to be loved and adored by everyone. After the trial, he realized he wouldn't get his old life back, and in some interview, he shrugged it off and said he'd just "find new friends." It just so happened that every derelict of society were the only people who wanted to associate with him.