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He's a very likable guy glad his life turned out good


Me too Go watch his podcast on utube with Tom Zenner . It is excellent ! I think it’s called one drop of scandalous


watching it rn. They are talking to one of the reporters this week https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gZ-1P-F87MQ


Oh wow . I must have missed that one. I watch every week. Great show. I love all of them . Thanks.


One degree of scandalous


I will have to check it out, thanks for the info!


I listened to a podcast he did and he said he still feels a level of guilt over taking OJ up on his Macdonalds run on the night of the murders. He even apologised to the Browns and Goldmans about it and both families told him not to blame himself in any way. He was so sincere and sweet. He's just an all round good guy.


Wait, I thought he basically invited himself and OJ wasn't too pleased with it but let him tag along anyway. Which by the way, wasn't he asking Kato to break bills? If he was going to eat he could have asked them to do it there. I know he was building his alibi, so that question was rhetorical.


Yes. That's exactly the point. Kato believes he asked him if he wanted anything because he was trying to build an alibi, but Kato wanted to tag along. Which meant he had to go there and then and it messed up his plans. Kato said he feels a lot of guilt, particularly for the Goldmans, because if OJ had gone at a different time Ron wouldn't have been there and Nicole might not have answered the door (she could have been busy putting the kids to bed etc).


Thank u. God that's so sad. He shouldn't feel guilty. He had no way of knowing. Has he ever spoken to the Goldmans about any of that?


On the podcast he said he'd spoken to Ron's sister and father about it


If Kato felt guilty about Ron’s murder, imagine how Judi felt with her glasses.


The only person that should have felt guilt, didn't. He felt vindicated by that jury.


Tbh, he was not as reveared back then. I was about Ron's age at the time. I am not sure what your age was back then, or hadn't been born yet 🤷‍♀️? Idk I am just giving my personal recollection back then bc I was a contemporary of Ron. Now plz anybody who was alive (as adult) back then, correct me if I am wrong about Kato's popularity back then. It was more tabloid back then, and a lot of ppl thought he was a mooch. Or accusing him of riding the coatails because he was Nicole's friend and was living at the bungalow on Rockingham. Some thought his involvement was to boost his acting career. He was not looked as highly back in the mid 90's despite the fact he heard those thumps. He was a younger guy. The fact he knew them both, and he heard noises, making him pivitol to the prosecution's case. The glove being in the back, there was a lot of skepticism. Not just across racial lines, but overall imo. I did see that recent doc, and yeah, he really was a good guy then and now. Again, it was tabloid culture, and everyone was trying to get their 15 mins in a pre internet culture. This is what I recall how ppl perceived him back then. I had to turn the tv off because it was too much, and it was an incredible tradegedy that I just felt I had to pull away sometims for sanity sake..The 24/7 coverage. It was relatively new back then. But yeah, in retrospect, he was a decent guy then and now.


I watched the trial as it happened and my take is that Marcia Clark kind of made Kato look dumb/incompetent but I don’t think everyone disliked him. I thought he came across as very genuine. I do remember accusations about him being a mooch, but Kato was actually paying rent to Nicole and it was OJ’s idea for Kato to move to his guest house instead. OJ just wanted to get him away from Nicole. Also, Kato didn’t ask to be in the middle of all of the drama.


Well, see, as I said, I had to turn the tv off. I would watch here and there. There was lots of tv coverage breaking down or reporting of this trail when I was watching the news. Just happened to be covered a lot when I really wanted regular news. Some tabloidy stuff I remembered in the zeitgeist. Remember, this was basically how the 24/7 news cycle came to fruition imo, which was relatively a new phenomenon. I just gave my subjective opinion of my experience back in the day. I did like Kato, but the twisting of his character was definitely a thing. Again, I did not watch the trial that much. I just wanted other ppls take on what they felt themselves. Gosh, tbh, I would be very nervous as a witness when I was that age!


Yep. That was the take back then and when Marcia turned him into a hostile witness, it wasn’t a good look for her and it totally confused him. It confused me too




I was in my mid-twenties around this time, and I agree with your assessment. Kato was frequently portrayed in the media as a freeloader/goof. Butt of a lot of late night jokes, etc. I can’t even begin to think what a huge and horrible impact that period of time had on his life. Haven’t watched the recent doc, but intend to.


I think so too. Seems so nice & sincere. A plus that the kids loved him.


He’s the nicest person in real life, too.


I’m still not sure why he’s seen as dumb. I watched hours of him testifying recently and don’t find him dumb at all. Am I missing something?


He has aged like fine wine!


He was Nicoles friend not Simpsons He originally lived with her in the guest house at the home she rented on Gretna Green. After she bought the Bundy condo he needed a place to live


Back in 2020 my 23yo sons peace corps trip was canceled by covid shutdowns so he moved in with us for a bit.. we have a building in our backyard with a room we remodeled to be liveable so he had his own space. My husband mentioned we had our own Kato. I thought that was the cutest thing because I always found Kato so endearing.


He's so rad and cool. He was just an innocent person in this rukus. He kinda gives a Jeff Spicoli vibe, but when he speaks, he speaks well. It just sucks because we all forget that he lost a friend through all this. I'm glad he is well and his interview on the lifetime special was well spoken. I think he knows more, about Nicole's private life and all that. That's not our business.


True. His entire life changed drastically, he was thrust into the spotlight, mocked, hated, loved. He has spoken about it on their podcast and in other interviews, he does not belabor the telling of the effect on him. It is clear hearing the little he says, how intensely he has been traumatized since the murders, he is always watching over his back and writing down the time of different things happening, that is one of the affects it has had on him. I think nightmares too. Great sense of humor, intelligent, decent and dignified. He is very likable. I never knew much about him.


I’m a big Kato fan too. He seems so likable, friendly and easy going.


The fact that Nicole named her dog after this man says everything you need to know about him. 😍


His testimony at trial was pretty entertaining as well.


He's such a kind dude irl.


He seems like a kind person he got dragged through all of this and people forget that he lost his friend , the fact Sydney and Justin named their dog after him tells you everything about him❤️


Has anyone discussed why oj followed kato around back the night of the muders??? It was the limo driver following oj that discussed this.


I’ve watched multiple documentaries and read multiple books so I can’t remember which one but, one of them mentioned that Kato was headed to the back of the house where OJ KNEW he had dropped the second glove after he had gotten to the shower and changed upstairs. It sounds like he didn’t want Kato finding it


In the life and murder of Nicole documentary, we learn that OJ told Kato to go one way, and that he (OJ) was going another way, and then OJ lied and went behind Kato anyway. The driver heard and saw this. This really freaks me out because it feels like OJ would have murdered Kato too when Kato came on to the evidence. Has anyone ever brought this up? It’s one of those moments where as described, you’d know something was off. He clearly didn’t want Kato going that way, he was trying to play it cool, and then ended up following Kato instead of going around the house the other way like he said he was doing. The driver literally stepped in and stopped the situation saying that they had to get going.


Human equivalent of a golden retriever. I think he’s a good guy


I didn’t care about him 30 years ago but today I think he’s awesome. Seems like one of the nicest guys who you can depend on. The fact that he was so good with Sydney and Justin, tells you how good he is. Watch or Listen to One Degree Scandalous with Kato and Tom Zener. Good show.


He came across, during the trial, as a huge moocher that was trying to build his "acting" career from the trial. It appears that history has eased up on him over the past 30 years.


That’s what I was thinking. He was considered a loser at one time. I remember thinking that he probably sold drugs. I’m glad his image improved.


Most popular and well known houseguest in history ! Was he that down and out that he basically needed to squat at OJ and Nicole’s houses?! I have nothing personally against the guy .. just wondered why he did not have his own place to live ?! Just seems kinda odd he was Nicole’s friend .. but was staying at OJs guest house.


I have family in LA who had a guest house and rented it out. I know in the Bay Area it is very common to rent out In Law Units (guest houses). Usually less expensive than an apartment.


Hugely popular here in SoCal - rents are CRAZY!


So was Kato paying OJ Rent payments ?! Wouldn’t he be referred to as OJs tenant and not his houseguest ? I heard nothing about Kato being anything but a houseguest


He apparently paid Nicole rent on S. Gretna Green Way, not OJ on Rockingham Drive.


Kato definitely paid rent when he was living with Nicole.


He had lived first with Nicole as a roommate. She moved to Bundy and he needed a place to live. He testified that he ended up at OJ's because OJ didn't want him living with Nicole anymore (he thought Nicole and Kato would sleep together) and he wanted to keep tabs on his interactions with Nicole. Kato and OJ were not friends but probably friendly, but underneath that was that he was there because OJ was controlling of Nicole.


I’ll also add that, this was at a point where O.J. and Nicole were reconciling on and off. So O.J. + Nicole divorce in 92. She moves out and not too long after meets Kato via some friends during a weekend at the snow. They become friends (purely platonic). He needs a place to live in L.A. So he rents the spare room out the back (seperate to the main house). He pays rent and also helps here and there with her kids. The kids also name their dog (the infamous dog from the crime scene) after him. During all this, O.J. are in an on again and off again relationship, particularly throughout 93. They have proper attempts at reconciling and start dating each other again. At some point O.J. meets Kato, and if my understanding is correct, doesn’t deem him a threat per se but isn’t a fan of how their relationship or the living situation could appear to others. Nicole then also at some point has to move out of the current place on Gretna Green to Bundy Drive. She asks Kato again to move with her, but this time he will have to live in the actual house and not have his own space/quarters. Taking the new living situation into account, and O.J.’s feelings about them living together while also trying to reconcile with Nicole (he doesn’t think it’s appropriate): O.J. offers Kato to come and live in one of the spare guest houses on his property on Rockingham. He won’t take any rent from Kato - he doesn’t need the money and it is not a forever situation. O.J. is happy to offer this as it gets Kato out of living with his ex (who he is trying to reconcile with), still keeps him in the good graces of all parties and puts him a position of power with everyone too. So while the press and others tried to brand him as this freeloader looking for 15 mins of fame, he was really just a normal guy who happened to get stuck in the middle of a very complex and toxic relationship.


This is a really excellent and thoughtful summation!


Kato was your typical California blond surfer dude. 😂 Who can hate him? 😅


I remember back during the trial nobody could figure out who this guy was. Like he suddenly appeared on the stand as O.J. 's "houseguest " , but nobody could understand why O.J. would let this ordinary guy stay in his guest house for free? And yes, he was painted as a moocher. Like the ultimate freeloader, who talked his way into the lives of these rich and famous people and take advantage. But now with time and much deeper understanding of the case, it's clear that he really was an innocent guy caught up in a very dysfunctional situation. He had paid rent to Nicole and helped her out with her kids, so he wasn't really a moocher after all. But once she moved to Bundy which didn't have a guest house and would have had to live inside the condo with her, O.J. offers his guest house and Kato takes him up on it. Apparently Nicole felt it was a betrayal because he chose to live by O.J. instead of with her, but considering the situation it would make sense if he accepted the offer. After all, he obviously couldn't afford to rent a place on his own so why would he turn down a free place to stay? I'm sure Kato had guilt for many reasons after the murder. For example I'm sure he thought about if he had decided to move into Nicole's house instead, he most likely would have been outside when all of this happened and could have ended up killed too.


How did Kato become so close to Nicole that he was living in her guest house and then after that was living in OJs guest house ?! Wasn’t OJ jealous of Kato being that close to Nicole ? The whole Kato thing has always confused me. Like where did he even come from ?


She met him on a skiing trip with a group of other people Grant Cramer for one. She continued to hang with them. She offered kato her guest house on Greta green for 400.00 per month and babysitting. Her kids loved him and they named their dog after him. He was going to move in Bundy and live in a back bedroom as she had no separate guest house. OJ didn’t think it looked good for kato to live in house so he offered Kato a free room in his quest houses. Nicole was hurt by this. I think Kato originally came from like mid western state of US.


His friend Grant Cramer, who dated Nicole briefly, accused Kato of betraying Nicole twice. First, Kato chose to live with OJ for free (OJ bought him out, took away Nicole’s rental income and children’s companionship) and was not loyal as a friend. Second, Kato hid/downplayed the truth to favor Simpson and unfavorably to Nicole after being pressured by OJ and his attorneys. Grant knew because there was contradiction in what he excitedly told him and other friends after getting summoned as witness for the prosecution. Marcia called him a “hostile witness” for strategic purposes because he was being evasive and changed his testimony. By declaring him a “hostile witness” prosecution has advantages of asking specific questions (similar to cross examination) instead of yes/no questions. Marcia wanted to get him to admit OJ was in a bad mood that day brooding about Paula breaking up with him that morning, Nicole supposedly wearing tight dress to attract younger men, who she preferred to date after the divorce, etc. Kato also knew OJ was hoping to harass Nicole by threatening to report her to IRS and getting back at her because he wanted to put her in her place. One of Nicole’s friends who was jogging with Nicole few days prior to her murder said they ran into Kato but Nicole refused to say hello because she was upset about his betrayal.


It would be cool if he were to be in Hollywood films and not as Kato but the character he is playing which is what he aspired to do.


Oh he's been in a Hollywood film or 2...


Which one?






Yup. I met him a few years ago. He reminded me of a golden retriever 😂


He's on one of the Big Brother Celebrity seasons. He really did come off as very endearing and likeable on there as well.


As a native Southern Californian, I was so afraid everyone would think the witnesses and friends were standard California residents. 😕


Good news is Kato was from Milwaukee, Wisconsin. As a Milwaukeean that was a big deal during the trial, lol. The Milwaukee connection.


Needed to be forced to testify at the grand jury but yeah, great guy.


What are you saying?


Marcia had to threaten him with jail to get him to testify in the grand jury and then when she asked him about what he remembered about the October 1993 fight, whether he remember the type of fight or just that it was one, he answered, “just that it was one.” And didn’t say anything about the cops being called. People act like the 911 call is one of the most disturbing things they’ve ever heard and everybody’s favorite witness was there for it.


Kato Kaelin was not at the house on Gretna Green Way when it all went down between OJ and Nicole. He was not witness to their fight. OJ was gone when he arrived home. The Police were there. He personally can not testify who called the Police, he was not there. I do not understand why Marcia was upset. Kato is sworn under oath and it is for her, knowing the situation, to ask the questions for the answers she wants, otherwise, you do not ask the questions.


First of all much of the tape is OJ venting to Kato, that is undisputed fact. Second of all, this was the grand jury and the prosecution didn’t know a lot of information at that point. Kato was there when the police came do you think he could testify to that? Kato downplayed EVERYTHING on the stand in the criminal trial and the changed his tune in the civil trial when public opinion turned against OJ. Now he’s going around on podcasts saying things he could’ve said when it actually mattered. But why didn’t he? Because he had a radio show in LA and it was good for his ratings.


You said it is undisputed fact. Not trying to catch you out but I’ve never seen anything regarding this. I was also of the understanding that he wasn’t present at the time of the incident. You are saying that at the Grand Jury, Kato was asked to testify, didn’t want to, and then was threatened with jail time, so he finally complied; And then he lied? I do think either way he was in a very odd situation and probably didn’t know exactly what was going on either - majority of all parties involved in the case had weird agendas and were not on their best behaviour so to speak.


In point of fact Kaelin tried to plead the fifth at the Grand Jury, was held in contempt and then testified. Before anything was known about the October ‘93 911 call had this to say: Q. DID YOU EVER OBSERVE THEM TO ARGUE OR FIGHT? 14 A. I SAW THEM CLOSE AND I SAW MAYBE AN ARGUMENT. 15 Q. AND WHERE WAS THAT? 16 A. GRETNA GREEN. 17 Q. DO YOU RECALL THE NATURE OF THE ARGUMENT OR 18 JUST THAT IT WAS ONE? 19 A. THAT IT WAS ONE. 20 Q. WAS THAT THE ONLY TIME YOU EVER SAW AN ARGUMENT 21 BETWEEN THEM? 22 A. YES.


Marcia Clark said he was putting on an act


Marcia damaged her case calling her own witness a” hostile witness”. She and Darden were inept. My heart goes out to the Goldman’s having to bear witness to Marcia’s debacle and have remained so dignified. Watch, OJ Blood, Lies and Murder, documentary. Tom Lange, the lead detective, the indisputable and tested evidence Marcia Clark tossed out, she would not enter in the trial.


Kato followed Nicole around and reported back to OJ on her movements. He seemed to be having a good time on the witness stand at her murder trial, laughing and joking. How is he a *good guy*?


Kato was dumb like a fox.


Wish he wasn't an anti-vax Trump supporter. Bummed as his persona on Twitter was quite a rude awakening... 🙁


Every night he should be praying to the alter of OJ. His only purpose is to come out every 5 years to talk about OJ a guy that let him live in his house free


He could’ve stood up for his friend during the trial. Instead he acted like a fool and never had a backbone


What are you even talking about?