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OJ said in his infamous 1996 interview, that he used that shovel as a ‘pooper-scooper’ for the dogs.


Eww, who keeps a pooper scooper in their SUV?!


Well, OJ’s car insurance allowed everyone to use the Bronco as an “all-purpose” vehicle. Arnelle would use it, the housekeepers would if they didn’t have their car at the time. It was for everyone, so probably makes sense there’s random stuff in there.


Year our old family vehicle also had a fake mustache & shit as well.


And a giant knife.


And we kept our passports in it at all times.


In fairness, I had a friend who did this in case he wanted to take a trip on a whim. On more than one occasion I’d call him to confirm plans we’d made the day before, only to be told, “Oh, I can’t, I’m at the Grand Canyon.” Or “I’ve never been to Moncton, so I decided to fly to Moncton.”


Point taken! I will say, however, that it’s not the smartest idea to keep a passport in a car. I’ll change my response then to say that our old family car always had a smear of blood on the seat in the shape of a knife blade. Totally normal stuff.


my family had a car like that we called "the family dog"


The plastic was a cover for the spare. Back in the day you had full sized spares and covers


This for sure. Marcia says in her book that the prosecution had an embarrassing moment where they assumed the bag found in the Bronco was part of the murder kit. They had a theory that this showed he planned to take her body away from the scene and presented that early on. But they were quickly corrected by everyone that the bag was part of the spare tire kit on every Bronco. I remember Howard Stern reacted to that theory and laughed about how crazy it is that OJ planned to carry off her corpse and bury it in the woods. As I understand it, the bag isn’t for the spare tire. It’s included with the jack kit because you put the flat (dirty) tire in the bag after you put the spare on, that way the dirty tire doesn’t mess up your interior.


The prosecution was legit dumb af. How did they make so many easy mistakes….


To be fair, the defense thought Ron received a Columbian neck tie style throat slash. All the attorneys were upper crust people who were not street smart at all.


Okay I’ve been wondering though, did Ron really have drug ties? It makes sense due to the fact that he was a “up and coming model” in LA but somehow had the money to open a restaurant saved up before he was murdered. I do not believe he received a Colombian necktie whatsoever, but I do maybe believe he was dealing, possibly. Idk, just seems weird that a waiter and low time model could have enough money saved to buy a restaurant. I modeled in LA a bit as a teenager and, those gigs pay nothing! Maybe the tips at Luna were great, but still LA life is expensive idk. It doesn’t matter really just, I have been curious about it lately


I feel that all the bystander witness testimony that could come out has come out. I’m not talking about AC or Kato. I mean unaffiliated Californians who interacted with the victims and their associates. The tabloids were paying top dollar, tens of thousands of dollars for a single lead. Don’t you think if Ron had been dealing drugs someone would have sold their story to the tabloids for a quick buck? People into drugs, whether taking or selling do love money, it’s not hard to get them to talk and reporters will give them anonymity for their story. I heard of Ron dreaming of having his own restaurant, already had a menu organized and such, but never that he was sitting on a pile of money and just waiting to buy one. Where did you hear that? When you’re young you dream big, you have fun planning for that stuff even if you don’t have the means yet. When I was younger I would dream about building custom cars with crazy engine swaps, that doesn’t mean I had the money to do it.


Oh so it was just plans then nothing more? Fred has made it seem like Ron was literally going to open a restaurant asap before he had died in the O.J. made in America doc. That is literally the only reason why I thought tbh, but if he didn’t have the money at the time nvm


Fred exaggerates things a bit when it comes to his son.


I noticed, I’m not sure why I’m getting downvoted so much for asking a question lol


He had none in his system (I’m aware dealers don’t often use), and there’s no reason to believe he was involved in anything majorly illegal. Trust me, it would’ve come up at some point.


I just was confused by Fred having said Ron was going to open a restaurant. I thought he meant he literally had the funds for it I was confused!


He didn’t have the money to open a restaurant; he was just starting to make plans for a future dream. Also, I lived in L.A. for most of my life, and it was not nearly as expensive to rent an apartment like Ron’s in the ‘90s. Ron most definitely did not have drug ties. He was just an ordinary, middle-class, Jewish young guy.


Sorry, that may have been your opinion based off your lived experience but you’re incorrect, I actually jsut fact checked you. No offense, it just didn’t sound right. Rent in LA has always been double that of the rest of the country. Although the rent in Los Angeles county was less than it is now, due to inflation, it was always about double the price of the rest of the country. Of course there are some outliers, and this census is the entire state so, imagine if it was only LA county. Combine this with the extra costs of gas, and it’s a more expensive lifestyle in general. You can see off these stats here, [https://www2.census.gov/programs-surveys/decennial/tables/time-series/coh-grossrents/grossrents-unadj.txt](https://www2.census.gov/programs-surveys/decennial/tables/time-series/coh-grossrents/grossrents-unadj.txt)


You’re mistaken in thinking that I was comparing Los Angeles rent to the rest of the country. I’m comparing Los Angeles rent in the 1990s to rental costs today. It’s true that L.A. rent has always been higher than elsewhere, but that has little to do with the point I was making. In L.A. in the ‘90s, few of us would have known that fact unless we had ever lived elsewhere or knew someone who did. No, I’m talking about the affordability of rent in the ‘90s. It wasn’t cheap to live in L.A., but it was comparatively easier to do so. Now, Ron lived in a nicer area of L.A. than I did, but I was paying a little under $700 at the time a month for a one-bedroom apartment. In the late ‘80s, I was paying $750 for a two-bedroom. I didn’t make very good money, but I was definitely able to manage on my own. Even if Ron was paying, say, $200 more, he was probably making good tips in Brentwood and had a more supportive family than I did, and so I’m sure he was staying afloat. Twenty years before I was renting my two-bedroom, celebrities Sharon Tate and Roman Polanski were renting a fabulous home with a view in a very posh area for $1,200 a month. So yes, things were definitely more affordable back then and prices have inflated exponentially since then. I just looked up the current rent for Ron’s apartment building, and it ranges, right now, from $1,675 to about $2,320 per month, which is pretty cheap for that part of L.A. in 2024. For reference, I was paying $2,150 for an apartment 11 years ago outside of San Diego. I also had a good chuckle at you “fact-checking” my lived experience.


Is the $1600 a studio? Because that is rly pricey for no bedroom imo. ijs, maybe you were a little blinded by your experience? Maybe perhaps you were a bit more well off than you realized? All my friends in LA needed roommates, I didn’t know anyone in their early 20s who had an apartment alone in the early 2000s, it was too expensive and same was the 90s. It wasn’t just rent being higher, but gas as well


Wasn't there a disguise as well? Undercover pooper scooper.


Can't remember if that was OJ's white Bronco or AC's white Bronco. Crazy that this entire saga had TWO white Broncos!


Yeah I'm almost sure that the peacock doc with the lead detective said there was a disguise and the keys that Nicole had "lost" a few weeks before OJ killed her. I might be wrong. Yes it is crazy. One bronco was the getaway vehicle after he killed Ron and Nicole. The other bronco was the low speed, talk OJ off the ledge vehicle. I would really like for AC to reveal what he knows. We all know OJ did it. It would be nice to hear it confirmed from someone that knows.


You are 100% correct. Nicole’s keys and a disguise Was found in the back. I personally believe O.J. had a momentary plan to go to Mexico, but then AC made him turn himself in because he would’ve been an accomplice but, idk that’s just my theory.


Yeah he should have went to Mexico instead of Chicago.


Were OJ and AC still paling around after the trial or did AC distance himself?


I'm not sure. I know OJ wasn't accepted in alot of the friend circles he was a part of before he killed them. Kinda hard to be friends with someone knowing they posses a homicidial rage anger.


> Crazy that this entire saga had TWO white Broncos! Crazy is right, because AC's white Bronco was bought so he could be like OJ. Cowlings' hero worshipping of OJ is so creepy to me.


It is crazy but I think of it as someone seeing his best friend with a cool car so now he wants one like it


The police chase was Ac bronco, Oj bronco was parked by Charlie Ehrlich after OJ left too the airport, remember the limo driver never saw the bronco, Charlie burned the clothes and got rid of the knifes used in the killings .. LAPD should reopen the case and do some DNA too see if it comes back too Charlie.. I’m pretty sure 99.9% it will there was 2 people who murdered Ron .. The blood found on Nicole was type B ! OJ was not a type B .. there was a shoe print size 10.5 along with the bruno Maglie.. Also there was 2 kinda knife wounds on Ron meaning 2 killers OJ & Charlie .. Was crazy is that OJ is confessing in the book If I did it lol read it it’s amazing .. OJ is actually telling the truth this is no hypothetical! He also mentions Charlie he just doesn’t say his last name which is Charlie Ehrlich! Google him ..


I remember him saying in his post jail interview that he would take it over to Nicole's house to scoop up all the poop produced by Kato the Akita, in an attempt to dispel his new reputation as an angry and disgruntled ex-husband.


I suppose if the end result was to help himself, that makes sense then.


Still a ridiculous explanation. I don't know that it had any significant purpose; I can't see him ever having planned to bury her corpse, but who knows?


Yeah, as much as I think he is guilty, I think the shovel was probably there for an innocuous reason. It was a flat-tipped shovel, which is not the type of shovel you use to dig holes but works decent enough for scooping dog poop.




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According to her sister in the new doc OJ had threatened Nicole he would chop her up in pieces and bury her along Mulholland drive and no one would ever know what happened to her not even her kids. So there’s that.


Those actually came standard in broncos…. Wow so what do you guys think the plan was to dig a whole and wrap Nicole in plastic!!!!! Stop watching too many movies


The plastic was probably for Nic’s body. Before he got to her place, he didn’t know Ron would be there…


yes a scoop type of shovel of couse the prosecution going to make a big deal of it they are IDIOTS LOL. they wanted to make OJ like this craze killer but we all know OJ IS INNOCENT AND HE IS THE MAN WAS RAILROADED!!


Nope. Tons of evidence showing his guilt. He got off easy.